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  • What does engine RPM actually measure?

    My understanding has always been that the tachometer of an automobile measured the revolutions of the crank shaft. However, i was thinking today that this seems unrealistically fast. Considering a modern engine can easily exceed 6000 RPM under heavy acceleration, if this really is measuring revolutions of the crank shaft that means that each piston goes from its upmost position, all of the way down and all of the way back up 100 times per second. I have a hard time comprehending how that could be possible considering all of the mechanics involved in how an engine works. Is this actually what it measures and is that actually how an engine works? Does the tach actually measure something completely different? Any light you can shed on the subject would be appreciated!

    11 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Which of the following represents one full orbit of the moon?

    The question is, is a full orbit of the moon considered from a perspective of the Earth or is it a (relative) position based on Earth's position relative to the sun? Look at the following jpg (I created it myself so easy on the critique) and please tell me which of these represents one full orbit of the moon. You can just answer A or B if you want. If neither of my ideas is correct you can correct me as well!

    4 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Advice on temporary living arrangements.?

    I need some advice. My current living arrangement is coming to an end. I currently rent a room from some friends and unbeknownst to me, the house we live in has slipped into foreclosure. Rent and other aspects of my living here have been on an informal, non-contract basis, which has been more than fair; so I'm not trying to sue them or get any retaliation or anything of that nature. But since the bank has stated they will be seizing the property, I'll need to leave soon. But before I get my own place, which will take me a couple of weeks to arrange, I need some ideas about temporary living arrangements. Where can someone stay, (in a decent sized city) for a couple of weeks, for relatively cheap while they save up and get themselves together? I know about shelters and places of that nature but they're always full and I'm not going to take that option away from someone who truly needs it. So any ideas? And my family is a few hours away so thats not an option with my job being here.

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Ex-smoker coughing up solid chalky material. What is it?

    I'm not sure if the ex-smoker part has anything to do with it. Just wanted to throw it in just in case. But down to the creepy details, I have for the past couple of days, been coughing up a hard, white, chalky substance. I've recently quit smoking, have been taking long walks (2+ miles), generally excercising and drink lots of water. I'm coughing a lot and my lungs are feeling irritated (although they actually feel really good relatively speaking). Nothing too out of the ordinary. Its the chalky substance that I'm trying to figure out. It has the consistancy of chalk or maybe the stuff that dry-wall is made of. It has no taste, and is relatively "soft" (as in its easy to crush into a powder). Does anyone have any idea what this could be?

    6 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • Gravity of very massive small objects?

    Okay, I'll admit that the reason for my question is kinda silly. I was watching Janet Jackson's new video and a question about gravity hit me from what I saw in it. Its a little out there, so bear with me! Lets assume you have a sphere, and lets give that sphere an approximate diameter of 3 meters. Now lets also assume that this 3 meter diameter sphere has a mass equal to that of the planet Earth. Which would in turn give it gravity equal to that of the Earth. Now my question(s)... Would a person be able to physically stand on something this size with this mass? Would they notice anything different about its gravitational influence on them compared to the Earth? Would it simply crush them? Its not a pressing issue by any means, more of a curiousity than anything. But definitely looking forward to the interesting answers! Thanks in advance.

    6 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Help remembering Mid-90s electronic Top 40 dance music?

    Hey everyone out there on Answers... I'm getting ready to throw a 90s party where the theme is early to mid-90s. I'm trying to think of some of the great music from that time period back when electronic dance music was hot not only in the clubs but on Top 40. So I want all of you out there to help me out. To give you an idea of what i'm looking for here is a short list of examples: "Come Ride It" by Quad City DJs, "Come And Get Your Love" by Real McCoy, "100% Pure Love" by Crystal Waters, "Rhythm is a Dancer" by Snap, "Be My Lover" by La Bouche. I have several more but not enough for a night of dancing, so if you have any favorites that you think should definitely be on the play list let me hear them! Even if they don't fit 100% in the genre thats okay. And if you have some really good ones from the 80s that are 'close enough' like "Love Shack" by the B-52s you can send those too. Thanks in advance!!

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • What are your experiences with the Mucinex and any possible side effects?

    Hey everyone. I have an aversion to most over the counter (and prescription) medications. In the past 7 years I have taken nothing stronger than Tylenol for the occasional headache. When it comes to things such as cold medicine and things of that nature I undoubtedly experience some kind of side effect that make me feel worse than I did before I took it. For example Dayquil makes it hard for me to urinate, and most couch medicines raise my blood pressure which isn't normally high. And thats not to mention that they almost all make me feel loopy. So I've come down with some nice chest congestion and everyone is swearing by Mucinex (without the cough suppresent). So how about you? Have you ever experienced any side effects with this product? If so, what were they and did they make you want to stop taking the medicine? Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • Do I need a lawyer? What type do I need? Personal Pictures/Privacy Violation?

    So, I've got this psycho ex who has some pictures of me in, shall we say... compromising situations. These pictures were taken by myself and stored on my own personal computer with password protection. Unbeknownst to me said ex got access to the photos and now that we are not on kind terms has begun sending the photos to various people including my current partner, parents and possibly my employer. I need to know what laws pertain in this situation (Indiana) and what type of lawyer might possibly handle this type of situation? Or can I just contact local law enforcement and have them deal with it? Will they deal with it? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. (and thanks in advance)

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How many people out there consider themselves Apatheists?

    Not looking for arguments for how we're going to hell... thats not what I'm asking. What I'm interested in is how many people out there consider themselves apatheists and what that term means to them. Why do you consider yourself such?

    I consider myself an apatheist. To mean this title means that while I don't believe in any deities, or other supernatural "things", I actually feel more that the question is a waste of time. I think that living, being good to others, being a productive member of society is far more important than even pondering the existance of a "god" and his/her/its effect on my life. I'd like to hear from others. Thanks

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is not submitting a change of address form considered mail fraud?

    Say you've changed your address with just about anyone you could imagine would be sending you mail, so you didn't file a change of address form but you're still getting a few pieces of mail here and there... is that considered mail fraud? and more importantly, can an individual charge you with mail fraud, simply because they're mad at you, because you didnt' file said change of address form

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why does my toilet get dirty so fast?

    Now... all jokes aside... I clean my toilet and within two days its dirty again... I'm not talking about, shall we say "usage" stains, I mean deposits from the water thats coming from the tank. I have tried hanging those bleach tablets in the tank, and while I now have a tank that is spotless, they haven't prevented the deposits from forming in the bowl. Its not a huge deal, but frustrating nonetheless... any ideas would be appreciated

    9 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Poll: Do you run Anti-Virus software?

    Just a simple "yes", "no" or "don't know" here is cool... thanks

    13 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Has making computers and the Internet easier to use helped society?

    Considering the huge leaps that companies like Microsoft have made in making the personal computer easier to use, and the Internet more accessible to common people, do you see this as something that has positively influenced society? Has instant communication strengthened families? Has Wikipedia made us smarter? Has easy access to news made us more globally aware? Or anything else on this topic you'd care to comment on... the reason I'm asking is because I answer alot of computer questions here on Yahoo!Answers and the more I read the more I feel like people are getting more and more stupid. And not just about computers but in general... what are your thoughts on this?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Speed of Light question?

    Someone with a better understanding of physics can maybe help me wrap my brain around this. I'll try and make it understandable. The Earth, Solar System and Galaxy are all moving in the universe, which means they have a net rate of speed relative to other parts of the universe. Lets call that speed "x". Now lets say we launch a space craft in the same general direction as Earth's motion through the universe. That space craft is capable of reaching speed "y", where y is slower than the speed of light BUT, x+y > (greater than) speed of light. Now, the question(s). Could that space craft ever actually reach the speed of light, or beyond, relative to the neutral speed of the universe, considering its self-propelled speed is less than the speed of light? Is this how the speed of light works? And a bonus question... if light reflects off of, say Earth, and that reflection travels in the same direction as Earth's direction through the universe, wouldn't that light go faster than light speed?

    5 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • I'd normally be answering questions here but... physics help.?

    Someone with a better understanding of physics can maybe help me wrap my brain around this. I'll try and make it understandable. The Earth, Solar System and Galaxy are all moving in the universe, which means they have a net rate of speed relative to other parts of the universe. Lets call that speed "x". Now lets say we launch a space craft in the same general direction as Earth's motion through the universe. That space craft is capable of reaching speed "y", where y is slower than the speed of light BUT, x+y > (greater than) speed of light. Now, the question(s). Could that space craft ever actually reach the speed of light, or beyond, relative to the neutral speed of the universe, considering its self-propelled speed is less than the speed of light? Is this how the speed of light works? And a bonus question... if light reflects off of, say Earth, and that reflection travels in the same direction as Earth's direction through the universe, wouldn't that light go faster than light speed??

    6 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Why do SO many people with computers not install Anti-Virus or Anti-Spyware software?

    Considering we all know there are viruses and spyware circulating out there... And considering there are so many excellent free Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware software out there, why is it there are still so many people that never install them? I'm actually interested in hearing from people with PCs (not Mac or Linux users) that do not currently have this stuff installed? Why?

    7 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago