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The Deity of Debauchery
Is it a bad idea to dual wield a sword and an ax in Skyrim?
I'm starting to dual wield and I already know that 2 swords is supposed to go faster than two axes when you dual wield, but axes are stronger. So I thought to combine the two to increase the speed of the ax and to have more damage. Is it better to go with two axes or two swords instead, or is my combination fine?
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoCan someone help me with my Pokemon team?
I have a 6 Pokemon team, but I want to get rid of my Magnezone because it's getting pwned by things it should be beating. I got it because it had high special attack and high defense and a bunch of resistances, but now I don't know. I was thinking of getting Porygon2 because it has decent special defense and defense and good special attack but I don't know. Any advice? Here's my current team if it helps
Magnezone(the fail -.-)
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoCan someone help me with my Pokemon team?
Alright so I have a 6 Pokemon team right now, but I'm starting to have major doubts about one of them my Magnezone. What should I replace it with? I go him because he had high special attack a nice defense and decent special defense and few weaknesses, but it continues to get pwned by things it should be beating so what should I replace it with. If it helps here are the other members of my team.
Magnezone(The fail -.-)
7 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agoI need some advice about a girl?
So there's this girl and I think she's cute and smart and I want to get to know her and hopefully it'll lead to something but I don't know what I should do. I sent her an anonymous gift of a stuffed animal and flower to her on Valentine's Day and I was thinking of telling her it was me but I'm not sure now. Suggestions?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoDoes anyone know where to get TM 08 in Pokemon Pearl?
I've already Googled it and apparently I'm the only idiot that has asked where this thing is. The TM has Bulk Up in it so if you can tell me what guy has it or what shop has it that would be great thanks.
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoHeart scale in Pearl?
I absolutely can't find one in the Underground does anyone have any tips for me? I mean come on I found an armor fossil before that! I need help! D:
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoWhy can't I hatch a male Bagon?
I've tried to breed my male Garaydos with a female Shelgon and Salamence SO MANY times!. I want a male 1 to teach is Dragon Claw without wasting my TM and I want it to know Thrash and Dragon Rage(from the Garaydos mentioned above) What's going on? Why can't I get a male?
6 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoSerious Pokemon help!!!!!!?
I've read so much about EV training and I still don't get it! I wanna train my Wynautt(and evolve it) and I want it to be real good so I thought EV training would help. I don't know how to EV train though! How do I do it for health and Defense? Are these the EV's best for Wobuffet? What moves are best for him annnnd can I EV train within the confines of JUST the Pokemon Ruby game? Help is very much appreciated(:!
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoDoes the crowd have an affect on the wrestling match?
I will be the first to say that it does for me. I hate watching a match if the crowd is dead. Maybe it's because silence in general annoys me but a silent match is annoying. Plus I have to hear the wrestlers grunts and groans in like 10xs the volume which also annoys me. When a crowd is loud ans pumped up like at Mania I feel like it adds to the match a little.
So does the crowd have an affect on how you view a match?
BQ- Do you like this ECW Diva's night thing?
13 AnswersWrestling1 decade agoName me a 5 star match where there wasn't a superplex or a superplex counter?
Ok this is basically my wrestling day. I've been watching videos of matches all day. I've noticed something like nearly all of the 5 star matches or legendary matches had either a superplex, a superplex counter, or the wrestlers battled on top of the turnbuckle.
Now tell me a 5 star match, or a fantastic match where there wasn't a surperplex, or battle on the turnbuckle.
WQ2- Since I highly doubt that people will find one, which current main eventer in the WWE dislikes his current gimmick.
7 AnswersWrestling1 decade agoStars holding themselves back?
I hate when a star has the talent, yet they are holding themselves back. I'll give you an example. TBK was getting a shocking push, he even got a pinfall at the Scramble match last year, thus making him unofficial champ. It seems that he was going to the top which is great because this would be another example of small guys getting a chane in WWE. But what does he do? He smokes pot even though he knows it's against WWE rules. He's not getting the push he deserves and he's got nobody to blame but himself.
WQ- So can you name some other stars that are holding themselves back by the way they act?
WQ2- Which was the star with the most potential ever that was holding themselves back?
9 AnswersWrestling1 decade agoWould The Rock accept a Hall of Fame induction offer?
We know that he is trying to distance himself from wrestling, but do you think he would pass up the offer of being inducted into the Hall of Fame? What's your opinion on that. Would he pass it up, and how would you feel if he passed it up?
12 AnswersWrestling1 decade agoWho should we really blame creative, Vince, stars, or Kane?
We all love Kane. We want to see him dominate, destroy, and some other negative D-word like he did in the 90's. Now we all know he has been with the WWE for a while and all he has received is several tag titles, two IC titles, an ECW title, and a one day WWE titles reign. Now the big question is, whose fault is it really? First we have creative. Come on, even creative wouldn't be dumb enough to drop the ball on Kane. Next is Vince. Kane is on Vince's good side so it can't be him. What about other stars? Nope Kane is a veteran and so would probably have some backstage influence. SO who does hold Kane back? I believe we all know that Glen Jacobs likes to put over the young stars so I think it's his fault Kane doesn't get titles. I mean he goes about putting stars over the wrong way. You've got to look really dominant to put them over like HHH does; maybe not entirely, but you get what I mean.
So who do you think holds Kane back?
12 AnswersWrestling1 decade agoDo you think Vince has affected the IWC's thinking?
I see on boards like this and different forums that Vince's vision of a champ has affected what we see a champ is. I mean most of his thinking I'm certain some of us are ok with smaller champs, I know I am. I have seen some people felt Rey was too small to be champ. His victories didn't make any sense. He doesn't deserve to be in the World title division because he is small. That's Vince thinking. So do you think Vince affects the IWC's thinking? If he does then where does this show up?
OQ(Optional Question)- Rate me as a user.
5 AnswersWrestling1 decade agoIs there no turning back for Jericho?
Can Jericho really return to being a face? I mean look at what he's doing to legends. I have a feeling if he were to try to turn face he would still be booed. Even if WWE tries that whole sheep mind wipe thing fans can't forget what Y2J did.
BQ- *Spoiler**Spoiler**Spoiler*Spoiler**Spoiler** If you haven't looked away by now it's not my fault you read this.
Do you like the fact that some big men are in MITB? Kane and Mark Henry.
*Spoiler ends*
3 AnswersWrestling1 decade agoWould this stable work?
It would include:
Finlay(without Hornswoggle)
Paul Burchil(Ripper gimmick)
DJ Gabriel(with a gimmick change)
Katie Lea Burchil
Sheamus O Shaunessy(SOS is a FCW superstar really talented. Pale as f*ck)
Leader: William Regal
Name: The Kingdom. It's a stable full of wrestlers from the United Kingdom(Except SOS who is from Ireland, but we can lie about that.)
7 AnswersWrestling1 decade agoWould this stable work?
It would include:
Finlay(without Swoggle)
Paul Burchil(Ripper gimmick)
DJ Gabriel(with a gimmick change)
Katie Lea Burchil
Sheamus O Shaunessy(SOS is a FCW superstar really talented. Pale as f*ck)
Leader: William Regal
Name: The Kingdom. It's a stable full of wrestlers from the United Kingdom(Except SOS who is from Ireland, but we can lie about that.)
6 AnswersWrestling1 decade agoShould Kong be pushed out lets try this again?
It's Raw time and hopefully I can get some good answers. I am so tired of seeing Kong dominate the Knockouts division. She is a legitimate contender to any male wrestler. I feel she should get into either the tag team division, X-Division, or even the Heavyweight's division. I myself feel she could be any of the champs in any division including the holding the World title. So what do you think? Do you think she should leave the Knockout's division? Which division should she go to?
BQ- If Kong were to win any male title would she bring down the prestige?
2 AnswersWrestling1 decade agoShould Kong be pushed out?
It's Raw time and hopefully I can get some good answers. I am so tired of seeing Kong dominate the Knockouts division. She is a legitimate contender to any male wrestler. I feel she should get into either the tag team division, X-Division, or even the Heavyweight's division. I myself feel she could be any of the champs in any division including the holding the World title. So what do you think? Do you think she should leave the Knockout's division? Which division should she go to?
BQ- If Kong were to win any male title would she bring down the prestige?
5 AnswersWrestling1 decade agoWhat is storytelling in a match?
Excuse my ignorance, but I never understood when somebody says that Ric Flair was a great story teller. Or that a match has to tell a story. Can someone tell what is telling a story in a match is and while your at it tell me what in ring presence is.
7 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago