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i am in gymnastics,i took a four year break,just got back in this past april.i had quit in the middle of my fifth year because of a terrible, im back!i had been in competitive,and i am only one level down from where i was!thats pretty great,considering the circumstances!its my life. i have been to the foothills young authors conference twice,as writing is one of my many passions.i love animals,and hanging out with my friends.i have many friends in performing arts,and,as a matter of fact,i just went to see their last performance of this school year last was my third time,but had i been allowed to go to the second matinee,it would have been my fourth time seeing it.i love supporting my frinds! after,i went to menchies with the cast'n'crew. i then walked home with one of my very good frinds.

  • what are some good bands?

    I really like billy talent, evanescence, nickelback, eminem, Alanis morissette, avril lavigne, carrie underwood, Elton john, Fleetwood mac, the fray, rascal flats, and that general (lol not very general is it) kind of stuff. I know that is a pretty broad list but I cant find any new artists I like. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions?

    7 AnswersRock and Pop7 years ago
  • my puppy was put down last night and i cant stop crying?

    my beagle, stella, was put down last night. it was about an hour and a half to two hours after I got home from my very first junior high dance. I missed all the dances in grade seven, so this was my first.

    she had problems processing some types of meat protein, as far as I understand. she had tons f fluid build up in her tummy. she used to be s skinny and active, but then she gained tons of weight in her tummy. she just got so round and swollen. it was scary. a couple days ago, she was taken t the vet t get a needle to drain the fluid. this was s that the vet could see what was going on.

    she was shaky. and she kept getting shakier and shakier. she couldn't get up the stairs, by the time I gt hme frm the dance. when she did, she started thrwing up. my parents took her to the vet, and when they got home two hours later, she wasn't there. she had been put dwn.

    the wrst part is, she was almost four. ALMST four years old. she is- was younger than my other dog, daisy.

    I miss her s much. everything reminds me f her. and I just cant stop crying. the hair I had wiped frm my hands ont the bathroom wall in the shower even reminded me f her.

    I cant stp crying, and I have such a head ache. I was excused frm school, today, but I have the privellage f being in a band festival, tomorrow. the thing is, I wnt be able t play. I will still have a massive head ache, and garunteed I will burst out crying the minute I put my face t my mouthpiece. I will be a disgrace t my famous band teacher, t my band, t my school, and I will embarrass my boyfriend and friends. I dnt care about that at all. I just want t stp crying, because I feel like I am letting her dwn. I cant see my keyboard at all, right nw. nt thrugh the tears. not t mentin my keybard is brken, so I seem very uneducated and like I cant speak English. thing is, its quite the oposite. I just cant see what I am typinf vry well. I am srry, but I am trying my best to type well.

    I really need advice n hw t stop crying and to help me stay calm and stuff. it would e very much appreciated, and thanks for your time

    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • one last fish tank question. need help!?

    okay, I have a ten gallon tank, and I have no idea what I want in it. I had several ideas, but at this point, now knowing that my mom wont be able to help me with this, as I have more experience; I am scratching all of that. I was thinking some shrimp. cherry and ghost shrimp would be nice. but I also am in love with ADFs. however, I have heard a few nasty stories about shrimp and ADFs. is it true that they cannot live peacefully together?

    I already have two betas, and so I would prefer not to get another. don't get me wrong, they are beautiful, but having yet another would be a little excessive, in a way. not to mention I am proud of my experience as a fish owner, considering I am only (almost) 14. constantly getting more betas will not up my experience in the way I would like. I don't mean to sound snotty or anything, but I just want to have enough experience to fully care for a more advanced and delicate fish, once I move out of my parents house. and starting at a younger age is the perfect practice and learning technique, for me. does this make sense?

    anyway, that was so irrelevant, even I am laughing at how bad that was.

    what would be good to put in my 10 gallon? I have experience with many different kinds of tetras, including neons. I have experience with betas (obviously), African Dwarf Frogs, and goldfish. though, I would prefer no one suggested goldfish.

    and I personally do not like plecos. I had an incident with them a while back, and right now, they are not what I am looking for. i am planning on black rocks, and some glow in the dark plants, if possible. i want some fish that will stand out. i know frogs and shrimp are not technically fish, so as you can, i am open to other options, for the most part.

    it means a lot! thank you so much for taking the time to read this!

    2 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • this will sound strange, but should I make up stories for my scars?

    I mean, I have quite a few, and I literally just got another one, a few minutes ago.

    I have one on my lower back, which looks pretty. . .interesting. it is over top of a birth mark, so it looks pretty hideous, to some people. i got it from crawling under a bed. a loose spring scraped my back.

    i have one on my knee, if it is still there. i accidentally ran into a construction post. i wouldn't have it, if my so called best friend hadn't ditched me. i had been running to catch up, because she crossed the street without me, but she wasn't supposed to.

    i have one on my arm. i burned myself on a lamp, by accident.

    i have one on my forhead, which used to be down by my eye, when i was little. i ran and almost knocked my eye out on a book case. its like a little dent, but when i squeeze the area around it, it pops out a little. its funny, to me.

    i have one on my toe, from dropping the filter lid to my fish tank, on it.

    i have one on the top of my foot, from when i wasp stung me a couple summers ago.

    i have a ton of random scars, which i don't know where they came from, all over my legs. and i will have scars on my arms from picking at some little bubble-pimple things i have. i don't want to, but i cant help it!

    and now, i have one on my finger, from when i was checking on my cinnamon buns, about a half hour ago.

    i tell people the truth about how i got them, but should i make up random, funny little "war stories" for some of them?

    just a random question, and wanted to know what you think, and how you got some of YOUR scars.

    anything to get my mind off of the searing pain in my finger, right now.

    1 AnswerMakeup8 years ago
  • does it cost money to do this on youtube?

    I am a little bit a lot upset, right now, and I figured I could take my mind off of what is going on by setting up my youtube account a bit better.

    so, my question is, does it cost money to add channels to my other channels/featured channels box? does doing anything other than watching those full movies cost money? because I wanted to add some channels to my featured channel box, if I can figure out what exactly it is.

    so, does it cost money?

    btw, I have not posted any videos, yet, because my parents don't really want me to, yet. but feel free to subscribe, I know two people have already done so, because I post some pretty interesting comments. . . I get a little emotional, okay?

    Emily nutball. just search it. my profile picture is a silly picture of my grandmas dog.

    1 AnswerYouTube8 years ago
  • help with some poems? please?

    I got a plain, vintage, canvas mail bag for my backpack. its from the army store in my city, and so it hopefully wont fall apart like my other bags.

    anyway, I am COVERING it in quotes, and some fabric paint. I want to put an acrostic poem on the inside flap. but I cant think of any, right now! and I cant find any online!

    I really would appreciate your suggestions.

    if you could think of one for

    school, love, wolves, or emma, that would be awesome!

    thanks! serioes answers only, please

    2 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • can i keep this in a 10 gallon tank?

    so, I cant find the answer anywhere! can I keep

    6 celestial pearl danios

    1 ghost shrimp

    1 cherry shrimp

    1 African dwarf frog

    in my 10 gallon?

    thanks for your time!

    5 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • opinions on these names?

    the next guinea pig I get will probably be a boy, because most guinea pigs I have owned were boys, and they were lovely. and I have more experience with them.

    so, if it is a boy, it will be named Jack.

    Captain Jack Sparrow.

    if it does end up being a girl, it will be

    Captain Jackie Sparrow.

    I simply love Pirates of the Caribbean, and I love guinea pigs. and since we already have a family guinea pig, the next one is all mine, so I get to name it.

    please nothing rude, I just wanted to see what you guys thought..

    2 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • how much would this cost?

    1 guinea pig (not a long haired, but probably an Abyssinian or something with short hair. I know this sounds weird and inexperienced, but I only know that it cant be long haired, because we are not interested in the extra grooming required. we have had two long haired piggies, before) preferably male, since that is what I know best

    1 cage

    1 igloo (those little hiding things)

    we already own another pig, but this will be my very own piggy, and so we just need another cage (with SHOULD come with the water bottle, which I will teach my pig to use, if necessary, since its easy to do, and only took 10-15 minutes with the other piggy, so we should be all good. I know how to do it, and I am incredibly patient), since the other is just 3 months old, and the cage he is in is just going to last him a few months. this pig is the family pig, but the one I need the stuff for (and the pig, lol) is my own, which will be what I get for two full days of baby sitting my bratty sisters.

    I have had piggies, before, and they lived long, healthy lives.

    sorry if this is too much, but I figured you should know we have another pig, who will spend time with my pig, a lot; and bedding, food, etc. and I don't need any info on how to care for them, I JUST need the price. and any suggestions for what kind of piggy I should get would be great, too. not hairless, and not long haired. and my mom doesn't like red eyes, but I personally don't mind them, I even love them, sometimes!

    lol, once again, thank you for your time

    1 AnswerOther - Pets8 years ago
  • i seriously need some help?

    no one is answering any of my questions about fish.

    so, can i keep

    1 ghost shrimp

    1 cherry shrimp

    3-4 celestial pearl danios

    1-2 guppies (have not decided between male or female)

    in a 10 gallon tank? will they get along? are they able to live in the same tank?

    4 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • questions about fish tank deocrations?

    how long do glow in the dark plants last?

    how long do glow in the dark rocks last?

    what colours do glow in the dark rocks come in?

    which colours glow the best?

    is it just me, or do all of the glow in the dark jelly fish stop glowing and floating within a few months?

    what are some good glow in the dark decorations and tank wall decals, if there are any?

    where can i get this stuff?

    how much does it cost?


    1 AnswerFish8 years ago
  • can i do this? is it a bad idea?

    i want guppies, but i know they breed like crazy. i wouldn't mind baby guppies. like, if it happens, it happens. but i don't want to risk anything with mating. i also don't know if i would be able to separate males and females.

    could i just buy a pregnant female? or one pregnant female and one not? or maybe one male and one female, and then just put the male in a bowl if she gets pregnant? i am not going to actually try to breed, i am in no way trying to imply or suggest that, but my homeroom tank had guppies, and they have about 7 babies. we left on Friday, and when we came back Monday, there were 7 babies. or that as how many survived, in the end. . .i cant remember.

    i just think baby guppies are really cool, and to be able to say i have that kind of experience, and all that. . .it would open me up to so many opportunities! i just really love guppies, they are beautiful. i have several friends and teachers and family that could take them.

    okay, i know this isn't really straight; it is all over the place and sending mixed signals.

    i love guppies. i want babies, but only if it happens. i am not going to try to make anything happen. i would be willing to buy a pregnant female, but only if i am confident i am not doing anything that will make her or the babies suffer or anything. i am willing to buy one female and one male, but not many more, if possible, as any ones that have to be separated will likely be in large bowls.

    does that make sense? not really.

    please bare with me, i have been doing research all day and my brain is a little frazzled, right now.

    could i buy a pregnant female?

    could i buy one male and one female, two females max?

    could i put in a couple mollies?

    what do you recommend i do, since i have a 10 gallon tank?

    2 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • i need advice for my fish tank?

    okay, so, i have to be careful. i always say the smallest thing, and just because people don't know what i really mean, even though i worded it the absolute best i could, i get all these insults and crap. and i explode because i know for a fact i am a very capable owner, and after several attempts of trying to get them to listen to me and understand that they did not understand, they ignore me and more people come and join something they shouldn't, and basically i get insulted a lot. and i don't handle insults very well. not ones directed at me, anyway. insult my friends or family or pets, and you can expect i will kick your ***. well figuratively, i am not a violent person, so i use my words. insult ME, and it just all falls apart, for me.

    so, i have a ten gallon that i am setting up soon. i have had many fish before, and i am not a beginner. well, i am not advanced or an expert by any means, but i am not a beginner. i don't want a betta, because i have two. and yes, they are in bowls, but they are happy, healthy, and both are older than a year. one is a little over a year, and the other is two years old, almost three. neither have ever lived in a tank. and i don't want to change that now, especially because i don't want one in a tank and the other in a bowl. its not very fair.

    this is where i started getting hate. please ignore the betta-bowl thing, because they are totally happy.

    i don't want tetras, because i have had many of them, and i don't feel that they are what i want. yes, very beautiful, but no, not what i am looking for. i also do not want goldfish. and though i will mention i want something a little more challenging, i do not want neon tetras, or at least i do not want to consider them, for the time being. when i had them, i was still a bit of a beginner. they lived a long time, they were healthy, happy, but they are not what i am looking for.

    i do know that i loved my African dwarf frog, and i remember it was either 5 gallons per frog, or 2. i am pretty sure it was 2. so, i could get five frogs. but what i really want to know is, what fish can i put with them? i want colourful fish, something that wont disappear in my tank, because i want black rocks and stuff that is kind of darker, in my tank. one, because i love darker stuff, and two, because it will make the bright colours of my fish really POP!

    i always do lots of research, but i cant find anywhere that says what fish i can put in with them.

    i really don't want to sound rude or anything. i just really need some peoples opinions and suggestions. but no one is willing to help me, because i have such a short temper when it comes to people insulting me. and that's all people do. i really appreciate the help. and NO rude or mean comments! i don't need any "advice" or help with my bettas! i JUST need fish that will go well in my ten gallon, with a couple African dwarf frogs! thanks!

    3 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • which should i save up for?

    my very first chameleon, or my very own guinea pig.

    first, I know this is long, but please help me out. also, thank you for taking the time to read and answer!

    my last guinea pig died a few years ago, at the age of 5 and a half. he had diabetes.

    the thing is, when my rabbit had to be put down a couple of years later, it was incredibly tough on everyone. so, my mom said no more small pets, like that. that has always included guinea pigs. now, we got a family guinea pig. and my step dad said I might be able to save up for my own piggy for my room. I know its a better idea to save for a pig, first, because they are far less expensive. and because I know lots about them, and it would be something I am familiar with, so it would be a good pet to start me up after a few years of just fish and dogs.

    the thing is, they both have more pros and cons than just cost and getting started. for one, I am a little bit allergic to guinea pigs. I get a stuffy nose, and this morning I had a bit of trouble breathing. and the slightest smell was just too much. it didn't last long, at all, but still. the stuffy nose doesn't usually go away, until after a shower, and not petting or holding them. but that's no fun. why have a piggy if you wont be holding or petting it?!

    I really think I should save for a pig first, but I am torn, because I don't think my friends would think I am very smart to live with a stuffy nose. and at the same time, chameleons require so much more care than i am quite used to having to provide. i mean, i am all for something new and for giving it your best and hard work, and all that. but at the same time, i have almost always had help. and i never had to pay for heat lamps, food, climbing branches, etc. i will obviously have more help with the chameleon, than i have for other pets. but i have NEVER had to pay!

    i know by saying this stuff i am putting myself in a position vulnerable to many insults and comments saying i am not good enough for all this, but i take those risks every day. i just seem to get so much more hate and insults on yahoo than ANYWHERE else! its a little, well, a lot, stupid. i don't want all the rude comments and insults. i want help! i am so torn!

    i get a piggy, and i practically live with a stuffy nose. i get a chameleon, i never have money for presents, art supplies, notebooks, or anything. i get a piggy, it lives longer, because i have tons of experience with pigs. i get a chameleon, i am likely going to mess up a ton. and when i say this, i don't want hate. i don't want insults. because you know what? i am not perfect. neither are you. we both make mistakes every single day, but what it comes down to is what we learn, and if we learn, from those mistakes. and i know i will make mistakes, but i also know i will learn!

    so basically, i need help deciding.

    i save for a pig, i get it much more quickly than a chameleon. i get a chameleon, i have to save up way more money each year just for supplies, not to mention food, vets, etc, than i would the whole pigs life. and they live, on average, the same amount of time! about 5 years! well, from the research i have done on chams, and the kind i want. grr! i really need help deciding! please help me, and point out some more big, important pros and cons i should consider. thanks!

    4 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago
  • guys: do you get jealous of. . . ?

    your girlfriend's pets?

    because they get her attention all day? dogs get walks, treats, cuddles. they get to have sleepovers with her all the time. cats, too.

    fish are stared at all the time, and get special attention, when the tank gets cleaned, etc.

    and guinea pigs! my guinea pig gets hours of attention. he gets held all day long. I kiss him, hold him, and hug him all day. I have a new tradition with him, since he is only 3 months old and we got him a couple days ago. when my parents are considering going to bed, he gets some time to rest after being held a lot. when they go up to bed, my mom takes him out, kisses him goodnight, and then we spend hours watching tv, until he falls asleep on my chest, or until 10:30 (or 11:00, if we are watching ink masters or Americas next top model).

    so what I am asking is, do you get jealous of all that special attention and extra care and treatment they get? or are you fine with them?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • i am holding a baby guinea pig?

    we just bought him a few hours ago. his name is timmy, he is 3 months old. he is our timmy pig. lol, get it?

    he is skittish and totally sweet and adorable. he has the cutest floppy ears. think my boyfriend will be jealous that I hold and kiss him all day? lol. its been a while since I have had a guinea pig, and I am so happy. he is so little, his whole body shakes when he purrs. I love him so much. any cool, personal stories about your own pigs?

    2 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago
  • what do you think of these names?

    so, I really love these names, and was thinking maybe I could do something with them. a book character, a doll, something. I obviously cant have kids, I am 13! but I was thinking maybe I could write a book with these names. plus, if I do have children someday and name them these names, it would be cool for them to know I wrote a book about children with these names, don't you think?!

    here are some names I love:





    Mary Anne (with the middle name Elizabeth! cute?)




    what do you think?

    6 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • what would you do if this happened?

    1) your boyfriend or girlfriend sleep walked the whole way to your house, you answered the door, and there they were.

    I would have to say, I would probably be in a sweater and underwear while cutting up a pear, because that's what I do, so walking him home would be stupid, but I would do it, for him. I hope he knows that I would walk him home in my underwear and a sweater, if he sleep walked to my house. I'm a keeper.

    2) ke$ha came to your house and asked if she could stay the night.

    I would scream, faint, or jump up and down.

    3) you broke your leg.

    I would be upset, but the thought of having people wheel me around because I cant control the chair myself is kind of funny.

    4) some body wrote and sang a song dedicated to YOU at the talent show.

    I would FREAK OUT!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • about how much would $6.88 get me at mac's convenience store?

    my mom is going to pick up my baby step sister, today. she will be gone about 8 hours. I am supposed to make soup for lunch, and take my other step sister (the really mean one D:<) to the mac's convenience store by my house. we have been hundreds of times, but I don't know how much $6.88 will get me. I normally have more money. and I lost my bank card before I even started dating my boyfriend, which means it has been missing over three months. I really love chocolate, but its so expensive there, and I think all the nestle chocolate bar deals are over. I could get a slurpee, but- I just don't know. we live in Canada, if it helps. I don't really know what to do.

    1 AnswerCalgary8 years ago
  • i would like to try needle felting?

    I think it would be super cool, and the more research I do, the more I want to try it! also, I know some people say you get stabbed with and without the felting matt, especially as beginners; but after having stepped on several sewing needles in my life of nearly 13 years, I can definitely say I will be very careful to avoid it as best as I can.

    so, my birthday is coming up, and I was really thinking CRAFTS! I have already asked for my very own hot glue gun, and I am running low on wool for my knitting projects. also, I have found several tutorials on how to make lipstick and dresses, and even though I don't generally wear either of those things, my cousins do. so, hey, why not? I just need a lot more fabric, I am running low on that, as well. and bees wax, etc.

    so I also want to ask for some needle felting kits and supplies, etc.

    I was just wondering if anyone could tell me the general cost of this stuff, and where I can find it. I would especially like to hear some tips and projects you have found work and turn out well in the past. thanks!

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts8 years ago