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Elizabeth asked in PetsCats · 9 years ago

What is the funniest thing your cat has done?

I had spent the day working in my yard and garden. I was tired and decided to have a nice long soak to ease my muscles. While I was relaxing my cat, Callie, jumped onto the toilet seat (I forgot to put the cover down before getting in the tub). She walked around the rim once, twice, three times. She carefully placed all 4 feet on the front of the seat, squatted and peed in the toilet! I almost drowned myself laughing at her. I called my Mother and told her what Callie had done. Mom's response "did she flush when she was done?"


Many years ago my stepson had a flop eared bunny. We had a black and white female cat named Pepper. Brad would let the bunny out and the bunny and Pepper would take turns chasing each other around our oak tree. What was really funny was that Pepper would hop like the bunny during their game of chase.

Update 2:

I am really enjoying all of your stories. Keep it up. It will be difficult to pick a favorite.

14 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    My cats do that. One does flush!

    Funniest thing they've done? Hmm. Once at Thanksgiving a few years ago I had a 1 year old dog and a 7 month old kitten. My mom had put some cookies out for people coming over that day. Well the cat and dog had some teamwork going on.

    The cat, Kainoni, got up on the table and next thing I knew she had picked up a cookie and ran off with it. It was funny but I was going to take it from her, til I saw what she did next. She brought it to the dog, Millie. Millie broke it in half and they each got half!

  • Megan
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    I can't even remember any really funny ones right now, even though there have been many... The one that comes too mind is when my Devon Rex was hunting, she had managed too catch a mouse but the mouse decided to fight back, it bit my cats paws and hung on for dear life. My cat came to the door meowing in agony while the mouse was still attached too her paws, ha ha!

    We don't put a collar on her anyone - for the main reason that she once hanged herself on a climbing frame, it was like 6 years ago and my mum went outside only too find her hanging by her collar with her feet dangling.. god she's such a stupid cat! The amount of times she has showers because she doesn't want to come down from people's shoulders!

    Haha!! I think I would have drowned myself if my cats peed in the loo! How cool! LOL

    Omg! A minute ago I went and sat on the trampoline, my cat who is crossed with a Sno shoe and something else jumped on it landing on his to back legs! LOL He just stood up and landed on his feet, oh wow that made me laugh! Got to love our feline friends;)

  • 9 years ago

    I had the Sunday paper sitting on the coffee table. The cat got running start, jumped up on the table landed on the newspaper and slid on it till it landed on the floor. Once on the floor she proceed to vigorously flip though the pages with her right paw, claws extended.

    The next week she got a running start (was in 3rd gear) and jumped and smashed into the window screen and repelled back two feet.

  • 9 years ago

    My cats great for doing funny things! My dog likes to fight with her and she always wins leaving him crying underneath her. Although out of all the funny things shes done theres probably two occasions that stand out. We had just got a new glass table and the cat jumped up to check it out. because it was new it was absolutely spotless, she walked around on it for a while then she walked of the edge and fell to the ground! The second occasion was when we filled our bath with cold water because she kept on jumping in there and she jumped into the bath (when it was full) and came out dripping and angry. :)

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I stored noticing that my cats mattress, your familiar delicate oval mattress with factors approximately 3-4" hight, which exchange into meant to be in the front room, might happen in the kitchen, at the back of the back door & close to a warmth vent. I basically theory that it exchange into getting kicked around with the aid of the different cats & wound up there. I stored putting it back in the front room. One night I have been given up & went to the kitchen for a tumbler of water. I flipped on the sunshine, & there exchange into my cat walking his mattress into the kitchen - he had it smartly tucked sideways decrease than his arm & exchange into donning it - it exchange right into a ideal in good shape between his arm pit to his paw. He appeared very startled whilst the sunshine went on. i assume he enjoyed the warmth from the vent. It exchange into so humorous. No telling what different issues our pets do whilst they think of we are actually not looking!

  • 9 years ago

    I have one klepto foster kitten in my house. He moves objects, like socks, Wii controllers and folded paper money.

    When it is something larger, like a Wii controller, he changes his strut to a stegosaurus type gait because he's dragging the object on the ground between his legs.

    He's better than a ferret because he'll drop it when he gets bored - usually the middle of the floor - rather than having a nest of stolen goods hidden somewhere.

  • 9 years ago

    My female tabby Samara has this strange habit of falling asleep so deeply that she oozes off the edges of the sofa or bed or whatever she's napping on. And she doesn't wake up until she hits the floor! Then she jumps up, starts cleaning herself and looks at me like "Oh, that? I meant to do that. I just wanted to see if you were paying attention." Samara is a strange one.

  • 9 years ago

    the funniest thing my cat ever did was jumping on to a slightly open drawer and swinging her self backwards and forwards until the drawer was wide enough for her to get it and have a power nap

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    My cat has been crouched on the windowsill with his tail twitching staring at the pigeons all morning.

    At least twice he has pounced at them, but just smacked his face on the glass.

  • 9 years ago

    Stood up like a meer-kat then just fell without trying to stop himself

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