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  • I need help picking the right name for my nail salon, which name do you like best?

    So I m going to be starting a nail art studio focusing on nail art not just mani/pedis but actual hand painted 3d nail art. I want to appeal to a wide audience, however I will be starting out in a food truck type trailer in a food truck court. So here are my thoughts for names. What do you all think is the best of the names bellow?

    The Little Nail Shop

    Cutest Little Nail Shop

    Glossed Up

    The Glossary


    Couleur Folle

    Nail Swag

    Boss Nails

    Nail Status

    Luxe Coat

    Base Coat

    Just Polished

    Painted Love



    4 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style6 years ago
  • I need help understanding my husbands position, about breast implants please?

    So two years ago when I was pregnant with my second child I told my husband I wanted implants when I was done breastfeeding my daughter. I don't think this is an unusual request a lot of women feel this way. I also told my husband there were about three cosmetic surgeries I wanted. He responded saying he didn't want me to have any plastic surgery because I look beautiful the way I am and he's not onboard, but if I want the implants he understands and will stand by my side. Flash forward a year and He's been supportive in last few month helping me figure out how to finance and giving input on pictures. Till last week he said I should wait till I'm more toned (which I'm trying to do in fact I've just recently lost 20lbs and everywhere I go everyone tells me I'm looking really good I lost all my baby weight dropping from 158-138), then the next night he said I should just get a lift (which is also weird since two months ago he said I shouldn't do that because of the scars). . And last night he said he doesn't like the idea of fakes ones he's never liked fake ones and he says he's told me this countless times (which isn't true) then he said "just do it my opinion doesn't matter anyway." So I got upset n decided not to argue and dropped it and stopped talking to him. Then he comes back all sweet and supportive saying he thinks I should do it. Since I really want to he supports it. So from your male perspective what do you think?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • My alarm clock won't wake me up, what do I do?!?

    I'm a mother or two, one of which sleeps in bed with me still. I put my kids down for bed at 830 and the baby falls asleep by 930. For the last 8 months I have been staying up until 1130-12am and it was beginning to take a toll on me since I have to be up by 415 for work. I just kept telling myself I needed a couple of hours after my kids went to bed, to unwind and get ready to work and take care of my kids the next day all over again. Well I decided it wasn't healthy to only sleep for 4 hours at night and I've been trying to go to bed between 10-1030, only problem is now I'm not waking up. I have even set 4 alarms on my phone with different ringtones. I've tried setting alarms for 340/350/400/410 and 420. Lately I've noticed I wake up to the 350 alarm but nothing after that until next thing I know it's already 630. I don't know what to do. I'm also worried if I get something louder it'll wake my baby I'm in bed with. Then she won't be able to sleep and she will follow me out the room and bang on the bathroom door crying as I'm getting ready for work (which has happened a few times in the past). I don't want to disrupt her or my husbands sleep. But I have no idea what to do. And I've been late for work 3 days a week for the last month now. Please help me figure this out!?

    3 AnswersOther - Health7 years ago
  • What is effective organizational Leadership?

    What is your criteria for effectiveness regarding organizational leadership?

    2 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • Can you please tell me what you think of my cover letter?

    I read with interest your posting for a Peer Tutor in the Student Affairs department here at Portland State University. Having just spent the last two months tutoring at risk youth—who really had no desire to be tutored or taught—I can imaginatively see myself flourishing in a setting where my skills will not only be put to good use, but appreciated in their natural state. As a former autodidact adolescent, I grew into anew; I am now a firm believer that education is an investment in oneself as well as the community. Having recently started my MS in Post-Secondary Education through Portland State University’s ELP program, I feel as though I am experiencing my own personal renaissance, and am elated to help others move in the same direction.

    I believe that the most effective method of tutoring would be best managed through the role as a mentor; Concerned with supporting our natural or intrinsic tendencies to behave in effective and healthy ways, and helping others benefit from these factors. In my early years working for Barnes & Noble not only did I learn how to alphabetically shelve books, but I built character, I learned how to listen, and be articulate; my experience at Circuit City taught me how to be more technical, and not overlook all the nuts and bolts of any project, system, organization, or dispute; and during my 4 years as an undergraduate in the graphic design department I gained the ability to become structured, organized, and I learned how to fine tune all the details. All of the aforementioned attributes I have acquired have thus far paved an exceptional experience in the field of education, and I have found this world to be prosperous and rewarding.

    My overall philosophy on education is that an individual be all-inclusive. If both innate and life learned skills are utilized, then the pleasure of working in the education field will be accepted not solely by the customer, but also by the mentor, the organization, and the community. I hereby enclose my resume, and other required materials for your review. I look forward to speaking with you further about what I may offer Portland State University as a peer tutor in the Student Affairs department.

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • How do I write a good thankyou not to my boyfriends mom?

    I am a 25 year old mother who just started dating a guy about 3 months ago. Aside from the fact that I am a mother and he and I are both in our mid 20s, this feels like our first real adult relationship. Just last week his mother sent a package with an assortment of toys and fun stuff for my son, and a special present for myself. I am totally in shock of her generosity, and surely have no idea just how to say thank you, especially since I have never spoken to her, let alone met her.

    Please I need your advice, how does this sound?

    Dear Mrs. (name),

    Thank you ever so much for the thoughtful package that you sent to Leaf and me! We were/are both very ecstatic about the presents—as well as your generosity—and just hope that our little thank you shows our appreciation. I just want to tell you how appreciative I am of your kindness; I honestly can’t remember the last time anyone has done something so nice for me/us.

    Having Matt in my life has been a pleasant and wonderful beginning to what I can only hope will be a long journey, and it feels comforting knowing I am now accepted in all aspects of his world. I look forward to my future with Matt, and hopefully meeting you sometime in the near future and starting a relationship with you.

    Your thoughts, my thanks

    (signed my name)

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • How do I write a good thankyou note to my boyfriend's mom?

    I am a 25 year old mother who just started dating a guy about 3 months ago. Aside from the fact that I am a mother and he and I are both in our mid 20s, this feels like our first real adult relationship. Just last week his mother sent a package with an assortment of toys and fun stuff for my son, and a special present for myself. I am totally in shock of her generosity, and surely have no idea just how to say thank you, especially since I have never spoken to her, let alone met her.

    Please I need your advice.

    3 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Teachers will you Help Please, I Just Need You to Answer a Couple of Questions?

    I need to do a survey before writing a paper, would you mind helping out and answering these questions please. Oh yeah I guess I'll need a name and stuff too, but if you want you can just make the name up, I'll never know the difference. Thanks.

    What do you teach?

    Are you an ethical teacher?

    Is the primary purpose of education to impart information, construct knowledge, or initiate change?

    Do you think you teach for transformation?

    Habermas (1971) 3 kinds of knowledge instrumental, communicative, emancipatory, would you say that you promote either of these types of knowledge?

    Do you allow room for critical reflection in class, every class meeting?

    Do you hold lectures using provocative statements, hold class discussions, allow students to tell personal stories, or stimulate critical self-reflection?

    Do you nurture openness to alternatives, how so?

    Do you allow one on one interaction with a student who is changing their beliefs or learning from you transformativly?

    Do you agree with this statement?

    Both teachers and learners engage in shared endeavors and both are learners and teachers through this shared experience… both are “works in progress.”

    5 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • I need help finding a topic to teach as a class project, can you help?

    So I am a MA Post Secondary Education student, and one of my projects is to teach in the community and write regarding my findings. So I can pick anything, as long as I have three students, lecture for 20-60 minutes and have an assignment retruned to me. The only problem is, I cannot think of a subject that would be fun and informative to teach in a one time class setting.

    Do you have any ideas?

    I'm thinking something like, cooking or crafts, but I want it to be less broad, and more intriguing.

    1 AnswerTeaching1 decade ago
  • Has anyone seen Buck?

    He asked a valid question a couple of weeks ago, that was removed. But to answer his question I would have to say "yes."

    2 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Date tomorrow is this outfit ok (revised)?

    Ok so I met this guy on a dating website, and have been talking for a couple of weeks now. It turns out we have a lot in common we not only both go to college, but we go to the same one, we major in the same subject, oh yeah and we are both single parents.

    So I guess you could say we hit it off pretty well. We talked about getting together, and realized that the timing wouldn't allow us to meet with out our kids, so we decided to make our first date a family affair. I got a phone call from Mr.Doe and asked if I brought my 2 year old son he would bring his 5 year old daughter…

    And I thought GREAT, until I realized I'm not quite sure what to wear on a date like this. I know how to dress for a play date, and I know how to dress for a hot date, but I'm not sure how to dress for the too combined. SInce we are going to the zoo, I figured it should be comfortable but still sexy,and well this is what I came up with. Please help me out!

    7 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Date tomorrow is this outfit ok (revised)?

    Ok so I met this guy on a dating website, and have been talking for a couple of weeks now. It turns out we have a lot in common we not only both go to college, but we go to the same one, we major in the same subject, oh yeah and we are both single parents.

    So I guess you could say we hit it off pretty well. We talked about getting together, and realized that the timing wouldn't allow us to meet with out our kids, so we decided to make our first date a family affair. I got a phone call from Mr.Doe and asked if I brought my 2 year old son he would bring his 5 year old daughter…

    And I thought GREAT, until I realized I'm not quite sure what to wear on a date like this. I know how to dress for a play date, and I know how to dress for a hot date, but I'm not sure how to dress for the too combined. SInce we are going to the zoo, I figured it should be comfortable but still sexy,and well this is what I came up with. Please help me out!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Date tomorrow is this outfit ok, if not what should I wear?

    Ok so I met this guy on a dating website, and have been talking for a couple of weeks now. It turns out we have a lot in common we not only both go to college, but we go to the same one, we major in the same subject, oh yeah and we are both single parents.

    So I guess you could say we hit it off pretty well. We talked about getting together, and realized that the timing wouldn't allow us to meet with out our kids, so we decided to make our first date a family affair. I got a phone call from Mr.Doe and asked if I brought my 2 year old son he would bring his 5 year old daughter…

    And I thought GREAT, until I realized I'm not quite sure what to wear on a date like this. I know how to dress for a play date, and I know how to dress for a hot date, but I'm not sure how to dress for the too combined. SInce we are going to the zoo, I figured it should be comfortable but still sexy,and well this is what I came up with. Please help me out!

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Date tomorrow is this outfit ok, if not what should I wear?

    Ok so I met this guy on a dating website, and have been talking for a couple of weeks now. It turns out we have a lot in common we not only both go to college, but we go to the same one, we major in the same subject, oh yeah and we are both single parents.

    So I guess you could say we hit it off pretty well. We talked about getting together, and realized that the timing wouldn't allow us to meet with out our kids, so we decided to make our first date a family affair. I got a phone call from Mr.Doe and asked if I brought my 2 year old son he would bring his 5 year old daughter…

    And I thought GREAT, until I realized I'm not quite sure what to wear on a date like this. I know how to dress for a play date, and I know how to dress for a hot date, but I'm not sure how to dress for the too combined. SInce we are going to the zoo, I figured it should be comfortable but still sexy,and well this is what I came up with. Please help me out!

    13 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • What should I do, I need your help (to move or not to move)?

    I moved from souther California 3.5 years ago, transferring to Portland State University and am about to graduate. While attending I got knocked up by someone who is barely involved in my son's life. I am thinking about moving back to southern California and applying to a graduate program close to my old friend and family, but the only problem with that is that I hate it here. The weather, the people, the smog, the unfriendliness to the environment.

    So what should I do, sacrifice my own comfort for my child? I know it would be great for him to be close to family, since we are alone in Oregon. Especially since we would be close to his uncle and grandfather which would be a great male influence for him.

    So what do you think I should do? Please, help I need an outsiders opinion.

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What should I bring to my Aunt's bridal shower?

    Ok so my Aunt is getting married for the first time. She's the youngest of her siblings and everyone is so excited. I'm flying down to visit and attend her bridal shower, in two very short weeks. And of course I'm struggling very hard with figuring out what to get her. If I were to ask my father he would say that whatever he buys her my name will be included in, but I want to get her something from me personally.

    Now here is my struggle, I'm a 24 year old college student/ single parent who's strapped for cash, and since my Aunt lives in Orange County I'm sure you can understand that she has very expensive taste.

    Does any one have any advice? Is there some sort of familial token item that I can buy her at this special time? Or something that I can make her (she loves beautiful hand crafted home decor)? Any advice would help.

    Thanks so much in advance.

    5 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Can anyone recommend a passionate vampire movie, please?

    I just finished watching Twilight and it left me feeling disappointed. It was passionate and all, but there was little to no biting, transforming, or action for that matter. I loved Queen of the Damed & Underworld, so if you can recommend something along these lines I would love to watch something new.

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Can you help me edit a letter to my teacher please(10pts best answer)?

    I need to send this to my instructor ASAP, and I'm not to good with writing, I need your help please starting after the colon:

    Wow. I'm sorry, I must have been a disappointment. I have to admit that for the first half of the term I was putting together my applications to graduate schools, and the second half of the term I was under a great deal of stress just thinking about whether or not I would get accepted to any of them. I have never done so poorly in a class before this term, and I'm writing you this, not to give you a "woe is me story," but to justify myself as a student. This may be the last time I have a class with you (since I only need 472, which I will be taking in the Summer), but I don't want you to walk away thinking that you failed me in some sort of way, or that I am not a passionate student who cares. I honestly believe that having taken this class during this difficult time for me, has been an amazing learning experience, in that I have learned a couple of things about me and how I work (or rather crumble) under pressure and stress. So thank you for all of your honesty, support, and dedication to the class and more specifically me.

    Thanks in advance. Oh yeah 10pts too.

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago