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from what i remember the movie started out w/ a man watching a circus performer (female lead) dive off from a high ledge and land in a barrel of water or maybe a small pool of water. anyway, he convinces her to let him be her manager and she agrees. they become famous and the female lead gets big headed and leaves her manager/trainer (who by the way is in love w/ her) for her own aquatic show in vegas or some popular casino city. she ends up getting hurt during one of her aquatic shows and she loses everything. the doctors tell her she'll never walk again or be handicapped for the rest of her life. he manager/trainer comes to her side and motivates her to walk again? he trains her and she ends up swimming across some large distance and becomes famous again. they both fall in love and the movie ends.
1 AnswerMovies8 years agoI need help with foreign film movie title?
I watched this movie about this kid in Iraq or Afghanistan that disarms U.S. landmines and sells them. Anyway he's young maybe 13-14 and he meets this new girl that just arrived in his village with a kid that everyone thinks is her brother. She's about the same age? He has a crush on her but it turns out that she was raped by Saddam Hussiens troops and that her brother is really her son. This kid is the leader of a large group of kids and basically becomes the mayor of the village by making enough money to protect them by renting weapons.
So I've seen tons of movies. It feels like I've seen every movie ever made. I need help finding something good to watch. I'm 20 years old but I've grown up watching classical movies to present day productions. I like all movie genre's from all era's. If you could give me a list of movies to watch or just your favorite must see movie then please do....and if your asking what interests favorite movies are, the wackness, red cliff, the good shepard, the girl with the dragon tattoo (original), city of god, Insidious, Charlie Bartlett, Shrink, RocknRolla, The Lion King, Hercules (disney), Ben Hur, 13 Assassins, The Last Starfighter, Brewster's Million, The Ultimate Gift, Zombie Land, The Butterfly Effect, True favorite tv shows are, Shameless, Chuck, Archer, The Black Donnely's, and my favorite- ROME. hope this helps you out on what you'd think i'd like. Thanks.
3 AnswersMovies9 years agoOLD MOVIE---NEED HELP WITH TITLE.?
so i remember watching this movie about this man and woman deserted on an island when i was younger. all i can remember is that it was set during some war....i think it might have been WWII but they have this one story built on the ground that they found?? and the man and woman begin to fall in love. they get into this fight and decide to split up..the woman having the hut and the man going off into the jungle island. he returns to apologize and when he does this plane see's their "house" and shoots at it nearly killing the man and woman. they survive and i think at the end of the movie they're rescued...the movie was in color..and im not sure if its the same movie but they might've been on a yaht...or some type of private boat that was damaged at the edge of the island?? not sure. hope this helps :)
I'm taking my test tomorrow and I was wondering if I could get it the same day I passed or would I need to wait until it comes in the mail? I live in Phoenix, Arizona if that makes a difference. Thanks.
1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoI Don't Know Which Girl to Ask Out.?
My best friend and I stopped being friends but now we're friends again but I like both her and her new friend. She was in trouble and I stepped in and helped her out when all of her friends got scared and left. (she was drunk and was vomiting) I've told her before that I had feelings for her but she said that she only thinks of us as friends but now that we're friends again she's been wanting to hang out all the time and she goes out of her way to spend time with me when I don't even try to talk or hang out with her. I don't know if she wants her best friend back or if she thinks maybe we could be more then friends. Her friend on the otherhand is the same as her but she's really shy. I don't want to be in the friendzone with another girl so please give me some advice on what to say or do. and GIRLS: would my best friend be jealous or upset if i asked her friend out even though she rejected me when i told her how i felt about her?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago10 PTS: How Can I Flatten My Stomach Realistically In 6 MONTHS?
I'm a pretty motivated guy and I've lost 80lbs since February but I need help with a realistic way to flatten my stomach. I weigh 195 and I'm 5'9.5. I'm scrawny looking from all the running I do but my belly still hangs and I would really like a stomach that doesn't curve. I run/walk atleast 3 miles a day. I'll be honest and I'll admit that I sabotage my dieting by stuffing my face with fast food. I have all the time in the world so please create a schedule that I could follow or if you have anything to say then please do. Thanks.
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade agoi'm in irritating pain.?
so first of all i used to be morbidly obese and when i was i had this pain on my left side. it bothered me then but now that i've lost over 80lbs its unbearable when i sit down. i need to stand because i squirm if i'm sitting. its in the direct middle of my side and it's a constant bother. the pain can be anywhere from a 1-8 on a scale to 10. I also have chronic pain in my lower back which sometimes escalates into muscle spasms. somedays i cannot bend over or even WALK but those days are few. i do cardio exercise and i dont oversleep. my side pain is not a "stitch" from running and my back doesn't hurt because i slept in. 10 points to the best answer. thanks.
3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade agowhat should i say to my ex? i need answers ASAP?
so its been a month since we ended our relationship and we haven't said one word to eachother since then. she texted my best friend (who is a girl) and asked her if she could get me to text or call her because she misses me. i read the texts and it sounds to me like she wants to be friends or more then that because she doesn't want to "end things on a bad note".....btw she left me without saying anything and when i finally got her to talk she said she wanted me out of her life and that i hurt her. i didn't do anything and when i tried to talk to her she wouldn't let me. i finally got over her but she's a good person. how should i start the convo if i'm calling her? give me some opinions on what i should do and dialogue thanks.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhat are fun things to do in LA?
Me, my girlfriend, and her sister are all going on a roadtrip to California. We're coming from Phoenix, AZ and we're going to Newport Beach and LA for a couple of days. I was wondering if anyone could give us some advise on things to do while we're there. From places to go to have fun or just eat. I also want the gritty info on places not to go. Thank You.
5 AnswersLos Angeles1 decade agoCan I Get a Recording for my upcoming Stomach Surgery?
I'm getting surgery and I was wondering if and how i can get a video recording of my upcoming surgery. I want to see whats going on inside my body and I need to know if I would have to pay more or if its even possible for me to get a recording of my surgery.Thanks.
1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade agoWill I have an allergic reaction to Amoxicillin and Penicillin?
When I was an infant I had an allergic reaction to amoxicillin/penicillin. I'm 18 now and I would like to know if I was prescribed these medications If I would still have an allergic reaction. Thanks.
3 AnswersAllergies1 decade agoWhat are the disadvantages or cons to Human Rights?
My group was assigned a project to create a list of advantages and disadvantages of Human Rights. We've completed and explained the advantages but we're struggling with the disadvantages.Thanks.
3 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWould you rather be overweight or have excess skin from weight loss?
My group was assigned an appearance project in psychology and we have to explain which we would choose and why?
7 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoWill my insurance still cover me if i drop under the medically necessary 40 BMI that Lap Band requires.?
I've been told by my lap band doctor that my insurance (BCBS) will cover 80% of my surgery and other medical costs. I''ve began to lose a lot of weight pre-lap band and every time I go in they weigh me. I'm really close to going under a bmi of 40 but if I do will my insurance deny me or lower their coverage because its no longer "medically necessary"? I'm not lazy but I don't want my insurance to change their minds over a couple of pounds.
4 AnswersInsurance1 decade agoIf Someone Points a Gun at You Can You Make a Citizens Arrest?
I heard a story about an american citizen going hunting in Arizona near the border and having an encounter with some Minutemen. The Minutemen pointed guns at him but his rifle was on his shoulder and he had no intention of raising his firearm. They gave him no prior warning but he put his hands up to show them he had no reason to reach for his rifle. I understand that the law says that no-one can point a weapon at someone for reasons of intimidation or compliance unless they are law enforcement or active military personnel under orders. What I want to know is if there were any laws broken by the minutemen and if the Hunter could have pointed his gun back in self defense. Thanks.
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoHow Can I Get My Savannah Cat To Be More Interactive?
I've had my male bengal for almost two years now and I just bought a four month old Savannah Female a week ago. When I got my bengal he was very energetic and social. My Savannah is very cautious and scared. I've let her roam throughout my house and she hides whenever there is human contact. She's very close to my bengal and when she's not hiding she's purring and playing with him. I have a lot of time to spend with my cats but I need advise. Please Help. Thanks.
2 AnswersCats1 decade agoWhat Car Should I Buy?
My price limit is 19-23k. I'm someone who likes to drive around so I need a vehicle that will last and gets good MPG. I LOVE sedans but I drive a coupe filled with my friends everywhere. I dont care much about speed but I wont say I wont use it. I'm not a fan of pleather. I like cloth seats or real leather. Please let me know what vehicle I should get or your personal experience with any brand or vehicle. Thanks
1 AnswerBuying & Selling1 decade agomy lug nut key broke.?
Last night I bought brand new tires and rims. When I tried to replace them the lug nuts were too tight. After a lot of work I got all but one lug nut off and with all my strength I ended up breaking my lugnut key. I cant drive my car because I cant tighten my lug nuts and I still cant take off the lug nut that broke my key. My lug nut is not stripped and my rims are gloss black so I cannot torch them. How much would it cost to get a new lug nut key. My car is a 2000 Honda Civic with black four lug 17" rims. The space between the rim and the lug nut is very little.
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoWhere can i find Bonnie Tyler's Total Eclipse of the Heart Vocals or Acapella?
I really need to know where i can find Bonnie Tylers Vocals for Total Eclipse of the Heart. If you could help me out then it would really help. Thank You
1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago