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  • When tinting glass with a film, is it still clear on the other side?

    There's instructions on how to tint glass online, and one way is to apply a film... Does that just color the glass, or is it still really clear on the other side?

    5 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation6 years ago
  • Why does my cat like to run away from me most of the time?

    It seems like a game to her. If she's sleeping, usually she will sit, purr, and let me pick her up easily, but most of the time she crouches and skips away just as you get to her. And she doesn't freak out or anything if you DO catch her. She's just a little bit disgruntled. Is there a reason for this behavior, or is she really just playing a game? Another thing, she follows me around by scampering in front of me at full speed and guessing where I'm going next... Lol. Just wanted to know if there's a reason besides playing. She's still partly a kitten, more into adolescence.

    1 AnswerCats7 years ago
  • Can gerbils be kept in darkness?

    So, I recently acquired some gerbils. They were going to all be snake food, but plans changed. I now wish to breed them but my mom, however, still wants them dead and frozen. So I figure I'll use the "out of sight - out of mind" technique and keep them in my closet with the door shut for a large part of the day. My question is, though, do they absolutely need light to stay healthy? Personally I don't think they would, as humans and other mammals don't really need it, but if I'm just wondering if it will affect their health. I know someone's going to say, "Would YOU like to be in darkness for most of the day??" and someone else is going to say, "Snake food!! You Satan spawn!!", but I've heard it all before so if you have a real answer please tell it to me. Thanks~

    4 AnswersRodents7 years ago
  • What would you say is the best/most affordable scaleless snake?

    I do reptile presentations and was thinking it'd be cool to let people see and touch reptiles without scales. I'm thinking a Texas rat snake as they seem to be the most available, but was just wondering if you guys know any more common ones. I'm going for affordable, species doesn't particularly matter as long as it has a bit of size. Thanks!

    2 AnswersReptiles7 years ago
  • Opinions on my plan of a 10 gallon community tank?

    I've asked a similar question before but now I have an idea and just want some opinions. It's a 10 gallon tank with a filter, bubbler, heater, and lighted top. I'm thinking 2-3 female bettas, 2 mollies, 4 tetras, and a dwarf gourami. And maybe a few bottom-feeders to help out my old filter. Does this sound alright? Or too crowded? Would they all eat the same food or would this make it difficult to feed them the proper food? Would they all get along? And if you could swap out one(or two, whatever) number of species for another, I'd love to hear some opinions on that. I'm real lenient on the tetras and mollies, but firm on at least one female betta. The dwarf gourami was suggested to me and I really love their look, but if you've got another idea for a "centerpiece" beauty of a specimen, lay it on me. Thank you!

    4 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • Is diluted Pine Sol safe to clean terrariums with?

    Need to quickly clean a reptile enclosure(sealed wood) and we ran out of bleach, will Pine Sol work?

    3 AnswersReptiles7 years ago
  • Corn snake egg incubation temp?

    So my female corn snake laid her eggs 2 days ago. It's my first clutch. The eggs are in a hole-poked tupperware container with perlite and is around 80% humidity. Now the temp is a flat 90 degrees... Some places online say it's a good temp, and other places say it'll cause deformation and death. Should I try lowering the temp? I know the bottom eggs are probably even warmer than that since they're closer to the heat... Any advice will help. Thanks!

    1 AnswerReptiles7 years ago
  • Spider Identification?

    Found this little spider in the house. Anyone know what it is? I'm in Memphis, TN(USA).

    3 AnswersZoology7 years ago
  • Got water on the extension cord sockets?

    So I have a fish tank next to the extension cord that powers the filter and bubble etc. I was filling the tank back up(since evaporation) and went to check on the filter because it has issues and has to be flipped over to fix it. Well... I didn't expect water to pour out the back of it since it hasn't been on for a little while. Most of the water hit the wall and soaked the carpet, but some splashed onto the sockets, which I already had turned off in the case of something like that happening. So question is... How dangerous would it be to turn back on? Should I wait and for how long if I should? Thanks in advance.

  • What are good species for a friendly community freshwater 10 gallon tank?

    I have a 10 gallon freshwater tank with a filter, light, bubbler, many decorations, and a heater can be aquired. What are a few species that can live together in harmony in a 10 gallon? Yes I'm aware that 10 gallons is not a lot of space. I mean more like 3-4 different species(doesn't matter how small) that I'll have in 1's or 2's that won't fight or have any conflict. Thanks!

    8 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • 4'x2'x1' terrarium... What all you can think of can live its life in here?

    I am getting two of these tanks and have no actual plans for them. xD They were just a super-awesome deal and I couldn't resist. Easily a future project. So... What reptiles can live their whole adult lives in these? I prefer snakely critters, but any and all apply. Yes I have reptile experience, so don't hold back on the difficult species. Er... Please don't consider that arrogant, just know that I would do my research and know if one was too difficult for me. Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerReptiles7 years ago
  • Is it worth taking a 12-year-old dog to the vet for a tumor?

    At least, we think it may be a tumor. It's just a big ball of fat on her side, but under the skin. She's a German shorthaired pointer mix. I'm just asking opinion here. She doesn't act any different from it being there, and it's not near her heart or other organs.

    13 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Can you breed a male corn snake twice in one season?

    I have a male 'candy cane' amelanistic corn snake that I want to breed to 2 females. Is that okay? I personally don't think he'd be bothered to be a theoretical pimp, but I just would like to know if anyone else has tried this successfully?

    1 AnswerReptiles8 years ago
  • How many gallons is a 29lx16dx18h tank?

    I saw a website mention that this would be about 30 gallons, but that doesn't add up since my 30 gallon long is 30lx12dx12h.

    2 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • How many gallons is a 29lx16dx18h tank?

    I saw a website mention that this would be about 30 gallons, but that doesn't add up since my 30 gallon long is 30lx12dx12h.

    1 AnswerFish8 years ago
  • Maximum sized snake for a 100 gallon aquarium?

    I have the means to acquire a 100 gallon tank and just want an overview of the largest(nonvenomous please) snake species that could live in this comfortably. I have experience in smaller boas and pythons, so I'm thinking of taking the hobby a notch higher. Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • Why Is My Bearded Dragon Turning Dark?

    I know some of the reasons... But she's not cold and shedded a few days ago. She was eating heartily before shedding but didn't go fully back to eating afterwards. Could something be wrong? She's about 4-5 months old, in a 20g long. We got her on August 3rd. She is still plenty active an healthy looking. Just dark all the time, and barely eating a few crickets and some of her salad each day.

    1 AnswerReptiles8 years ago
  • 20g Tank For Baby Bearded Dragon?

    Yeah I know it's the correct size for her, but it's not a 20g 'breeder' tank. I can't measure it atm. It is longer than tall, but it's still a bit taller than the 20g breeder that she's in now. See, I want to switch her out with my male corn snake. The main reason is because I have a hard time reaching into his tank, and would rather have him in the shorter yet longer tank. But enough about him, I'm just asking about the beardie. Would she be fine in it? Of course she'd get all the right temp measurements, and when she's older she'll have a 40g long.

    It's not like I have to, I'm just asking if it's possible. Here's a pic:

    1 AnswerReptiles8 years ago
  • Carpet Python Frequently Opening His Mouth?

    Yes yes, I know they don't yawn, and I know they will rehinge their jaws occasionally. I know they reasons that they open their mouths. I just want to know if anyone knows any othe- He did it again while I'm typing. :l Any health issues for them doing it frequently. I think in the past 30 minutes he's opened his jaws as wide as they'd go at least 6 times now. He is a bit aggressive and flinches towards everything that moves as well as strikes when he has the opportunity and feels threatened. I don't know his age, but he's about 4ft long now(any estimates of how old he is at that length would be awesome if you know.)

    1 AnswerReptiles8 years ago
  • Can tomato clownfish change colors?

    I got a new tomato clownfish to be a pair with my other. The other has been there for a few months, now and the new one is quite a bit smaller. They were the exact same color yeserday, a bright orange(with the stripe of course) and now, this morning, the smaller one has a very noticeable tint of black. The older one hasn't changed, though now that he has a friend he's not hiding in the corner anymore.

    1 AnswerFish8 years ago