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Favorite Answers19%
  • How do you determine if you're agender?

    Forgive my ignorance. I've Googled agender, and I've read many times that an agender person identifies as neither gender. But what really makes you agender? I accept the fact that I am physically female (I always choose "female" for questions that ask my gender), and that's how I was born, but I don't always feel I am female mentally. I often wish I would have been born male, but it's not a terribly distressful idea. To clarify, I am content with my body, and I wouldn't get a sex change or anything, but I do feel like I should have been born male. It's not something I lose sleep over, so to speak, but "agender" has been coming to my mind frequently lately, and I just want to know if this sounds like being agender, or if I am just, to be frank, making a big deal out of nothing. Any ideas or advice? Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance. :)


    1 AnswerGender Studies7 years ago
  • Who's on the back of this wallet (Egyptian)?

    Could you tell me, left to right, who is on the back of this wallet? Thanks in advance! :D


    2 AnswersMythology & Folklore8 years ago
  • Some gift ideas for a Spelling Bee teacher?

    I'm starting my last year of high school next month. I was in our regional spelling bee from 5th to 8th grade (those are the only grades that can participate where I live). Since 9th grade, I've been a mentor to the children in the spelling bee, helping them and Mrs. Bronk, the spelling bee coach of our school for the past six years. I've been with Mrs. Bronk since 6th grade, and I want to get her something nice at the end of the year to thank her for all she's done for me. Any ideas? I'm terrible at getting gifts. ._. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks. :D


    PS- Sorry, I had absolutely no idea what category this would fall under... XD

    1 AnswerTeaching8 years ago
  • Is online college after high school a bad idea?

    I'm starting my senior year of high school next month, and I really need to start deciding on colleges (or universities) and what I plan to do after I graduate. I obviously want to have a degree; I'm planning on getting a Master's or higher in whatever major I choose (I'm most likely going major in Psychology or Biology; I've been considering a double major, as well). The only thing is, I don't like the idea of college life. Is online college a bad idea for a lower degree? I'm quite ignorant in this area, so if anyone could help me out, I'd really appreciate it. I realize I'll likely end up enrolling in an actual university, especially for the higher degrees, but online college is much more appealing to me.

    If it helps:

    - I do very well in all my classes now (I'm third in my class, if that gives any perspective), and very rarely need any assistance or tutoring.

    - My average is an A+, and my GPA is 3.99.

    - My SAT score is 1780 (570 in Math, 590 in Critical Reading, and 620 in Writing).

    - I haven't taken the ACT yet. I'm taking it and the SAT Subject Tests (Biology, History, and one other I haven't decided yet) the first date I can this year. I'm also going to retake the SAT.

    - I don't like being around people, and I'm not involved in much in school now.

    Thanks for any help. Ten points to the best, as always.


  • Where can I watch the original Japanese episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh! online?

    I've recently found I love season 0, which has not been dubbed over in English (at least, not that I know of). So, is there somewhere I can watch the original Yu-Gi-Oh! episodes with English subtitles (I don't speak Japanese, but I like the show)? By original, I mean non-4Kids, non-English. TIA!


    1 AnswerComics & Animation8 years ago
  • Do semicolons belong in these two sentences?

    I wrote an essay for my English class discussing my three best memories of 2012 and what I hope will happen in 2013. When I got it back, my teacher replaced the punctuation in two of my sentences with semicolons. She claims they're correct now, but don't semicolons join two independent clauses? The two sentences below are the ones she "fixed" in my essay.

    ~ The three most important days of 2012; the day I received my permit, the day I was first employed, and the day Tabitha and I spent at Dorney Park, will lead me to three equally exciting opportunities in 2013: obtaining my license, finding a second job, and visiting Dorney several times during the summer.

    ~ I had anticipated the arrival of my sixteenth birthday for several years; not because I could finally have a huge party, but because being sixteen meant I could finally get my permit, and later my license.

    That's how she says they should be. Is she right? If so, why?

    *Let me just note that I am definitely a "Grammar Nazi," and that I love language. Semicolons are my favorite; I absolutely love them. Are they used correctly in those two sentences?



    1 AnswerLanguages8 years ago
  • Your opinion on this situation (religion in school)?

    At my school every year, juniors and seniors attend a Veterans' Day ceremony. This is a great idea, and though it was really depressing, I thought it was wonderful. But there's one thing that I questioned. Separation of church and state says religion should not be taught in schools, correct? It's pretty much frowned upon to even speak of religion (in classes, anyway). During the ceremony, our music teacher (who is also a minister) stood on stage and read a passage from the Bible. Is it just me, or is that wrong? I whispered, "He should not be doing that." to one of my good friends, who was sitting next to me (coincidentally, who also does not believe in the Christian/Catholic God) and I saw a few people in front of me turn and look at me fairly angrily (not because I was whispering, but because of what I said). Was it wrong for him to read that? In a public school? Just curious to see the opinions of people who know what they're talking about...

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • My dog is constantly coughing and sneezing...?

    I have a twelve-year-old Dachshund. Normally, she's running around perfectly fine, but lately she's been acting weird. I don't know whats wrong, but she's coughing and sneezing very frequently (every five minutes, if that), she's been throwing up occasionally (not nearly as much as she sneezes, though). Besides this, she hasn't been listening to me lately. She doesn't always come when I call her anymore (she used to run to me immediately); She takes over ten minutes to get down the stairs, which is more than usual, and she doesn't seem to want to come out of the cage in which she sleeps. She just won't listen to me...She's also been going upstairs constantly and jumping on the furniture, which she normally wouldn't do, and she disregards me when I tell her to come down. She's also been whining and barking a lot more when I put her in her cage (not her "bed cage"). I know she needs to get to a vet, but I can't do anything until I have my license in a few months and my mom just doesn't seem to care. I'm going to stop giving her table food and make sure she always has water, but does anyone have any other suggestions on what I can do? TIA!


    Oh, she sleeps with my brother and me in the air conditioning every night. Could this be harming her?

    Dogs9 years ago
  • Father's Day gift ideas...?

    I can never think of something to get him... He likes the NY Giants and golfing. He likes weapons, too, but he has so many I want to get him something else. Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersOther - Holidays9 years ago
  • How can you tell if a dog (specifically a husky) is albino?

    Besides having white fur, that is. Can these dogs have blue eyes? Or is it even possible to distinguish without some professional expertise? I ask because I have a pure white husky with light blue eyes and I've always wondered how people determined white dogs from albino dogs. 10 points as always. TIA!


    11 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Will putting hand sanitizer in your vagina affect your period?

    I know it sounds dumb, but this is serious. I've had my period for about 5 days now. Yesterday, I accidentally managed to spill some hand sanitizer and it got into my vagina (I have no idea how...). Anyway, it burned pretty badly and I washed out the area as soon as I felt the burn. But I noticed I haven't bled much since then (very little, actually). I was wondering if the hand sanitizer would affect my blood flow? I know it is not good to put the hand sanitizer down there; I have never intentionally done it and will hopefully never do it again. This has me really worried... are there long term effects, or am I just overreacting? Seeing a doctor is not really an option at the moment... any help is appreciated. THANKS!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • A few questions about job interviews...?

    I turned 16 yesterday and I've already begun applying for jobs. So, I have a few questions:

    1. I'm applying for multiple jobs online on the same day. Say I get the interview for Kmart before one for Redner's or Rite Aid. If I have the interview and get the job for Kmart before the other two respond to my applications, and the other companies call me as well, what would I tell them?

    2. Say Kmart and Redner's both call and I schedule an interview. Say Kmart's is for the 10th and Redner's is for the 13th. If I go on the 10th and get the job, what should I do about the interview on the 13th?

    3. If, after an interview while waiting for a call to say if I got the job, another company calls to offer me an interview, what should I do/tell them?

    4. Should I apply for multiple jobs at once? Or wait to hear from one company before applying for another?

    Thanks in advance to any help. I'm completely ignorant of the job application process.... 10 points to the best, as always!


    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • What could I name an essay about successfully achieving a dream?

    Specifically the American Dream, but any names will help. TIA!


    7 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • Is it good to use questions in an essay?

    Rhetorical questions, that is. Is it good to use them to prove a point? For example,I'm writing an essay on Of Mice and Men. I'm trying to prove that George wanted to be rid of Lennie all along (you don't need to know the story to answer this, though...) At one point, George says, "...seems like I can't go away for a minute." meaning every time he leaves Lennie alone, he causes trouble. Well, he does leave Lennie alone. And of course he causes trouble. would this be good to use in the essay: "If George knew he couldn't trust Lennie alone, why would he have left him?" Something liike that anyway.... Is this effective in persuasive essays, or will it hurt me? TIA!!!

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • WM 28: Who is the Best in the World?

    Basically, who are you routing for: CM Punk or Chris Jericho?

    I'm going for Punk, even though Jeff Hardy is clearly the best wrestler in the world...

    GO PUNK!


    4 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • Would this make a convincing essay...?

    I'm writing a literary analysis on John Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men." The American Dream is obviously a central theme in the story, but it seems to me that George has a much darker dream than most people would think. In my opinion, George's true dream is to be rid of Lennie. This way he could hold a job and live as he pleases, alone and with no worries. I need 3 points to support this, and 3 examples to support each of those points. Here's what I have:

    1. He constantly says he'd be better off without him.

    -I have quotes proving this point.

    2. He kills him.

    - His lack of emotion after he shoots.

    - The fact that he actually does kill him.


    3. He leaves him alone.

    - At one point he says he can't be away for a minute without Lennie causing trouble. If this is the case, why we he leave him alone?

    - Because of the last statement, he would figure something bad would happen if he left. This would give him a reason to harm Lennie.

    - After saying that Curley's wife was going to cause "a mess," he leaves Lennie. He knows about what happened in Weed, so why would he take the chance of it happening again?

    4. His frustration with Lennie.

    - He's tired of having to move on and not being able to keep a job because of Lennie.

    - He's tired of getting in trouble and taking the heat for Lennie.

    - Lennie is clearly a hindrance to him.

    Overall, it seems that Lennie is nothing more than a burden to George, and that George realizes he doesn't want to deal with it. He maintains a compassionate personality, but is this just an illusion? Any help/thoughts/opinions are greatly appreciated; sorry it's so long. TIA!!!!!!


    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • What are some good Of Mice and Men essay topics?

    Aside from the American Dream, oppression, whether the ending actions of the story are justifiable, and the friendship between George & Lennie?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago