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  • Are there any long lasting gaming headsets?

    Every time my Xbox chat headset breaks I just buy a new one of the same kind. This time I decided to see if there were any more expensive options that would last me longer than a few months at a time. When I read reviews for all these turtle beaches and astros and whatnot it's always the same thing: "Great but broke after a few months." If even the expensive options break every few months then I should just stick with the standard headset, but is there anything out there that does last a long time or are month long headsets just the norm?

    4 AnswersXbox5 years ago
  • Can you run a game without enough dedicated video RAM?

    I'm trying to see if my computer will be able to run Street Fighter V and I checked on the "can you run it" site and my computer meets every requirements on both the minimum and recommended tabs except for dedicated video RAM. Does this mean the game won't be playable or that I'll simply just have to play it with low graphics settings? I wouldn't really mind that since graphics aren't all that important in fighting games any way but I don't want to buy it and then not be able to play it at all.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games5 years ago
  • How do I upgrade my RAM?

    So I'm looking to upgrade my RAM but I've never done anything like this before. I've been doing google research and so far I know that my computer has two empty slots, that it supports up to 32gbs of memory, and that whatever I buy has to match what's already installed. So would I be correct in simply buying two of these DIMM things that match the two I already have and simply popping them into the slots or is there more to it? Is there something I should look out for? Any common mistakes people make?

    2 AnswersDesktops5 years ago
  • Attachment image

    What does this flag mean?

    I rented out a room to this guy and we've had issues and I gave him a month to move out. His month ran up and he refused to leave so I threatened to call the cops and he simply sent me a picture of this flag.

  • How do I manage multiple Gmail accounts?

    So I have one gmail account that was my personal account, and one that was recently assigned to me from my school. The problem I'm having is that whenever I try to access my school gmail through a link on my school's website it takes me to my personal gmail account, and whenever I click "sign in" on youtube or google it takes me to my schools website. I was also forced to create a third account because google wouldn't let me access either account without creating a third. What the heck is going on!?!?

    1 AnswerGoogle7 years ago
  • Why is Spinosaurus trending?

    Why is Spinosaurus trending and all over headlines today? All the articles I've read are acting like this is a new dino discovery but we've know about this species for years, heck there was one in Jurassic Park 3!

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment7 years ago
  • Is there any sort of math equation where the smaller number you plug in the larger the answer?

    I suck at math, but basically I'm trying to think of any equation or operation or whatever where the smaller the number you plug in, the larger the answer becomes?

    5 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • If people were in our house without our permission and got bitten by our dog?

    We recently rented out a room to this guy and he's been living here. Today we left on a trip and when we came back he had a party without our knowledge, invited his friends, one of his friends had a kid that played too rough with our dog in the backyard and got his finger bitten off. Now the parents of this kid say they're going to sue us and call the cops on our dog, can they do this? I say they can't because we didn't give them permission to be on our property but I'm not so sure on the laws regarding this type of thing.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • How long does it take to get a Gible in Pokemon Diamond?

    I am trying to get a Gible in my Heartgold but I don't have the patience to wait 100 days and I don't want to mess with My DS's clock settings or hack/cheat. I have a copy of Diamond and know he is much more easy to obtain in that game but I wanted to know about how much playtime it will take to get to them in the cave? If it's more than a few hours then I'd rather not bother.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • How do you confirm you bank account on paypal?

    I wanted to transfer the money into my bank account and it gave me two options to confirm, one said confirm instantly and the other said confirm in 2-3 days. I tried clicking confirm instantly but it told me that I needed to input my User ID and password, but no where on the page did it give me any place to input this information. So I tried refreshing and starting over twice but each time I got to this page it kept asking for this information without giving me a place to type it in. So I went with 2-3 day confirmation but I don't understand what exactly it does, it said to check my bank account in 2-3 days to see a deposit from them but then what do I do??

    1 AnswerOther - Internet7 years ago
  • Does anyone know what sight reading music website this is?

    I remember there was a website where you could go and you could chose any instrument and then different skill levels and it would generate random music for you to sight read. I haven't used it in months but today I tried looking for it and I can't find it. All I find are all these websites that ask you to sign up or download something and I remember this site was entirely free.

    1 AnswerClassical7 years ago
  • How can I play all the Pokemon games?

    So I have a few questions but basically let me explain the situation first. I stopped playing Pokemon after the original Gold and Silver, but with the whole Twitch Plays Pokemon thing I've recently gotten back into the games and I would like to play them all starting with Ruby/Saphire all the way up to the most recent one. However these games are all on different handhelds ranging from the Gameboy Advanced to various different versions of the DS. I don't want to emulate them since I do want to be able to trade pokemon between games all my games. So here are my questions

    1. I know older DS models had GBA slots, so could I play all the GBA games on an older DS?

    2. If yes to the previous question how would I go about trading pokemon between games? Would I have to buy a whole separate DS? Could you trade between a GBA and a DS?

    3. I heard Nintendo is shutting down the WIFI on the DS in a few months, would this make trading Pokemon impossible? If so would I have to get all my Pokemon onto the most recent game to save them?

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Would you rather have tile or carpet for your bedroom?

    My mom is obsessed with replacing all carpet in our house with tile, but I'm drawing the line at my bedroom, yet she insists that I'm crazy because everyone loves tile. So I want to see which is more popular amongst everyone here, tile or carpet??

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Can someone provide me with a list of piano pieces that different skill levels should be able to play?

    I am looking for a list of increasingly difficult pieces for me to work on over time outside of my lessons. I'd like 10 pieces, Starting with 1 being something a beginner could play after maybe a month and 10 being something only a master could play (ok maybe not that hard but you get the idea), I would really appreciate it and thank you.

    2 AnswersClassical7 years ago
  • How can I convince my mom that she might be being scammed?

    So my mom has recently joined this thing. She did a terrible job of explaining it to me but it sounds fishy enough for me to want to get her out of it. Basically the way she explained it is that she "invested" $1000 into some credit card thing and that she'll get $400 a month for the rest of her life without having to do anything. Obviously that makes no sense but I don't know how to explain to her that it sounds off.

    6 AnswersInvesting7 years ago
  • AT&T bill paid but I still have the money?

    So I got that U-verse thing about three months ago. Ever since then I've been paying and every time as soon as I pay the money is taken out of my bank account. This month however I paid, their website shows I don't owe them anything, but it has been two weeks and the money is still in my account, what gives?

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance7 years ago
  • How do I fix my Xbox One cutting off the sides of the image?

    So for some reason my Xbox One zooms in and cuts off the image about half an inch at the top and bottom, and about two inches on the sides of the screen. I noticed this because when I play Call of Duty Ghosts on my 360 I can see the full image, but when I play it on Xbox One it is slightly zoomed in. I've searched around in the settings and the only options in the One are 1080p and 720p which fixes nothing, and my screen size settings don't fix the problem either. The only thing I can think of is that I used a VGA cable to connect my 360 but the One only uses HDMI, is that the cause or am I missing something obvious?

    1 AnswerMonitors7 years ago
  • Will I be able to sell an Xbox one on ebay at launch?

    I hear there is good money in selling an extra console at launch on ebay when the supply is low and the demand is high. I know a PS4 would sell for a lot but what about an Xbox One? Gamestop says they're selling out but everywhere online is nothing but people avoiding the console like the plague and claiming to be switching to PS4, it seems like no one is buying this thing so would I even make my money back if I put one on ebay at launch??

    5 AnswersXbox8 years ago
  • How can I justify an A chord in the key of F# major?

    For my music class we had to write melody with a chord progression. I want to use the chord progression F#-A-C#7-F# but my professor said I couldn't use the A chord unless I came up with a "justifiable" reason for it to be there. I kind of get what he means, obviously there is no A chord in that key so how can I justify it being there??

    5 AnswersClassical8 years ago
  • Hundreds of small bugs on front wall and door?

    There are these tiny small bugs all over our front wall and door. They are definitely not ants since they look nothing like ants, they are about half the size of a normal ant, it's hard to see any details on them but they appear to just be one small round oval with six legs and antennas. They appeared overnight and are just wandering around aimlessly all over the wall, what are these things??

    4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden8 years ago