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I am a 30ish female who has worked with animals in some capacity or another through most of the years of my life. I am a pacifist and a realist who has a thirst for knowledge and who loves nothing better than good intellectual disscussion cut ever so well with good humor.

  • I need help fast. I have a 2yr old cat that is 2.2 lbs and is deteriorating rapidly.?

    She is a rescue that lived in a cage for several months with inadequate food and an infected tail. The tail has been amputated and living conditions are, of course, vastly improved but she is in a rapid state of decline. At first she was just slightly unstable on her feet and had a slight head tremor. That has now progressed to the point of being unable to walk more than a couple of steps without falling over onto her side. She remains very bright and aware but is coming to the point where she is finding it hard to get to the food or water and she hasn't been able to keep her feet for the litter box in 12 hours. She has been treated with both Clindamycin and Doxy thus far but neither have had any impact or slowed her decline.

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Should I get my son rosary beads for christmas?

    I am a heathen and my husband is a non-practicing christian. My son is 16yrs old and as a little boy he was exposed mainly to the evangelical faith. He has just lately been attending Wednesday services with his girlfriend at a Episcopal church. On his christmas list for this year he has included a rosary. I have no problem with it though I must admit that I am a little confused as that is so catholic and has nothing to do with the religion that he is now investigating.

    Here is my conundrum... I have no problems with my son investigating any and all religions in his quest to find himself and what centers him spiritually in his universe. My husband claims to feel the same BUT whenever my son looks at any faiths or paths my husband isn't comfortable with he throws up what I feel are roadblocks. For example when my son went through his phase of looking into rune lore my husband damn near had a melt down and he is against getting the boy a rosary.

    I am really cautious not to spread my disdain for organized religion onto my son and am always supportive of him investigating anything that intrigues him and I feel that my husband either needs to stop being lukewarm in his faith and guide by example or get out of the way?

    What do you think? Should we let the boy have the beads? If not... what reason should we give for our refusal?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A dog with no sense of smell?

    I have a fabulous chocolate Pit Bull who is almost 8ms. old and is every bit as bright and devoted as his breed is prone to be. But I have noticed that he seems to have almost no sense of smell! At first I thought that it was just the lack of focus attributed to being a puppy but as time has gone on I am convinced that my initial thoughts are correct. He is almost OCD when it comes to playing fetch but time and time again if he doesn't see exactly where the ball falls when I chuck it he has a very hard time finding it even if he passes it by no more than a foot or two. He doesn't actually find it until he finally runs into by systematically sweeping the ground and coming upon it by sheer determination and Pit Bull Headiness.

    Has anyone ever heard of a dog like this? Is there any way to help to "increase" his sense of smell? Frankly, as he is never going to be search and rescue or drug detection, I really don't mind a weak sense of smell... but as it seems to frustrate him so badly sometimes I would like to lend him a hand if there is any way to do so.

    Thanks guys!


    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Why would you want to breed your dog "just because"?

    I have a stellar "Bull Terrier b**ch that will be bred after she is two years and has passed all of her health checks. She will be bred to a Ch. male that I will have to fly her several miles away to get with. Right now she is in her first heat. As I am struggling through the whole nasty process I just can not fathom why so many people that own wonderful yet mediocre dogs insist on living through heat cycles to breed them! With the cost and the care and the MESS... not to mention the chaos and the stress. Why would anyone do this?

    As if the blood and the constant policing (not even allowing her into the backyard off of a leash) to prevent any possibility of an "accident" occuring I now have a pack of 3 male dogs camped out in my front yard just praying for a housefire or any other moment of distraction to jump in and ruin my girl!

    I live for my breed and love the outcome of what I do... but it just blows my mind why Mr. and Mrs whomever would put themselves through it all!

    17 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Would you like a smile?

    The other day I was answering a question about anthropomorphism "giving human traits to dogs or other pets" and if it were a negative thing.

    I found it kind of ironic that I came across this the very next day. I just had to share. No matter what side of the fence that you sit on as far as the subject goes, if you love dogs, this is still too darn cute!



    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Will you help?

    Something horrible has happened here in TN. I am asking anyone that has the time and inclination to PLEASE make a phonecall. This can NOT go unpunished!

    I thankyou in advance for your help and support.

    The question again is: Will you help?

    When Antoine Draper sent his two year old pit bull, MiMi, to live with his brother for a while, he said it was like parting with one of his kids. "From a puppy I fed her with a bottle. From the time she was born," Draper said.

    Just days before Christmas, Antoine Draper received a phone call that made him sick to his stomach - someone had set Mimi on fire while she was giving birth to puppies. The dog was still burning when Draper got there and he said he knows who did it.

    Mr. Draper filed a police report and brought witnesses with him, but to this day, Mimi's killer - his brother's ex-girlfriend - is still free. Mimi's remains are still in the yard. (left for evidence).

    Contact info to follow:

    19 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Would you like ot see my "Zoo"?

    I have been playing around with different photo and film sites because I am hoping to learn how to make a youtube video to fisht BSL from the Bull Terrier stand point. I am not there yet. It

    seems that my 14 yr old son has a better grip on this sort ot thing than I do so he has promised to help teach me. Very humbling experience BTW.

    BUT in the meantime I was fooling around and made a slide show of sorts with photbucket and I thought that I would share it with yall.

    Here it is. Hold the applause though it may be difficult in the face of such overwhelming photo prowess! HAHAHA!



    13 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Should I get a puppy mill Pekepom!?

    Just kidding. I just knew that would get the attention of the people that I want to see my question. Please forgive!

    Here goes....

    There are people in here all of the time asking what type of dog they should get. Well I feel a little left out. I would like for yall to pick a breed for me based on my needs. I have no plans of getting a dog anytime in the near future and I am not asking and planning on getting a dog based on the results. I just felt that it would be interesting to see what you think. I have come to respect many of you and I am eager to see your answers!

    About me: I am in my 30's and have a medium to low activity level. My dogs are well exercised but you will not find me jogging or on a bike path! I am very experienced in canines having trained dogs for many years. I currently work from my home though if I were to return to the workforce a dog would be allowed to come with me. I am a stickler for obedience and I expect a dog to be of a type to want to please me more

    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I would like your opinion!?

    Sense when did it become wrong to correct your dog and be the leader in your home rather than the subservient, groveling nursemaid? I feel that I have a very good loving and bonded relationship with my dogs (they sleep in my bed and eat the best money can buy and we have the Vet on speed dial… not to mention that he has my credit cards on file!) but they get corrected regularly and if the ever growled, or heaven forbid, snapped at a child I would grab them up by the scruff and shake them until their canines rattled!

    Does anyone else around here feel that perhaps the reason that the number of dog bite cases (all breeds) inches up every year is because of all of this sappy, I don’t want to hurt Mr. Widdles and make him not love me anymore, line of thinking that is getting more and more commonplace?


    25 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Please give me your opinion?

    on which one of these based on the ingredients list would be healthier for a ferret. As some of you know I am facing an animal first for me in the form of a ferret that my daughter surrendered to me at Christmas. It is so much like that animals that I know so well (cat, raccoon, opossum) but so very alien that I feel that I might as well know nothing at all. I helped the vet with them a hundred times but as far as gaining the information that I needed to know to live with one and keep it happier and healthier than the clientele...I am afraid that I was asleep at the wheel!

    So here I am at the nutrition phase of the battle and I am alarmed at the lack of information available on the web when compared to the endless stream of knowledge on the subject when it comes to dogs, cats, and birds.

    So here are a couple. One is a ferret food and the other a cat food. But I need opinions based on nothing more than the ingredients!

    Thanks to everyone in advance!


    4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Tell me about ferrets!?

    Sorry that I have been gone a few days. Sometimes I get locked out of Y!Answers for resons that we cannot figure out. No... no violations. I just seem to get killed at the server. Go figure. So, I want to thank everyone that answered my last question about Bull Terriers! It really was appreciated. I just wish that I had got to choose best answer instead of it going to a vote. :(

    ANYWAY... On to the question at hand!

    On Christmas I was awarded cutody of a cute little ferret via my adult daughter that had gotten in over her head. It is a very sweet little beasty but for all of my animal experience I must say that this is an animal that I know very little about outside of the several health problems that they seem prone to.

    What I would like to know is:

    What should I feed? It came with cat food and I knew that this was wrong and I went and bought Marshals ferret food. I this ok?

    How often can I give him a bath?

    What are the best tips for keeping the odor at bay?

    More comming...

    7 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • What do you know about MY breed?

    I am wondering what my friends (and my Trolls) here at Y! Answers knows about my breed the Bull Terrier. I will be doing a video soon and would love to hear from everyone just to get a feel for what people know.. or don't know about this marvelous breed of dog.

    I would also LOVE any stories or pictures that you would like to share.

    I love the Pits and the Staffs and we debate about them here often but I never get to hear about the Bullies!

    I can't wait to hear from yall!


    17 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Can someone educate me please?

    I feel that I am fairly educated but I will never close my mind to further knowledge as long as it is backed by Evidence.

    Can anyone here give me solid facts backed up with links to medical reports to support the theory that waiting at least 6 months for spay/neuter is healthier on dogs and cats?

    I would also welcome any and all medical reports showing the dangers of pediatric spay/neuter.

    Conjecture is a fine thing... but I want proof via scientific studies.

    Good Luck Guys...

    Bash me with the truth until my blinded eyes can see!


    7 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Where do horses and parrots go?

    I have shared my home with parrots for many years and once in my younger years I was a manager of a carriage company. Needless to say I have been around many parrot people though not many private horse owners other than those I just happen to bump into in casual conversation.

    My question stems from this:

    I have met too many people over the years... too many people to count... that tell me that they used to have a horse when they were a kid or that they once had a (name a kind of parrot).

    Where are they now? Where did they go. I am sure that many of the birds died as they are easy to kill with improper care... but what of the horses?

    Where are all of the childhood horses and the ponies that the kids outgrow?

    I am not implying anything here as I honestly don't know. I have assumptions but I don't like them so I thought I would just come out and ask.

    Educate me please!


    9 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Why do so many continue to insist on hate?

    Why do so many people continue to insist on hating certain animals rather than educting themselves and fighting the real villans in this world. Is it just easier to hate a dog than it is to actually come up with ways to change the people on the other side of the leash. I guess it is... but where is the gratification in that. Does it make anyone feel better to have a breed of dog irradicated rather than to educate and take a stand against cruelty? Does it really make anyone feel intellegent to be led around by the media rather than dig for the truth? Isn't there times when the harder road is more gratifying than the well worn path?

    I was just working on my BSL page and thought that I should share my thoughts and questions with you (mostly) good people as well.


    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • If you were in the pound. What kind of dog would you be. Would you get adopted?

    OK guys... there is no reason for this question. Just a brain fart that I had.

    Think hard and answer truthfully.

    The best answer that answers all parts gets the points!!!

    You are a dog and you are in the pound.

    What kind of dog are you?

    Why are you there?

    Do you think that you would get adopted?

    Why or why not?

    What traits do you have that make you a good good canidate for adoption and which ones get you closer to being put to sleep?

    Pick your breed if you like but this may take more soul searching than that.

    Good Luck Everyone!


    36 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I just HAVE to know. Soapbox inquisition.?

    Please excuse me while I hop onto the soapbox for a few minutes here. But there are things that I just really don’t understand here in Answers.

    Why do so many people post questions here when they know that they are not going to get the help that they are asking for? No, no… I am not saying that there are not thousands of people here that don’t want to help! No, the ones that I am talking about are the ones that ask the questions that we are not qualified or willing to help with. Such as my dog is dying and I can’t/won’t take it to a vet. Tell me how to “fix” it or it is going to die. No semi-intelligent person on this site or any other is going to take up that flag and try to fix a strangers animal on sketchy information and without a medical degree. I am a vet tech… but I am talking Medical license here such as DMV. Not even a VET is going to give diagnoses and treatment over the net. What gets to me more is that a lot of the people that post these questions are not necessarily new to this site. Are they all just out to get the fur up on people that care or are some of them actually thinking that they have a chance of getting an on-line miracle cure?

    And another thing: Why do many of the people ask for advice and then get angry or even belligerent when they don’t like the advice given to them. When you go and ask a virtual encyclopedia of strangers for advice and a vast majority are telling you the same thing again and again… shouldn’t that be a clue that the advice just may have some merit to it? And why even ask if you have your mind made up anyway? Why waste your time or anyone else’s? I really like Answers and I have met some really good, intelligent people here but sometimes, quite frankly, my legs get tired from wading through the idiots to get to them.

    Everyone needs help from time to time. I am just concerned that those people stand a chance of getting lost amidst all of the people that just really don’t care and post for reasons that I can’t figure out.

    Ok… Someone else can have the soap box for a bit. I am really not sure if anyone has answers for me on this one but if you do I would LOVE to hear it.


    9 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Do you or anyone you know share their life with an owl?

    I am hoping to make contact with anyone else out there that shares there life with an owl(s).

    The beat of my heart is a Barred Owl named Ty.

    I hold a federal permit to have this bird so don't chide me with the legal issues.

    It is not my place to worry about if you have a permit or not. That is between you and John Law. I just want to meet any and everyone that may also be blessed with sharing their souls with one of these amazing creatures.

    I can't wait to hear from you!


    3 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • What Temp is to cold for Canaries?

    What is the lowest Temperature that a canary can live at if it is housed outside year around. Only people that have outdoor birds and know if you please.

    2 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else here live with an owl?

    I already asked this in birds but I though that perhaps I would broaden my chances by asking in here as well!

    13 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago