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Molly B

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  • How long should I wait before taking legal action?

    I live in Tampa, FL. My apartment roof started leaking sometime over the night of the 20th, into the morning of the 21st. I informed the office of this at 9:45am on the morning of the 21st. They told me over the phone that they would try and have some one come fix it before it started to rain again. It did not rain again the whole day. 4pm rolled around, and no one had come to fix the roof. We are forcasted to have thunderstorms all the rest of the week. When the roof is leaking during a rain storm, my ceiling becomes soggy and soft, and I fear it will collapse. According to landlord tenant laws in Florida, they are required to fix this, but it does not say what time frame they are required to fix it in. How long should I wait before pursuing legal action and going through the steps to legally with hold my rent from them?

    Florida Landlord/Tenant laws -

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • How would a government shut down affect people receiving benefits?

    How would a government shut down affect people receiving assistance from the government, such as social security, food stamps, Medicaid, and Medicare?

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • please help me Solve for X?

    2x² - 32

    4 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • New Video Card for Sims 3?

    I have a dilemma. You see, this morning I went out and purchased Sims3 the collectors edition. I brought it home, all excited and installed it... an dit didn't work. It refused to let me play it, and told me to upgrade my video card. Now on to the problem. My computer needs a video card that fits into a PCI slot. My computer is 4 years old. Can you name a few that would work with sims, and fit into a PCI slot? I only seem to be able to find PCI-e cards. D:

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What to do about annoying neighbors?

    So, I got new neighbors on Friday. I felt bad for them, seeing as they were forced to move with nothing much more than the clothes on their back, and had maybe a weeks worth of food for the whole month, so I was nice and fed them dinner that night.

    Then the trouble started. The next morning, they see my husband taking out the trash at 5:45AM, and they decide to come knocking at my door asking for cigarettes, and woke me up. I tell them I don't have any, and to please not knock so early, and go back to sleep.

    8:45AM I am awoken again, by more knocking. It was the neighbor, wondering if I knew were her husband was. I tell her no, and go back to sleep again.

    9:45 She knocks AGAIN, still looking for her husband.

    10:30 Knocks again, I ignore it and go back to sleep.

    11:30 She knocks again, asking if I knew where her husband is.

    Noon Thirty - She knocks AGAIN looking for her husband.

    1:30 Knocks again, looking for her husband.

    He finally shows up a few minutes later, and she stops knocking.

    They come back over that night, around 6:30pm, asking to use the phone since they don't have theirs set up, and they need to call their church for a ride. I say fine, hand them the cordless through the door, and they hand it back to me when they're done.

    They come back from church, and I'm asleep, trying to catch up on what I missed from all her knocking earlier that day, and its around 9:45 at night, and she comes knocking again, wanting to hang out. I tell her to please not knock so late, or so much, and she acts like she understands and goes back home.

    Then comes sunday morning. 9:45 She knocks. Asking if I knew where her husband was. I tell her I don't, and go to lie back down. He shows up and knocks to use the phone to call the cable company to pay the deposit before they come to install the stuff for them. I say fine, since he's not really the problem. He only knocks if its something important. 5 minutes after he hands me back the phone, she comes over and asks for a tissue. Fine, whatever, they don't have any, I hand her half of a roll of paper towels I have around, and ask her to leave.

    8:45pm He comes over asking for a pen, so he can fill out some forms to get food from a local church, I hand him a bic, and ask him if he could please let his wife know where he is going, so she doesn't have to come knocking at my door a million times in the morning. He apologizes and says he'll talk to her, but she's not on all her medications, so she may not remember, because she's mentally unstable. 10 minutes later, she comes knocking at my door asking to use my bathroom, because she's "afraid to use her own". I tell her no, she needs to use her own bathroom, and close the door.

    Monday morning, me and my husband are out sweeping the porch, and cleaning the air filter on the air conditioner, and she calls me into her apartment, and tells me that she's pregnant with my husbands baby, because when he went to go find her at her husbands request last night that they had sex in the woods. Which I know it total bullshit, because 1, she was saying she was pregnant with her husbands baby last friday, and 2, they were only gone for 5 minutes, and three, my husband wouldn't do that. I get pissed off, leave her apartment, and tell her husband AND mine, exactly what she said.

    She then proceeds to knock on my door repeatedly saying "omg, you're my bff, why don't you believe me??" and "I would never lie to you, I would never hurt you" blah blah blah. I tell her to stop knocking, and to not talk to me.

    An hour or so later, she has a whole bunch of kids outside, and they start jiggling my doorknob. My husband goes out to tell them to stop, and is handed a note by one of the maintenance men to go talk tot he property manager about missed rent. We pull out our rent receipt to clear up the mistake, and while we are down at the office, we file a complaint against her. The manager says he will send her a notification. We come home, she knocks again, I tell her that her behavior has been unacceptable, and go back inside.

    I'm hoping the note is enough to get her to stop, or at least convince him to keep a closer eye on her. But what can I do if she does not stop?

    5 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • How would we go about getting him an ID with his real name?

    When my husband was younger, his mother divorced his birth father, because he was abusive, and later remarried. When she remarried, that man adopted my husband, and became his father. The problem is, apparently his mother never had his birth certificate changed. So all his documents (social security, our lease, utilities, etc) are all in one name, but his birth certificate is in another name. Now, he needs to get a state ID card, but they say all the names have to be the same. How would he go about getting his birth certificate changed at this point? His mother no longer has the adoption papers. He had an ID in a different state more than 6 years ago, but its expired, and been lost. We live in florida now.

    5 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • If I use a debit card, can a store require a minimum purchase?

    There is a little store next to my apartment complex, and the require a minimum purchase on all debit and credit transactions. It used to be $5, but now they raised it to $10. It seems a little fishy that I can go to the supermarket and buy a gallon of milk on debit without a problem, but if I can't make it to the market, and need milk, I have to buy twice the amount of stuff I wanted to be able to get my milk. Is it legal for them to require this minimum purchase amount?

    4 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • What breed of dog is this?

    The dog named rimshaw from the Ernest movies. What breed is it?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is a gallon of paint enough?

    I was wondering if a gallon of paint would be enough to paint my bathroom. I live in a fairly small apartment (575sq ft) and my bathroom is just big enough to fit a toilet, a tub, and a vanity. The ceilings are 8 ft tall, but much of the walls are covered in mirror (above the vanity) and tile (in the shower). Do you think a gallon of paint is enough?

    6 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • What the heck was that?

    So, I'm sitting in the livingroom with the hubby and we're watching a movie. It's raining outside. All of a sudden the power goes out and you can see the sky light up through theblinds and then we heard this loud humming noise for a few seconds before the power comes back on. Were we just hit by lightning? Or was it something else?

    3 AnswersOther - Environment1 decade ago
  • What does no edge support mean when it comes to mattresses?

    I've been looking into buying a new mattress, but it seems that the only one I can afford, I've been told "doesn't come with edge support". What does this mean?

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • My spayed cat is in heat?

    It is possible that my starting a birth control pill, and the change in my hormones, set off my spayed cat to start acting like she's in heat?

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What do I need for a fish only marine tank?

    The question pretty much says it all, but for those of your wondering, I've been keeping freshwater tanks for about 10 years now, and was interested in starting a 55 gallon marine tank. What do I need for a fish only tank? I don't plan on keeping corals or invertebrates, or anything like that. If you could be fairly specific, and even recommend brands, or the likes, it would be really appreciated. Also, is anyone familiar with the Marineland Instant Ocean kit? I was trying to find out what equipment/products it came with. Packages like that always seem so temptingly easy.

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • How Much extract should I use in my cake?

    I am baking a cake for use in a peppermint chocolate triffle. I have plain old white cake mix, but I want a green colored peppermint cake. How much extract and dye should I use to achieve a christmassy effect, and ideal peppermint flavor?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What size container of cream should I buy?

    I need 3 cups of heavy cream for a recipe I'm making for a thanksgiving dessert. What size container should I buy at the store?

    4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • What should I do with this vacant 10 gallon tank?

    I recently bought a 55 gallon tank and moved all my old fish over to it, and now I'm left with this 10 gallon tank with all the extras. I cleaned it out completely, and started over from scratch. Its pristine, and sparkling, and I'm doing a fishless cycle with it. But that still brings up the problem of what to keep in it. 10 gallons seems like such a small amount to keep fish in after seeing the massive size of my 55 gallon tank. So I'm asking all of you. What do you think I should keep in this brand new freshwater environment?

    9 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Low Cost Women's Health Care In Tampa, FL?

    Does anyone know of a free, or low cost women's clinic in Tampa, FL that I could go to to receive birth control pills, and other women's services such as yearly check ups, pap smears, etc? Or, if there isn't one of those, perhaps a regular low cost doctors clinic where I can talk to a doctor for relatively cheap, about getting a prescription for Ortho Tricyclen?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • How do I stop my fish from pulling up my plants?

    Every day, I find myself armpit deep in water, replanting my tank. Is there any way you can suggest to stop my fish from pulling them up, or anchoring them? I'm tired of having my plants all floating at the top if the tank. =(

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Do I need a second filter for my 55 gallon tank?

    I have a 55 gallon freshwater tank that is about 4 ft long and 2 feet tall. It came with a whisper 30-60 filter. Do you think this filter is strong enough by itself, of should I purchase a second one?

    Currently in my tank is a pleco, a peacock eel, 7 boesemani rainbowfish, and a few glolight tetra left over from cycling.

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Dissolvable stitches?

    My cat was spayed a month ago, and her outer stitches were removed. However, one of the dissolvable stitches managed to poke its way out, and doesn't seem to be dissolving now that its exposed to air, and the wound is completely healed around it. Is there anything I can do to speed along the dissolving of the stitch so that my cat doesn't keep trying to pull it out herself?

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago