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  • I'm 32, and I hate being kissed on the mouth?

    It grosses me out. Even if he's just brushed his teeth and he smells and tastes sweet, ever since the first time I was ever 'properly' kissed, I've just found it revolting. I go out of my way to avoid it. I don't mind kissing on the tips, its French kissing I dislike. Its messy, slimy, invasive, sometimes it tastes or smells bad, and I just.... Don't.... Like it!

    Is that weird? Anyone else share this aversion? What do you do about it?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Daughters Tablet seems to have cracks on the inside?

    My daughters tablet fell off her bed while she was making it this morning. When she went to turn it on, it looked like it had cracks in it, but there are no surface cracks. After a few seconds it just shut off. Is this fixable, or is the tabled kaput?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks7 years ago
  • How NOT to invite my mothers boyfriend to my wedding?

    I'm getting married next year! Can't wait! It is going to be a small wedding, just family and close friends. However, neither my fiancee or I can stand my mothers boyfriend! For that matter, niether can my sisters. He is abrasive and rude and seems to take pleasure in saying things just to make people angry. My fiancee's father is apt to tell moms boyfriend where to shove it too... We are afraid he'll ruin the wedding. Having him there would cast a shadow over the day all by itself. But he won't allow my mother to go anywhere without him. And my mother raised me all by herself.... I can't not invite her! How to I invite my mother but let her know (and him) that he isn't welcome? He doesn't even like me, but he isn't inclined to forgo the event if mom or free food are involved. What do I do??

    15 AnswersWeddings8 years ago
  • Best way to separate dwarf banana tree suckers?

    I had a dwarf banana tree. It got a fungal infection and I had to cut it off below the bottom leaf. The next day there were three suckers in the pot! Good news, because the momma plant is done for. So, what is the best way to remove the suckers? They are tiny, only two leaves and perhaps two cm tall. Will remaining attached to the dead mother plant affect them? Could the fungus spread to the pups? Are the pups too small to remove, or should I separate and repot them and hope for the best?

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • Banana plant is turning black?

    I've had this dwarf banana plant for close to 6 months, and its about three feet tall. It's been super healthy, the leaves are nice and bright, and it grows quite fast. But not long after I bought it I was over watering it. It got a black growth that spread up the stem and turned it kind of soft. Once I learned I was over watering it and let the soil dry, the blackness stopped spreading and the stem got firmer.

    Recently the weather here became very hot and humid, and the blackness sort of reconstituted. Only now, there are black spots all up the stem and the lower leaves are pulling away from the main stem and drooping badly.

    The plant also has spider mites, which I am treating now, so I do not know whether the black stem or the mites are causing the newer leaves to be brown around the edges, or if the black 'mould', as I think of it, is spreading to the leaves.

    So... What is the black on the lower part of my plant? What causes it? Can I fix it? And are the mites responsible for the spots on the new leaves, or is it the black stuff spreading/ HELP!!

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • What is a 1988 Bronco 2 worth?

    We traded this truck for a boat but the boat is worth more than the Bronco so we want to offer him a few $$ as well. The truck needs a tune up and shimmies and vibrates after you hit 90 Kilometres per hour but it runs great, the 4x4 works well, everything else works, and its cheap on fuel. I can't get an accurate idea of what its worth. I'm told anything from $200 to $1500... Any idea?

    2 AnswersFord9 years ago
  • Can you plant English Ivy and Pothos (both vines) in the same basket?

    I just bought an English Ivy and a Pothos. I plan to plant them in a hanging basket. (I already have a hanging basket containing two types of Ivy and I really like the effect. This pot was planted over 4 years ago and is doing very well) I wondered if anybody knows whether English Ivy and Pothos will grow well together?

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • Advice on socializing an older feral rescue kitten?

    We only adopted this girl yesterday, she is fixed and she is in the 6 to 8 month range. She was rescued as a very young kitten along with two sisters and a brother, who were then all kept together in the same location... The garage of a woman who shelters, cares for, and adopts out feral rescues. While she has had a little human contact, she has not had a lot.

    Right now she is in my bedroom with food and water, a litter box, and a couple of toys. She is hiding under a bedside table. She came out last night, I could hear her padding about and meowing. By morning she had retreated back under the table and has not come out all day. I suspect she'll be on the prowl tonight again.

    I want for this cat to eventually come out and be with us during the day. Her life thus far has been confined to a little 4x4 crate, so I'm sure shes feeling overwhelmed. What should I do to ensure this cat grows to feel safe with us, and eventually comes out of hiding so we can see her?

    1 AnswerCats9 years ago
  • My 5 year old son exposed himself at school. What should I do?

    Last week my son's teacher told me she caught my son exposing himself to another boy in class. When I questioned him, he said this boy told him he wouldn't play with him unless he pulled his pants down.

    I told the teacher I'd talked to my son, and we kept in touch and everything seemed fine.

    Then this morning the parent of a boy in his class (I don't know if it was the same boy as the first time) stopped me after I'd dropped my son off and said that my son had touched her sons privates at school while they were sitting at the same table.

    I have talked to him about how his privates are private, how its not okay to touch other people, nor for them to touch, or look at, his privates. I know he is going through a normal explorational phase and he is curious about other peoples bodies. But how do I get him to understand how very wrong this behavior is without berating or scaring him? I don't want other parents to think he's a freak, but he needs to understand how serious it is!

    7 AnswersGrade-Schooler9 years ago
  • Bleeding while on pill, any ideas?

    I have been taking Marvelon 28 for a couple of years now without incident. My sons birthday fell at the end of the 7 days placebo, and long story short, I forgot to start the new pack till 4 days after I was supposed to.

    I am now one week past the 7 days of placebo, I have taken the last three pills. Yesterday after my BF and I had sex I found I was bleeding slightly. It lasted maybe half an hour. Then this evening I went to stand up and I felt a rush of fluid 'down there', went to the washroom, and sure enough there was bright red blood in my panties. Again, light bleeding that did not last.

    The only other symptom I have is being more tired than usual, but that could just be the weather, given the time of year.

    I think it was too early on in my cycle to have much chance of getting pregnant, though I realize it IS a possibility. But what else might cause this type of thing?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • 1989 Ford Escort or 1995 Ford Taurus?

    I was looking for a cheap used car, and I found two in my price range. Which would you recommend?

    The 1989 Ford Escort is a 6 cylinder 4- door hatchback that the previous owner reports no mechanical issues with. It has new brakes but needs a new wind shield and a seat belt repair on the drivers side. The interior is plastic and there is some cracking along the dash board, and the rear driver side door will not open. However it is a fairly smooth ride and I gather it is fairly fuel efficient. I can buy this car for $300.

    The 1995 Ford Taurus is in immaculate condition inside and out. It has a turbo charged engine and several 'extras'. The owner of this car claims he drove it to its current location 8 months ago and it was running beautifully, however, when he tried to start it he said it wouldn't stay running, therefore he was going to run a diagnostic on it. He thinks something like the battery has worn out due to sitting so long, and claims he will sell it for the cost of the repair plus $400, unless the repair comes to over $200, in which case it will be out of my price range.

    Which car would you recommend?

    1 AnswerBuying & Selling10 years ago
  • Women... I need some word of wisdom! I want another baby, but not sure it'd be wise. Help!?

    I already have two children, ages 4 and 7, and I've been in a good relationship for the last 7 months.

    My younger sister just had her first baby this past Thursday, and I was there for the birth, which was incredible! I got to hold this tiny, brand new little baby, and see the pride and emotion on the faces of my sister and my mother. I nearly cried myself!

    Ever since then, I have babies on the brain. My own kids even seem to have the bug, as they ask a lot of questions and they now talk a lot about the -1 year olds at the daycare they attend.

    The thing is, my relationship is only 7 months in, and though he is a good man, I don't know if it'll last forever. I am working and looking for work. My youngest will be in Kindergarten this fall and I'll be freer to do my own thing then.

    Has anyone else experienced this? How did you convince yourself not to get pregnant? Or if you went ahead and did it anyway, how did that turn out? Any advice or words of wisdom?

    Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • A fun question... I am wondering where you YA! users are hailing from?

    I am in British Columbia, Canada, and I recently answered to a post from the UK, which got me thinking... We are communicating with people all over the place! How cool is that? So if you come across this question, would you be so kind as to tell me, where in the world are YOU from?


    5 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • Should it bother me that he still wears his old wedding ring?

    The guy I am seeing was married before we met. By the time we met he had been divorced for going on two years, but he still wears his wedding ring, albeit on the wrong hand. He tells me that after they split up, the ring lost it's sentimental value, but it's a very expensive ring and he would like to give it to his eldest son as an heirloom one day (his son is 3). So he wears it every day, all the time.

    To me, it is like a constant reminder of his ex. He and I could never afford a ring like that. It cost twice as much as my car! It reminds me of how well off they were, and how much they loved each other, and of the life they lived together and the promises they made to each other once upon a time.

    During sex, I'll see the ring and the feelings just die. When he puts his arm around me, I see it and I can't help but think of her. It's become like a third party in a relationship, because he never takes it off, doesn't even think about it's presence anymore.

    And I don't feel like it's my place to ask him to remove it. I feel like I am asking him to deny a piece of his past, a piece that once held the most important place in his life.

    Is it wrong that this bothers me? Would it be out of line if I asked him to take it off? Or am I just letting insecurity get the best of me?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • What is dry ice? What is it used for? How is it made?

    I'm just curious. Back in elementary school our science teacher did some experiments with dry ice and I thought it was the coolest thing ever! (pun intended!) but recently it occurred to me that I really know nothing about it!

    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits10 years ago
  • How do I keep in sight the fact that having a baby now is a bad idea?

    I am 28 years old and I have two awesome children, a boy and a girl, ages 4 and 7. I was a single parent for a long while but I have been in a new relationship for about 4 months now. Having a new man around seems to have awoken my biological clock or something though, because all of a sudden, I am thinking about having another baby.

    My sister is pregnant, so perhaps I have babies on the brain more than usual anyway. And my boyfriend has expressed the fact that he might want to have a child 'sometime'. And I keep thinking... I am pushing 30. My youngest will start school in a few more months. Maybe I should.

    But the relationship is very new yet. And raising two kids alone was a tough job, if this doesn't work out, I'll be raising 3!

    How can I distract myself from this craving to have another baby? How long do you think two people should be in a relationship before they do try to conceive? Are there hormones or times in a womans cycle where she is more likely to feel these things? Please assure me the feeling will pass! LOL... If nature has it's way Ill regret it but just now its hard to remember that!

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • He likes to kiss but doesn't like to brush his teeth! Help!?

    My boyfriend has got the most vile morning breath imaginable, but he knows he does, and so he is very considerate. Before he kisses me in the morning he freshens his breath... with mouthwash! Just a rinse with the Listerine, that leaves his teeth still yellow and scummy and with the vile aroma of morning breath still there just underneath the minty freshness!

    It's getting to where I cringe at the thought of kissing him and have to stifle my reaction right in front of him, but I know I shouldn't be this grossed out! How can I ask him to BRUSH in the morning? how can I make it clear that a swish of Listerine does NOT do the trick? HELP!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend is afraid to say the 'L' word. How else do men show their love?

    He and I have been dating for two months, so its not like we have been together all that long. He was in a serious long term relationship for 7 years that ended a year and a half ago.... it was his only real relationship, and I know he has been somewhat 'damaged' by this. He tells me, he feels the emotion, but he is afraid, for now, to say the words, though he feels it is not a matter of IF he will say then as much as WHEN. The other night he said to me that he hoped i could deduce from his actions that the feeling was there.

    I do not for a minute doubt his affection. but guys, can you tell me, sex aside, what are some other ways you might show you loved a woman without saying it? Sometimes i think maybe he's doing something I'm missing, and the last thing I want is him thinking I'm not paying attention to his cues!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • He's small, and I need suggestions! Mature answers, please:)?

    So my new beau and I got intimate for the first time last night, and his penis was like, REALLY small. He was self conscious, like, he knew it was small but he was DETERMINED to make up for it. But its like... three inches, and its an odd shape too, much thicker at the base and with extra foreskin at the tip. I couldn't get a condom on him, he was too thick, too short... yikes! Its a disaster in his pants! Help lol, what do I do??

    Theres also a hight issue. Hes 6'3, I'm 4'11. Doggy style didn't work so well... So... Does anyone have any ideas as to creative positions we might try?

    Also, any suggestions on how I can tactfully let him know that anything he lacks *down there* doesn't change my feelings for him? I can tell this is a bigger issue for him than he lets on, but I care about him a lot and I want to build his confidence without bringing attention to what he may lack!

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago