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im 13, and 5ft of beautiful!
How many sleep aids could be dangerous?
My roommate has really bad sleeping problems. But tonight she took 18mg of melatonin, some sleepy time tea, and this dream water from CVS? She is about 120lbs. I'm just kinda worried if this is dangerous on her part.
1 AnswerOther - General Health Care7 years agoWhat's wrong with my laptop?
I turn on my dell Inspiron windows vista lap top and it keeps saying configuring updates: step 3of 3- 0% finished. Then it just restarts and goes straight back to that. What should I do? I've already tried safe mode and it does the same thing. Please help
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks8 years agoHow do you get people to follow you on Instagram if you want to create a fan account?
I want to create a fan account on Instagram and I don't know how I can get people to follow me on it. Please help. I don't want to buy any followers or anything or use websites. Any help would be great!
Facebook8 years agoWhat is a section in the bible where it talks about forgiveness?
I need to read some scripture....please help. Thank you.
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoWhat are good quotes about messing up, but you just have to laught it off.?
I did something and it was a mistake. But all I can do is laugh it off because all the mistakes I make now will be worth it in the end so I should laugh it off. Anybody have any quotes like that? Please?
1 AnswerQuotations9 years agoWhat is wrong with my stomach?
So for the past 3 days I can't eat at all!!! Anytime I try to eat or think about eating I feel really sick. Like I might throw up. And I'm not pregnet, nor am I hungover. I'm only 13!!!! And I don't have the flu. And since I can't eat, I get hungry, and then since I'm hungry, I try to eat, as I just can't because I feel so sick before even taking a bite. Soccer season has started and I've been loosing alotta weight (not that I was fat before) and ive been running and working really hard! So maybe my metabolism is changing and freaking out? Idk? Any help would be great!!! Thankyou for reading!!!
1 AnswerOther - Health10 years agowhats wrong with my dog?
my dog is a tiny foot long white pure bread chihuahua. she came up to me and her whole lip was swollen. (just on the outside) and its getting worse. shes still running around giving kisses, and eating. she doesn't have a fever. and she has full access to the backyard. I've given her benedryl and ib profen (i did calculate the weight so i didn't overdose her) and the swelling is just getting worse. she looks like shes a chipmunk....literally. any help would be nice. my mom said if shes not better by tomorrow we'll take her to a vet.
4 AnswersDogs10 years agois he playing me?? help!!!?
well, i havent talked to him all summer. and he startted the convo today. and he said "hey, how are you" and i said "great and yourself?" and he said "great" and i said"mhmmm y so great?" and he said "im texting you :)" i said "i dont beleive you" and he said "yes huh!" and i said "prove it" and he said "i missed you" i said "whatevr bs" and he said "i dont bs" then i had my friend go on his fb (kinda stalkerish, i know, dont judge. ladies: yall understand!) and theres this chick posting on his wall saying "i miss you <3" and "wow, you didnt change your fb, thanks babe :/" and hes known to be a ladies man/ player. so get the girls posting on his wall, but freinds dont call freinds babe??? idk, maybe they do??? bottom line: is he playing me or not?
4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships10 years agosoccer fans!!!!!??? Standings?
I'm the craziest soccer girl. i hate watching it on tv though. i cant follow it. what is going on in the soccer world as far as scores and standings???
3 AnswersOther - Soccer10 years agoWhat is this song called?
Ok, so i don't really know who sings it, but i think its carrie underwood. it says something like "i can by something at walmart on the clearance rack and still look good." what song is this???? its bugging mee!!!!! any help woulld be great!!! ((((:
1 AnswerLyrics10 years agoJason Aldean song questions.....?
Now now, im goin to see jason aldean on july16th, what songs do yall think he'll play? i don't know many of his songs but the few i know I i wanna download all the songs for my ipod... so watcha think. and if you don't like country music or jason aldean i don't wanna hear non of yur criticism!!! (:
4 AnswersCountry10 years agoWhat does "THINGS" mean?
Okay, well, this boy that ive liked forever....FOREVER.... he called me twice the other night and my phone was on silent so i dint answer. and he left a message. i will give you the basics of what he said "hey, im just calling cause im up and cant fall asleep. well, i thought about you.... and ur awesome rack.... but call me back, we'll talk about things." Well heres the explanation for all of that #1: i have big boobs (but thts whatever! :/ ) and #2: he knows i like him. i called back like 10 mins later and he didn't answer. i figured he fell asleep. and he hasn't talked to me since. but he went outta the country so yeaaa, i figure he will tlk to me after. and also, this boy is know to be a player. but i feel different about him. i like him for all the other reasons nobody does. but the bottom line is, i wanna know what thees "THINGS" he wants to tlk with me about may be....
7 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agoWill Marodona resign his contract for coaching Argentina?
Mara dona is my favorite soccer player. He is my inspiration for when I play soccer. I was introduced to him when i was 3 and he helped me become the Center-mid i am today. Will he coach fo Argentina again? Because i really Enjoy watching him. He may be crazy and obnoxious but thts wat makes him AWESOME!!!! So, will he coach again? Or was last years iincidenttoomuch to bring him back??
2 AnswersArgentinian Football (Soccer)1 decade agowhat did you think of the movie legendary?
i didn't see it and the theater where its playing is nowhere near me and i dint want to waste my time driving 2 hours if the movies no good. so tell me what you would rate it, what you think about it, and if its worth my time.
1 AnswerMovies1 decade agowhat did you think about the movie legendary?
i didn't see the movie and its nowhere near me in any of the theaters and i want to know if its worth driving 2 hours to where it playing. tell me what you would rate it and what you thought about it and if its worth my time.
3 AnswersWrestling1 decade agowho thinks undertaker needs to come back so this kane thing can end?
this kane thing with his brother and "who attacked him" is getting old too. taker needs to come back so this choke slam everybody creepy breathing with his nostrils flared like a bunny can END. and rey mysterio sooo did nnot do it. and i also think kane did it.
7 AnswersWrestling1 decade agowho thinks on raw the nexus situation is getting old?
im sock of the nexus coming in and destroying everything and everybody and its getting old and predictable. it needs to stop...lets just hope at summerslam the wwe team gets their butts strait and ends nexus so a new and exciting storyline can come along?
2 AnswersWrestling1 decade agohow can i become a wwe diva?
I already have my mind set on being a wwe diva and know that im gonna go to the fcw shool and be trained there but is the anything else i need? anything i need to be prepared for? anything i need to know?? i know what my name is gonna be and entrance and everything else?? any tips on how to make my dream happen??
4 AnswersWrestling1 decade agohow can i control my dreams?
i looovee to dream? but i dont like nightmares at all. how can i control my dreams. is there like breathing exersizes to do b4 i go to bed to keep my mind open or hypnotics? how do i control my dreams to make it what i want to dream about on a certain night?
3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade agowhat do i need to bring to a wwe show?
in raileigh, nc im going to a wwe show which is on the 15th and it is smackdown. i have never been to one of the shows live before. what should i bring. I am in the 3rd row and have a rey mysterio mask i know i gotta bring that but like: pen or pencil? Paper? Camera? poster board to make a sign? do the wrestlers sign autographs and take pics with you? answer i need help so i am prepared.
2 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago