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Im just your basic teenager. I play xbox a lot and bout to beco me a proud owner of a ps3 I text, IM, draw, eat, eat amd eat..
Idk whats going on :/ ?
Iim havimg HORRIBLE pains in my stomach and upper abdomine. It feels lile heart burn mixed with the feeling/ painyou get if you havent eaten anything at all in a while. My stomach keeps "growling" but im eating. I ate to see if iitd go away but its not changed. Also ocasionally I get a sharp pain all over my chest and stomach. I know its not heartburn because this is more stomach and more to the right side. Im getting worried. Its been like this since 3:00 a.m(east coast time). what could it be?
1 AnswerOther - Health9 years agoWanna prove I love me boyfriend?
So me and my bf did that I love you more thing. And I told him id prove it to him tomorrow at school. Meep ehats some good ideas? :o
2 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoTeens: I like another guy..?
Soo Im like... Falling in love with this guy at my school... We have so much in common and everything.. I thinkk hes amazing. But I got a bf :( I love my bf.. Weve been together a.year. Idk why im feeling this way towards another guy. Is it cuz ive been with one guy for a really long time or could it be im really falling for him? When I see him or talk to him everything in the world disapears but me and him. I also had this feelimg for my bf. Idk what to do.. This is all so confusing.. They're both so sweet and treat me really good.
(and no.. Im not cheating, me and thee other guy are just friends)
im just lost. What should I do? :/ has anyone had this issue?
5 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoHow is there a heaven when theres no proof?
We had a discussion in class about religion. I have a few questions
heaven: we have no proof theres a heaven or hell. We have no proof where our souls go when we die, so how do we know theres a heaven or hell?
reincarnation: so you can be reincarnated aparently, but you dont know about your past life, if thats so, how do we know we had a past life?
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoTeen girls: do you or do you know any girls who sagg their skinny jeans?
I only do it if their baggyish and not tight. Its more comfortable to sagg em. But if their tight Ill simetimes sagg em. But I seem to be the only girl in school who saggs skinny jeans.
17 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoWhat do you think of my jeans?
yeah I pimped em out xD I got a lot on em, on my left knee thats gloomy bear, and below my knees iis one of the logos for teen hearts (theyre a band) and some lyrics, whatcha think?
6 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoCould I be pregnant..?
My period is over a week late, and my breasts are starting to hurt like any touch to them hurts. My areola has also gotten bigger and a lil darker. Im not on birth control. We have used the pullout method a few times. Most the time we use a condom tho. Weve also had anal without a condom and he came. I know the best way to know if I am or not is a pregnancy test, but I want to kind of see what the possibility is that I am.
2 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoTeens: would I make a cute guy?
So my friend told me id make a cute guy. Idk. im just curious on if I would or not
6 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoHow reliable are dollar tree pregnacy tests?
my period was supposed to come last weekend and didnt. so idk whats goin on. I am sexually active. Im not on birthcontrol. Weve used the pullout method without condom and no condom with anal sex and he came. He thinks im fine im not pregnant. Idk so id like to find out. I heard dollar tree has em but idk how reliable they are..
9 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoWhys my bf like this now? ?
Ive known him for over a year. Hes never cared if I cuss. He cusses. But today he got so angry cuz I cussed. Hes' really botheres by it, whys he like this now? :/
1 AnswerAdolescent9 years agoWhys my bf like this now? ?
Ive known him for over a year. Hes never cared if I cuss. He cusses. But today he got so angry cuz I cussed. Hes' really botheres by it, whys he like this now? :/
2 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoWhy do.people do this :(?
Get their sphynx tattooed?? Isnt it considered animal cruelty? I kno they put the aanimal to sleep when they do it, buy stilll..whats the purpose of that?
2 AnswersCats9 years agoOpinion on my hair color?
I just dyed my hair few days ago and wana see what ppl think. I think it turned out pretty sweet but yeah.
The rest of my hair is jet black. Its not all the blueish color.
Bq: what would you think if you saw me walking down the hall at your school?
9 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoWhy do girls do this?
Freak out whenever there periods like a few days late and automaticcally "im pregnant!" Why not ya kno look for different stuff thatd cause it?
8 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoWhy do people have pics of themselves as their wall paper?
Like.. Why? Phones, laptops, anything, people put pics of themselves as wall papers whats the point? Do you love yourself that much?
10 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoOwning a sphynx and bambino?
im in love with hairless cats. Theyre so cute and different. I want both a sphynx and a bambino. I know ill have to bath them often and be careful about sunburn. They will be indoor cats though. Id love to get them when theyre kittens. Around how much are they? Anything else I need to know about them?
3 AnswersCats9 years agoManic panic dye all on hands D:?
I cant get if off D: I dyed my hair black and the rockabilly blue manic panic. I used gloves but iit got aalll over my hands when ii rinseed it o.o I tried dawn, toothpaste and water.. It only came off a little but I need it all off
3 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoHelp.. Relationship isnt going so well.?
Me and my bf have been together 11monnths. A year sep 15th. Weve been through a lot.and hes real special. I gave him my virginity and he gaved me his. but now things are like.. Idk.. Ive done stuff he didnt like and he just wont forgive me. I didnt do anything bad either. He doesnt trust me at all. But ive been faithful our whole relationship. He got mad one night, and broke his phone, my phone is cut off so only way we talk is yahoo messenger. But with me in highschool now and him sleeping all day and being depressed and not talking much we liike hardly ever talk now and, its kinda not goin so well for me.. Its not my fault we dont talk. I spend all day trying to get in touch with him but he never talks to me.. He wont get a phone. He refuses. I offered to buy him one and pay the bill since he has no money for it, but he said if I did hed just sale it or.throw it away. :( I barely will see him. And now were.rarely talking amd im so lost and confused..
2 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoWhich lip piercings would look best on me?
Gah... I had to repost cuz it didnt post D:
Ok I want sharkbites with angelbites(angel bites are snakebites but on top lip) and these are sharkbites:
or canine bites
here a pic of me
i.can get either. I am majorly torn tho.
1 AnswerAdolescent9 years agoWhich lip piercings do you think will look best on me?
Ok so I either want sharkbites with angel bites:
(those are shark bites angel bites are basicaly snake bites but on the top lip)
or canine bites (snakebites and angel bites)
I cant get either but im so torn D:
oh and this is me:
1 AnswerAdolescent9 years ago