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  • Is he playing me or not?!?

    I've been talking to this guy for almost a week and he's in the marines. I met him through a church gathering. I thought we got along pretty well and he's such a gentleman. That's probably what got me lol. Anyways, he was talking to my friend before he talked to me. My friend was actually dating someone at the time but broke up to talk to the marine. They called and skyped and I know this because I see it on fb. Then they stopped talking and she went back to her ex.

    Out of nowhere, he wrote on my wall and got my number. All we do is text and he's never once called me or wanted to skype with me. Should I be worried about that?

    I also see this one another girl that he's talking to, too. I'm not sure if they're just friends because she called him "hun" jokingly. Uhh, I wouldn't call my guy friends "huh" though. His brother told me that they were just friends too. My hunch is telling me that there's something no right. He's a good guy but he is not about to play me. Should I ask what his intentions are with me? Is that too early & too bold? Ladies, if you have asked a guy what his intentions are, what was the outcome of that?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • 2013 Civic or Corolla?

    I'm 20 yrs old and I'm thinking about getting a new car. I'm currently driving a 1998 Civic so you could see why I would keep the Civic as one of my options. They're both reliable cars with good reputations and gas mileage!

    Is it better to wait until Dec to get the car because the APR will be lower?

    If I get the car next year, will my insurance be higher, lower, or about the same if I get the car this year?

    Ohh, and which car would y'all prefer and why?

    6 AnswersHonda8 years ago
  • My mom & I had a big fight?! Help!?

    I wanted to go to a christmas concert with my friends but didn't tell my mom about it. I snuck out and went. She was really angry with me and threw my clothes, pillows, and blankets out. I was not allowed to take my car but I came inside to take a quick shower. I then went into my room to change. She came into my room, scolded me and hit me. There was a lot of crying from me and shouting from her. I know what I did was wrong and I understand why she was angry. I disobeyed her and hide a lot of things from her.

    My parents and I have never been close. I never really felt comfortable telling them how I feel. I was always expected to apologize when I wrong them but they never apologized when they were wrong. My opinions, thoughts, and feelings were never considered. My relationship with them has been rocky since I remember. I'm the oldest daughter of two brothers btw. When I was 10 I was sexually abused by a family friend. I told my parents but they didn't do anything about it. That made me feel unprotected and unimportant. I always felt like my parents loved my brothers more bc they were the good kids. Im Asian so in my culture, they favor the boys more. My dad even told me that he wished all of his kids were boys. That still hurts me to this day. I was young so I didn't know how to handle such a comment.

    My parents marriage is on the rocks too. From a young age, I knew my parents's marriage was different from other bc they were not affectionate, communicative, or understanding. My mom does not know how to respect my dad bc she bad mouths him and makes it seem like it's all his fault. My dad does not emotional support my mom and is cold and distant towards her. I guess, I don't know how to respect my parents bc they don't respect each other.

    I feel unloved, unworthy, and unwanted. I'm not a bad kid. I don't do drugs, alcohol, or hang out with the wrong people. I'm in college and am doing well. It's just sometimes I make some really bad decisions. The fact that my mom really was going to kick me out, made me sad. I wanted her to fight for me instead of giving up on me. Now, it's pretty tense in my house. My siblings are not talking to me or comforting me. This upsets me bc whenever they get in trouble with my parents I always go and comfort them.

    I'm sorry to make this so long! I've already apologized and promised not to do it again. But any advice?

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Can birth control mess up your cycle?

    I started my period at 14 and went on the pill to "regulate" my period at 17. I was on it because I was only have one period per year. After being on the pill for a month I stared my "period." I never took the pill again and began to have periods for the next 4-5 months. Then I stopped getting my period and it's a year now since I've had one.

    I started drinking some herbal medicine and am taking vitex chaste tree capsules. I started my period this morning! YAY! I'm not sure if it's because of the natural medicines or if this is my "once a year" cycle.

    After taking the pills I've notced that my periods are a lot lighter and shorter than what I'm used to. Could this be because of the pill? If it is, why is it still in my system after three years? Is there a way I can make my lining thick again?

    If I would have known birth control was going to mess up my cycle, I would have never taken it. But because I was young, I didn't do my research, ask questions, and just went along with the doctor. Any advice or info would be appreciated :)

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Money or Passion when it comes to choosing a career?!?

    I'm going to finish my AA in Marketing Management with a concentration in Retail Management this year. I'm getting second thoughts on following that route because with this economy I should really be looking into the healthcare field. I've thought about going into Healthcare Management or Human Resource Management. I took a couple of health classes in high school and they're okay but I find them boring or tedious sometimes. If I really wanted to do something I'm passionate about, I would go into Fashion Merchandising or be an Esthetician.

    My questions are:

    Is it better to choose something stable that brings a lot of income or choose something you love doing without the paycheck?

    What exactly is Healthcare & Human resource management?

    Would it be a wise choice to be a fashion merchandiser or esthetician in this economy?

    3 AnswersHealth Care9 years ago
  • Birth control to regulate period?

    I'm 20 and I started my period at 14. My period has been irregular since I started. I would get 1 per year and if I'm lucky I'll get 6 periods a year. I went to a gyno when I was 17 and my blood work came out normal. They got me started on birth control pills and I took them for a month. I had my period regularly for the first couple of months. Then I would skip months and have me period again. Now, I haven't had my period for a year.

    I don't feel healthy on the inside at all. I know something's not right because this isn't normal. I've been breaking out a lot ever since January. I have not seen clean skin in months! What do y'all think might be wrong with me? Does the pill give you real periods or are they fake?

    I'm scared that I will become infertile and not be able to have kids :( I'm planning to go to the doctors soon and I have a lot of questions.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Which college should I go to?

    I'm graduating from Gwinnett Tech this year and I have a couple of colleges I want to transfer to. I'm majoring in Marketing managmenet with a concentration in Retail managment.

    Georgia Gwinnett is partnered with Gwinnett Tech so most of my credits will transfer. It will take me about 2 years to get my bachelors. The thing is, I wish they had more majors. I want to concentrate in retail/fashion merchandising.

    UGA has a fashion merchandising major but only my core classes will transfer and it will take me about 3-4 years to graduate. It is a well known university so tuition is going to be expensive.

    Brenau University also has a fashion merchandising major but the school is so expensive! The plus side is I heard they give out good scholarships and students are required to intern. I got accepted to this school my senior year and they gave me a scholarship worth $16,000. I passed up on it though.

    My real concern is, will I be able to go into retail/fashion maerchandising with a marketing degree without going to school for that specific area? What are your opinions or thoughts on my situation?

  • I put in my two weeks notice but they want me to stay?

    I work at Little Caesars for about 5 months now and I'm also going to college full time. I'm on register and I dislike it although I'm good at it. I don't have another job lined up because I want to solely focus on school and church. My work place gives me alot of hrs and mostly on night shifts and I feel like I don't have a life. I should have asked for less hrs before putting in my two weeks notice but I didn't want them to think I was lazy and didn't want to work those hrs. Now they want me to stay and say they'll work on my schedule. Should I stay and see what happens? Or should I leave? I don't want to get screwed over.

    2 AnswersFood Service9 years ago
  • It's been 4 yrs & I still have feelings for him!?

    I'm a sophomore in college now but when I first met him, I was a sophomore in high school. I liked him a lot! I was on an emotional roller coaster and he was on my mind every second! Yeah, it was major infatuation. The feelings came as fast as they went. This was only because a mutual friend of ours told me that he was trying to choose between me and my friend. I refused to be a rebound so we just stopped talking. Every time I hear his name or see him in the hallways, I get butterflies again. He moved to another state and I convinced myself that I'm never going to see him again, so I should bury my feelings and let it be. Well, he moved back 2 months ago and yesterday we saw each other for the first time in a long time. We were at a Hibachi grill celebrating one of our friends birthday. We just happened to sit in front of each other. The awkwardness wasn't obvious but I knew he felt it and I did too. Believe me, I've tried to get over him and I've told myself nothing is going to happen so why hold on? He's the only guy that I've had so much feelings for. I don't know what to do. Help!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • UPS lost my packacge!!!! :(?

    My package was supposed to be delivered on August 31st but I never received it. I waited a couple of days to call the post office. I gave them my tracking number and they said they don't have it and it was delivered already. I went up to the post office in person and asked them to check it again. They said that it's not there. A lady took down my information and said my carrier will give me a call. I never got a call. I'm thining they lost my package or someone stole it. I'm ordering another package from ebay and I was wondering what I can do to make sure this never happens again. Is there a way I can have them hold my package until I give them my signature?

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance10 years ago
  • Window tinting question?!?

    I have sticker decals on my car window and I was wondering if tinting my car windows would ruin the stickers?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • Doubting God exists?!?

    Lately I've been having doubts about Christianity. There's so many religion and I'm not sure which one is the right one.

    For example: What if I prayed about getting a job and I finally got it? Is that pure luck or was it God helping me? What if a Buddhist also prayed about getting a job and he got it too? Was that luck or was it Buddha that help him?

    I'm not sure if I'm making any sense. I don't really know how to explain what I'm feeling right now. I want to believe that he's real and he's been listening to me all the time. But other people's religion seem to be working for them. I'm questioning whether or not what I'm practicing is legit. Can someone shed some light on this?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Will I get hired if I already work part time?

    I've been working for a video store for about 1 1/2 years now and I want something new. My brother recently got hired at a pizza place and I think I might want to work there too. I like fast paced stuff and I don't mind getting my hands dirty. Is it too soon to turn in an application? Will it look good if I'm applying and still have another job? What is the best thing to say if the interviewer asks me if I'm going to quit my job to work at his?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment10 years ago
  • Is anyone else like this? HELP!?

    I recently got another hole in my ear two weeks ago. I'm Asian and my mom freaked out! She told me to take it out and let it heal a couple of times. I rebelled and left it in. Today we got into a huge argument and she told me to stop thinking I have top control over everything. She tells me that I'm still under her control because I can't provide for myself yet. She tells me I always do and want everything my way. I would have to agree with her but she makes it sound worse than it actually is.

    From a very young age, I've always felt unwated. My dad even said he wished all of his kids were boys. That comment still hurts me till this day. I am 18 and the oldest. I felt like they weren't there to support and encourage me throughout middle and high school. So basically I did almost everything by myself. Mentally and physically I only had me to rely on. Sure I have friends but it's hard to fully trust anyone.

    I've been told I'm too independent for my own good. I don't rely on anyone but myself. I don't depend on other people because I can do it myself. It's affecting my life because I can't let God take control of my life. I guess, I do need to rely on others at times too. Is anyone else out there like this? What can I do to help myself not be like this?

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How do I mail a package?

    I'm planning on selling some of my stuff on ebay and I need help shipping them.

    1. If I don't know how many stamps to use, can the post office help me determine it?

    2. Can I pay for the stamps at the post office if I don't have any?

    3. How long does the package ship out?

    4. Will the post office let me know if the package has been shipped out?

    I don't want to look stupid at the post office so that's why I'm asking before hand! Thanks!

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • I'm 18 and worried I'll never get married?!?

    I've been single all my life and I'm in college now. I've talked to a couple boys here and there but it never went anywhere. That discourages me a lot because I'm starting to think there's something wrong with me Am I not pretty or good enough? I'm basically the only one out of my friends that is not dating. I feel very low and down at the moment. My parents keep telling me I'm a bad person and no one would ever want to marry me. Makes me want to cry and shut down because I'm starting to believe them. I feel like there's not going to be anyone out there for me. I'm stressing over this super badly! HELP!

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I met this guy for the first time. Need help!?

    I went on a quadruple date yesterday with my friends. They hooked me up with this guy and told him that I was interested. We seem to get along pretty well. I was the first one to speak because I didn't want it to be awkward. His friend told me that he thought I was alright. Before the night was over, I said goodbye and hugged him. His friend gave him my number but I haven't heard anything from him. I decided to message him on facebook telling him that it was nice meeting him and I had a fun time. I was hesitant to do that because I wanted him to contact me after wards to show me that he's interested. Anyone have any advice?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I was in a car accident recently. How can I get over it?

    Thursday was my first day of college and I got into my first car accident. I was running a little bit late to go buy my books and I forgot to look out for cars carefully. A SUV hit my car and it spun me around. I got whip lash on the side of my neck and there's a slight bruise on my chest. I don't think the people in the SUV was hurt. I have to appear in court to pay for my charges since I'm not 21 yet. My mom didn't even speak to me after the accident. The day after the accident she bombarded me with questions about the car and how much the insurance is going to go up since it was my fault. I thought she would be a little more caring but she didn't even ask me if I was okay or hurt. As a result of that I'm a little cold to her when I talk to her. Is that wrong of me to do? I know she's angry because she told me countless times to be patient and careful. I know I made a mistake and I'm thankful that the accident wasn't a bad one. What can I do about my mom and the accident?

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Should I give him a chance?!?

    This may be a little bit long but please bear with me. I want your honest opinion and advice ;)

    I went to work a couple of days and I saw this guy I knew in 6th grade with his brother. I'm 18 now and he's about to turn 20. I only caught a glance of him and they went out the door. I didn't think twice about it though. The next day he added me on myspace and started messaging me. He asked for my number and we started texting. I've talked to a couple of guys before and he's different. I know you probably hear that a lot but it's true! He knows how to carry a conversation and he doesn't answer me with one word texts. And he hasn't shown me any hint that he only want to get in my pants. He told me that he used to have a crush on my back then. I was shocked! I told him that I used to have a crush on him too! Mind you that 6th grade was the last time we saw each other because he moved.

    We seem like two different people who lead two different lifestyles. He likes to drink. A lot. His license got suspended because he was under the influence and had a hit and run. :( I've always told myself that I'm going to date a guy who's doing good in school, has a job, is a Christian, and comes from a good family. He's breaking almost everyone of my expectations but I don't find myself wanting to stop talking to him. He thinks I'm innocent but I've told him about the bad things I've done too. I know for sure my parents are not going to like him. His birthday is this Saturday and I'm going to take him out to eat. I'm super nervous. I feel as if I'm not pretty enough for him. All the girls wanted him in middle school and I can't help but be a little suspicious. I just don't want to get hurt or involved in anything that I know won't work out in the long run. What should I do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • HELP! My hair is falling out!!!?

    I've dyed my hair a lot in the past and I've stopped dying it about 3 months ago. My hair is not thinning out but it's falling out! I am currently using Hair One and before that I used Wen. But it doesn't seem to help any! What should I do to stop the hair loss?!

    6 AnswersHair1 decade ago