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Lv 740,540 points


Favorite Answers37%
  • Deconstructed Halloween Candy Recipe - Sweet Genius Challenge?

    There are a lot of children in my neighborhood so I buy lots of candy for Halloween. Unfortunately this year Halloween was a very stormy night. I have 3 large bags of candy left. I considered packing bags of candy and distributing it to the neighborhood children. I then thought that this ingredient would make a nice challenge for this forum.

    Suggest ways to use or cook any or all of the following candies (all are mini size)



    Milky Way

    3 Musketeers


    Baby Ruth

    Nestle Crunch



    I will make gift bags but would like creative ways to use some or all of these disgustingly sweet treats.

    The challenge is on!! May the Sweet Genius win!!

    Good Luck!

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • How to clean animal mounts?

    My husband's den is adjacent to the kitchen. He has 2 deer mounts - 1 white tail and 1 mule deer, a bob cat pelt with head, a turkey fan, several deer antler mounts and a Dahl Ram mount. I use a soft brush attachment on the vacuum cleaner to clean the pelts and wipe the antlers with a damp cloth. Because of the proximity to the kitchen I have noticed that the pelts have a greasy feel to them. Is there any way to clean my husband's prized trophies without damaging them?

    Thank you

    3 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • Need help with this new format!?

    I am an old lady and I have some issues with the new Answers format.

    I frequent garden and landscaping, recipes, pets-cats and decorating sites.


    #1 I often want to leave an answer to find a reference then return and edit my answer. I can not find an edit button.

    #2 the auto spell checker is nice but there are times when I need more help - is there and where is the spell check button?

    #3 Yesterday, on one of the sites I visit, there was a very abusive questioner that should have been reported and kicked off of the site. Where is the report button?

    This is the third time I have attempted to post a question. Hopefully it will actually post this time.

    Thank you for your patience.

    1 AnswerAdd-ons8 years ago
  • Confused about the new format?

    Please be patient with me. I am an old lady and it takes me a while to get up to speed.

    A few issues.

    When I answer a question I often leave then return with a reference. I can not find the edit button.

    2 days ago a questioner on one of the sites I visit was extremely abusive and should have been kicked off of the site. I could not find a report feature.

    The new system does a fairly good job of auto spell checking and correcting. There are still times when I need an old fashioned spell checker. Where and how?

    Thank you for your patience.

    2 AnswersAdd-ons8 years ago
  • Directed to top contributors?

    As Top Contributors you obviously have a passion for gardening. I don't know about you but I have become tired of and bored with questions about how to grow taller, how to grow MJ or Shrooms, or how to grow private parts.. I found a wonderful , serious gardening forum that I think you will enjoy. The participants are serious gardeners. They are very knowledgeable, friendly and often times just plain funny. I invite you serious gardeners to join this forum. I really think that you will find a home there. Looking forward to hearing from you on the Helpful Gardener Forum.

    It does not take long for you to feel like member of a family. The guys and gals on this forum are very kind and caring.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • Serious gardeners only!?

    If you want to participate in an outstanding gardening forum then check this out. It is strictly moderated so you won't find questions about how to grow MJ or how to grow taller or how to grow private parts. So many disgusting questions on this Yahoo site. Serious gardeners try this out - you will love it! The rest of you stay where you are.

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • False heat - ready to strangle my cat!?

    Daisy Faye is 9 months old. I had her spayed at 7 months. She had not gone into heat prior to that. She is by nature a very rambunctious kitty - hence the nickname "Crazy Daisy". For the last 4 days she has been over the edge nuts even by her standards. Meowing all the time, literally bouncing off the walls, cutting back flips trying to catch shadows, knocking stuff down, just being generally disruptive. She and my 13 month old Sallie Sue like to tussle and play together but in the last few days Daisy has been very aggressive towards Sallie. Sallie Sue out weighs her 2 to 1.

    I love my girls and I am their humble human servant. They are strictly indoor girls. We make their food based on a recipe from a vet. They get premium littler and their boxes are scooped at least once a day and changed every 3 days. They get lots of play with feather sticks and laser pointers. Lots of brushing, petting and general affection.

    OF course they are both spayed and vaccinated and both are adopted/rescued.

    I have read about false heat in spayed cats where some small portion of the ovary may have been missed. Any one have any experience with that? Other than the raised tail and the back arching Daisy is acting like a cat in heat and driving me nuts!

    I will be in contact with the vet in the morning. If the only alternative is additional surgery then I guess I will just have to suffer through her false heats. I won't put her through that again. Although I have a lifetime of experience with cats that does not include cats in heat because my pets are ALWAYS spayed/neutered. So how often will she go into false heat and how long does it last? Sigh - Daisy Faye is napping right now so I have a little break from her insanity. BTW she is the cutest, most adorable medium haired calico you have ever seen. She cracks me up with her "Who ME?" look.

    Love my girls. Please share your experience.

    4 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Are you interested in a SERIOUS garden forum?

    This a a great forum for serious gardeners ONLY! If you are tired of the stupid, childish question on this site you may want to visit here.

    A word of caution - this site is closely monitored and will not allow questions comments about growing MJ or other illegal plants, nor will question about how to grow taller or how to grow private parts be tolerated. No political or religious discussions allowed. SERIOUS gardeners only.

    Questions and comments considered inappropriate by the moderators will be pulled and a personal message of warning will be issued.

    I know some of you really are serious gardeners and thought you may find this site interesting. Visit and see what you think.

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • What to do with soap slivers?

    It used to be that when you bought a bar of bath soap you got a full bar. Then the manufacturers had the marvelous idea of ergonomically shaping bars. Basically all they did was reduce the amount of soap in the bar, change the shape and charge the same amount. Ow well - consumer rip off. I save soap slivers. Let them dry and store in a zip lock. I have about a pound of slivers. How do I go about making them back into bars? I have tried letting them soak and squeezing them back together but that did not work. The pieces fell apart when used. Any ideas from soap makers?

    I really hate the waste and would like to make use of all of this soap. Thanks for any suggestions.

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry9 years ago
  • Some time ago I opened a facebook account on my husband's computer using his e-mail address.?

    Rarely used it. Now have my own computer and a face book account with my e-mail. I need very precise, step by step directions to get the old fb account off of hubbies e-mail so he can open his own account. Please do not assume that I know anything. Talk to me like I am a 2 year old. I am an old lady and really need the help of you smart, computer savvy young people. Thank you. Waiting for a reply.

    1 AnswerFacebook9 years ago
  • I posted a question 5 hours ago about my vanishing favorite folder. I really need your help. Please respond.?

    Thanks for taking the time to answer my question. I had a folder under Favorites titled Recipes. In that folder I had a link to Yahoo Questions Cooking & Recipes. That is not a problem. I can easily restore that. I also had at least 100 links to my favorite recipe sites. That is a problem. My folder just vanished.

    I can help you with questions about cooking, gardening and decorating but when it comes to technology I need your help. Please answer my question.

    What can I do to avoid loosing my folders?

    Many thanks

    2 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago
  • What happened to my "Top Contributor" status?

    I have 4656 points and 20% best answers. I have had a Top Contributor status for months. Today it is gone. What happened?

    Sorry - This question probably does not follow the community guidelines but I am curious and can not find an answer.

    Thanks for your help and please don't report mr. I rarely ask question and would like some input from those of you who are more computer savvy than this old lady is.

    Thanks so much.

    2 AnswersOther - Internet9 years ago
  • Would you like awesome canape for your next cocktail party? #2?

    I love to entertain and I am always looking for fabulous canape recipes to wow my guest with. My niece's boyfriend is a chef and he gave me this recipe. It is to die for.

    Jacob's Gruyere Shrimp

    There is a good bit of prep time involved so prep your dish ahead of time and freeze up to two weeks before your party.

    Jumbo white shrimp (16 - 20 count)

    Jalapeno Peppers

    Gruyere Cheese

    Inexpensive, thin sliced bacon


    You will need one slice of bacon for each shrimp. Partially cook the bacon. It should be limp not crisp.

    Peel the shrimp- tail on

    De-vein and butterfly the shrimp

    Remove the veins and seed from the Jalapenos

    Cut lengthwise into slivers

    Cut the Gruyere into 1/4" strips

    put a strip of pepper and cheese in the cut of the shrimp. Wrap with a strip of bacon and secure with a toothpick. If you are preparing ahead of time place the shrimp in a Zip Lock and freeze. Early morning of the day before your party put the shrimp in the refrigerator to defrost. Day of the party preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Put a wire rack over a cookie sheet. Place the shrimp 1" apart on rack. Bake for 10 minutes. Taste. Bacon should be crisp and shrimp should be tender. Depending on the size of the shrimp you may need to cook for another couple of minutes. Do not over cook. Serve at room temperature for a cocktail party. If you are serving as a first course for a dinner party serve hot.

    Yumm! Your guest will love you.

    If you like this recipe please star my question.

    2 AnswersEntertaining9 years ago
  • What is the funniest thing your cat has done?

    I had spent the day working in my yard and garden. I was tired and decided to have a nice long soak to ease my muscles. While I was relaxing my cat, Callie, jumped onto the toilet seat (I forgot to put the cover down before getting in the tub). She walked around the rim once, twice, three times. She carefully placed all 4 feet on the front of the seat, squatted and peed in the toilet! I almost drowned myself laughing at her. I called my Mother and told her what Callie had done. Mom's response "did she flush when she was done?"

    14 AnswersCats9 years ago