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Lv 44,342 points

Crystal R

Favorite Answers13%
  • Why do i have trouble getting up?

    When my alarm goes off i hit snooze over and over until bam!! i am late for work why does my body refuse to wake up when it is time to?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • What am I doing wrong with potty training?

    My daughter is 8, she has learning disability. I take her potty she goes when I take her, but still has accidents. I even scold her for accidents (no spanking, I don't like doing those for something like this). A few people, even my ex husband says I am lazy and her disability is no excuse. What should I do? ..I guess it means I am a bad mom...

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • What is my boyfriends older brothers problem?

    Well, its not my boyfriend..he is great all is well. However, his older brother is a pain, his older brother would interferer with our relationship. He be like, well if you really loved my brother... you would do this and that. For example, my bf and I have not been dating very long, three weeks the most, and his older brother asked, " why haven't you called your kids his, why haven't you showed yourself to him" I mean what is the deal with his older brother?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why did the child service call my sister instead of me?

    Well, the child service stopped by my house before the holidays due to a complaint with my daughter. I am not abusive at all. So any ways , the child investigator left and said if I did not do what needs to be done I could lose her. Well, I did what needed to be done. However,she called my sister and left a message saying for her to call back. So why would she call my sister instead of me, involving my daughter? I am sure you intelligent yahoo answer people could help. It worries me.

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • What is my boyfriends moms problem?!!?

    Well, I am in a new relationship. His mother already says I am manipulate and ugly. That I am a bad person. Truth be told her and I never met. I asked my boyfriend if she is like this from his past girlfriends and he said yes.But, he is an adult? What is her problem? Don't parents understand that they have to let their child go sometime?

    6 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • why does she talk behind my back?

    This lady who is around 45 years of age talks behind my back. I messaged her in person and told her to tell me face to face but she won't do it. Why is she too afraid to confront me in person? ...before you answer I want to let you all know that I am a petite person so yeah..

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • Have I been rejected by Jesus Christ?

    Well..I am Christian..and a sinner :(, any ways this other guy who is Christian claims that if Jesus was in my life then I would NEVER sin. So did Jesus reject me when I asked him to come into my life?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What is spiritual sex?

    yeah...I want to know what it is and more about it..

  • Is it a demon or my imagination?

    At night I will hear vivid whispering in my ear and feel like I am being touched down below while I am being held down. I believe in the spirit realm and mental health as well so I was wondering what it could be..good explanations please.

    3 AnswersParanormal Phenomena9 years ago
  • Was it an Angel or something else?

    okay first off please do not answer unless you believe in the angels and demons. any ways last night I woke up and saw a golden angel standing over my bed on the floor, it looked like it was praying but when is saw it I got terrified, then it looked at me and dissapeared leaving gold dust behind him, so I am wondering if this was something good or evil?

    7 AnswersDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • Is the horse that lady gaga rides on her born this way ball real or mechanical?

    Rumors say its real others say its not. I just want to know and a logical answer please. No mean comments about gaga either :)

    1 AnswerCelebrities9 years ago
  • Why don't I feel guilty after I sin?

    When I sin I do not feel guilty about it like I use to. Does that mean Jesus has left me and that I am doomed to hell?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Can Christians lose salvation?

    some say yes and some say no, I want the truth, I don't want to go to hell, I want real answers and please no smart remarks saying god is fake and blah blah blah, please be honest I am worried

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • how can i stop thinking about my ex boyfriend?

    my ex and I dated 10 months and we spend every minute together. But now he broke it off and when I try to sleep I toss and turn. I don't know what to do.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • question about muggleborns?

    well I know that muggleborns are witches with non magic parents but the question is are muggleborns muggles that can do magic or do they have some magic blood in them? if so how much?

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • why does it smell like feces?

    i am being serious about this , the smell comes and goes , its in front of me and there is not feces around but why in the hell am I smelling it? I am not joking or doing this to get attention , though some of you may laugh at your computer or get grossed out i want to know what is going on? please be serious

    4 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • Why are people rude to suicdals?

    I am NOT suicidal but there are those who say they want to kill themselves and when they tell others they get rude respondes like. Okay go ahead do it. You only say that to get attention. Oh stop being chidlish. that type of stuff

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • If your boyfriend does not contact you within 24 hours is he cheating?

    well i understand that a boyfriend can go without contacting you for 24hours and not cheat. The problem is mine does it every Saturday that is kind of fishy. Is there a chance he is with another woman?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why do customers ask if I ever get a day off?

    I work 5 days a week for only 5 hours and I still get customers ask if I get a day when I tell them yes the say well every time I am here ur here. So annoying why do they do that?

    5 AnswersFast Food1 decade ago