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Number Six

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  • Why are my sunflowers covered with wasps and hornets?

    I harvested the heads already. The stalks and leaves I left behind have hundreds of yellow jackets, black wasps and odd wasps I cannot identify. They are just sitting there doing nothing.

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • Just how many Palestinians have been killed by Israel?

    Since 1948, that seems a good year to start.

    9 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Do any accurate casualty figures exist for Palestine-Israeli conflict?

    Idle curiousity here, --how many Palestinians have been killed versus how many Israelis? since 1948 -- that seems a good year to start.

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Do White tailed deer behave differently at night?

    Hunting season here, the deer run all day long -- I see their tails only. At night the deer do not run from me, they just stand there all back lighted (I see them clearly, I speak to them) and they do not run. Why? Do they not fear people at night or do they not fear usual daylight problems at night? I walk my dogs at night and they just move out of the way, they do not run away. ----- These are semi-city deer, they are different than country deer but they are still hunted (I have 60 acres).

    4 AnswersZoology9 years ago
  • Who knows the lyrics to "Funiculi Funicula"?

    Great for singing out loud but I don't really know the lyrics (making some up is fun). Italian lyrics probably fit best but english, too, if you could. Thank you.

    1 AnswerLyrics9 years ago
  • Is sunrise calculated at sea level?

    My sunrise here is 25 minutes later that sunrise posted in the papers, weather sites. I live at 1500 ft above sea level. What accounts for this time difference?

    2 AnswersGeography9 years ago
  • Flashing lights on aircraft. Is there a code?

    I notice the flashes are often at different speeds. Out here in the country (at night) they are all just little flashing lights. Could the speed of the flash give me clue what I'm seeing?

    5 AnswersAircraft10 years ago
  • What is the turning radius on an aircraft carrier?

    Watching history channel, USS Enterprise did evasive maneuvers, full starboard. Assuming she was facing north how much distance would be covered by this massive beast before she was facing east? It has to be a lot of miles, she is a big beast. They also mentioned 32 knots -- from that speed to full stop?

    2 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • Asparagus, male, female? How do they tell?

    I bought Male asparagus roots two years ago. This year my asparagus was seven feet tall, totally crazy, I was eating a dozen spears a day. Not that I'm complaining, just curious, this is spreading way beyond the raised borders. How is this spreading if I got only male? How do you tell the difference?

    3 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Start a horse at gallop?

    Watching cowboy movies here. Why do they or would they force an immediate gallop on a horse? I don't know these things but it does not seem right. You know, jump on a horse, make him gallop. Is that usual or should he be warmed up to it?

    1 AnswerHorse Racing1 decade ago
  • Speed of light, hubble?

    I am a pain in the neck, I know. Mr Hubble proved that galaxies are moving away from each other, we know the speed of light,. Can science dudes draw a motion line of galaxies, trace them backwards and say "The big bang(or whatever) happened here"?

    4 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • I'm re-asking, maybe I can phrase better. Speed of light, telescopes?

    Has any telescope found a section of space beyond the speed of light, just blank, not blocked by clouds? Where light has not reached us but may someday? Again, pardon my lack of science training.

    9 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Astronomy, speed of light?

    I'm watching a show on speed of light, telescopes. No matter where these telescopes look they find things, new galaxies and stuff way out there. Have astronomers found any blank spaces where there is nothing or the light has not reached us yet? Is it possible to see nothing through these wonderful telescopes? Pardon my wording, I have no science training. I'm not even sure what I'm asking.

    6 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Do maple chips turn acidic as they decompose?

    I had some downed trees shredded, I rototilled the chips in. My garden is not doing well. I knew oak would turn acidic, I thought maple would be OK. Too late to lime, I think. Someone told me it would suck out the nitrogen as it decomposed. Any thoughts?

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago