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Lv 42,613 points

Mr DEDEDE aka The Gawd

Favorite Answers8%

Im Gawd

  • What is so bad about Donald Trump?

    I genuinely do not understand, he has been labeled a bigot, a racist, a mysoginist, and a greedy pig. From my recollection he's spending his own money to run for president.

    Trump is seen as "all talk" but isnt EVERY politician? Hes seen as "underqualified" but isn't EVERY presidential candidate? Hillary Clinton is a war criminal (Benghazi) and Ben Carson is a surgeon with no knowledge in foreign policy for Christs sake. What makes them more qualified than him?

    Our country is in serious financial struggle, and Trump is the most financially savvy presidential candidate we've ever had with Romney or Reagan at a close 2nd. Don't we need a guy like him to help get us out of this hole?

    He has a stern foreign policy and has made correct predictions (warning of 9/11, demonizing the War in Iraq, calling for ISIS in Syria to be attacked and taking the oil) and countries have followed his advice years after everything he's said, every time.

    I just don't understand all the flack he's getting, what has he truly done wrong for people to act like he's scum? I'm not paid to do this, it's a genuine question.

    12 AnswersElections5 years ago
  • Itunes basically deleted my music library?

    I had a good amount of songs on my iphone 5th gen music library, then when trying to manually sync a few tracks on my phone goes wrong it seems most of the music on my iphones song library have gone gray and skip. This most likely means that it's off my phone.

    Now, I understand Apple are hardware geniuses yet morons when it comes to software but it's safe to say Itunes is the biggest joke of a program known to man. I just need to know how I can restore my phone to the way it was by having my songs actually be able to play again. As I said the library is there but most of them can't play, so I need to know what to do.

    And I need to know EXACTLY how. Please don't summarize or give me one direction and send me off. Link me, help me out, do something. Let's just say it's been tough not to throw my phone out the window and rent a Ouija board from my creo friend to give Steve Jobs a good ''**** you''... but that's besides the point. Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • Serious question about self-pleasuring?

    So I had a long, very stimulating conversation with my girlfriend and my brother on self-pleasure the other day that I need confirmation about.

    Basically I openly expressed my intense passion of pleasuring myself through "playing" with my testicles. I tend to do it every hour of every day and it can get wildly intense and quite stimulating. My girlfriend finds it very strange but not nearly as strange as my brother, and he has a very backwards view on playing with your genitals. I told him that it's a fun and easy process and playing with yourself can be almost as fun to explore as sex with a significant other. Also, being a scorpio, my erogenous zone happens to be my genitals so I gain even more pleasure out of that than the other signs (if you believe in so).

    Then he came to me with a subject that struck me; he basically told me that if a young man is to excessively play with his genitals he can stunt the growth of the area and even cause shrinkage. This instantly caused me to spit out my drink in bewilderment because neither I nor my girlfriend had ever heard of anything remotely this absurd before. He is my younger brother, a Senior in high school, but I've studied the anatomy both in high school and college and I've never heard of such a thing. But I take my genitals very seriously as well as my performance in bed, aka how I "act in the sack", and I figured why not delve into this. He had also explain to me that excessive playing with the genitals can some how damage them -- a belief I was more willing to believe. I tend to play with myself by stroking on the testis, sometimes with my fingernails, caressing them loosely with the tips of my fingers. Other practices I engage in include:

    flipping and twisting of the genitals

    swinging the genitals

    walking upright with the genitals dragging on the ground, preferrably carpet

    pulling the genitals around by the small pubic hairs on the skin of the sac

    inserting genitals into a cup full of liquid until sog

    laying genitals on surface (i.e. desk, counter, sink) and caressing them or dragging them around

    inserting genitals in a door way and slowly closing the door in to them with little force applied preventing injury

    laying genitals on concrete and dragging them along with pen or pencil

    allowing a barefoot person (preferrably woman) to lightly kick exposed genitals

    applying fake nails and scratching genitals while laying in bed


    Some practices are admittedly "out there", but I fail to see how these can result in shrinkage or erectile dysfunction or affect development of semen. In my studies I've never heard of these results occuring from playing with the testicles. I am enowed with rather large, low-hanging genitals and have groomed them over the years for abuse and have taken harsh hits before and have been able to ejaculate in abundance and last long during sex. My most preferred times to self-pleasure would be after sex, before sex, early mornings, coming home from the gym, after sitting for a period of time or fresh out of the shower. As I said before, I do these practices every hour of every day in comfort and privacy, and I do not masterbate often but I am highly sexually active.

    The question I must have answered the most is if my practices can somehow hinder my abilities in bed or cause a possible shrinkage or long-term harm to my genitals. I am just about a fully developed male and don't expect any further growth of penis or testicle size, but I want to know just in case. Thank you for your understanding and valid support,

    - Ryan

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Favorite CM Punk quote?

    Mine is "nice fauxhawk you homo"

    14 AnswersWrestling8 years ago
  • Who is the best wrestler among the Nexus?

    Though the Nexus are a great angle, at the end of the day its still wrestle. Someones gonna have to get in the ring. So who among them is really the best? I'd say Heath Slater is.

    11 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Who agrees with this statement?

    Who agrees. That Bandwagon hoppers who were once begging for edge to have his title, are saying they want him out?

    1st off, I Respect Taker more than anything in the world, and you dont HAVE to agree with me, but in my opinion, i think Edge is the only guy, who hasnt faced Taker at wm before, who deserves to END the streak. All good things must come to an end. And if Edge ends the streak, dont go overboard, respect the Decision that they made. Thats all i should ask.

    But as this statement comes, who agrees that we should stop hating on Edge for a storyline! The Edge & Vickie thing has calmed down for a while now! Because you people cant stop complaining! Now Edge is a coward, its called a " gimmick ". And even tho u THINK ur hurting him or his fans, ur only making them and us happy. Cuz Edge is doing what he's paid to do. But its same for vickie storyline. Krystal refused and she got FIRED. Its his job!

    So who agrees that whether edge wins WM or not, We Should all Respect his job?

    25 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Just a Trivia, but what do you feel of.. Spoilers!?

    Now i know as well as many of you guys do that spoilers get exciting when it comes to big returns or big matches at a ppv that im sure most of us wouldent wanna have to pay to see.

    But What do u feel on spoilers? Chris Jericho returning was a nice suprise because he is a great Wrestler who is good on the mic. Regardless of the pitiful reaction he isnt that bad. But Do you wish you were suprised? I know i do.

    Than theres The Bet placing and showing off to your friends. Sure, u see a spoiler on the internet, John Cena is gonna win THIS or THAT match. But does that necissarily make it true? Now i know u wont see singled out match spoilers unless its a Wrestlemania or royal rumble match.. But still.

    From experiance ive seen my brother lose 50 dollars for betting that HBK was gonna win last years wrestlemania. But than theres the Smackdown spoilers that only come out on fridays! so u cant bet, so what do u do?

    So my question is, how do feel on Spoilers? Cuz bets make AND break u too

    7 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Im sure many of us have Seen that Hit Fox show, " The Moment of Truth "?

    Where u gotta take a lie detector quiz, answer all of them truthfully, u get 500,000 dollars right? We'll as this Question i wanna know..

    1.If you could choose a WWE Superstar to be on The Moment of Truth, who would it be.

    2.Name 5 Questions you would ask this person

    3. Do you think they would answer truthfully?

    Whoever gives me the best trivias win. Heres who i would choose.

    1st off i would Choose Edge to be on The Moment of truth.

    Than i would ask him.

    1. Do you really love vickie?

    2. Are u scared of the undertaker?

    3. Do you feel that u need vickie, kurt hawkin, zach ryder and chavo guerrero's help to succeed?

    4. Who do u think looks better, vickie or lita?

    5. If noone would find out, would u have an affair with lita behind vickies back?

    And i think That Edge would have no choice but to answer truthfully. It would be so funny seeing the look on his face after He He exposes everything to vickie.

    9 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Bret Hart returns to face _________ in 1 last match?

    My Question is.

    1. Who would the ____ person be?

    2. Would u pay for it if you had to?

    3. If you would, how much would you pay for this match?

    18 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Which Wrestler is most likely to eat a Cheesecake?


    Bobby Lashley

    Scott Steiner

    Ya see, Batista and Bobby Lashley are pretty famous, so i dont doubt that u all know who they are, but if you dont know Scott Steiner, heres a pic.

    Now as you see these athletes, Which is most likely to eat a cheesecake, and hey! Add a side a milk! Its your choice, but looking at these guys, im glad im the Asker.

    Also as a Curiousity Question, Do you think if Big Show works extremely hard, he can have a 6 pack?

    18 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Can you make a list of what 8 wrestlers would never do?

    I made mine

    1. Batista eating a cheesecake

    2. jeff hardy staying sober

    3. Ric Flair making it to wrestlemania 30 in a match

    4. Undertaker and kane in live sex

    5. Edge turning face when moving to TNA

    6. Stone Cold stunnering a Face/ Non billionaire

    7. Matt Hardy and Lita reuniting

    8. Lesnar getting a life

    8 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Why is This finlay/Hornswoggle segment taken so seriously?

    THIS WHOLE THING started it from some dumb illigitamite joke storyline. Now it turned into Bloodying Khali with a steel chair in a Belfast brawl! Now someone could get fired! someday 10 years ago theyre gonna laugh about this whole thing, but they cant use all that drama and emotion for something else? What gives?

    7 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Why do they call ceartain WWE stars " legends " ?

    so if youve worked at McDonalds for 20 years your a " legend"? Or is it because these steroid abusing chumps ( Warrior ) are on TV so much?

    6 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Is anyone even gonna order Against All Odds?

    I mean, TNA lacks too much credibility for their own good, noone is gonna want to buy it and will just order it, especially the ones who have money to order it!

    5 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Isnt it Sad That Chris Jericho needs his Long Hair to get a good Crowd Pop?

    i remember stars like chris jericho, undertaker and even rikishi got good pops. Now Whenever Chris Jericho is around, the crowd is dead. This proves That u can bring back the rock, u can bring back Stone Cold.. but The Attitude Era will always be dead.

    So as a Question, do you think Chris Jericho growing back his hair will make a Difference?

    9 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Why do people Cry about Elijah Burke Jobbing once, when people like Stone Cold has jobbed worse than that!?

    Your burnt golden boy loses 1 match after a dilema of owning several Smackdown Stars in the past, and now you idiots Cry about it? And call me racist all u want cuz i dont give a hoot what u call me now. And now The Worst part is That your hero Cena returns and u hop the bandwagon, i look at some of you and i thought u were Cena haters, but now ur abunch of Hypocrites, just like your poser lovers TNA who claims to ignore WWE, but copies theyre gimmick. Cena fans and Sharkboy fans lead me to 1 common factor, KIDS! Some of you people shouldent even be on Y!A thats how underaged u marks are. When will u people grow up?

    7 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Kurt Angle vs Rob Van Dam, who would win?

    just wondering.

    21 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Why does SOB_128 email me 10 times a week for being an Edgehead?

    Why cant people respect the fact that im the # 1 Edge Head, and have been for over a year. and they will just HAVE to respect me or blow me. And you complain about Cena fans being mistreated, Edge Fans are just as bad with all these 10 year old marks out there! I have better things to do than read E-mails from a little boy or girl complaining about Edge all day! GROW UP!!

    Who agrees with me?

    16 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • ECW = Worth Watching?

    i think i already know the answer to that.

    23 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago