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Favorite Answers6%
  • What do you feel when you listen to a Gregorian Chant?

    I'm writing a paper on how music effects the listener on an emotional, mental and physical level. But basically I'd just like to know how you feel when you listen to the gregorian chant "Dies Irae." Below is a link and I know it's a little long but I'd appreciate if you took 30 seconds to listen and come up with an answer.

    Thank you

    2 AnswersClassical7 years ago
  • Cannot get torrent to play on MacBook Pro?

    So I downloaded uTorrent, then downloaded a movie and i cannot get it to play, so i tried downloading a TV episode, and it wont play. I have quicktime player 7, and flip player and it still won't work. What do I do?

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • Sunburn on Chest, Now Blotchy?

    So I got a sunburn on my cleavage about a week ago, but that was the only place...I guess I forgot to put sunscreen there. Now the skin is uneven to the rest of my are darker and uneven...not extremely attractive. How do I even out the color without making it worse?

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • Density question (chemistry)?

    if you drop an 11.0 g rock in a graduated cylinder and the volume of water rises from 21 ml mark to 23.5 ml mark, what is the density? (4.58g/ml)

    I know density is mass/volume, but I don't remember which numbers to plug in.

    1 AnswerChemistry8 years ago
  • Atheists and Christians, that's right?

    I'm in love with Judas, Judas, JUUDDDAASSS!! AAAAAA

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I am an Atheist, now what? (part 2)?

    Just to add to my other question, I have some things to say concerning religion.

    The amount of wars that have been fought in the name of religion is ridiculous. Thou shalt not kill is one of the ten commandments, yet, holy war is justified by church authorities. THAT is why religion and state should always be separate.

    Another thing, is it really that much different in believing in fairies and believing in God? There are stories and accounts of both existing. What makes one more plausible than the other? Bit of trolling there, no pun intended.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I am an Atheist, now what?

    Mkay. Now that I've got your attention. I know this is the wrong section, but I need some opinions. :)

    I was complaining to my fwb about my new school, and instead of sympathy he told me "I told you so." and when I said I don't care to hear him be a douche he said "Shut up, don't text me if you're not interested in what I have to say."

    Then I confronted him over the phone about him being just rude, (he's a freshman in college) and he said I wasn't allowed to call him and chew him out anymore. We aren't in a relationship, and he doesn't want to hear me complain about sh*t. BUT, he still wants to have sex over Christmas break!

    So, we are no longer speaking. It's been three days and I know I will hear from him and he'll try to make me feel guilty about me not going to see him. What is the best strategy to get my point across, but not seem like total female dog?

    Might I add, we have had four texting conversations in the past three weeks, so I haven't been pestering the heck out of him.

    Thank you.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians and Atheists and Buddhists and Muslims?

    Mkay. I know this is the wrong section, but I need some opinions. :)

    I was complaining to my fwb about my new school, and instead of sympathy he told me "I told you so." and when I said I don't care to hear him be a douche he said "Shut up, don't text me if you're not interested in what I have to say."

    Then I confronted him over the phone about him being just rude, (he's a freshman in college) and he said I wasn't allowed to call him and chew him out anymore. We aren't in a relationship, and he doesn't want to hear me complain about sh*t. BUT, he still wants to have sex over Christmas break!

    So, we are no longer speaking. It's been three days and I know I will hear from him and he'll try to make me feel guilty about me not going to see him. What is the best strategy to get my point across, but not seem like total female dog?

    Might I add, we have had four texting conversations in the past three weeks, so I haven't been pestering the heck out of him.

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What should my strategy be?

    Mkay. I know this is the wrong section, but I need some opinions.

    I was complaining to my fwb about my new school, and instead of sympathy he told me "I told you so." and when I said I don't care to hear him be a douche he said "Shut up, don't text me if you're not interested in what I have to say."

    Then I confronted him over the phone about him being just rude, (he's a freshman in college) and he said I wasn't allowed to call him and chew him out anymore. We aren't in a relationship, and he doesn't want to hear me complain about sh*t. BUT, he still wants to have sex over Christmas break!

    So, we are no longer speaking. It's been three days and I know I will hear from him and he'll try to make me feel guilty about me not going to see him. What is the best strategy to get my point across, but not seem like total female dog?

    Might I add, we have had four texting conversations in the past three weeks, so I haven't been pestering the heck out of him.

    Thank you.

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style9 years ago
  • Sh* do I ignore the inevitable text?

    Mkay. I was complaining to my fwb about my new school, and instead of sympathy he told me "I told you so." and when I said I don't care to hear him be a douche he said "Shut up, don't text me if you're not interested in what I have to say."

    Then I confronted him over the phone about him being just rude, (he's a freshman in college) and he said I wasn't allowed to call him and chew him out anymore. We aren't in a relationship, and he doesn't want to hear me complain about sh*t. BUT, he still wants to have sex over Christmas break!

    So, we are no longer speaking. It's been three days and I know I will hear from him and he'll try to make me feel guilty about me not going to see him. What is the best strategy to get my point across, but not seem like total female dog?

    Thank you.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Be honest, am I ugly?

    No, I'm not. I'm not the most beautiful either. I hate seeing these questions because everyone is different. There are so many different types of beauty (both inner and outer) and instead of constantly asking for the approval of others, we should accept who we are and better ourselves for ourselves and no one else. If society considers you "ugly" what does it matter? Yes, it can hurt, but that's where the old saying "beauty is only skin deep" comes in. I'm not saying attractive people should be punished either, but what really matters is how you see yourself. Make it good.

    Food for thought. And for any *** holes who are gonna try to make fun of this, go f*ck yourselves. :)

    6 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style9 years ago
  • How do I get rid of these ingrown hairs?

    I have very small bumps on the back of my thighs and I know they're ingrown hairs. How the hell do I get rid of them? I've tried exfoliating, the ingrown hair serum from European wax center, not shaving, tweezing, waxing and nothing seems to be helping. Answers appreciated.

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • How do I keep my veiled chameleon alive until Monday?

    I believe my four month old chameleon has MBD. He has a cricket diet, and due to my lack of knowledge about caring for the guy, I haven't been dusting the crickets with calcium. He has a basking lamp and the cage is kept about 80 degrees and he is sprayed with warm water five or six times a day. Since Thursday he's been acting very lethargic. He lays on the ground and doesn't move much, his joints seem to be swollen and he can't grip well. He hasn't eaten since Wednesday, but he is a beautiful green color. He's breathing normally and he is very alert. Monday morning I have an appoint with a reptile specialist, but what do I do until then to keep him comfortable or just alive?

    3 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Do only Americans deserve to be blessed by God?

    How can we have faith in a God who (loves us so much) allows a mother in a third world country to have her child die in her arms? Or a young boy drop dead while carrying buckets of water back to his emaciated family? So we can say we are so blessed, but seems only the developed countries are the ones who deserve the blessings of God.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians...I have another question (part 3)?

    Let us see if I can stop embarrassing myself with misuse of words...

    No one answered what happened to the prophets in the Old Testament, are they in hell right now? And if the Catholics created hell to scare people into their religion, how much of the Bible was modified to fit the desires of the head of the church? That is my issue with anything that was written by a human. Imperfect and adapted text.

    I agree with a couple of the previous comments, a loving God would not damn someone who tries to "walk the walk" but doesn't believe a human is God. Note I didn't use Christ-like again.

    Please enlighten me if I'm wrong.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians...I have a question (part 2 haha)?

    I know the New Testament states Jesus is the only way to heaven, does that mean the chosen people (Jews) are spending an eternity in hell? Also, what happened to the prophets of the Old Testament? Jesus wasn't born, so was there no way into heaven prior to His birth? And if the Holy Trilogy (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is one, how can only one be believed in to be accepted into heaven?

    Please know I'm asking these questions respectively and out of curiosity, not ridicule.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians...I have a question?

    For the record, I grew up baptist and recently converted to deism. But I do not deny or acknowledge the existence of heaven or hell. My question, if one lives his life in a Christ-like manner (doesn't steal, kill, lie, commit adultery, etc,.) is he automatically damned if he doesn't accept Jesus as the Savior? No bs answers.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What would muhammad do?

    For those who are considering the Muslim religion and everyone else who may give a damn, take a look at this website. Most of these things I find naturally immoral.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is it illegal to be barefoot outside the security point in airports?

    I plan to participate in the April 10th go without shoes for a day to raise awareness to those who don't own shoes. Go to for more information. Anyways, I have a flight on the tenth, so I was wondering if it's illegal to not wear shoes after the security check point in the airport.

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago