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  • Thoughts on WrestleMania Co-Main Events?

    So with Jericho winning the World Title tonight in the Elimination Chamber and Batista winning the WWE title (with a little help from Vinnie Mac) looks like the Champions are set for Mania, and as we all there have been Two Main Events at Mania for a few who and what do you think the main events for this years Mania are going to be?


    Edge vs Jericho - for the World title - seen the build up for this since Jericho started bad mouthing Edge when he was doing his re-hab. Winner - Edge

    And my surprise for Mania

    Batista and McMahon vs Cena and Bret Hart man who scores the pinfall wins the WWE title - since the announcing of Bret short term deal the WWE has been shakey on his involvement, almost as if they don't know where they're going, but with the recent events with Batista and Cena and Bret's health an issue, I'm thinking these is the match they're going for. Winner Bret by making Vince tap out to the sharp shooter.

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • John Cena vs Randy Orton?

    In their feud this year, John Cena and Randy Orton had 23 live event matches, 2 dark matches and 5 matches on WWE TV - 30 matches total. Out of those, John Cena won 28 and Randy Orton won 2. They also had 50 tag matches this year with 35 of those being on live events, 5 being dark matches, 10 on WWE TV and 2 where they were forced to team together.

    All right now I'm not a Cena hater by any means, but the single matches stat for this is a little ridiculous, how can you possibly tell a good story and have a good feud when it's so one sided for the face? What are your thoughts on this?

    4 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Let's have some fun with a name game.......(TNA Question)?

    Allright for those of you don't know (or don't follow TNA), Kevin Nash won the TNA Tag Team Title shot at last night's Final Resolution pay-per-view. This is the perfect set up for a story line to bring Scott Hall back into TNA (since Nash can have any partner he wants when he cashes in the brief case). It got me thinking with Hogan and Bischoff coming in and all this talk of the nWo reuniting, if they do re-form what they call themselves since the rights to the nWo name belong to the WWE. Doesn't matter if it's funny, serious or whatever, let's just have some fun.

    4 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Smackdown vs TNA Pay-Per-View?

    On December 20th the WWE will be doing it's tapings of Smackdown in Orlando Florida. TNA will be doing their Pay-Per-View Final Resolution, same day, same time (roughly). Do you think the WWE management team schedule this Smackdown taping on purpose during what tends to be one of TNA's better pay-per-views on purpose to send a message to TNA?

    BQ: Do you think TNA should invade WWE the next night in Tampa much like WWE did do WCW?

    2 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Smackdown vs TNA Pay-Per-View?

    On December 20th the WWE will be it's tapings of Smackdown in Orlando Florida. TNA will be doing their Pay-Per-View Final Resolution, same day, same time (roughly). Do you think the WWE management team schedule this Smackdown taping on purpose during what tends to be one of TNA's better pay-per-views on purpose to send a message to TNA?

    BQ: Do you think TNA should invade WWE the next night in Tampa much like WWE did do WCW?

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Should Chase Utley have been World Series MVP?

    O.k. I'm not knocking Hideki Matsui being the world series MVP he had a great series, 5 hits in 9 at bats (.556 avg), and 2 home runs (both huge homeruns for the Yankees), but he didn't play the field in any of the games, so he essentially only played in (got more than 3 at bats) 3 games for the series. Again I'm not knocking him, but don't you think Chase at least deserved co-MVP honors. I mean remember MVP stands for Most Valuable Player, not Most Valuable Player on the winning team, and let's face it had it not been for Chase the Yanks would have swept this series. Look at his stats 6 hits in 18 at bats (.333 avg), 5 homeruns 8 RBI's 3 walks and 6 runs scored, plus he played really inspired in the field (no errors). As odd as it sounds the player in world series history to win the MVP award and not be on the winning team was Bobby Richardson how went 11 for 30 (.367 avg.) had 1 homerun but did drive in 12 RBI's for the series also scoring 8 runs, and this was a series that had Roberto Clemente (who really didn't do much to warrant an MVP) and Bill Mazeroski (who's numbers at bats aside were comparable to Matsuis .320 avg, 2 homeruns, 5 RBI's, 8 runs scored) playing for the Pirates, not to mention Mantle an Marris playing for the Yankees and Mantle had a monster post season.

    Again look I'm not knocking Matsui winning the award if anyone from the Yanks deserved it was him, but don't you think Chase at least deserved co-MVP honors?

    15 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Manny Ramirez suspension......?

    Here's my question Manny was banned for 50 games for his HCG levels being too high. Now the experts are saying steroid users do this to restart their natural testosterone production as they come off a steroid cycle. This is true, but how do we know that Manny and his wife aren't trying to have another kid there last two were born in '03 and '06 and '09 or '10 fit will for a natural progression. Maybe he and his wife are going through fertility treatment (which could be a "personal problem" and are getting ready to through IVF. This would be a valid reason to have high levels of HGC in his system.

    Now granted he may have problems concieving a kid because of steroid use but until he's proven guilty of actual use, why jump the gun?

    9 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Ramirez banned for 50 games.....?

    What's going to happen to the "unstoppable" Dodgers season now.

    4 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • The Clown Prince of Crime asked a question and it got me thinking.......?

    O.k here's he's question;_ylt=Agpyb... which got me to thinking about when I was younger and my brothers use to make fun of my wrestling heroes. When I was 7 or 8 both my older brother use to rag on Hogan, who at the time was my favorite wrestler, and I use to get so upset and defend him. So here's my question what wrestler was that for you and how old were you?

    15 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Yankees you still think you're team will make the playoffs?

    If you do I'm curious as to why? And please give me legit answers not because they are the Yankees. I think they may have one of the toughest schedules left in MLB with two series against the Rays, Red Sox and a road trip to Anaheim what are your thoughts?

    5 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • For the prepubescent teens and angry men who hate John Cena?

    All right look I'm not saying I like John Cena, but I find it ironic all these people on here hate (or maybe the secretly like) John Cena and I wanna know why, but before you answer know this he has done nothing that those who were hugely popular did before him, Hulk Hogan, The Rock, HBK, Ric Flair, I can go on and on for those iconic figures all did the same moves at the same points in matches and they always ended the same, so please don't give me he only has like 5 moves argument it's invalid (yes he may not have as many moves as the other wrestlers but trust me they all have their own pattern to wrestling matches).

    12 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Yankee fans ....can one of you give me a reasonable answer as to why the Yankee's will win the world series

    I mean they really didn't do anything in the offseason expect, didn't extend Torre's contract and spent like 200 million plus on players they had last year and finished second in their division and got 1 year older. What logical reason is there to believe they will win the world series with a first year manager and the hopes of a young pitching staff coming together (and yes I understand the offense will be there, but it will also be there for the Tigers, Red Sox, Angels and Indians).

    16 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago