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  • Can you guess where I live?

    Here's a picture I took while walking the other day.

    Guess which state. First to guess correctly gets best answer

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • I need a suggestion, please?

    Long story short:

    I've been robbed a couple times, ever since my "brother" (he manipulated my mother into letting him move in, now he's a nuisance) moved in. Come to find out, HE'S the one who's been stealing from me. My neighbor told me how he tried to sell her MY TV, and other things that belong to me.

    I'm the only one working/paying the bills, and he's just a freeloader. Needless to say: I'm pissed.

    When I found out about it, we called the police to make a report, and told the officer about what we had just found out about my "brother". The officer asked my "brother" if he knew anything, and he told him, "Uhhh maybe the door was unlocked." The officer obviously knew that was B.S., but there was no arrest made.

    My "brother" has a history of robbery/shoplifting (we had no idea until a few weeks ago).

    My question is: can I kick his @ss? Or is there another option?

    We can't kick him out because the landlord told us only HE can remove himself from the lease. So, we're stuck with him until he wants to leave.


    How can I deal with a freeloading thief? I'm open to suggestions.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Would you buy this bullcrap story?

    I come home from work today to find my TV, XBOX, games, guitar, amp, DVD's, etc. missing. So, naturally, I'm pissed off.

    My shift is 8 hours long. My stuff was stolen during that time frame. Note: it was ONLY my stuff. Nobody else's was taken. [Bullcrap Level 1].

    Both my mother and "brother" were home all day. They claim they didn't hear/see anyone walk through the front door (bypassing a stereo and DVD players), go straight into my room, unhook my electronics, grab my guitar from off the wall (all of which makes a lot of noise), then leave (taking about 50 pounds of sh!t), close my door, and walk out. Nope, nobody heard or saw ANYTHING. [Bullcrap Level 2.]

    "Wait! Maybe I left the door unlocked by accident..." [Bullcrap Level 3.]

    So, we have a low-life stealing SPECIFICALLY from the ONLY worker in a household. And it just so happens that nobody else's TV or stereo is good enough to be stolen. AND this individual knows my work schedule.

    My mother is known to lie, and is easily manipulated by my "brother" and others.

    My "brother" is not blood related. In fact, we're trying to get rid of him. He's a known shoplifter and (I just recently found out) thief. I have no proof that he's behind this.

    So... am I wrong to call bullcrap on their story? What do you think?

    Sidenote: I'm extremely pissed off, and also just needed to vent a little.

    Thank you.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Should I keep quiet about this?

    Today, at the BBQ restaurant I work at, I was cooking. Later in the shift, I'm required to filter the grease in the fryers and so on. When I filtered the second fryer, I saw a FRIED COCKROACH sitting on top of the strainer. It was too late, because I was done filtering, so I had no way of knowing which fryer it came out of. So, it's safe to assume that I unknowingly contaminated both fryers.

    I called the owners and told them what happened. I asked if I should replace the grease, but they said NO. The grease won't be changed until SUNDAY (two days from now).

    I was told by a coworker that this incident could put us out if business. I told a close friend, and she said that the heat from the fryers would kill the bacteria. Is that true? What should I do?

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink8 years ago
  • Best way to stack a burger?

    I just started in the kitchen at my workplace (BBQ restaurant), and we make a LOT of burgers. What's the absolute best way to stack a burger? I want the customers to come back and say "That guy knows how to make a mean burger!"

    My current method:

    Light butter on top/bottom buns, fried shortly on the stove to make them crispy and warm. At the same time, I set the patty on the stove and let it cook through. While it cooks, I remove the buns and dress with condiments. This is the order that I stack the finished burger...

    Top bun.


    Bacon (if requested).

    Cheese (if it's a cheese burger).


    Pickles (2).

    Onions (2).

    Tomato (1).

    Lettuce leaf.




    Bottom bun.

    That's everything in a burger "all the way". Is there a better way to stack it? I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so it's important that I do it the right way.

    Thank you! :)

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • How to get rid of someone?

    We live in an apartment (ghetto), just me, my mother, my little sister, and my "god brother". The issue is that my god brother has overstayed his welcome. However, my mother made the mistake of putting him on the lease about a year ago.

    My mother has been trying to get rid of him (he's become a spoiled brat and steals from us), but the apartment manager won't let her remove him from the lease (she's head of household, at least on paper. I pay the bills/rent).

    It's also a problem because we can't call the police on him for stealing, as the apartment manager told us, "If you call the police, you will all go to jail and will be evicted."

    We have nowhere else to go, and now my god brother pretty much does whatever he wants. I'm sick of him, but I've been staying out of this feud so far.

    Is it legal to keep us from removing him from the lease? (She says only HE can remove himself)

    Is there something I can do to get him removed, or make him leave on his own?

    I live in Mississippi, if that matters.

    Thank you.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • I had a terribly realistic dream?

    Hello. Last night, I had a terrible dream about my girlfriend. Things have been rocky (we called off an engagement twice, because we figured we were too young to think about marriage), and I love her to death.

    Here's my dream:

    I was in a house I've never been in before, and it was dark (like a house with no lights but is slightly illuminated by an afternoon sunset behind the trees). The next thing I remember is being told my girlfriend had just died (in my dream, we were married), and I felt my heart cringe in pain. I attempted suicide in my dream, with words pinging in my ears, "There will never be another [her name], again."

    There was a gun being held to my head, when one of her favorite songs started playing on a radio that wasn't there. It stopped my finger from pulling the trigger, and I couldn't help but start shouting at her invisible presence, "Stop, [her name]! Just let me do it!"

    The music got louder, and the gun was yanked away. The last thing I remember was that afternoon sun sinking, leaving me alone in the darkness.

    What does this mean to you? It was very intense, so intense that I woke up with a tear in my eye.

    Thank you.

    5 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • Best Lovecraft books?

    Hello, I've just recently gotten back into reading. I'm really interested in reading books by H.P. Lovecraft, as I've heard they are the best in the horror genre.

    I'm very interested in reading about Cthulu, but any other great suggestions would be much appreciated!

    I would love it if you could provide the full title, so I can find it on Amazon.

    Thank you!

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • How would the Brotherhood of Life had fought zombies?

    In case you have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm refrencing "The Zombie Survival Guide" by Max Brooks and his account of the Brotherhood of Life. In the book, he describes (briefly) a secret organization in Japan that dedicated their lives to fighting zombies hand-to-hand. This was before firearms, so I'm just curious as to what they could have possibly used to accomplish their task.

    Max wrote how they used "Monk Spades" and "scimitars", as well as martial arts. What type of martial arts would they have used to avoid scratching/biting from an extremely violent and base creature?

    Also, I don't actually believe in them, it just seems like a very interesting story.

    1 AnswerMythology & Folklore8 years ago
  • Any good tips to get rid of soreness?

    Hello. I recently (yesterday) just got a new job about 5 miles from where I live. I don't have a car, so I've had to walk all that way to and from my new job.

    I just got off work today, and I feel defeated. I really need to soothe my muscles so I can function normally again! Keep in mind, I'm very poor, so I can't get special salts or anything like that.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Does anybody else believe this?

    There is no such thing as reality, only perception.

    5 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • How can I learn to be a man?

    Hello. This might sound kind of silly, but I'm 19 years young, and I don't really know how to be a man.

    When I was about 1 or 2 years old, my father was shot and killed. So, I've grown up without a father-figure. I feel like I've missed out. My entire family is women, besides my grandfather and my nephew.

    I'm not anti-social, but I'm socially awkward. I don't like to talk to people (read "men") because I don't know what to talk about. I got into sports, tools, cars, or any "manly" things.

    Even a (30 year old) woman I dated told me that I needed to learn how to be a man. You can imagine how that made me feel. I'm a pretty big guy, but I often feel like a timid child when it comes to taking the role of a man.

    Thank you for helping me.

    10 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • Question about using licensed music in a video game?

    Hello! I would like to use a licensed song to use within a cut-scene in my game to make it hit home.

    A good example would be how Red Dead Redemption used "Far Away", by Jose Gonzales set the feeling if Marston being in a new count Another example would be "Ain't No Rest for the Wicked", by Cage the Elephant in Borderlands, "Short Change Hero", by The Heavy in Borderlands 2.

    I just want to know what steps I need to take to legally use a song in my game. How much would it cost?

    Thank you!

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • What is a good surname for Alexander?

    And if you can, provide the meaning? This is for a story.

    Thank you!

    3 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Question about stabbing in self defense?

    Hello! I'm curious- what if somebody breaks into your home (in a stand-your-ground state), and all you have for defense is a very big knife. Now, I know it's stupid to put yourself in harm's way over material thing, but what if they come after you?

    That's not the question. Now, in that scenario, it's your life on the line. So, with that big knife, you stab that person.

    Here come the questions:

    Would the police arrest you for that? What if you stabbed more than once, purely out of desperation- could you be charged with assault, or manslaughter if they died?

    I'm not planning on killing anybody, I'm just a curious teenager with a hunger for knowledge. Thank you for taking time to educate me :)

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Tips to improve my art?

    Hello! I've been an illustrator for about 14 years, and I'm 19. For as long as I remember, people have loved my art. However, I believe it was just because of my age, and because most of the praise came from friends and family.

    Now, friends and family are SUPPOSED to say "Oh, that looks amazing!", and it's a piece that I think looks like crap. But when I make an effort, my Art teacher would say, "Mehh, could be better."

    It seems like it's really flip-flopped. When I hate a drawing I've done, people love it! When I love a drawing I've done, people hate it!

    How do I stop this?! I want to KNOW what makes a certain piece great.

    Another problem I have is that my characters' heads are out of proportion most of the time. They're always too big. And I can only draw GOOD heads from the front, slightly to the side, or in a profile. How can I improve that?

    And finally, all of my characters look THE SAME! The only way I can distinguish them is hair style and certain "flaws". How can I make unique faces? When I try different shapes, they just look... wrong.

    Whew! I know that's a lot. I appreciate any help!


    1. How can I see what makes a drawing a GOOD drawing?

    2. Any tips to draw proportional heads?

    3. Any tips to draw good heads from every angle?

    4. Any tips to draw distinguishable faces?

    Thank you!!

    2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration8 years ago
  • A short questionnaire! 12 questions total?

    Hello. This is linked to a previous question about a video game that I will be developing. It is a SUPER HERO game, and one of the game modes will be "CUSTOM MODE", thanks to a great idea by a Yahoo! Answers user.

    In CUSTOM MODE, the player can create a custom hero and have total freedom. The player can even create a hero that had his/her consciousness transferred into an android body. There is also a character in the main story mode who is also in the same boat.

    Below are a few questions regarding the above. Assume that you are the android in question.

    1. Knowing you are immortal, what is your view on humanity?

    2. Are you still driven by morals?

    3. Your bones are made of titanium. Do you enjoy fighting, now that you can't really get hurt?

    4. You still retain your memories and personality, how do you feel about outliving your closest friends/family?

    5. You can "remodel" your outer body. Who do you want to look like?

    6. You can change out your eye-balls. What color do you want?

    7. You can add a USB port to your head to download information (learn karate in 5 min., be able to recite Shakespeare perfectly without pause, etc.), do you? Do you fear viruses?

    8. What upgrades do you want to add to your android body? The sky's the limit.

    9. You feel no pain or physical pleasure. Do you still want to have sex?

    10. Knowing that sex/food can no longer stimulate the pleasure centers of your brain, what do you do as a pass-time now?

    11. The only way to truly kill you is to erase your consciousness. Knowing that, it takes a master hacker to get past the firewalls, passwords, and safeguards of your artificial brain. Do you stay incognito? Do you become the savior of mankind? Do you become the ruler of the world?


    Thank you!

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • What are those frilly collars called?

    The ones depicted on noble-men in Shakespeare's time. I don't know another way to describe them, other than they're circular and frilly.

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • A few questions regarding a video game?

    Hello! I posted some questionnaires a while back about an indie game I will develop in the foreseeable future. For those that have not seen it, it's basically a SUPER HERO game with a brand new hero that's never been seen before.

    It focuses on explosive combat, huge cities focused on the flying mechanic (as well as ground exploration), and a cinematic story that is both exciting and tragic. I won't go into more detail, for privacy reasons.

    I have received a few GREAT ideas from users on Yahoo! Answers. Below are some questions that I'd love to have you're personal opinion on. Please answer honestly.

    1. If a game gives you the option to kill innocent NPCs, do you?

    2. If so, why? If not, why?

    3. My game focuses on super powers. Flying is a main focus. Here are a few that MAY be implemented. Please choose the TOP THREE that you'd use the most:

    -Shockwave: Punch the ground with incredible strength, knocking back all objects & people.

    -Energy: The world bends to your will. Convert life energy into pure power and direct it however you see fit. eg. Shoot "lasers" from your hands, "supernova" to clear an area, lob "balls" of energy like grenades.

    -Speed: Take to the ground, sprinting faster than a bullet! Much more effecient than a car.

    -Super Reflexes: During combat, whenever an enemy attacks (fires a gun, swings a weapon, punches, etc.), time slows down so you can dodge, parry, and/or deliver collosal blows faster than you can say "POW!" With practice, you could even catch bullets in mid-air to avoid cross-fire casualties.

    -Phase Jumping: Your reflexes are so honed, you appear to "blink" from place to place. Use to "jump" behind an enemy in place of the basic "dodge" mechanic. You can even "blink" as a form of travel!

    -Weapon Master: You may be the strongest hero alive, but that doesn't mean you can't have toys! Fashion weapons from your surroundings (light pole nun-chucks, sidewalk boxing gloves, etc.) and let the bad guys have it!

    Thank you for reading!

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Kidd Kraddick is dead?

    I just saw a post on Facebook about Kidd Kraddick dying today. This can't be true?!

    Does anybody know what happened?!

    4 AnswersRadio8 years ago