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  • Breaking up?

    Been having issues with my relationship and here is the punch line: Is it normal to lay in bed at night and be 100% sure that you're going to break up with your significant other the next day but wake up in the morning feeling not so confident and unsure if you should really do it?

    Advice please? Thank you

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Breaking up?

    Been having issues with my relationship and here is the punch line: Is it normal to lay in bed at night and be 100% sure that you're going to break up with your significant other the next day but wake up in the morning feeling not so confident and unsure if you should really do it?

    Advice please? Thank you

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Bleeding after sex....?

    Hey! So I had sex about four days ago and when I woke up the morning after I noticed that there was blood when I went to the bathroom. I've had sex before but this time was the first time in a while and I figured that maybe it was just because it's been a while since I had sex and that I tore a little. However...within the four days and still now I am bleeding and I know it's not my period...nothing hurts at all so I am confused as to what is going on. Have any other women on where experienced the same thing? I will be going to the doctors by the end of the month but I am wondering what others may have to say on this.

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Changing over the years?

    Just a honest question that I have. I look at pictures of myself from when I was young and to where I am now and I don't see much of a difference. Sure I've grown up but I still feel like I "look" the same. I then look back at girls I knew when I was young to how they look now and their hair looks different, they look "prettier"...I am not too sure if that makes much sense. Whereas I still see myself the same hair and looks. I have cut my hair and changed it up a bit but it never looks drastic like these other girls. I don't think I look "ugly" or anything but I still look "plain" and these other girls look really do you get from being "plain looking" to actually looking like you've "grown up"?

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style7 years ago
  • How To Care For Rabbit?

    Hi, I will be taking care of my aunts and uncles rabbit for the next 5 days. They have explained to me pretty much to do but I've never had a rabbit before so not really sure what to expect. I've got a cat and I've had animals like hamsters and stuff like that but do rabbits require more care? Also about handling my aunt and uncle seem to be expecting me to take him out and play with him but I don't feel comfortable with that because the rabbit will know it's in a different environment and that I am not the usually caregiver so I guess I am a little freaked out if it seems to get there anything I could do to make the rabbit more comfortable for the next 5 days? :) Any other information would be helpful.


    2 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago
  • How to get paint off of a cat?

    My cat stepped her paw into craft paint. We tried to get it off with water and a rag but it didn't work and we tried to use a cat bath spray to get the paint off but it isn't working either. Is there anything else we can do? We can't really get rid of the fur as it is on her paw.

    5 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • How to leave a conversation politely?

    So I am in college and there is a girl in my class who takes the same bus as me when I head home. That being said we end up waiting at the same bus stop together which is sometimes about 10-15 min wait. We would see each other there and either herself or myself would say hi just to be polite but sometimes I just want to end it there cause I've been in class for 3 to 6 hours and I want to check my phone for texts or Facebook/Twitter and get back into the know of things (Im not crazy on stuff like Facebook and Twitter but after almost 6 hours of not being able to check it out its nice to unwind a bit). However, after the hello's she then goes on to talking. Which is fine for the first few minutes but it starts to get repetitive. For the couple of times that we have spoken all she talks about are her hearing aids and how the teachers have to wear this thing around their neck so she can hear what they are saying better. I just feel like "Okay, I understand and respect it but either A lets talk about something else or B please stop talking". So I try to change the conversation but she would always root back to her topic. I would do the whole step away and check my phone and look away and short answers but I feel that she just doesn't understand the social signs of someone who is not interested anymore. Plus, I can't walk away cause I need to get on the same bus as she is getting on.

    Anyways, I just want to find a polite way to perhaps end the conversation or maybe help her understand about social cues. Once we're on the bus I go off and sit where I want and she typically stays at the front of the bus so once I am on the bus its no problem but waiting for the bus is just brutal.

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Why do both my cats like the same spot?

    Both my cats (a young male and a slightly older female) like the same spot on the couch located in the basement. This isn't the first spot they have both shared in recent years. They would move from one place in the house to another. My cats are not necessarily close with one another, they get along but never sleep together or play together but they seem to always want to sleep in this particular place. One the male gets slightly territorial if female is sleeping there first and he would want her to move and vice versa, though the female is not "aggressive" as he is. The male would slightly nip at her causing her to move and I don't like that he dose this cause I know it hurts her. On the other hand the female would just look at him sleeping there hoping for him to move and when he doesn't she would try to curl near him to be as close to the spot as possible.

    Anyways, why are they always attracted to the same spot and how to I get the male cat to not be so nippy?

    2 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Where can I get help for my fathers hoarding problem?

    I really need help for my father. He has what my mom and I believe is a hoarding problem. My mom is very frustrated with him and is at the point that she wants him to leave the house. My mom is not going to leave herself because its "her house" essentially cause she got it from her mom. Anyways, my dad is so passive. If she kicks him out he is the type of guy who can't hold his own ground and would cry at the front door begging to be let in the house. He is very quite and when I ask him (one example) "dad, you know bringing junk home makes mom pissed off. Why do you have 20 shovels in the back shed?" He doesn't have an answer and shakes his head looking down. And it's not just shovels but over the years I've been alive he has brought home many things. Many things that my mom has thrown out because she can't live in a cluttered home. And this upsets him, its like he has some attachment to it. My mom yells at him constantly for his behavior and him not being capable for trying to express his emotions or reasoning behind why he does what he does. He will go for "walks" at night and literally go through their garbages if he sees something poking out and will bring it home. I'm guessing that's how he got all those shovels. It's sad because my mom tells him that people around our neighborhood see him doing this and are laughing at him for it. My parents both have poor communication skills. My dad not being able to express himself cause he is clueless on what to say. And my mom does have an anger problem and her only way of communication to him is through yelling. My family and I have made an effort to go to my dads family doctor and we told him of our situation but he brushed it off saying that my parents have different lifestyles and that they should seek a couples counseling session to help with their communication. But they are not going to do that. My mom is stubborn as an ox and thinks nothing is wrong with her and my dad doesn't want to speak to anyone cause I think he is embarrassed inside to think he has a problem. I feel like he is so trapped in his head. But it's so much more that just a problem between my parents. My dad needs help. I've gone on google and searched for if there is any doctors and such in my area who can help with my dads problem but I have found nothing. What little information I have found it is said that the family doctor ha to make a referral. But my dads doctor doesn't want to! Thinking there is nothing wrong with him. Which I think it is stupid. That doctor doesn't see what I've seen the past 19 years so what does he know of my dad? This stupid doctor is also my moms doctor and "knows" she has an anger problem but has never referred her to anger management to help her control her actions and words. So I'm at a loss right now. I have no clue what to do. It breaks my heart to see my dad getting yelled at by my mom and taking the abuse cause yelling doesn't help at all, it's made him so depressed I believe. My mom seriously has crushed his spirit with no remorse. Instead of wanting to help him all she does is point out he has a problem and picks on him. I tell her to stop but she tells me that she is yelling at him and not me and to get out of the room. I don't side with either of them at all. I do not agree with her that yelling is the way to go but I don't side with my dad either cause I don't want to prompt his behavior. What the hell am I supposed to do?

    I seriously just bared my heart out on here. Please, if you have nothing nice to say move on to a different question on here because this is my's not a joke and I really want to help my family :( At this point I don't know what options I have. I live in Ontario, Canada if that helps with anything regarding some answers.

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Why are Native Americans...?

    I work in a restaurant and lately we have been getting a lot of groups come in of Native Americans. Different families would come in and eat here. I've noticed that the majority of the families are all tall but very large in the stomach, even the children. Out of curiosity, would that be the cause of genetics or would diet have more of a role in them being obese? I am leaning towards genetics because of the different Native American families that come and look similar. Where as with others, families of a different race, have a mix of large and small family members.

    Just wondering?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Photos overwritten and as a short-circuit?

    So, I have recovered some photos from my computer and they have been overwritten and are in a short-circuit type of file...some of them have turned up as normal paint files but I can't see any of them. Is there a way to change this?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Is there a way to recover deleted pictures from your computer?

    I've deleted some pictures almost two years ago, stupid me. Now I'd like them back...I know there is a slim chance in getting them but I was wondering if there was some type of software I could buy at places like Best Buy or Future Shop or Staples (in Canada, Ontario) that I could use to get these photos back? I am not getting anything from over the computer so I don't want any links. In the internet world nothing is ever truly "gone" so that's what's giving me a little hope that there may be some way to get them back...

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Some apps on my ipod don't work?

    Some apps on my ipod don't work?

    Its mostly the games on my ipod that are not working. I have the 3rd generation ipod touch and its not even a year yet since I got it. I have hooked it up to my computer, synced it, updated it, the works and the apps still shut on me. I would press on a game to open it and it'll open to the main screen of each game but once I press "Start" it will freeze right away and then close and show my apps menu. I really don't know what the problem is. Yes these apps are free so I guess there are some glitches, but all of them? That just doesn't make sense.

    If anyone can let me know what the heck is going on or how to possibly fix it let me know. I'd like to see what I can do first before going to an Apple store or a Best-Buy in case I don't have to waste my money in fixing it when I can do it by myself.


    3 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Some apps on my ipod don't work?

    Its mostly the games on my ipod that are not working. I have the 3rd generation ipod touch and its not even a year yet since I got it. I have hooked it up to my computer, synced it, updated it, the works and the apps still shut on me. I would press on a game to open it and it'll open to the main screen of each game but once I press "Start" it will freeze right away and then close and show my apps menu. I really don't know what the problem is. Yes these apps are free so I guess there are some glitches, but all of them? That just doesn't make sense.

    If anyone can let me know what the heck is going on or how to possibly fix it let me know. I'd like to see what I can do first before going to an Apple store or a Best-Buy in case I don't have to waste my money in fixing it when I can do it by myself.


    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Hey I just need some music?

    I need some music with a hard beats to it. Just some stuff to listen to when I am in a pissed mood and I am just drown in. No scremo please, that's a little too much for me.

    3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • What is this used for...?

    Microsoft Office Excel 2007?

    And how do I use it? I got some test on it in about a week and a half but my teacher never taught the class how to use it.

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • I have a betta fish and what the heck...?

    I have a betta fish and I realized that at the bottom of its tank there is something like a clear consistency of something or something like fuzz? It sort of reminds me of dust but I highly doubt it's that. It just looks really weird and I don't know what it is. I just cleaned my finished tank not even 4 days ago and there is already this? Its happened before but I didn't think much of it till now. What is it?

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Okay so about my Betta fishes tank...?

    I know its normal for Betta's to go up for air from their tank every so often. But I realize that after a day of cleaning the tank there would be little bubbles forming on the surface of the water, is it because the Betta goes up for air some times or does it mean that the tank needs to be cleaned already?

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Is it true for bettas to need...?

    Is it true for Betta's to need access to the top of their tanks for "air". I guess its not for "air" but I've seen them go up take a breath and then go back to swimming. Why does this happen?

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Do betta fishes sleep?

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago