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"What separates us as believers in Christ is much less than what unites us." - Pope John XXIII -

  • Why does a plane like the MH370 keep all of its secrets locked up in a black box?

    Why does a plane like the MH370 keep all of its secrets locked up in a black box? Why don’t planes constantly transmit all of their black box data, so that we know their exact

    location, bearing, altitude, and other important factors, at all times?

    Some planes even provide WiFi internet access to passengers. It’s hard to believe that the same network couldn’t be used to beam real-time flight data back to air traffic control.

    Smartphone's wait for a WiFi connection before downloading or uploading large amounts of data, the plane could scale up how much data it sends: It could transmit basic flight data at all times via VHF, and then a full stream of data from the FDR when there’s a communications satellite overhead.

    Even though FDRs might record more than 100 variables and diagnostics, we’re still only talking about a maximum bandwidth requirement of a few megabits. A few hundred kilobits per second would probably be more than enough.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • Does the family of Miriam (Capital Hill shooting) honestly think they?

    are going to get answers about what happened?

    The mother of the Navy seal killed in Benghazi is still asking what happened to her son, Sean Smith.

    She has received absolutely no answers for what happened that night and that the Obama administration told her that she "didn't need to know."

    She also was not even allowed to attend a special award ceremony for her son back in June.

    3 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Why is breastfeeding looked at as shameful?

    They do commercials about woman's periods, men in their underwear, pads that stop leaks, pads that stop men from leaking, condoms, sex, so what is the big deal about a woman breast feeding in public. I just don't get it.

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • My Dad passed away...........and now my sister, brother & I are going through the "drama"?

    of going over the Living Trust. My younger sister is the executor.

    Monday we met and somewhat got started & pretty much agreed on what to do with the house, car & the bank accounts.

    Then we get to the "drama"...........

    of not only who gets what listed on the Trust, but dealing with all the household items. I'm sure this goes on in a lot of families.

    We met again on Tuesday, but this time my brother brought his camera. As we walked around the house he videoed everything.

    I was fine with that, but there was a time when my sister & I were discussing an item, and when I looked to my side my brother was videoing us. I told him to stop and asked why he was doing that and he said, "for evidence". Then he had this smirk on his face ..... a threat.

    This whole process is difficult for anyone, including the 3 of us.

    I thought it a bit strange he was videoing everything, but then thought documentation is good.

    But why video a discussion?

    Why was he not videoed when he was discussing something?

    And why does he only have this video to review or held as some card to play (evidence)?

    Should I even be feeling intimidated (to say the least) by this?

    9 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • did you handle the "abortion" issue?

    We're you even aware of the pregnancy?

    Was it part of your decision?

    Was adoption ever discussed as a more moral decision?

    It is not often we hear of the pain and guilt that the father feels from an abortion.

    The fathers are often the ones neglected, and that is unfortunate.

    Men often flee responsibility, but they can't escape it altogether.

    Religiously speaking, how did you cope?

    What faith are you?

    Do you think abortion is murder?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • The KJV that is now used in Protestantism is not the original KJV, why do they claim it's 100% accurate?

    The 1611 Original KJV is more Catholic than Protestant as it contains the Dueterocanonicals (called "Apocrapha" by American Protestants). These were later removed, but included by the original translators.

    But the one used today is prone to many many major errors.

    One example is the inclusion of the "for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the and forever" as Christ's words in Sacred Scripture as part of the Our Father. This is not so and was mistakenly included because they used many imprecise secondary Greek texts for translation.

    This was due to the destruction of many earlier Greek texts by King Henry VIII when he burned over 500 Catholic monestaries and churches containing the best and most original texts available in England at the time. And, since England's abdication and heresy against the True Church the translators couldn't just go to Rome and look it up in the "most original texts" surviving. This error was later corrected.

    There have been many heresies taught in Protestantism due to the reliance on direct English translational language meanings rather than the use of Aramaic, Greek, and Hebrew.

    Again, "the brethren of Christ" misinterpreted as "the siblings of Christ". Why? Because in ancient Aramaic and Hebrew there is no word for "cousin, stepbrother, half-brother, step-sibling, niece, nephew, etc." Just look at the census taken of all of the Hebrew tribes. It was always expressed as "the brother of, son of, daughter of, mother of, sister of, etc." Lot was called the brother of Abraham in the Book of Genesis but we see that he is later described as the "Son of Abraham's brother". Why not just say Abraham's nephew? Simple..there is no such word at the time.

    The English language that was not yet developed on the earth at the time of Christ was more accurate than the original language that our Lord chose to use which was Aramaic. Aramaic is a semitic language....English is not. English is a combination of Germanic, Latin, Celt, Nordic, and Erin (Irish). There are words in English that do not exist in Aramaic and vice versa. So, how could English be more accurate than Aramaic in communicating the exact words of our Lord?

    The KJV was also a rushed translation as it was trying to compete with the Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible that had just been published. Some of the texts were literally copied word for word in places from the Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible in an attempt to catch up.

    The Puritans went so far as to refuse to use the KJV. They felt it was too crude in the modern English language to be trustworthy. So if the KJV wasn't good enough even for the English Protestant Puritans than why would a Protestant want to use it?

    Why not buy a 1611 KJV and compare the text. Hendrickson Publishers offer a great copy of the original for about $30.

    Even a cosmetic comparison immediately shows that the KJV is still a "work in progress" being tweaked and adjusted even as we speak as it differs so very much from the real 1611 KJV in language (modernized English versus the original English used), textual content, and Canon.

    It is strewn with inserts and omissions.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What channel are you watching of the Bomb House burning in Escondido, CA ?

    Local Ch 8 news has not only great coverage, but is the only channel that has sound on all the noise of the chemicals and ammo exploding.

    I'm glad everything is going well and as planned.

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Why does President Obama have no answers for frustrated and confused Americans?

    Shaming the White House press corps, a regular American named Velma Hart recently asked President Obama the toughest question he has heard since being elected to the Oval Office. After describing herself as a middle-class American with two kids attending private school and a person who supported the president's vision and promises of a better future for Americans, Mrs. Hart dropped a bomb: "My husband and I have joked for years that we thought we were well beyond the hot dogs-and-beans era of our lives. But, quite frankly, it's starting to knock on our door that that might be where we are headed again... is this my new reality?"


    The president was taken aback and, after an awkward smile, fell back on his accomplishments. He ticked off a few things he has done for the middle class and promised better times ahead.

    For her part, Mrs. Hart later told CNN that she still believes in the president, but is frustrated with the political climate in America. She is beginning to doubt that the hope and change Mr. Obama promised are attainable.

    And she's not alone. The truth is that millions of Americans are doubting whether the supremely confident Obama can solve the vexing problems that are facing the nation and, indeed, there is a growing belief that he is making things worse by imposing a big government strategy in a time of economic crisis. There is no way for the president to rebut that belief because the economy is still a mess despite massive federal spending. All Barack Obama can tell Velma Hart and other Americans is that he believes things will get better and that the country is on the right path. But that sounds like typical political spin, and the president has to know it.

    If Mr. Obama were in sync with the folks, he might be able to buy himself a bit more time, but he's not. Things like not addressing the "wisdom" of the Ground Zero mosque and his Justice Department suing the state of Arizona over their tough anti-illegal alien law have made the president suspect in many middle- and working-class precincts. Not only is Mr. Obama getting crushed by the economic numbers, but his cool leadership style is not playing well in a white-hot 24/7 media cycle that zeros in on every piece of bad news.

    It took guts and conviction for Velma Hart to make her case face-to-face with a president she admires. But Mrs. Hart was honest, to the point, and genuine. She spoke for millions of Americans who are frustrated and confused with the state of the union. And the president, for all his rhetorical skills, had no real answer.

    So, why does President Obama have no answers for frustrated and confused Americans?

    15 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • How do you get a new rug to lay flat?

    I purchased a 5x7 rug. It was rolled with the label around it. Once I got home and unrolled it, I noticed it's not laying flat in some areas, especially the end which was in the center of the roll. Any ideas, besides in time it will lay flat?

    9 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • What are your thoughts on R&S being changed to Religion & Science?

    Interestingly there are notable Scientists of the Church :

    St. Bede, the Venerable (d. 735) An Anglo-Saxon priest, historian, biblical scholar, and one of the greatest of all chroniclers of the Middle Ages. Aside from his historical writings, he was the author of On Time and On the Reckoning of Time.

    Pope Sylvester II (d. 1003) A pontiff and scientist who promoted mathematics and astronomy in the Church’s schools.

    Hermannus Contractus (d. 1054) A monk and author of works on geometry, mathematics, and the astrolabe.

    Pope John XXI (d. 1277) A pontiff and author of an influential work on medicine prior to his election.

    St. Albertus Magnus (d. 1280) One of the greatest theologians in the history of the Church and the patron saint of scientists. He is called Universal Doctor.

    Roger Bacon (d. 1294) An English Franciscan who helped to establish the laws of nature and wrote on geography, mechanics, and optics. He is honored as the "Amazing Doctor".

    Theodoric of Freiberg (d. c. 1310) A member of the Dominicans best known for explaining the rainbow in On the Rainbow.

    Thomas Bradwardine (d. 1349) English archbishop who helped advance the principles of mechanics. He is honored as the Profound Doctor.

    Nicole Oresme (d. 1382) French philosopher, bishop of Lisieux, and mathematician. He wrote on economics, mathematics, and the natural sciences, and his studies with Jean Buridan of moving bodies foreshadowed the work of Leonardo da Vinci and Copernicus.

    Nicholas of Cusa (d. 1464) A German theologian, humanist, mystic, expert in canon law, and a cardinal, he also made contributions to the field of mathematics by developing the concepts of the infinitesimal and of relative motion. His philosophical speculations also anticipated Copernicus’ heliocentric worldview.

    Bl. Nicolas Steno (d. 1686) A convert from Lutheranism, he was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1987. He brought advances in the areas of anatomy, geology, and paleontology.

    Bl. Francesco Faà di Bruno (d. 1888) An Italian priest and spiritual writer who made immense contributions to mathematics, including a famous formula. He was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1988.

    Fr. Georges Lemaître, a Belgian priest, physicist, and mathematician, first proposed the Big Bang Theory for the birth of the universe.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Could non-Christians....atheists and those of other faiths .... answer some Christian questions..?

    ........that are ALWAYS posted on here? Just an answer to whichever questions you might have some knowledge about .

    Also, could you post what faith or non-faith you are....and maybe give us a sentence about your belief or non-belief that could clear up misunderstandings that seem to ALSO always be questioned on here.

    What is a Christian?

    Are Catholics Christian?

    What does born again mean?

    What is meant by "Are you saved"?

    And Christians, if you'd like, just star this question but please don't answer....Thanks.


    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do you polish ceramic tile on a swimming pool?

    The blue tiles between/connecting the pool and spa are dull.

    I don't know if a chemical/polish could to used, due to the water overflowing on these certain tiles when the pool pump is on.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What did Jesus mean by: “Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen”?

    This oft-quoted phrase comes from the King James Version:

    For many are called, but few are chosen

    —Matthew 22:14, KJV

    Here is the entire parable, but the New International Version renders verse 14 as “many are invited, but few are chosen”:

    Jesus spoke to them again in parables, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son. He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come.

    “Then he sent some more servants and said, ‘Tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet.’

    “But they paid no attention and went off—one to his field, another to his business. The rest seized his servants, mistreated them and killed them. The king was enraged. He sent his army and destroyed those murderers and burned their city.

    “Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come. Go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.’ So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, both good and bad, and the wedding hall was filled with guests.

    “But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes. ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless.

    “Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

    “For many are invited, but few are chosen.”

    —Matthew 22:1-14, NIV

    This parable does not mean that God calls a lot of people, picks over them, and keeps only a few. If that were true, the middle of the parable would have no meaning. It means that God calls everyone and gives them the power to respond—but to be chosen, we must respond to the call, using the power God gave us for that purpose.

    In other words, Isn't everyone called, but some people refuse the invitation and are not chosen?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion on this "Rapture" thing? Who came up with this idea?

    A lot of people have very specific ideas about how the world will end: they speak of tribulations and raptures and millenniums and things like that. They interpret signs of the end times and make predictions.

    I have never attended a church that taught any more detail about end times than the fact that Jesus will return, the dead will rise, and all will be judged. What happens at the end of the world will happen; my knowing about it in advance will give me no benefit, and my eternal salvation is not endangered by my ignorance of it.

    I can’t figure out all this end-time stuff, but neither can the end-times prophets: every single person who has ever interpreted contemporary events in light of Revelation has been proved wrong. In 1988, a Mr. Whisant which listed 88 reasons why the Lord would come in 1988. When the Gulf War came, a lot of people thought it was the battle of Armageddon.

    When the end comes, it comes. It is more likely that you will go to be with the Lord before the Lord has a chance to come to you; either way, you don’t know when the end will come.

    When Jesus speaks of the end, He does not speak disparagingly about the people who are surprised, but about the people who are unprepared.

    When Jesus returns, I’d rather He interrupt me while I’m feeding the hungry, healing the sick, edifying the saints, and otherwise showing myself a good steward.

    I don’t think He would approve if He came and found me idle, staring at my watch, and exclaiming, “Right on time!”

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Have your favorite tv shows made the cut? Which are you sad to see being can celled?


    30 Rock (NBC)

    90210 (CW)

    The Amazing Race (CBS)

    American Dad (Fox)

    America's Next Top Model (CW)

    The Big Bang Theory (CBS)

    Bones (Fox)

    Brothers & Sisters (ABC)

    Castle (ABC)

    The Cleveland Show (Fox)

    Community (NBC)

    Cougar Town (ABC)

    Family Guy (Fox)

    Friday Night Lights (NBC)

    Fringe (Fox)

    Glee (Fox)

    Gossip Girl (CW)

    The Good Wife (CBS)

    How I Met Your Mother (CBS)

    The Middle (ABC)

    Modern Family (ABC)

    NCIS: Los Angeles (CBS)

    The Office (NBC)

    Parenthood (NBC)

    Parks and Recreation (NBC)

    The Simpsons (Fox)

    Smallville (CW)

    Supernatural (CW)

    Survivor (CBS)

    Two and a Half Men (CBS)

    The Vampire Diaries (CW)


    Accidentally on Purpose (CBS)

    American Idol (Fox)

    The Bachelor (ABC)

    The Biggest Loser (NBC)

    Celebrity Apprentice (NBC)

    Chuck (NBC)

    Criminal Minds (CBS)

    CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (CBS)

    CSI: Miami (CBS)

    CSI: NY (CBS)

    Dancing with the Stars (ABC)

    Desperate Housewives (ABC)

    Gary Unmarried (CBS)

    Ghost Whisperer (CBS)

    Grey's Anatomy (ABC)

    House (Fox)

    Human Target (Fox)

    Law & Order (NBC)

    Law & Order: SVU (NBC)

    Lie to Me (Fox)

    Medium (CBS)

    The Mentalist (CBS)

    NCIS (CBS)

    New Adventures of Old Christine (CBS)

    One Tree Hill (CW)

    Private Practice (ABC)

    Rules of Engagement (CBS)

    V (ABC)


    Better Off Ted (ABC)

    Cold Case (CBS)

    The Deep End (ABC)

    FlashForward (ABC)

    The Forgotten (ABC)

    Heroes (NBC)

    Life Unexpected (CW)

    Melrose Place (CW)

    Mercy (NBC)

    Miami Medical (CBS)

    Numb3rs (CBS)

    Trauma (NBC)


    24 (Fox)

    The Beautiful Life: TBL (CW)

    Brothers (Fox)

    Dollhouse (Fox)

    Eastwick (ABC)

    Hank (ABC)

    Lost (ABC)

    Past Life (Fox)

    Scrubs (ABC)

    Sons of Tucson (Fox)

    Three Rivers (CBS)

    'Til Death (Fox)

    Ugly Betty (ABC)

    9 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • A question to Catholics who have converted from being a Protestant........?

    Do you find it odd that you see comments on here concerning Catholics having repetitive prayers ?

    I thought back to my Protestant childhood and thought of several repetitive prayers we said:

    Before a meal......."God is great, God is good....."

    Before bed......"Now I lay me down to sleep......."

    And also the "Our Father".

    I just don't understand how they condemn Catholic prayers, yet were raised with prayers also.

    And by the way, I do look back and am grateful my parents taught my sister and I these prayers.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you agree that the Bible, Church, and Tradition are all necessary to arrive at truth?

    If you knock out any leg of a three-legged stool, it collapses.

    29 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago