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  • Could my boyfriends car insurance go up?

    My boyfriend pays about 140 a month for his jeep on his family's insurance. If his sister gets a new car, would his insurance go up? His parents told him that his insurance would increase by about 100 per month if his sisters new car got added to the insurance, but I honestly think his parents are trying to trick him into paying part of her insurance. Can someone explain this??

    4 AnswersInsurance & Registration6 years ago
  • How do I deal with my boyfriend?

    Okay so we've been together over a year and eight months, and we're both high school seniors. For the first year our relationship was basically flawless; we never fought and we fell deeply in love with each other and got really close. We started fighting around the one-year mark but our relationship was mostly fine and happy. We're pretty seriously attached. We agree on almost every major issue (religion, how to raise kids, premarital sex, etc.)

    But recently (as in the last couple of months) the relationship has been all downhill. I feel like he is always in a bad mood, and I realize I'm supposed to be supportive of him and try to cheer him up but no matter what I do he just shoots me down! I feel like his punching bag more than his support honestly. He sucks the happiness out of me because he's unhappy and, especially this week, I have not felt any love from him whatsoever. I've been crying a lot more than I used to and it's really hard for me to keep a good attitude and focus in my daily life, like at school and while I'm working. I just feel so hopeless about this relationship. Sometimes I'll drive to his house on a school night, even if we don't have much time and even though he lives a half-hour away, and I'll pick him up to hang out. That will cheer him up for the night but the next day he goes back to being his same old grumpy self.

    He never used to be like this! The guy I used to know was always funny and friendly, and never let little things get to him. Now, if I even breathe wrong I get criticized. Today for example, he got angry at me for not texting him back because I had to be at a meeting for work. I had told him numerous times that I had a meeting on Sunday from 1 to 3. But when I texted him back right after the meeting, he said, "Where were you?" and I said "I had a meeting, remember?" and he said "Well then tell me that next time beforehand." Are you kidding me? I had seriously told him at least five times in the past two weeks, and now he says that I never said anything? See this is his deal. He always acts innocent and blames everything that goes wrong on me. Basically I'm always the bad guy and I really hate this.

    I love him but this is one hell of a rough patch we're going through and I don't know if we can make it through. It's always fights over little things which makes me think there's a chance for us, since none of our fights are big and we've never done anything like cheat or betray each others' trust or anything. I want to save this relationship but I also don't want to step back and let him take out all his irritation and feelings on me because I just really can't deal with that. I realize I need to sacrifice myself to help him feel better but I shouldn't have to feel torn down and hopeless and depressed about the way my "soulmate" treats me.

    By the way, we have talked about this problem multiple times but I feel like it never helps, especially recently when he's just been shutting me out emotionally. I can't solve a problem if I don't have his cooperation.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I need appropriate music for a military candlelight service, please?

    My old gym teacher passed away in Afghanistan a few days ago and I was asked to make a playlist for his candlelight service. So far I have Proud to Be An American by Lee Greenwood, If You're Reading This by Tim McGraw, and Arlington by Trace Adkins. Any other suggestions?


    2 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • What should I get my boyfriend for Christmas?

    Christmas will be our 6 months :) we are both 16. He's into sports (plays lacrosse, and is a football [Ravens] and baseball [Orioles] fan) and doesn't like video games. I only have like $50, but I'd rather spend less if possible so I can get small presents for friends too, haha.

    I have some ideas already, tell me if they're good, and if you have any ideas of your own:)

    -a new watch, because the one he wears is like out of a cereal box lol

    -a teddy bear wearing a ravens hoodie, with maybe a gift card to dick's sporting goods or something

    -i'm going to the carribean in a few days, so maybe i could get him a shell necklace (he likes those) and/or other souvenirs

    -a picture of me and him in a cute frame

    -something homemade maybe? like cookies or a mix cd of our favorite songs

    -he admitted that he loves old sitcoms, like full house and that 70s show :) so maybe i could get him dvds of these shows?

    that's about all i got. any other ideas let me know please! or if you think i should combine some of these ideas feel free to suggest it. thanks! :)

    5 AnswersChristmas9 years ago
  • i got a boy problem...i need helppp?

    Okay, sorry, this is gonna be long but bear with me :)

    so i know of two guys that like me right now. its the summer after my sophomore year of high school if that helps. we'll call them phillip and brandon.

    alrighty, so starting with phillip. hes been my best guy friend since like 8th grade. we tried dating in freshman year and it lasted just a little over a month. i dumped him cause he got really clingy and i just couldnt like him like that...he was like a brother to me. i felt like i always wore the pants in the relathionship lol cause he follows his heart alot more than i do and i often have to help him and give him advice or else he'd end up doing some really stupid stuff. i have to say i feel more comfortable around him than i do around any other guy though, and he's always been so accepting of who i am. anyways, i was his first girlfriend, and since then hes had two others, and both those relationships lasted longer than ours did. but he recently broke up with his girlfriend and now hes turning to me. he says he feels like im the only person who understands/appreciates him and he spent a long time just telling me how hes always had feelings for me and would love to try again since we've both matured and gone out with other people since our first try. he did the same thing after he broke up with his other girlfriend. am i just rebound girl in this situation? or does he actually like me?

    anyways, onto brandon. he started liking me maybe a month ago? thats when we really started talking. he's gotten so sweet, sending me hearts in his texts, texting me just to say goodnight, listening to my problems and giving me advice...and im not talking about the crappy "oh itll all work out dont worry" kind of advice, but hes actually helping me solve my problems and not just telling me to let them go unsolved. he facebook married me too lol. he's never been judgemental of me and he's really funny but knows how to be serious and charming too. me and him agree on important stuff like our religion and how marriages should work. (but so do me and phillip.) i really like brandon, but i'm not as close with him as i am with phillip, and idk if i ever can be. however i feel like brandon would help me deal with issues alot more and i feel like he's alot deeper than phillip is. althoughh im not sure, cuz ive only really been close to brandon for about a month.

    so anyways, i hate being shallow like this and picking between two guys, but phillip or brandon?? im leaning pretty far towards brandon, but other people's opinions might help. thanks people (:

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • GLWorker not working?

    So I'm trying to play a game on iWin. But this error message always pops up saying "GL worker failed to start" or something like that. then what happens is the game opens up, but part of the lower screen is like obscured... so I can't see or click on anything in the bottom half of the screen while the game is up. it's like there's a bar of different pixels and colors across the bottom of the screen. how do I fix this problem? I went on iWin tech support pages and followed the instructions, but it's not helping. it said it might have something to do with antispyware programs, but it didn;t mention anything about my specific antivirus program. I have Microsoft Security Essentials, if that helps.

    please help! 10 points to the first person whose directions help me solve the problem.

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • I need songs about revenge?

    I'm not talking about lover's quarrels- I don't need anything about anyone cheating on anyone else. I need a song about something really personal. For example, the scenario I'm trying to describe in a song is that a woman wants to kill a man because his family member raped and killed her older sister. So I need a song about hatred. The less language the better, because this is for a school project, but a few words here and there are okay.

    5 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • i need party games for a sweet 16 party?

    ok so im having a sweet sixteen soon :) its gonna be coed and held in a church basement soo i dont want anything sexual or alcoholic lol. im gonna bring games like rockband and just dance, and some dumb but entertaining games like twister and stuff. so reccomend games! :)

    also, i wanna keep the party un-boring but i don't want it like scheduled or anything. so i think i'm gonna keep it short, maybe three hours long, and we can all find ways to entertain ourselves. i want to have things to do though, so that people dont decide to do whatever they want and end up getting carried away. so should i schedule the party? or just bring lots of stuff to do ? also i have friends coming from a few different schools and from my church, so alot of them dont know eachother, so what should i do to break the ice? thanks for your help! :)

    3 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • wuthering heights vs. a tale of two cities?

    i have to read one of them for school. i'm more of an action person than a cheesy romance person, so im leaning towards tale of two cities, but apparently wuthering heights is more dark than romantic, so i really dont know!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Is 110 lbs. for a 5'2" girl fat?

    I wear a size 3-5 in jeans, and since I'm short I feel fat weighing 110. People tell me I'm skinny though, are they just being nice or being honest?

    11 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • My sister is acting really weird... should my family notify the doctor?

    She is 11, and has always been a very cheerful, happy girl. But just tonight, randomly, she's looking at my father in terror and backing away from him, locking herself in the bathroom and not coming out even to talk to me (and I'm really close to her.) When we finally got her to unlock the door, the look she gave my dad was like she was looking at a ghost or demon or something. She was (and maybe still is, I don't know, because she seemed to want to be alone) panting and crying and her eyes were super wide and barely blinking. She looked like the kid from the sixth sense, and I am not exaggerating. She would barely talk... the only things I could get her to do was to shake her head when I asked if she was hurt and nod when she said she was scared. And I asked her multiple times what was wrong, and finally she answered, "I don't know." She's freaking out. Is she having a panic attack? I'm really scared for her.

    By the way, you may think my dad had been abusing her in some way, causing her to be scared, but trust me, I know my dad, and he would not ever do that to any of his kids. I have five siblings (including the eleven year old) and none of us has ever seemed as scared of him as she was.

    9 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • How do I convert Microsoft Works Word Processor documents to Microsoft Word?

    So my teacher wants us to do basically all of our work on the computer from now on. The problem is my computer at home has Microsoft Works Word Processor and the laptops at school have Word documents, and cannot open Works documents. The teacher said I need to save my documents on a flash drive (they must be on a flash drive; they cannot be saved on the internet) at home and bring them to school so that I can open them on a school laptop. But I can't afford to buy Microsoft Office, which means my files won't open on school computers! How do I save my Works documents onto the flash drive as Word documents? Will Google Docs or Open Office help? Or is there some way that I can get Word for free or for a low cost?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • I need help picking my book for summer reading...?

    I'm going into 10th grade. Which of these books do you recommend (and why)?

    Wintergirls - Laurie Halse Anderson

    Hate List - Jennifer Brown

    The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins

    Loserville - Peter Johnson

    Touch - Francine Prose

    Flygirl - Sherri Smith

    Fledgling - Octavia Butler

    Learning to Fly - Paul Yee

    The Adoration of Jenna Fox - Mary Pearson

    The Angel of Death - A Forensic Mystery

    I only need to pick one book but you can give as many recommendations as you want! :) Thanks!

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Do my friends REALIZE they're 14 or 15 ...?

    Ok so all my friends who have just passed their freshman year believe they're "in love" and it's getting super annoying. Like I've gone out with people before and I've realized it's just not worth it until you can actually start thinking about marriage. All you do is get your heart broken and the only happy ending is marriage so it's pointless to date in your younger teenage years. I respect people who make the decision to date kind of young, but what I don't respect is them throwing around the word "love" like it's nothing, then crying and getting bitter when they break up with their boyfriend/girlfriend. It's one of those "I hate to say I told you so" things. I'm soooo frustrated with this. Why can't they just realize they're trying to grow up before they're ready? I try to tell them this but they all get mad at me and say I'm just bitter because I'm single, but I'm really not. I actually broke up with my last boyfriend because I finally realized how pointless and stupid dating is at this stage of my life. I need advice... how do I explain this to them? Or do they all have to find out through experience and get their hearts broken again and again until they get it? UGGH help please.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What's a good surname for Remington?

    I'm writing a story, and the main character's name is Remington (Remi) Alexis. If it helps, her sister's name is Alice (Allie). What would be a good last name for them? Also, you can recommend a middle name or two for Alice, please. :) Thanks!

    4 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Which is better, the Pantech Impact or the LG Xenon?

    I can't decide between the two. Help!? They both have pretty much everything I want in a phone. The LG Xenon's definitely better looking but I'm worried it will be too fragile and I've heard the screen freezes often. I've also heard the Impact has some annoying features too, such as not being able to take a picture with the phone closed. Which of these phones would be best for someone who texts pretty much all day, and talks on the phone for an hour or two each night? Thanks for your help!

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • What's wrong with my Pantech Slate phone?

    I recieved 5 push messages with the body of the message only saying "??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????..." and so on. The message's expiration date is set as "13/72/00". I cannot delete them; every time I try there's a notifcation saying "Delete failed!" Then when I select "Go to URL" it says "Invalid URL". I'm getting really sick of this phone. It malfunctions at least once a month and this is my second Pantech Slate because my first was unfixable after it broke. Please help!

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Women only please...? I need info?

    Okay, I have stretch marks on my thighs. I have never been pregnant or obese (I wear a size 0 or 1 in jeans.) I need to know how I got them, or at least how to get rid of them, hopefully before swimsuit season! Thanks :)

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Which Converse size is right for me?

    I'm getting a pair of Converse chucks. In women's size I'm 8.5, which means that I need to get a 6.5 in men's. I've heard that chucks run big and that customers should knock off a half size before buying, but I don't know if that's true for women too. Should I order an 8.5 or an 8?

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago