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Who agrees with this statement?

Who agrees. That Bandwagon hoppers who were once begging for edge to have his title, are saying they want him out?

1st off, I Respect Taker more than anything in the world, and you dont HAVE to agree with me, but in my opinion, i think Edge is the only guy, who hasnt faced Taker at wm before, who deserves to END the streak. All good things must come to an end. And if Edge ends the streak, dont go overboard, respect the Decision that they made. Thats all i should ask.

But as this statement comes, who agrees that we should stop hating on Edge for a storyline! The Edge & Vickie thing has calmed down for a while now! Because you people cant stop complaining! Now Edge is a coward, its called a " gimmick ". And even tho u THINK ur hurting him or his fans, ur only making them and us happy. Cuz Edge is doing what he's paid to do. But its same for vickie storyline. Krystal refused and she got FIRED. Its his job!

So who agrees that whether edge wins WM or not, We Should all Respect his job?


You dont get it. Edge is 12 time tag champ, 6 time ic champ, former us champ, former king of the ring, OH and edge has won as many world titles as undertaker has.

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe it was Gary V (that's me) who first called Edge a "coward" on Answers; it seems to have caught on with some of the other users here. So I guess you can thank me (or hate me) for that.

    My opinion has not changed.

    Edge is a heel; heels cheat. I don't have a problem with that. What I DO have a problem with are cowards. Edge is supposed to be a world champion. World Champions do not hide behind a woman; they do not whine, snivel, and cry; they get in the ring and fight. Edge does not. When he can be forced into the ring, every match ends in a run-in, taking 2 or 3 guys to beat Edge's opponent, if the match doesn't end in yet another DQ.

    What went wrong? Edge was a heel before, but he got in the ring and beat his opponents. He doesn't anymore. He whines and cries and has to be forced to get in the ring; and every match ends in a run-in. Why? Is Edge no longer capable of putting on a good match himself? Edge used to be a good wrestler; if he still is, it's far overshadowed by the direction his gimmick has taken.

    You can blame the writers, you can blame Vince McMahon, you can blame Adam Copeland. Doesn't matter. Edge is weak coward and a poor champion.

    Edge should end the Undertaker's streak? No. We're not talking about Edge "pulling a fast one" on some mid-carder on Smackdown. We're talking about a weak coward using yet another run-in to get a cheap "win" over the WWE's biggest star at the biggest show of the year. A show at which the Undertaker has never lost, against bigger and badder opponents than Edge (even when he was a fighting heel).

    If Edge had been a dominating champion (like Batista, Austin, or Triple H) then a win over the Undertaker at Wrestlemania (especially ending the Streak) could be seen as a "passing of the torch". As it stands now, Edge (as his character is now) beating the Undertaker at Wrestlemania and ending the Streak will be seen as an insult to the fans. It will be seen as a pathetic attempt to get cheap heat for Edge. And that would be wrong. Both of them, for their contributions to pro wrestling, deserve better than that.

    Good question, man.

  • 1 decade ago

    LOL..first of all..of course he is not a coward is just his heel gimmick..i would have prefer of course to see a clean pin at some time by him like they allowed Orton lately a few clean wins..

    Otherwise,Edge is a great entertainer and a fantastic heel..he is a good wrestler as well..I am not a fan of Edge but i respect him a ton and if he is about to end Taker's streak i will respect and accept's entertainment after all...

    I agree with everything you said btw DDD...besides the fact that Taker's streak should end..i have said it many times..that it's a huge risk..think about it..whoever beats Taker for that streak gets a lifetime push cause he has done the unthinkbale..something that noone has ever done...

    Although,think if that guy that beats Taker at Mania gets suspended or has a car accident and can't wrestle any longer...the what??

    1)WWE has Taker's streak ended

    2)WWE can't make a profit by the guy that beat him

    3)Even worse the scenario that TNA gives Edge the biggest offer ever and Edge accepts it...

    The risk is huge in that case and i honestly don't believe that WWE will take it any time soon..

    And like i said Edge is great,undefeated as well at Mania..and he is one of the toughest options to be the guy that ends Taker's streak..Although,i don't think it will happen..

    but anyways...we have a bet right?? xD


  • 1 decade ago

    You are 100% right. Edge has only been champ since December. He has yet to have a long reign as World champ or WWE champ. He deserves to hold on to the belt for at least a few more months. I actually wouldn't mind seeing Edge win at WM because he actually could possibly be considered one of the greatest of all time down the road and that could cement his legacy and be like WM 14 was to Stone Cold. He's a very good wrestler and plays his gimmick very well. I'll admit that I'm not to high on the Vickie storyline, but Edge is still a great all around performer and should be respected for actually living up to his nickname as the Ultimate Opportunist. I actually believe that Edge will retain the title at WM.

    Here's how I think it will go down. The referee will get knocked out. The Edgeheads will interfere, but Undertaker will fend them off and hit Edge with a tombstone. A second referee will come to the ring to make the 3 count and declare Taker the winner and new champion. On Smackdown, Vickie and Edge will have the first referee in the ring, and he will declare that Edge was disqualified for the outside interference and hand him the WHC.

    EDIT: To toga_man1, who has Undertaker beat at WM that's better than Edge? Jimmy Snuka way passed his prime? Jake The Snake? Giant Gonzalez? King Kong Bundy? Diesel? Sid? Kane? Big Boss Man? Ric Flair way passed his prime? Big Show & A-Train? Randy Orton early in his career? Mark Henry? Batista? The only person that Undertaker has beat at WM that was in his prime and arguably better than Edge is Triple H. The rest were not even in Edge's league at the time they lost to Taker.

  • 1 decade ago

    Edge is the best. I hate that they are gonna give the title to that old man. F Respect! I'm sick of him, he has pork chop breast now and looks like crap. He cant even wrestle anymore and he fights like once a month, How can they give him the belt.

    What they should do is make Edge get disqualified and keep the belt and Taker keeps his undefeated streak. It would be good for the storyline too because Edge is sneaky like that.

    Its time for Takers character and gimmick to R.I.P

    And its true about the Krystal thing. She got fired because she would not do her job. That's pathetic that she would not do the Edge angle I have no respect for her or Lashly. Its called acting.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I Agree With You.taker's Streak Should Be Ended By Edge.He is The Best heel right Now in WWE.his Title Reign Should Be extended.

    I respect Edge's Work & passion For wrestling.But Some silly Fans Dont Get it.

    Rated R Superstar Brings Ratings To WWE.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have mixed emotions on this subject.

    With all respect to The Undertaker, Edge winning would be a great thing. He would do what 15 other people failed to; beat The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. He would get massive heel heat, and eventually become the best heel of all time. Edge deserves it as much as anyone.

    BUT with all respect to Edge, 'Taker deserves to remain undefeated. He is a legend in the business. He doesn't have anything to be remembered by but the streak, and ending it would suck for his fans.

    In the end, I think The Undertaker deserves to remain undefeated, but if Edge does beat him its better than someone like Batista or a no named rookie.

  • 1 decade ago

    Okay dude I totally respect the fact that Edge is a wrestler and what happens in the WWE stays there and shouldn't interfere with real lives but then again some people don't know the difference between fiction (storylines) and non-fiction (real lives), but you know give them haters a chance to wind down and they'll get over it. The whole WM deal has been a big controversey and personally I like Taker and Edge but I would like to see how things would end up if Edge really killed Taker's winning streak and win at WM. In order to respect the WWE, you gotta respect their choices and their wrestlers and hey if Edge wins he wins and if Taker loses he loses but that'll just mean there's gonna be a bigger disaster (in a good way) at Backlash :)

  • Tina
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    1-. Kurt Angle is the best wrestler today. - Agree 2-. Ric Flair was the greatest of all the times. - Agree, Woooo 3-. Antonio Inoki was the best Japanese wrestler ever. -Agree 4-. The Great Owen Hart was a victim of Monday Night Wars. - Disagree 5-. Eric Bischoff was the best general manager in RAW history. - Agree 6-. Chris Jericho deserve a better opponent then Mickey Rourke. - Agree 7-. Hulk hogan defeating Iron Sheik was the death of Pro wrestling. - Agree 8-. Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 25 will never be as charismatic as Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior match at Wrestlemania 6? - Disagree BQ- Agree

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree 100%! We should respect what he does I have seen a lot of marks calling him a cheater,wishing death,coward & such in such. I for one hope edge ends the streak because edge is a great wrestler & person & taker is overrated.

  • i respect edge's job, i think he's a great athelete and a great wrestler to be honest. he won't end undertaker's streak, i can promise you that, nobody will ever break that streak. and as for the edge and vickie thing, the storyline in my view was wrong, vickie and edge could have had different roles rather than snogging infront of the world, and both could still have got paid. that's my view on it.

  • 1 decade ago

    i believe the edge/vicky storline is there to show when he loses the title, he will beat her or get rid of her, spawning a fued with chavo or rey mysterio or something along the lines. he got with her for the title, when the title is gone, so is vickie. btw undertaker might win by dq at wrestlemania, but have to wait a couple of ppv's for the belt, and still be 16-0. ever think about that???

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