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  • Do alternate realities exist and can we visit them?

    his question comes from a personal childhood experience in which I seemed to visit a place that had not previously existed and which I was never able to find again afterwards. This moment has naggingly haunted me throughout my life and is an unexplained mystery. Do any of you have any such experiences?

    3 AnswersParanormal Phenomena1 year ago
  • A Hypothesis about Energy, God, and The Consciousness. What do you think?

    The Hypothesis is thus. Based on the scientific law of Conservation of energy, and the fact that Atoms are in essence types of solidified concentrated energy.

    I am led to believe that Energy in all it's forms is the Original uncreated universal constant, as science itself seems to indicate. Therefore all matter including biological matter is in essence pure energy in a solidified form. All living organisms as well as inanimate objects are a byproduct of manifest energy. However there are so many different forms of energy and so many different levels of interaction between those different forms that I think it's safe to say there are types of energy that we don't understand and have possibly not even discovered yet.

    So, here comes the "outside the box" part. What if there is a type of energy, physically invisible, as most types of energy are, and physically undetectable, as of yet, that is capable of forming "living" beings without solidification. Those beings would be, for lack of a better term, Immortal, as the energy that they are formed of is. Now what if those "beings" Coexisted in the same place and time as beings of a physical nature and where intelligent enough to be able to manipulate and interact with "energy" of the physical type from their unique position of energy awareness. That kind of sounds like what could be construed as God, Demons, and even the human spirit. It would explain possession and the human soul.

    9 AnswersParanormal Phenomena3 years ago
  • Do alternate realities exist and can we visit them?

    This question comes from a personal childhood experience in which I seemed to visit a place that had not previously existed and which I was never able to find again afterwards. This moment has naggingly haunted me throughout my life and is an unexplained mystery. Do any of you have any such experiences?

    1 AnswerParanormal Phenomena3 years ago
  • Do alternate realities exist and can we visit them?

    This question comes from a personal childhood experience in which I seemed to visit a place that had not previously existed and which I was never able to find again afterwards. This moment has naggingly haunted me throughout my life and is an unexplained mystery. Do any of you have any such experiences?

    8 AnswersParanormal Phenomena3 years ago
  • Does Yahoo censor out conservative talking points?

    I tried to post this "Funny, since C.A.I.R or the "Council on American–Islamic Relations" that backs many of these liberal protesters is tainted by past links to Hamas, sometime fails to condemn terrorist organizations by name, and has the presence of anti-Semites at some of its rallies." In reaction to a smear piece about trump in the news area only to find that my comment no longer existed a few minutes after posting it.

    5 AnswersPolitics4 years ago
  • What are the main issues with intelligent design?

    Both from a religious and atheist perspective.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • What are police guidelines for protecting civilians during a war?

    Would police protect non combatants of any political persuasion in the event of a civil war?

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police5 years ago
  • Why are my questions invisible?

    Every time I try to post a question,it is nowhere to be seen on the list of questions in that category and never receives any answers. This has been going on for over a year.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers5 years ago
  • What if a modern American Civil war occurred?

    In the event of a modern American Civil War in which U.N troops would come to the aid of the existing government, who would protect American bystanders who choose neutrality?

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police5 years ago
  • Do I need a Psychiatrist or a Priest?

    Lately, in the course of daily activities I have noticed the number 666 come up in my view 1-3 times almost daily. I have also been having dreams about Conquering and killing with alarming frequency.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Is World War 3 on the horizon?

    If so, how so.

    and if not , Why not?

    Who do you think would "win" if you think that anyone COULD win?

    How do civilians survive such an occurrence?

    3 AnswersMilitary6 years ago
  • What is going on in the U.S.A right now?

    I saw 12 or 13 military black-hawk Helicopters doing drills over our city today and using our local airport as a base!!

    I and 2 friends of mine have had Legal weapons confiscated from us by police.

    After taking a close look at some (obscure and local) headlines from city news-presses from around the country these things are both becoming common experiences all around the country in rural communities. Then I started to see some theories from websites like this.

    What the heck is going on?!?!

    What the F are we supposed to do about this kinda stuff?

    I'd like to hear from a government employee about what they make of these issues.

    6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups7 years ago
  • What is going on in the U.S.A?

    I saw 12 or 13 military black-hawk Helicopters doing drills over our city today and using our local airport as a base!!

    I and 2 friends of mine have had Legal weapons confiscated from us by police.

    After taking a close look at some (obscure and local) headlines from city news-presses from around the country these things are both becoming common experiences all around the country in rural communities. Then I started to see some theories from websites like this.

    What the heck is going on?!?!

    What the F are we supposed to do about this kinda stuff?

    5 AnswersGovernment7 years ago
  • Are we close to the end of Days?

    Recently I commented about wanting to help and save children with no homes running for their lives and was slandered by all, even called a criminal.

    Then I suggested a way in which Science and religion co-exist harmoniously, trying to put and end to the bitter hatred between these two camps of thought, and was again slandered, as though no one even WANTS that to be a possibility.

    These things are not isolated incidents, every time I try to bring up peace and tolerance and goodness in any way I am barraged with horrible negative people, and the number of them are increasing over the years, this has become an ever growing trend.

    I can only think to this verse in the bible when i see this trend, and I'm starting to become afraid.

    2 Timothy 3:1-17

    But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Is this a valid political world view?

    Why or why not?

    In the United States.

    This country isn't run by parties it's run wealthy elitists who enjoy multinational citizenships, every president we have had in the last 60 years, at least, has been nothing more than a puppet to these people.

    There were some who resisted in the nation's and peoples interests, and they were either killed, ousted or bought out.

    Our country most quickly and then the world will become something unrecognizable over the next 20-30 years and there is nothing that ANY new president will be able to do about it, unless it's someone who knows the whole truth, reveals it to the world and officially, actively and decisively takes a stand against it.

    6 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Does anyone else feel like WW3 is coming soon?

    I have been paying close attention to the world conflicts of the last 10 years or so and an abbreviated version of what I have seen is this.

    The middle East is sick of being oppressed and their rebellion and subsequent slaughter in syria will likely prompt a wartime response, Russia and China are sick of being quiet and are trying to become imperial, Iran and North Korea ar going to Produce Nukes no matter what trouble it may cause, Isriael will probably attack Iran, China will probably attack Japan, N Korea will probably attack S Korea, Russia has already attacked Ukrane and has warships and who knows what else in Cuba.

    Also tensions and civil unrest here in the U.S are gaining strength seemingly every year, with many "militia" groups claiming they will "take things to the next level" (from protests an rallies) if things with the government do not get under controll.

    So tell me, do you think were close to WW3?

    4 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • What is the "End Game" of it all?

    All our modern Societies, Religions, Social Structures, Sciences, Industrys, and Politics all have to have some purpose and some desired end result right? So, what is it?

    What is the purpose of all these things, and to that end what are the ultimate goals for all of these cultural trappings?

    Is there some common uniting factor and goal for all of these things together or are they all being pursued as separate agenda's?

    Sure there are immediate purposes for such institutions but what are the future of these things and what are their ultimate motivations?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Is distance actually just another measure of Time?

    I have been thinking about the concept of Distance and it seems like it would be possible to simply call Distance another way of measuring Time.

    What do you guys think?

    6 AnswersAstronomy & Space7 years ago
  • Why are college students so closed minded?

    Why does it seem that anyone these days who has a bit of "Higher Education" are some of the most stubborn, closed minded, academically bigotous, conceited, self important, narcissist's.

    I've been informed by a cousin attending a university that college is hardly a place for free thinking or even ideas of one's own. It is a place for learning and experimenting with what IS and nothing more. It is not a place to Hypothesize, Theorize, Idealize or Philosophize.

    It seems to me that Institutions of higher education have become indoctrination camps where people are taught to disregard human curiosity, human thoughts, human spirituality or even a passion for progress.

    With places like this indoctrinating our youth it is no wonder that people with higher educations think and behave the way they do, they have become mere machines incapable of true thought.

    They have been Programmed to do and never think, to think only what their but never do.

    That is my theory on the matter what perchance are some of yours?

    5 AnswersSociology7 years ago