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Im 20. I live in Sugarland TX. Im a very friendly guy and a loyal friend. Im willing to help anyone with their problem whether they know me or not. Videogames are a big part of my life, along with drawing comics and cartoons. I LOVE cartoons, spongebob rocks! Kid at heart.

  • How can I remove dried-blood from my lower lip?

    A few days ago I was bitten by my friends dog on my lower lip. 1st thing 1st yes I'm taking my aintobiotics/and other medicines, the dog doesnt have rabies, and I'm we are both up to date on our shots, tetanus or w.e.

    I got 3 stitches to close the wound on my lip and now theres dry blood there. What's the best way to remove the dry blood? I heard hydrogen peroxide should work. I tried that by soaking a q-tip with some then dabbing the blood but it didnt seem to loosen it. I don't want to try scraping the blood off just yet because I don't know if I'm supposed to wait or if the wound underneath is fully closed.

    Maybe I should just use more peroxide than normal or wait. Any suggestions would be helpful thanks.

    2 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Serious question what would you do?

    You somehow see into the future that in 1 week some sort of major but unlikely disastor is going to happen in 2 weeks be it a tornado, earthquake, erupting volcano, alien invasion, what would you do? Tell authority, try to prevent it, do nothing, what?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Would you laugh or be offended?

    So one day I was in the car with about 6 friends and we were riding down the freeway. Then I see a 18-wheeler come driving up in the next lane. For kicks I yelled "al-quida!" Some of them laughed but I think some of them didnt find it funny at all.

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What's all the parts needed to build a gaming desktop/laptop?

    I need a list of all the parts needed to build a computer. Preferably specific reccommendations of any parts you feel work really well.

    I already have a laptop but I have to play World of warcraft with all settings on minimum an I still get lag sometimes, avg 14 fps and alot of the times 7-9 fps. It's simply horrid.

    So I want to buy w.e parts I need for a gaming laptop or desktop. It will be just for gaming and nothingelse, no internet browsing, no music, no movies, nothing but gaming.

    4 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Have you replaced the word "Sparta" in the phrase?

    Have you substituted your own word for the phrase; "THIS IS SPARTA!"?

    Had some friends use it in funny/tense situations, we all had some good laughs.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Im tired of my money tree want it?

    It drops hundred dollar bills all over the place and everyday I have to rake the yard. It's becoming a real hassle. I have nowhere to put all this money, I've tried keeping the fireplace lit with it but that's not gonna work for various reasons, I filled my pool with it, I've thrown toons in the garbage, I even threw bags of it in my neighbors yard. That seems to work because the bags always dissappear. Help me!?

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Are you the sidekick or the superhero?

    If your the hero who's your righthand man?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Has music ever inspired you?

    To do anything?

    Write a book,poem,song.

    Make a new friend.

    Be mean, be nice



    Run, jump


    Apologize to a friend

    Name 1 song that makes you sad and 1 that makes you so happy you just forget all your troubles.

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you think I have?

    Cool eyes and a laid back hairstyle?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you feel close to a celebrity?

    Over the years you watch movie after movie and you have favorite actors/singers/talk show host,etc that you reall like. You may join a fan club, you may just watch their movies, you might have posters of them, perhaps you go to thier concerts,you probably read about them and know their history,do you feel close to them in any way even though you dont know them?

    I've been a fan of some celebrities for years, I watched all their movies, read biographies, watched interviews and see the things they do to helo others. I think I would be sad if anything happened to Jackie Chan. I miss Steve Irwin.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • If you could be in a movie?

    What kind of movie would it be and what would it be called?

    34 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What do you do while bored at work?

    If your bored at work and your out of work for the time go to wikipedia and research something you like. I happen to love videogames so I found a list of all videgame companies and learning about logos, name changes, videogames they made, etc.

    24 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What's your favorite comeback?

    Mine: When some1 says anything like man math sucks, I say "Your face sucks". Even stuff that makes no sense like that food taste bad, "Your face taste bad"

    68 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What's the best method?

    There's a levy behind my house and very often we have skunks wander into the backyard. Nothing has happened thus far but what is the best method of getting the skunk smell off of skin or clothing if someone does get sprayed?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago