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  • Saw an aircraft with a lot of lights underneath it, but not like a normal airplane?

    Lights in center section turned off and on from left to right and then back right to left, no strobe effect but constantly going back and forth kinda like knight rider but slower.

    Lights under the rest of the craft were constantly on and there were a lot more then on a normal plane and this is what drew my attention.

    As I passed under it it seemed to be moving at a much slower pace as a normal commercial craft.

    This was about 1:15a.m. this morning on my way back home from work.

    I'm not sure what to make of it.

    5 AnswersAircraft6 years ago
  • Scratchy throat and have to sing?

    I have a show tonight and have a scratchy throat that is affecting my falsetto making it pretty much non existent, not that I do the falsetto thing a lot during out sets but it plays a big part in at least two of the songs.

    What would be a good treatment for this so that I may at least get through the night without making too much of an *** out of myself?

    Please only serious answers I really need help here.

    1 AnswerSinging8 years ago
  • If I have a smartphone can you?

    If I send a text or leave a voicemail is there anyway to see if the person I sent it to has checked it?

    2 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds8 years ago
  • I am getting a divorce?

    My wife and I love each other, but, the relationship is not working out.

    I have decided that in the best interest of both of us that we separate.

    I am ready to do this in the least painful way possible, so if anyone has been divorced and wish the other person no ill will, what's the best way to go about this?

    No children just memories.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Was the pac-man robbed?

    I didn't get the PPV but tonight I got to see the fight on HBO and I have to say Pacquiao was robbed of an easy win.

    He out landed him, he was more aggressive, and he hurt Bradley often.

    I am no official scorer by any means, but, I gave Pacquiao all of the rounds but two.

    With that being said I am a boxing fan to the core, and I know what to look for and can see who has the advantage just as many if not all of you can.

    If you scored for Bradley then you should get your head checked, and to those of you who said Bradley schooled Pacquiao with a boxing clinic then you should get your head, eyes, and conscience checked.

    It was NOT a close fight by any means.

    Pacquiao was robbed and you all know this to be the case.

    7 AnswersBoxing9 years ago
  • Can a high cholesterol number be false?

    I had lab work done and my cholesterol level was high.

    I ate turkey and potatoes with sour cream and chives the night before at 11:30p.m. I was not supposed to eat or drink anything after midnight that night, hectic day brought dinner late it happens.

    I went for my lab at 10:30 a.m. and everything looked good except for my cholesterol, could this be because of the late dinner? I would like to try and get this number down with diet changes instead of medication, I am 37 and would like to try before being prescribed something.

    Just curious if this could have made a difference.

    4 AnswersHeart Diseases10 years ago
  • Mayweather Ortiz: reaction?

    I finally watched this fight on HBO on demand and saw the out come of this atrocious act of non sportsman like conduct by Floyd Mayweather Jr.

    What a punk!

    I don't think it was coincidence that Floyd pulled this stunt, I think Ortiz may have hurt him a little just before the head butt, he had him on the ropes and was getting to him with good shots.

    Here we have a young fighter who got a little too over excited and butted Mayweather in the heat of the moment, I don't blame him he was in the biggest fight of his career so far and excitement is normal.

    I can't say that Ortiz would have knocked out Mayweather because let's face it the fight wasn't going his way until that point.

    But to come in like Floyd did trying to touch Ortiz's gloves and then blind siding him with a one two was poor judgement on Mayweather's part, pure and simple it was a sucker punch.

    While it was a legal move, it was classless and to me showed that he was scared to some extent to feel he needed to sucker punch Ortiz to win.

    What do you think?

    8 AnswersBoxing10 years ago
  • I have a condo, can I also buy a house?

    My wife and I have a condo that we still have a mortgage on, we are looking to move but the market for selling a condo right now is in the crapper.

    We would like to buy a house and rent our condo, is this at all possible?

    I am just wondering is someone else maybe had some luck with this but I don't know if we could get another loan for another home while having this one as well there has got to be a way to do it.

    Thanks in advance for your time.

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Myspace help? Anyone?

    For some reason I can't view myspace, my machine is a brand new mac.

    Every time I try to access it I get the following, "We messed up our code so bad that even puppies and kittens may be in danger. Please turn back" and at the bottom of the screen it reads, "* Have your pet spayed or neutered"

    Not sure what this means, I can access on my mac laptop so maybe it's a setting?

    If you have any info. I would greatly appreciate it.

    4 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • Osama Bin alive still?

    I saw this story last night and the ticker tape that was running along the bottom of the screen said that there was DNA testing done to provide assurance that the remains were in fact Osama Bin Laden's.

    It also read that the U.S. had his body in their possession, and this morning I read that they quickly buried him at sea in accordance with his religion/religious beliefs.

    Why not show the american people his corpse? didn't we have to witness first hand our innocent people falling from the sky, scattered remains amidst buildings that were turned into rubble? We can see this over and over again but we aren't allowed to view this person's body who spearheaded the whole operation?

    Wouldn't that be at least some type of closure for us?

    I can't find the video of the announcement of this with the original ticker tape, I either can't find it, or it's been removed.

    I hope this is true, but it does not spell the end of terrorism and never will, for everyone we kill who is charge at some point there will be another to take his/her place and so on, and so on.

    I don't know if I believe this info. as Obama is fighting for re-election soon, what do you think?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • How long will we let this happen?

    Why do we allow our government rape us? When are we as a people going to rise up and take control of this situation?

    More gas price increases because of Egypt? There is no reason to raise gas prices due to what is happening in Egypt they have nothing to do with gas or oil other then the transport of crude down their canal, and that shouldn't be affected by the protests.

    The military isn't doing anything to stop the people from protesting so why would it stop the oil from moving?

    If anything it would effect Europe more then anyone else.

    The U.S. is effing up big time! Hillary Clinton needs to shut the hell up.

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Have you had an alien encounter?

    I am not looking for B.S. stories here I really would like to hear about your alien encounters if you have one to share.

    This could be a visit, abduction, or just a U.F.O. sighting

    Please do not respond to this if you are going to be a douche.

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • My cat has dandruff can you help?

    I've given her fish oil in her food and that seemed to help, but she then stopped eating her food with the oil in it.

    I give her tuna fish every night for a snack but that isn't helping.

    Is ther something else I can try?

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Should women be treated as equals?

    How do you feel about this women of YA?

    Do you feel like you should shut up and do what you are told?

    Do you think that the view as written in the bible about women not speaking and pretty much just falling in line is right?

    Things are different now explain how you would like to be viewed in this world.

    I believe you should be in charge of everything because we just don't make the best decisions.

    10pts. for taking this seriously and giving some real feedback.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is there any real footage from exorcisms being performed?

    I was just thinking that the internet is so vast that there must be some where.

    Do any of you know where to locate this?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is there any real footage from exorcisms being performed?

    I was just thinking that the internet is so vast that there must be some where.

    Do any of you know where to locate this?

    5 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • How did Obama get elected?

    This is a serious question, I am not a racist so stop right there I simply have a question and would like to know your take on it.

    Knowing what I know about the U.S. and how much religion plays a part in everyday life, I also know that there are racist people out there and maybe they are not outspoken but they have a set belief system and black people aren't first on their list to be president.

    It doesn't matter to them what their views are they wouldn't vote for a black man or woman because of how they view them.

    So with that said how did Obama get the vote?

    I happen to believe that they put whoever they want in the presidential seat no matter what votes they get or don't get I believe that 100% and Obama is why.

    There are a lot of uneducated, racist people that rush to the polls to vote for the president and you all know this as well as I do and I am in the thought that they outnumber the educated people with open minds that do actually seek change.

    What do you think?

    12 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • H.P. Lovecraft book a masterpiece?

    I am currently reading a book of H.P. Lovecraft stories and this is my first encounter with his work.

    I am familiar with some of the stories by just conversation with friends about them and what they entail.

    One of my friends is totally into The Call Of Cthulhu and talks about it all the time.

    I have to say though that I was not impressed at all with anything I have read so far, to me Stephen King is a much better writer and storyteller.

    Keeping in mind that we live in a different day and age with the everyday speaking vocabulary being wildly different, and the fear of the unknown maybe being more intense back then I still don't see his stories envoking fear in anyone.

    I am not saying that he wasn't good at what he did I just don't see the reason for the cult following, Edgar Allen Poe I get, and he deserves it far more then Lovecraft.

    How do you view Lovecraft's work?

    Are you a huge fan?

    If so why?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • North American Union anyone?

    I was in Prague 5 years ago and first heard about the amero and the north american union there.

    I guess the idea is to join the U.S. Canada and Mexico together as one calling it the N.A.U. and creating one monetary system using the amero as it's currency.

    While in prague the people there told me that they were supposed to change to the amero as well, using this information I've researched it a little bit and found pictures of the amero coin, and video as well. This new currency is being denied up and down as a fake or hoax and simply is not real, I would say that since it had a Denver mint insignia on it that the person who was reporting this could've been arrested for counterfeiting or at least using the insignia or stamp illegally which would be a federal crime.

    This did not happen.

    So how do you view it I'm sure somone has heard of this or read about it.

    If this is true, which to me it sure seems to be, some sense then could be made about the lax immigration stance the U.S. has today concerning people from Mexico.

    What better way to introduce us then letting them in early because if the merger does happen all the mexicans will flee and set up shop here and let the drug cartels have mexico to do what they will with.

    I am not against legal immigration, but I am against global currency and merging the U.S. to become the N.A.U. I do not see the benefit, and the cons are too numerous to list.

    What do you think?

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • !!!!! Jesus Christ !!!!!?

    Is the devil.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago