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Comrades, argue on your own behalf!

  • Info on politics in cuba?

    is Cuba similar to Venezuela in that opposition parties can compete against the government? Or is the 'communist' party guaranteed power?

    I know they've *had* power for a long time, I'm wondering if there are specific provisions that keep them in power, or if it's just the way things turned out. Any info is appreciated.

    2 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • any good strategy/war games for the gameboy?

    I'm looking for a strategy/war based game for the Ds or GBA.

    I play Civ4 on the computer, I was looking for something like that.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Programs on my work computer?

    So someone else was sitting at my desk yesterday at work. He seems to have installed a bunch of add ons and what not to the computer.

    I've been trying to remove them all morning but there are a few things on here that I'm not sure about. I don't want to delete anything important. if you have any info on these programs let me know if they are legitimate, important, or malicious:

    Log me in - logmein inc

    Less tabs - lesstabs -

    Camtasia studio 7 - techsmith corporation

    Optimizer pro v 3.1 - strongvault

    playready PC run time - Microsoft

    If worst comes to worst I will have the tech people look at it. I'd rather not, tho, because it isn't necessary to get the kid in trouble. they could use this as an excuse to repel our internet rights. I'd rather handle it myself.

    2 AnswersSecurity8 years ago
  • Tips for organizing a Monsanto protest?

    I'm going to help organize my local 'march against monsanto' this month with the group who set it up.

    What I'm doing right now is designing flyers- I'm going to make 5 different ones, with different art and a different message, and post them around the cities.

    I'm also going to try to get local businesses to promote it and hang flyers up.

    I was thinking about making signs to give to people at the event who don't have any.

    And maybe talking to people on the street, canvasser-style, to build some support and get people to come.

    Does anyone have any other ideas? I have about a month to organize and I want to personally draw in as many people as possible. Any advice is greatly appriciated.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • A good free/cheap image editing software?

    I'm looking for a good, cheap (preferably free, but no more than $50 at least) image editing software.

    Nothing too fancy, I just want to use it to make fliers and posters. Not working with actual photos or anything.

    If there aren't any, maybe you could point me towards a good one with a free trial for a few months or something. Anything helps. Thanks!

    6 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • Has president Obama made any mention of GMOs or labeling since he was elected?

    I know he mentioned that 'labeling them was a good idea' in his campaign in 2008, but has he said anything else about it since?

    4 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • If you happen to find a brand new phone?

    Say you were standing on the corner all day selling hotdogs or something. In the middle of the day you notice a new, fancy, droid-phone sitting on the sidewalk. No one picks it up or checks it out all day (hypothetically) and so at the end of the day you pick it up yourself or take it home.

    How would you go about finding the original owner?

    If you could not find the original owner, would there be any *legal* ramifications for keeping/activating/selling it?

    If it was reported lost and someone tried to activate it, what would happen?

    5 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Is Texas still recalling their gold?

    I read recently that Texas was asking for all their gold back from the federal reserve. At the time the issue was that 'so much gold could not be moved safely'. But I was wondering if that ever went anywhere.

    3 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • When is enough enough?

    I'm a syndicalist. A collectivist. I don't care what you are, what your party affiliation is.

    We are all people. There is one race on earth, and I support you all and your ideals whether or not I agree with them.

    I find that this is *mostly* the case in the country I live in. People are generally tolerant of others. they just want to survive, to do the right thing, to not feel worried about their future, and I respect that.

    We all have that in common.

    You know who doesn't have that in common with us?

    The federal government. The corporations and banks. The resource holders, the heads of the military, and the globalists. They don't care on way or the other about our wellbeing, doesn't matter if you're 'on their side'.

    My question is:

    When will enough be enough?

    Why are we at each other's throats? We are in this alone unless we work together. The working class, the commoners, they are the only people who will ever be on your side.

    We must show solidarity amongst each other, we're all in it together. I have heard deeply insightful views here on Y!A from all ends of the spectrum and I just wonder why nobody is taking a stand. I have confidence in myself and in you to manifest these ideas and do something about them.

    here's my pledge: Even if you are all strangers to me, I will support you if you support me. I will say the same thing to anyone who is willing to struggle for a better future- whatever you determine that to be.

    You:Right-winger, left-winger, are not my enemy. You are my ally. Lets do something. Let's take action and let the elite know how we feel. I know I'm not alone in this.

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Looking for some new bands. Hardcore punk/ lo fi?

    I'm looking for bands like...


    Whatever it Takes



    The Broadways (especially)


    The Bouncing Souls

    I know who most of the mainstream punk bands are. Like Bad religion, Rancid, etc. I'm not really looking for stuff like that. I'm looking for lo-fi hardcore punk music. That's somewhat melodic I guess.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated :)

    7 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • I want to get a decent gaming PC,?

    I know very little about computer gaming. I've been using an Xbox for a long time but recently have gotten frustrated with its limitations.

    No downloads, no fan-made mods, it's all very limited.

    So I want to get a gaming computer, preferably for under 800$.

    I don't know much about specs but my general requirements are slim.

    I mostly play RPGs, Skyrim, Fallout, etc and want to be able to mod them heavily.

    Next to that are turn based games like Civ 4 and 5.

    And apart from that emulators. Emulators are important.

    Graphics are less of a priority but my current desktop can't even begin to run fallout.

    I want to be able to hook it up to a TV as a monitor, and if there was one with decent audio that would be great too. I've looked around online but really have no idea where to start because I don't know what any of the technical stuff means.

    Does anyone have any recommendations?

    5 AnswersPC8 years ago
  • How do you kill time on the internet?

    I've been browsing around the web looking for ways to kill time on the internet. I have more down time than anything at my job so it gets pretty boring. I find a whole lot of 'get up and take a water break' or 'check your facebook/email'.

    But I'm really looking for a project to do or something. I know how to waste 10 minutes, but I have a few hours to waste. Any ideas?

    I can't download anything or listen to music,but I can bring a program into work on a thumb-drive if it's small enough.

    3 AnswersOther - Entertainment8 years ago
  • What is wealth redistribution?

    See, as long as I've been reading communist theory, I've never actually come across the idea of "redistributing the wealth." That's just something I've heard conservatives say. Kinda like a boogey-man. It's a faceless threat that only seems to exist in their minds.

    So since it appears to be a conservative viewpoint, I have to wonder. Is "wealth redistribution" actually when you take take tax money from millions and millions of people and give it to a couple corporations who are entrusted to run the economy (despite the fact that they attacked the economy in the first place)?

    From the bottom to the top, where it stays, as usual?

    9 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Can you defend the notion that Hitler was a leftist?

    If so, can you explain all this horrible stuff he had to say about leftists:

    and his execution of communists all over Germany:


    And as such here are two quotes from this first article:

    "While Hitler's attitude towards liberalism was one of contempt, towards Marxism he showed an implacable hostility… Ignoring the profound differences between Communism and Social Democracy in practice and the bitter hostility between the rival working class parties, he saw in their common ideology the embodiment of all that he detested -- mass democracy and a leveling egalitarianism as opposed to the authoritarian state and the rule of an elite; equality and friendship among peoples as opposed to racial inequality and the domination of the strong; class solidarity versus national unity; internationalism versus nationalism."

    and from Hitler himself:

    "Marxism itself systematically plans to hand the world over to the Jews."

    The Nazis defined "national socialism" as such: (heavy nazi propaganda warning!)

    3 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • What were Mussolini's domestic policies like?

    Clearly not as radical as Hitler- either internationally or domestically.

    I've heard from very few people that for a fascist, he was rather "easy-going" domestically. And I've also heard that he was a ruthless tyrant, which is probably true.

    So what was he actually like?

    1 AnswerHistory8 years ago
  • What do you think about social programs?

    Some Americans (particularly the conservative bunch) see social programs a threat. And I see their point. America was founded as a capitalist nation and each social program does, in fact, move us a step farther away from that.

    My question is mostly directed at these Americans.

    As of now, there are about 315k people in the country. About 44k of them are on food stamps. More on other kinds of welfare. Public education is also a social service. Most farmers would not survive if it wasn't for government subsidies. And I know a handful of people that would literally be fishes-outof-water if they didn't get assistance from the state to pay for their medicines.

    So, it's clear to me why you may dislike social programs. Social programs are introduced because bare and raw capitalism isn't cutting it. Too many people are going hungry and broke. Feel free to debate that but I see no other reason one would ever be created. My question, directly, is what your alternatives to these programs are.

    What would work in the place of social programs to ensure that our fellow citizens are not struggling? Are you going to make an independent effort? Or is their strife worth it if it means privatizing the market again? Where does that line get drawn, and who is ultimately benefiting from that?

    10 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • If liberals like regulation so much,?

    Why do they ignore the constitution?

    The constitution being the ultimate regulatory guidelines for *government*.

    Is it because regulations don't work, and at some primal level they realize this, and therefor disregard it?

    8 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Conerning Obama's kill list capability?

    If another country decided that they also have the right to kill their own citizens, or foreign citizens, without trial, do you think that could be considered a "terrorist action" by the Obama administration?

    My guess is yes.

    2 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Really tense when I wake up?

    So, I work long hours on my feet. I'm usually pretty sore after work by the end of the week.

    But lately, when I go to bed, I'm waking up feeling even worse. Like I've been sleeping in a really cramped position or something, even tho I haven't.

    Is there any way to relax a little bit more while you sleep, so I don't feel so tense in the morning?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago