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Blah blah blah blah blah... everyone on here can't spell or make sense, it's proven.

  • Taiwan Visa Requirements?

    When applying for a Student Visa (180 days) to Taiwan, some websites state that they require a financial statement confirming an account balance of at least $80,000NT, or $2,488USD.

    Since Taiwan's .gov website servers don't seem to be responding at all while I'm in Hong Kong, I cannot confirm that way.

    Is this accurate or can I refrain from letting a foreign government know how broke I am?

    2 AnswersImmigration6 years ago
  • Zippo lighter flint is grinding down, won't spark.?

    I was replacing my wick and putting my zippo back together, filled it up to soaking, but now it won't light. When I looked at the flint, it is very much long enough, but there are no sparks, and the wheel seems to be rubbing on the flint so that this metal powder is collecting around the top of the zippo. So I'm wondering if it's a problem with the wheel, and its destroying the flint without sparking, or if the flint is just a dud and needs to be replaced.

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts7 years ago
  • LATIN: What's an equivalent translation for "Screw it, let's do it"?

    Richard Branson's motto is "screw it, let's do it," and I was interested in having some sort of Latin equivalent or translation. Unfortunately, I've forgotten all of my latin from high school. Can anyone help out?

    1 AnswerLanguages7 years ago
  • How much masturbation is too much?

    Honest opinion, perhaps on a per week or per month basis.

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • Mailer-Daemon bounced back several emails that I didn't send?

    Mailer-Daemon and Yahoo! Groups both bounced back three emails that I never sent. The messages were sent to familiar contacts, but they contained HTML gibberish and links to some of my other contacts. I also received an email from myself with a possible spam/ virus link.

    1) Have I been hacked?

    2) What can I do about it?

    2 AnswersAbuse and Spam8 years ago
  • What lies in between patriarchy and matriarchy?

    Or, what is the like formal word for the gender equality that lies in between these two social extremes? Is there one?

    6 AnswersGender Studies9 years ago
  • I can't leave a comment on news pages because it keeps wanting to verify password?

    I am continuously asked to verify my Yahoo! password when I try to leave a comment on a news page. But no matter how many times I enter my password, reload the page, etc. it won't let me comment. It just keeps asking me to verify! Is this a common problem? And how can I work around it or fix it?

    4 AnswersPosting Messages9 years ago
  • Would an AROTC cadet be able to study abroad for a year if the year was in Basic Training?

    Naturally, I don't believe that the Army would appreciate it during the Advanced Course of Junior and Senior year.

    I am a high school senior applying for 4-year ROTC, but I am also dead-set on spending a homestay year abroad in China for International and Language Studies. Is this possible as a cadet? I have found some cadets who were able to complete up to a half-year abroad, so I'm just curious as to how it works.

    1 AnswerMilitary10 years ago
  • Is an AROTC cadet able to spend a year abroad if the year is in Basic Training?

    Naturally, I don't believe that the Army would appreciate it during the Advanced Course of Junior and Senior year.

    I am a high school senior applying for 4-year ROTC, but I am also dead-set on spending a homestay year abroad in China for International and Language Studies. Is this possible as a cadet, or are some classes available abroad or online?

    2 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • Which 70s movie where the divorcing dad tries to keep custody of his son?

    I feel like it's called Something vs. Something, the something being the parents' last name.

    Where the boy decides to act rebellious and instead of eating his dinner, climbs up to the freezer to get ice cream, and the dad ends up spanking him and dragging him off to bed while the son says that he hates him.

    4 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • Is there anywhere in New England that has a sort of "desert" feel to it?

    For a movie I'm looking into, I need a set that is sandy or rocky (or both) with very few trees. Preferably with a distant landscape that would be easy to block out with sandstorm editing. Know anywhere in the vicinity of Boston that might fit that even remotely?

    3 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Hoping to build homes in NE Japan?

    Hopefully, by the time I graduate and take a Gap Year next year, the nuclear crisis will have been resolved. But most of the destroyed regions of the nation are not heated by radioactive contamination, and may be open to mass reconstruction projects real soon.

    Does anybody know how I might be able to take a few months and work over there? Are there any organizations that would accept volunteers for Japan? Specifics?

    8 AnswersJapan1 decade ago
  • Could Christmas still be regarded as an exclusively Christian celebration?

    Christmas has actually little to do with Christ for Christ's sake. It is a celebration of life, family, and those you hold dear, a time to give and humbly accept, and to just spread goodwill to the world.

    I don't see only Christians celebrating it. I mean, atheists do too (although, it IS hard to forsake a holiday on which you receive several gifts, haha). But it is such a universal feeling, and sometimes, it's seems more of a holiday for the world and not just 1/3 of it.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Could the human race eventually become... raceLESS?

    Theoretically, if the human race did not go extinct and we continued evolving, could the species reach a point where the the categories of race disappear? ALL IS HYPOTHETICAL.

    8 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • How can I convince my dad to let me study abroad?

    I want to spend 9 months of my senior year in Japan, with School Year Abroad (SYA).

    I've been interested in the culture for a while now, and I think that learning Japanese would present interesting opportunities in college and a future career. Think of how it would look on a resume, no less! Japan is the 3rd largest world economy, and is extremely important in most international businesses, as well in technological advances and culture.

    It costs about $6,000 more than my current tuition, but I've estimated that from now until the end of next summer, I can make close to $5,000 at a job close to home and I would be more than willing to put my earnings towards this. I am really passionate about this, and I got shot down last year, but I'm trying again. I've tried explaining things, but my dad keeps telling me false horror stories about Japan to make me nervous about going, and complaining about the cost and saying he can't stand me being gone for so long, but he's being really indifferent about it.

    Is there anyway I could possibly convince him that this is what I want to do, and that it's a good idea? i've tried so much, but nothing's working.

    4 AnswersStudying Abroad1 decade ago
  • Any other guys who find a real big girl to be hot?

    I'm still hearing that apparently I'm sooo weird for happening to just be more attracted to larger girls! I mean, c'mon, there gotta be other guys out there! Someone tell me you'd rather be with an extra-curvy girl than some barbie stick, and i'll be good with the losers who judge. BBW

    5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • I'm just not trying anymore. Am I depressed?

    Often times, I just don't have any enthusiasm to do anything: sports, school, hobbies, or anything, and I find myself sitting there thinking about the most random, often saddening sometimes weird things. Occasionally, I'll find something to do and I'll have fun doing it and watching the outcome, but just as soon as it comes, I feel hopeless again. Some of my friends also have an attitude like this, and I feel like maybe it's rubbing off on me. We all went through a hard time within the past two months, and many of them can't get over it. I feel like I'm over what should make me sad, and I understand why it happened, but then I'll become overwhelmed with this emptiness. Perhaps I'm less over it than I think. I hate it so much. I miss being happy, but I'm not anymore. And everything I try to do doesn't work.

    What should I do? I need to get back in the game and pay attention, but it's all just an unimportant blur.

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know where I can get old-fashioned Polaroid 600 film?

    The film used in the Polaroid One-Step Closeup camera with flash. No store sells it anymore where I live, maybe there is a website or a store that I probably haven't checked yet?

    3 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • Love Triangle thing, and I got the bad angle, what the hell?

    Simply put: My girlfriend and my best friend's girlfriend were best friends. We were all buddies with each other, and my friend's relationship was going pretty well. Mine had started recently, but we were both looking pretty bright.

    Out of the blue, the two girls made out without us around. My girlfriend feels guilty about it and starts PMSing and my best friend's girlfriend up and decides "screw him, I'm gay." Both of them break up with us. Now my buddy and I are absolutely depressed, he hates her now because she was merciless for some sick reason, but my ex is really confused. She feels responsible for the entire thing, she doesn't want to talk to me, and hasn't looked me in the eye for about a week. Her friends (who are my friends) say that she still wants to be friends with me, but she doesn't want to talk and can't seem to bring herself to look at me. I don't so much care if we get together again compared to how much I just want her to not hate herself and for us to be friends agains. I really care about her. :(

    All I want to do is scream at my buddy's ex, but I know that won't help. What do I do?