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Lv 58,569 points

BAMA a.k.a. K~E~G

Favorite Answers10%
  • Is my pet pueblan milksnake going to starve to death?

    I bought a baby pueblan milksnake a week & a day ago. It was shedding when I got it & finished last Friday. So bought my ball pythons a mouse & the milksnake a pinky which the guy I got him from said he was eating & it had been 4 days since he fed it so he didnt eat it. Well, yesterday fed them all again (each snake has its own enclosure) put a tiny pinky in his tank & all he wants to do is burrow down in the paper towels out of site & I left it alone & the pinky is still in there dead & I also put a cricket in there thinking maybe he would eat that. Is he still stressed maybe? How long can a baby snake go without eating before it dies?

    2 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Why wont God help innocent children?

    Why does he allow evil people to hurt them? Why are the nice and kind people always struggling in life while the mean hateful ones flourish with everything they need or want? Is it meant to be this way that people like starving children or children who get abused everyday just meant to have a meaningless existence on earth so they will reap rewards for their suffering in heaven?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Can someone help me with questions about a ball python?

    My son has wanted a snake for 2 years now. He just turned 11 and wanted a snake for his birthday a little over a week ago. I bought him one with 20 gallon long tank (comfortable habitat), correct temp etc. He's at his dads for the summer & only with me every other weekend. I fed it a live hopper Wednesday which she ate & swallowed no problem. I think she may need a pinky next time.

    I've tried to pick her up and handle her (waited over 48 hrs since the feeding) but I've always had a fear of snakes and I guess seeing her strike that thing as fast as she did and from watching youtubes seeing people's fingers get bit and what to do coupled with last night watching shows about snakes and gator boys and call of the wildman on Animal Planet, I didn't get her out yesterday to pet her. I thought I would handle her a few minutes before I went to work this morning.

    I have anxiety anyway and there has been something that I've always feared of snakes. Since I bought her I've had dreams of her getting away and stuff like that but I have a bunch of animals and my leopard gecko is 6 and had no problems with her. I hadn't taken my anti-anxiety meds yet this morning and to get her out I did as usual, I moved her half log stroked her back and picked her up out of the cage for a few minutes. She was coiled and I lifted her up. I held her for a minute stroking her gently avoiding the head then put her on my son's bed and just for some reason I guess I freaked her out so I picked her back up and the head moved really fast around. It startled me, I freaked & dropped her on the carpet. She was on her back and so I reached back away from her head and picked the tail and body up & took her to put her in her cage & she did the head thing again and I dropped her again & she fell on her back in the cage so she went in another hiding place than her usual log. She has never bitten me yet but I saw her yawn last night and she has some little needle teeth in that mouth. And I absolutely know nothing about these things except the guy at my pet store said the ball python is not aggressive and would be the best option for my 11 year old son. She is about 18" long or so and her head is as big as my thumb I guess. I was intending on looking for a king snake but he talked me into it saying they won't bite & the most docile snake & she does seem quite gentle (except for that hopper mouse) which I have since bought her a separate tub to put her in to feed. It seems as though since I've fed her I have noticed the strike "S" position she always seems to be in since I fed her.

    IS THIS NORMAL? SHOULD I FEED HER FROZEN FOOD? (she was eating live hoppers at the pet store)

    IS THERE A WAY TO GET OVER ANXIETY OF SNAKES? WOULD HANDLING HER EVERYDAY MAKE IT WORSE OR BETTER FOR THE SNAKE? I am thinking since she explores around in the tree and towards the top of the cage around 8PM then maybe I should wait to try to handle her in the evenings?

    And my main question would be this:


    Biting me or my son & getting out somewhere in the house where I have cats and dogs and aquariums are my main concerns. And I tried the "popping thing" I saw on youtube and this one looks like a girl if I did it right. If anyone has been through a similar experience as this and could give me suggestions and/or knows a real good reptile/snake forum that I could ask this same question on any help will be appreciated.

    3 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • When you grow a plant in water does it alter the root system of the plant?

    I have had a plant at work for several years and just did a google search and it seems to be called a golden pothos vine. I was cleaning the window ledge it was sitting on a few weeks ago and started pulling off the dead leaves and noticed that I accidently pulled off a good branch that I put in some water in a glass to root it.

    I went to a pet store about a month ago and noticed that they had this same plant running all through their tanks and I asked the man if this was the same plant everybody had in their house, etc and planted in soil and he said yes. Well I took mine that was in the glass home and put it in my aquarium. It is totally submerged but the main root is not buried under the gravel. I have it growing in and around a big Greek ruins round columns all under water.

    I notice every day that it looks great but totally different from the one in my pot. Every leaf on it at the joint has a root that keeps growing longer and is still producing leaves. The white roots on the bottom of the leaves is now about an inch long each. I've rooted leaves in cups of water before but was just curious if I wanted to could I plant every leaf on there now since that root is on the stem or is that even a root?

    Also, are there other plants that we keep in soil that can be kept in an aquarium like this one? I have a few small plants in the gravel that I got at Pet Smart that look very similar to the spider plant.

    If anybody has any insight on this your comment would be most greatly appreciated. =)

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • Why can't I train my miniature pinscher from peeing/pooping on my carpet?

    I have a 3-1/2 year old 7 lb. miniature pinscher (Sonja) and a 1 year old APBT, male, 55-60 lb. (Lucian). Both are spayed and neutered and vaccinated, etc. The carpet in my house needs replaced bad but my step father had a little dog there at one time also before I moved there when he and mom got married.

    Sonja was the runt of the litter and my son wanted her. She is definitely the sweetest most laid back dog I have ever owned and loves everybody. But I've never had a dog that I could not house break before but I have had only male dogs in the past. I've tried leaving her in my fenced in back yard and she keeps squeezing out and once went missing when I left her out there to go to work and somebody found her and luckily called my vet. I fix it to where she can't get out and everytime I fix one place then she finds another one and now it looks like Lucian is digging her places to get out because he loves to dig and chew stuff up. She always comes home when I call her name though but then can't figure out how to get back in LOL. So I always had to kennel Sonja when I go to work and she pees/poops in her cage every single day. I can run to the gas station and come back and she will have peed in there at least and sometimes she would have been outside many times before I left. Most dogs do not go potty where they lay and I wondered what's wrong with her? If I put Lucian in the kennel beside her and leave, his cage is always clean. I have tried everything and just don't have the money for new carpet and padding right now but Lucian woke me up at 4 this morning barking at me and when I said go outside? They both went nuts so is this a female dog thing or the breed (which I read are hard to house break) or is it something that I am doing wrong? I thought if it's me then why is Lucian getting me up to let him out and other male dogs I've had have done the same thing. But sometimes I get up in the morning and will find her poop and/or pee in the house and her in the kennel looking all guilty. She won't pee while on a leash unless we are walking and it seems like she's a modest girl because she doesn't seem to want you to watch her go to the bathroom. It's like she goes and hides and sneaks around to do it.

    Has anyone ever had a similar problem or can shed light on how to train her differently than usual or is something just wrong with Sonja in this aspect?

    Any insight would be greatly appreciated =)

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • If bettas can't be kept in a bowl why do they sell them that way?

    I answered a question and got 7 thumbs down about this subject and everytime I go to the fish department no matter if it is Wal-Mart or Petco the bettas are in these teeny tiny plastic bowls with maybe an inch of water (not even half full). I said I did not recommend keeping fish in a bowl but I have seen people successfully keep both small comet goldfish and bettas in bowls sometimes with plants and sometimes not if the water was changed and kept clean.

    I decided to let my son pick one out from Wal-Mart because I felt like saving a fish and we named him Lucky and he is in a 10 gallon tank with an African clawed frog and some guppies, snails and a lace catfish and absolutely loves his new home. It's just silly to me how people act with certain things like you are hurting a fish! I feed my fish live fish & insects!!! That's what they eat in the

    If it's so inhumane to keep a betta in a bowl then isn't it really inhumane to have an aquarium in the first place where they are contained and not in their natural wild habitat? Isn't our "hobby" of keeping fish in a tank the main cause of alot of certain tropical species becoming almost extinct? Would you same people think it is inhumane for human beings to eat fish?

    opinions & feedback greatly appreciated.

    9 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • If a mechanic puts a faulty part on my car and messes it up worse does he have to refund me?

    I have a 2007 Pontiac G6. Exactly 1 month ago the fuel pump went out. I towed it to the shop and he called and told me it was fuel pump and gave me a breakdown of the pump and labor costs and had it fixed the same day. 3 weeks later, it died in my son's school parking lot. My friend came and put his code reader on it and it read the code for camshaft position sensor and it cranked up and stayed cranked while he was spraying starting fluid on it but when he stopped, it died. Got it towed back to the shop that supposedly put a new pump on which he charged me $385 for the part and after 4 days of not hearing a word from them and my car not being moved at all I called and left a voicemail Friday and his wife called me back and said that there was a electronic problem going on with my car that security codes kept popping up on their code reader machine. My friend said the only way that could happen was if they took the battery out for a long time or unplugged my computer but she said they would look at it Monday. Monday came and went so Tuesday I call them and she says "We checked your pump and it's a good pump. Your car has an electronic problem". Then he got on the phone saying the same thing and told me I had to get it to a place that had a computer to hook it up to. I got it towed yesterday to the Chevrolet dealership and a couple hours later the man calls me and said he cleared all the codes and absolutely nothing is wrong with my car EXCEPT....THE FUEL PUMP. He said it's getting no fuel pressure. They charged me $531.75 to fix my car that ran for 3 weeks and then whatever he did to get my car into the theft mode I had to spend $119 yesterday and I am getting my friend to fix it with an AC/Delco fuel pump. Haven't took the one this guy put in to see if he put a junkyard part or a AIRTEX junk pump or if he even replaced it at all. I should've known better but they didn't give me an invoice just ran my debit card so I have that proof I paid them $531.75. The way I was raised a man is only as good as his word and they lied to me 2 times saying that fuel pump was good when they never checked it. And then tore my car up even worse costing me more money. How should I go about asking for a refund? I'm a female but used to be married to a mechanic so not as dumb as I look to them. I thought about waiting till my friend gets the pump off and then taking my diagnostic sheet down there. I just have been so upset I don't want to get angry or nervous when I talk to them because I really am mad and I do not trust this man to touch my car anymore. Can anyone give me some advice on how to handle this? BTW: I looked and they are not a BBB accredited company. Actually they have an "F" rating with the better business bureau already. I did not know this till Tuesday when I Googled the business.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Are European or Mexican cigarettes as good as the new American FSC cigarettes?

    In Alabama, they just started this fire safety cigarette thing and the cigarettes taste horrible. The government kind of slipped this up on us because I was wondering why my cigarettes tasted bad and kept having to relight them. I did some online research when I found out what it was and people are getting really sick because they are putting the chemical that is used in carpet glue on the paper of the cigarettes.

    I was looking online, googled non-FSU cigarettes and noticed some websites for cigarettes that were non FSC in mainly Europe and also Mexico. They were also way cheaper than they are here - like half the price for a carton.

    I was wondering how these cigarettes taste because I do not like these new cigarettes that got forced on us in the US at all and believe they will make people sick. I was also wondering if these websites were legitimate or if they are scams and if they are legit then how long does it take to ship them?

    4 AnswersOther - Europe1 decade ago
  • Can I use enzyme cleaners to spot spray for dog urine spots on carpet and then steam clean it afterwards?

    I have a 7 month old min pin and I am having a really hard time trying to get her housebroken. She won't go to the bathroom outside much especially when I'm out there it seems like she doesn't want anyone to watch her go and then last night we fell asleep on the couch and she peed on the couch and it got on me too. This is becoming an impossible task. I have steam cleaned my carpet like 5 times already and it will smell good until it dries and then I can smell the urine again. so I read an article on ehow that said you could mix a solution in the part of the steam cleaner where you put the water of a capful of each: vinegar, dish washing soap, liquid odor neutralizer and anti-foamer. Then you put warm water to the fill line. I also bought the soap for the pet odors that I usually buy to use in the part where you put the soap in.

    I also bought some of that enzyme cleaner called OUT! that I heard was good and it said that the enzymes would actually neutralize the odor where the dog can't even smell it anymore. The only thing is I was thinking about trying to spray the OUT spray on the spots that I find before I steam clean but I read where you shouldn't mix enzyme cleaner with other products. I just want my house not to smell like this anymore and don't want to waste my time if it's not going to work. Does anyone have any suggestions???

    6 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • What do I do about my son that tells my ex-husband every move I make?

    He is 7 years old and me and his dad had a very bitter divorce with custody battle that ended up with shared custody and me being primary custodian and him having my son during the summer and swapping weekends and holidays. Now it's like everytime he goes to his dad's I get a phone call telling me how I'm in contempt of court and my son is telling him every single move we make during the 2 weeks he's been with me. His dad won't pay the full amount of child support he owes me and when he's over there I just ask what did you do this weekend? And my son will say nothing. Just sits there but then goes and tells my ex everything that we did and who we did it with and of course he has a problem with everything I do. I bought my son a puppy now he's trying to get a puppy for his house like he is competing with everything that I do. I've tried talking to my son but he still does this. The other day I bought him a new pair of tennis shoes and he wore them to school and got them real dirty and I got mad that I had to wash them and he said I loved the shoes more than I loved him...well my phone call I received Friday from his dad even mentioned that comment about the shoes. I feel like I can't even have a life without my son going and telling his dad everything and thinks it's funny when his dad yells at me and calls me terrible names. What can I do about this??? I've tried talking to my son and explaining the problems this causes but it does no good.

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Why is everybody saying that Florida Gators is going to kill the Crimson Tide?

    Even the ones that hate Florida? Alabama is always underrated just like in 1992 when we beat Florida in the SEC Championship to end up beating Miami 34-13 in the National Championship game. Only then did we get our credit that we deserved. ROLL TIDE!!!

    13 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Should a person still exercise their right to vote if they are undecided about which candidate to choose?

    I have not voted in over 10 years and to tell you the truth, I think both Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates are good people. I just don't want to vote for the "wrong" candidate and "waste" my vote if that makes any sense. I'm saying this because if I had've voted in the last election, I would've probably voted for Bush and that would have made me very angry at myself.

    Can anyone give me good reasons to vote for their candidate?

    Thanks! :)

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • If a person dies and has debt such as credit cards, etc. who pays for it?

    Would the beneficiary on their life insurance be held responsible for the debts?

    5 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Why do people from Canada care who becomes the US president?

    I don't even know who runs their country and don't really care and not really trying to be mean or anything but what concern is it of theirs if our voting machines are right here or not? I'm not trying to make anybody mad - it's just an observation that I have from on here that people from Canada think they are better than people from the United States of America...Is this a true statement?

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why hasn't anyone asked a question about the Immigration Issues in the US in the 2008 Predidential Debates?

    I do understand about the economy and the war and of course tax cuts, oil drilling and energy bill, but why is those the only questions that are brought up in every single debate? It's getting repetitive. People being in this country illegally did cause the 9/11 tragedies which is the reason that we are at war anyway. Any opinions?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What will happen if you just stop paying credit cards?

    One of them jacked my interest rate up from 13.99% fixed rate to 29.99% variable without my knowledge and from what I'm reading Providian/WAMU is doing this to all of their customers even though they pay their bills on time and never go over the limit. Why should they get away with raping people like this? At 30% interest I'll never get them paid off so what will they do if people just stop paying?

    15 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • How do I set up a guest user account on my laptop with internet connection?

    I have internet using a Sprint Broadband card. I recently decided to change my settings where I have to put in a password to get to my documents and also put a guest user account on my computer so if anyone needed to use it, they would not have access to my files.

    The only problem is that when I used the guest account for my son to play video games on there when I clicked on the Sprint Mobile Broadband ICON it said "Insert your card". It was in and of course I kept trying so I went back to My Account and it was working just fine.

    I've looked at the user accounts menu on the control panel but I can't figure out how to put the internet capability on my Guest User Account which is why I created it in the first place.

    Does anyone know what I can do to allow both accounts internet capabilities on my card?

    3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • What does dtjr06 mean?

    I'm a little dense so a picture would help out alot! ;)

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago