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  • Can praying the rosary change your life?

    I decided to start praying the rosary daily for lent and all of a sudden (within like a week) I have this newfound clarity and feel like I know exactly what I have to do to achieve my dreams in life. It's amazing. I'm wondering if it's even possible for Mary to be working in my life so soon or if its just a happy coincidence. Thanks.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Film industry questions?

    I have multiple questions regarding what path to take to get a career in the film industry. Please answer as many or as few as you wish.

    My ideal job would be the person doing all the "office work". Some creative aspects (reading scripts, brainstorming potential cast members, etc) would be a plus but not necessary. Also whether it's an actual on the set job or truly just in an office doesn't matter much but a little of both would be nice. I'd like to plan everything from audition dates to filming dates to the final release date. I think it'd be fun to book locations and even small things like hire catering.

    1. What actual position or positions do you think I should pursue?

    2. I will have a bachelors degree in media communications but should I add on a business related minor? What would be best? (Business admin, business law, financial planning, accounting, marketing, management, etc?)

    3. Should I bother with film school or just try to get as much experience in the industry as possible and hope I'll eventually find a paying job?

    4. Should I start out with a smaller internship in my hometown before moving out to L.A./N.Y. to get experience or just try and get my first one out there? (Recommended places/position to intern for? News studio, ad agency, movie set, etc)

    Any and all help is much appreciated. Thanks! Also I'm aware that it's a tough industry and that theres a good chance I'll never make it there but I'm willing to give it a shot. :)

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • Need help making a good cup of coffee?

    First of all- I don't know how to actually make it. I just acquired a very outdated 2-12 cup maker. I only want to make for myself so here are my assumptions that may or may not be right: Fill water up to the 2 line in the pot and then pour that in the back compartment? It doesn't look like it goes anywhere but that's where it would usually go so I'm just guessing. Then put coffee (how much would I use?) in filter and put it in the little thing that locks into place. Turn it on and wait till it's all dripped out and turn it off?

    Second part is how to make it taste good. I'm new to coffee and have not yet learned to love it without adding everything into it. I like the more flavorful drinks from caribou/starbucks/gas station but the first time I had it straight from a coffee maker I ended up putting 3 sugars and 3 creams in there. I'm sure most people wouldn't even consider that coffee but it tasted awful with anything less! Anyways, for now I have Folgers classic roast, individual Equal classic packets, Hazelnut creamer (powder and not individually packed so don't know how much to use) and Skim milk. I suppose I also have regular cinnamon if people use that ever, I don't know. I'm not sure what combination of these would make the perfect cup of coffee for me and I'm sure it will take some experimenting but I'll accept any advice you've got :)

    2 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks8 years ago
  • Interpret this dream?

    I dreamt that I was on an island with an ex "fling" (we liked each other for like a week tops before he turned out to be a douche). He is super jealous of my current bf and I (we all work together) even though this was months ago. So in the dream we were on the island and he proposed to me. I said yes with no hesitation. When we came home I regretted it remembering that I had a bf and felt super bad but decided that since I already said yes I would stay engaged and let my bf know by just changing my relationship status on facebook and waiting until he noticed. Any thoughts??

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Cute way to give suckers as gift?

    So I bought tootsie pops in bulk (100) for a friends bday present (inside joke) and need cute ideas for how to give them to her (not in the box they came in). Something like a cute jar of vase or something but that can fit 100 haha. OR any other creative way to give these to her. Help! :)

    2 AnswersOther - Holidays8 years ago
  • Engine damage from no oil change?

    Okay so I have a 2007 pontiac g6. it's got a % oil thing and normally my dad changes it for me when it s down to 25% or so. well i haven't gotten home and a few weeks ago it got to 0% and says "change oil soon". I was going to go today but they ended up being closed and I had planned to drive somewhere tonight that would be a lot further (in the past few weeks ive only driven like 5 minutes here and there) I've read that driving without an oil change will damage your engine. I'm wondering when this damage will occur and in what form. Will it blow up all of a sudden or is it something I'll notice down the road when it slowly starts to fail? Does the 0% mean like wow get that **** changed NOW or does it say that early kinda like when your gas light turns on and you still have some gas? Sorry I'm stupid with cars haha. I obviously don't want to get stuck somewhere or completely ruin my engine. Help.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • How to spice up my outfit?

    Working at a black/white attire event. After much debate I decided to wear a cream tank top, black blazer over it, and a black pencil skirt. Since it's winter I'll also be wearing black tights (not very see through) with my black heels. I'm wondering how to break up this outfit without straying too far from the black & white. I'm not the best at accessorizing since I tend to like things to match too much.. for example I would start looking for black/white jewelry to go with. I won't need a cover up, belt, or purse. I have a few headbands that have potential I suppose. Otherwise all I can think of is make up and jewelry but not sure how.. Any advice ladies?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Easiest "high" off of ..?

    Out of Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, and Tramadol... which is the easiest high to achieve or the "best" high in your opinion. I know they all do various things and it takes different amounts for different effects but I'm looking for a high more like an upper and least likely to make you tired. I try to stay away from pills but my friend was talking about all he had and I was just really curious as to what other people are putting in their system.

    3 AnswersAlternative Medicine8 years ago
  • How do two quiet people start talking for the first time?

    I didn't know how better to word that so sorry lol. Basically I'm super shy and awkward unless I'm around friends. I'm in a hotel for a conference this week and met a guy on the bus ride here. By "met" I mean we said like two words to each other total. He seems to be an equally shy person but I think he's really cute and would like to start talking to him. Since we're all from the same university (although I don't any of them) everyone else is making friends easily but I just don't know how to start up a casual conversation without the usual awkward small talk. I also don't know when I would talk to him since we are mostly just at presentations so I would have to get the nerves to go sit next to him or something but that might be obvious since he never sees me with anyone else really. I'm really working on trying things out of my comfort zone so I think this would be a good start :) Any help is as always much appreciated.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • No money.. can't pay rent?

    Alright so I recently fell for a scam that ended up closing my bank accounts and forcing me to pay off my old credit card debt immediately.. leaving me broke. My parents gave me the last of my savings (about $1000) to use until I get a job. Although I'm working very hard looking for a job I haven't found one yet. In one month (yikes) I have spent the $1000 on gas, groceries, and then of course buying unnecessary things I know I shouldn't spend my money on. I know this is my fault, but my rent is due in a few days and I can't pay it right now. I'm not sure what to do. I could ask my parents to cover it but they basically told me I was on my own after this and would just lecture me if I asked them. I could ask a number of my relatives but they would probably just tell my parents. I have one friend that has offered to lend me the money but I already owe him $50 and don't want to owe him more. I don't think the apt complex would make any exceptions regarding rent but I will call them to check up on that later. Just wondering what to do.. who to ask... I don't know. I hate asking for money.. but I'm desperate. I appreciate any help or advice you guys have for me.

    4 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years ago
  • Should I ask him to hang out again?

    So there's this guy I really like that is in a few of my classes in college but we never really talk. I messaged him on facebook and asked him to hang out. We did and it was super fun and we got along great. We're both really shy though so we still didn't talk in our classes after that besides a few conversations here and there. I sent him another message recently asking him how things were going and stuff. At the end of it I told him to let me know if he wanted to hang out again. He responded to everything in the message except for the end. I'm not sure if he was trying to "let me down easy" by just not saying anything or if he didn't see it or what. So I want to ask him more directly (still on facebook so not too direct haha) but don't want to make him to feel pressured to say yes if he really doesn't want to (he would probably say yes out of pity if it came to it because he's a really nice guy and doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings). Anyways just wondering what you guys would do in this situation. Also, if you think I should ask him.. what would be a good way to do it? He's really into movies so I was trying to find a movie quote that worked or something for it. Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Issues in the music industry?

    I'm a music industry major and need to give a huge presentation on a controversial business topic relating to the music industry. Ideally it would be something interesting and it has to be controversial enough for me to be able argue for it while also bringing up arguments others would have against it.

    Examples of issues:

    - Are subscription music services the next best business model? Why?

    - How do copyright laws need to be modified to protect composers, now - or is that of any use, given entrenched piracy?

    Or if you just find a good article/website that could help I would love to see that as well.

    Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerOther - Music9 years ago
  • What are your opinions on the Juno soundtrack?

    Do you think it fit the movie well? Were there some songs you liked or some you would have gotten rid of? Any songs you think would fit well with the movie that weren't on the soundtrack? Let me know ANY and ALL thoughts/opinions you have! Thanks!

    2 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Adderall- first time questions?

    An hour or two ago I took some adderall for the first time. I have ADD but took it without a prescription. I don't feel like I thought I would after taking this. It was a 30mg (not xr) pill. I'm just wondering if me not feeling like I expected had to do with the dosage, the fact that it was my first time, the fact that I smoked weed beforehand, etc. I have been doing homework and feel maybe 10% more motivated than usual, if that. Also, would smoking weed after taking adderall have any harmful effects? The only thing I am feeling is that I am awake when usually I am struggling to stay awake while doing homework.

    This was just a one time thing. Any information you have would help ease my oh so curious mind.


    3 AnswersAlternative Medicine9 years ago
  • Weed and Adderall together?

    So I just got some adderall (not prescription) which I have never tried before. The only thing I'm worried about is I just smoked a bowl and am not sure how the two work together. I know the side effects of both so I don't need lectures, I'm just curious. I don't want the adderall effects to be cancelled out by being high or anything. Help much appreciated. Thanks guys.

    1 AnswerMedicine9 years ago
  • Please help- flat tire?

    So I was driving a little bit ago and got a flat tire. It wasn't all of a sudden but I noticed it gradually start to get worse on my way home (5 minute drive tops). I've had a flat before so I knew what it felt like but that was on my parents car when I was at home so my dad just came and fixed it then. This time I barely made it back to my apartment building without pulling over. The tire is pretty flat now, like more than just a small hole or something. Just wondering what to do next. I'm pretty sure I have a spare so should I just ask someone to change it? Also I'm parked in a parking lot with very little room to work. I don't know want to drive my car again until it's fixed so any advice would be great. Thanks!

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Voice actor in Rango?

    In the 2011 movie, Rango, Lew Temple voices a character named Furgus. His voice is very familiar to me but after looking at his IMDb I don't recognize any of his previous work. Is there someone with a similar voice that I'm thinking of?

    Any help is much appreciated :)

    Movies9 years ago
  • How should I go about dying my hair blonde?

    So I have medium to dark brown hair right now with natural red in it. I've never gone blonde before so I don't want to go extremely blonde and end up hating it. My hair is an inch past my shoulders but grows fast and also I've got a fair to light complexion. Just wondering what a good shade would be and if you'd recommend bleaching it or getting full highlights (I'm getting it done at a salon).

    Any advice is much appreciated!!

    1 AnswerHair9 years ago
  • What are some popular MN bands?

    Looking for popular bands from Minnesota that are not too expensive and that college kids would enjoy.

    3 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • How do I make this better?

    "Seconds from a breakdown

    tears about to spill

    overwhelmed by the feelings

    that are pulling her under

    Storm clouds have gathered

    in the skies above

    now she cloaks her despair

    with the falling rain

    She's found the perfect disguise"

    I've moved everything around and changed the wording a million times but I can't get this to come out the way I want. The perfect disguise is what I started with so I'd like to keep that in there.. I also considered having it after each stanza but wasn't sure. But is there anything I could add or take out to have this make more sense? Also wasn't sure how to space it out or punctuate. Any advice/criticism would help.

    3 AnswersPoetry9 years ago