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I don't hardly ever come onto YA! anymore. Honestly, for that reason, theres no reason to contact me. If you want to see if I'll give you contact info, ask in the "Extra Info" of whatever question I answered in. Or, in a answer alongside mine. I pay attention to see if there is any response to what I write or any information I need to make an update to point out that it is wrong.

  • What is this prayer called?

    I apologize I don't have a quote or anything from it, I've tried to do some googleing to find it but to no avail. Also, If you could copy and paste it, That would be great.

    I think it was some kind of soldiers prayer. I think the first couple lines were something along the lines of "Dear God, I know so many people have asked so much of you. To lift thier burdens..."

    "...Let me carry more than my own lord..." Or something along those lines. Basically, It wasn't asking for anything other than to carry extra burdons. I don't remember if it specified to carry other peoples burdons.

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • The name of a survival gun used by stranded pilots?

    I was in a survival course a year ago and the guy running it showed off a "survival" gun for ****s and giggles. It had 2 barrels and I think one was chambered for a small shotgun shell and one was for .22 I believe. It was a very thin almost "skeletal" black frame and If I remember right folded down at the stock.

    Sorry I don't have more details, Like I said it was a 5-10 minute thing. I remember him talking about it being for pilots and that it was more of a hunting tool than for self defense should the pilot have to eject.

    Possible names and who manufactures it would be fantastic.

    7 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Where have I seen this symbol before?

    I've been trying to place where I've seen this symbol before, It looks like a cross with another bar(line) on top. I'm sure I've seen it somewhere; Just can't place it. Oh, And the line on top is shorter than the lower horizontal line.

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -------------

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I

    (Ignore the xs, Just preventing YA! from pushing everything over and messing up my fantastic artwork.)

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Possiable fraud "Charity" involving the Marines?

    There is a guy canvasing the neibhorhood who's story goes something along his baseball team has won nationals and they are set to go to hawaii for something. And hes going around raising money for care packages for Marines overseas or something because his dad is a Marine and his brother is over there. Well, I'm intrested. So I started asking for this guys information. And basically it all started to get pretty fishy. He has no contact phone. He says hes one of the "Neibhors"(I've never seen him before in my life.) And I don't play baseball, but isn't it a little early in the season to have already won nationals? Now, I have plenty SEAL friends, but don't know any Marines. I can call a phony SEAL out easy, Not so much Marine. I could ask plenty of "Of yea, Where is your brother stationed out of?" but he could have watched saving private ryan and pronounce enough bull.(I can look up to see if his brother is a Marine, Where hes stationed, Rank, Etc. with a full name. But that takes time. And if this guy is full of **** I'd like to bust him. (He said he would come back in a little while.)

    So for any body who is a Marine or knows Marines better than me has any small things to see if the bullshit meter goes up?

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Internet Download Speed?

    When I hover over my internet connection Icon in my toolbar. It says I'm at 54.0 Mbps. So then why are my downloads at 26.5 kbps?

    Without putting my computer specs up, I'll just say it was pretty top of the line 3 years ago. So I know its not my computer.

    I have qwest if that makes any differance...

    Is there any way to get even 1 Mbps? Haha, It just plain sucks having to let my computer run for like 4 days straight downloading 1.5 G.

    2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • I can smell the smoke coming from my neighbor's garage?

    My neighbors are pretty big smokers(At least the woman is). And everytime they open their garage I can smell the ciggerette smoke. Whether I'm in my driveway looking under the hood, In the garage working, Or sitting upstairs in my bedroom with the window open.(!00% serious, I know the second they open their garage because I can smell it.)

    Is there anything I can do(I live in Iowa) to have something done about that? I mean, I know they can't just come over and say "Quit smokeing". But if I can smell it that means I'm breathing it in and my family is breathing it in. They may be up there in the years(~80's) and want to shave off a few years of life, But I don't, I didn't choose to smoke. So why do I have to breath that sh*t in?

    Anyway, Is there anything I can actually do about it? Besides "Call a politition and hope they do something about it in 20 years". Theres got to be some kind of health code violation.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What is this called? (~Dog Tag Necklace)?

    The chain you use for dog tags. Its metal and its like lots of tiny metal balls connected by a tiny wire type thing between them. And at one end it has a little device you can snap the other end into to make it a necklace. Versus a very small chain.

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Eyes changing colours?

    Why would my eyes change colours? They use to be brown when I was younger(At Least I think. They may have been hazel). And then like preteen they were hazel. And now they are green. And they seem to shift from like light green to dark misty kind of green.(No Bullshit. I promise you.)

    Now this is the corny. "I call bullshit" part. But I've got better things to do than bullshit people I don't know at 1am. =). So trust me. Its not.

    But like right before they changed green. I totally changed. And when I say totally. I mean it. And It was over like 2-3 days. Backround:I woke up one morning and asked myself. Who do I want to be. And what do I want to do? Am I that? Am I doing that?. And so I changed. Time doesn't wait. And then I noticed maybe a week later(I just kind of glance when I look in the mirror.)I noticed my eyes were green.

    And another random thing. I have blonde hair. My mom has blonde hair. My dad has black. Isn't the darker hair colour the dominant gene? So shouldn't I have gotten black hair? I know there are anomilys with dominant/recessive genes.

    So is there a scientific reason why my eyes changed colour? Or am I officially wierd?

    2 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • If a great man does something of great value for...?

    If a great man does something of great value(This is just an EXAMPLE. Emancipation Proclemation for example.) for personal profit.(Cures cancer but charges a huge fee.(Way larger than resources and manpower cost. and a succesful profit would need.))

    Are they still a great man?(Note. Man is just a general term. Any person really.)

    1 AnswerSociology1 decade ago
  • Why is everyone so worked up about Islam?

    Now. I am atheist.(Note: That doesn't mean I don't have morals.)

    And I don't wish to start a Islam-Christian-Chatolic-Atheist flame war.

    But seriously? They believe in NO intoxication.(Drugs/Alchohoal.)

    They devoute themselves entirly to thier cause.(Not just Jihads.)

    They are willing to go without eating for long periods of time to prove that they are devoted to thier god.(fasting.)

    They believe heavily in respect to your eldars.(NO talking back.)

    So why does it seem that the majority of American(Alot of them parents.) have such a problem with Islam?(Obviously ingnorance.)

    Before I say my last thing let me point out. Saying Islam is a religion of violence/hate because of a group of them. Is like saying Jews are bad because of Jesus being cruisified. Or Chaolics[Sp?] are all violent war mongers because of the crusades. Or that all christains are bad because a couple preachers of christianity have molested children. Or that all atheists bad because A serial killer was atheist. So please no "9/11 DUH!" Or "HELLO! Look at THE MIDDLE EAST!". I'm going to be serving in 2 years. The first casualty(US) in Afghanastan in Operation Enduring freedom was killed by a 14 with a bomb straped to his chest. I don't look forward to being involved in that. But I doubt that 14 year old is super excited either. So once again. No flame wars over what is the better religion.

    So am I missing something here? Or has America just ceased to be a melting pot of differant cultures?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Using Stencils and Spray Paint in A room?

    For anyone coming to this question to repeat thier hatred before they even finished reading the question. (

    Do yourself a favor and the back button in the browser. If you can't finish reading a question. I don't trust you with my health.

    With that aside.

    So I'm redoing my room. My Mom Thought Black and Dark Blood Red were good colours to paint my room. Well It's actually just depresseing. So I'm repainting my room White. I want to get like an old latin lettering type of stencil and do famous quotes all over my room.(Don't Worry. It's not cuss words or anti society stuff.)

    So My question is Can I use spray paint when I Spray in the stenciling to do the letters/words?

    Or Is spray paint one of those things that if you breath in(Or Its dried but around you(alot of it) is it bad for your health? Like Lead is?

    Where its not dangerous to your health immediatly. But Is over time?

    And If it is. Any suggestions for something else to use.

    Because useing a brush in a stencil(with regular paint) could be kinda messy. As in it could smear and defeat the purpose of the style of lettering that I want.

    4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • If my nipples are very sensitive...?

    Should I ask my girlfriend to stop useing harsh language?

    2 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Has a John Grishham book ever been made into a Movie?

    The guy who wrote "The Jury", "Street Lawyer", "Can't think of the others off the top of my head.". But wrote alot of law fiction books.

    Has any of those been made into movies?

    If so. Any recommdations for which ones are worth watching and which arient?

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Omg This is so historic. Can you believe?

    (To say this upfront. I think the election was a joke. They both sucked.)

    Is anyone besides me worried that with all these people shooting thier pants because a black guy was elected president soley because hes black, might contribute to global warming.

    I mean with all those people simotaniously shooting thier pants in such large masses arein't you worried about the polar bears?

    Who now much comically balance on ice thats too small for them?

    Is anyone else thinking of the polar bears?


    3 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Older YA! users. How do you feel about?

    -Does it irritate you when younger uses basically copy and paste thier homework onto YA! and expect answers?

    -When they have strange spelling.(For Example. Wut instead of What.)

    -When they say "How Can I Get Over So and So."

    -When they ask for an answer to a question. But only want to hear a certain thing. When they know its not the truth.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Rehabilitation of Sex Offenders/Child Molesters.?

    Does anyone really think Someone that gets sexual excitment from a pubesant child can be a rehabilitated?

    What about Child Molesters that rape then murder little girls?

    Do you really think that 40 years(or so.) is suiting punishment for that?

    I read a story a couple weeks back where a child molester/murder got out of prison(for molesting then murdering a little girl) and then kidnaped a girl scout out selling cookies, rapes, molested, murdered, and then ate her cookies.(Then threw half eaten cookies over her lifeless body. They found cookies around and on the body...that were partially eaten....)

    Does anyone really believe those kind of people can be rehabilitated?

    Or doesn't deserve the death penalty?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Natures natural Balances?

    I know that nature is pretty much all about balance.

    And it puts things into check.

    And We constantly are ruining/destroying those checks that keep everything balanced.

    But lets say people weren't involved. Humanity never existed.

    What did nature have to prevent the spread of rabies?

    To the point of an epedenmic?

    I mean. If a wolf gets rabies it can give it to other wolfs. Those wolfs get can in a fight with a bear, couger, deer, etc. And spread it further.

    And then those animals spread it to other animals.

    I know rabies in Animals in fatal so that could slow it.

    But whats to stop it from being like the bubonic plaque?

    And 1/3 of the worlds animals droped significantly in number?

    What does nature have in place to stop those kind of diseases?

    (Obviously an Immune System. But Rabies for example is pretty much fatal no matter what.(In the wild at least) And is highly contangious considering it isn't airborne.)

    2 AnswersOther - Environment1 decade ago
  • Latin Pronunciations.?

    Carpe Diem- Is that pronounced with the first word "Carpe" the same as carpe the fish? And "Diem" as a D and an M sound. Like D.M.?

    Memento mori- Is the "mento" part of "Memento" said like "mento" in "Mentos"?(The breath things.) and the "Me" part of it said like the "Me" in "Memory"?

    A posse ad esse- I'm assuming "A" is pronounced the same as A in the english language. Is "Posse" Pronounced like the slang term "posse" like a group of people, gang, friends, etc. Then "Ad" As in a "Campaign -Ad-"? And "Esse" said the same as "Essay"?

    Aut viam inveniam aut faciam- "Aut" the same as "At"? "Viam" The same as the sound of V with the word AM? "Inven" the same as inven in "Invention". "Faciam" Sound kinda like Fascism?

    5 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Is anyone elses view of the Joker Ruined?

    Since every single teenage punk feels the need to post him all over thier myspace, Xanga, Yahoo 360!, Facebook, Myyearbook, etc. page.

    Make thier default picture one that involves the joker.

    And then put thier s/n or headline as "Why so serious"?.

    Or walk around saying "The only sensiable way to live is without rules" Or somethin else he said. It completely defeats the illusion of a serial killer in the movie when abunch of Acne Kids are running around "WHY SO SERIOUS".

    If They all ran around and screamed out stuff from Hairy Potter I wonder if they would feel so cool.

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Is anyone Else Sick of the Twilight Books and Things Similar.?

    I know this is probably A stupid rant.

    But I'm really getting tired of all the girls that get so wrapped up in this Edward thing. "He's So Romantic, And So Mysterious, And so Hot, ..." And then expect to find a guy just like it.

    Is anyone else sick of the complete ignourance involved in it?

    If hes the walking dead he has no heart beat.

    So hes cold. Whos gunna cuddle with you and keep you warm?

    A decomposing corpse? Good choice.

    And all the sex crap involved with that. Erections are formed by blood going to a guys penis. No heartbeat means no erection. Another great choice hotshot. He lives off the blood of people......He's been alive for hundreds of thousands of years and suddenly hes head over heels for some prep girl? Wow.

    And the countless other Romantic Vampire Novels. Does anybody share my opion on this?

    11 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago