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Sakura Chan

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  • God Thinks (An opinion based question)?

    I think this is quite a great lesson summed up in a delightful song:

    I want to know what you think of it? What message did you get from it? (etc)

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is the Christian God a teenage girl?

    So I'm going to apologize in advance to those of you who do not believe this and those of you who actually follow the teachings of love but:

    I've been wondering.....

    So many of you insist that your God is the only true one and not believing in him is going to send you into some terrible torment...


    I remember your God only speaking of love for all of his children, regardless of anything they may or may not do, so long as they are generally good people....

    Now, my question is, why do you insist that your God be so thoroughly recognized...

    If he has a plan for everyone and is happy when his children are good people....then why must he insist that he be recognized and why does he throw a "hissy-fit" if he is not thought of?

    The way many people on here are speaking of him makes me wonder:

    Do you think your God to be a teenage girl?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Are you able to list at least three Religions that do not believe in Jesus or God?

    I really want to see if people do realize that not all religious people believe in the same this a test! Please list as many religions you can that do not believe in Jesus, God, or any of that jazz.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Baptists and other Abrahamic religions: How do you feel about the nasty comments posted to this girls video?

    Hello all!

    So, while wandering around youtube, I found this video:

    I personally felt it was a great and peaceful way to express how someone feels for being condemned and attacked for peacefully living.

    But, it would seem that people felt it necessary to attack and defend a religion that is supposed to be about love by using hateful words.

    I wanted to know the HONEST opinion you had about all of this?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • For those of you the believe in your God's Will/ Plan over having free will....?

    Hello all!

    So I want to apologize in advance if some of you feel this is not a really is...just more of a, "I want to hear your thoughts" question!

    So anyways, my question is more for those who do not believe in free will than anybody else....and please know now, I will not accept anything (regardless of what "side" you are taking, or what your religion may or may not be) hateful or hurtful to others...I will immediately report you...I do not care who you are.

    Now for my actual question:

    For those of you who do not believe in free will and believe that everything goes according to your God's plans, why then, do you fear for those of a different religion or who hold no religion, and warn them of hell? According to your belief, would it not be your God's will that they follow that path?

    Now again, I do not mean this to be snide or anything of the sort...this is merely intended to invoke thought, and I am just genuinely curious!

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Chinchillas and Carnivorous Plants?

    Hello all!

    I was wondering if anybody knew of anything about Chinchillas consuming some carnivorous plants found in the Andean Mountain range?

    I know that on one expedition in the 1800s, some botanist and scientist found a strand of Pinguicula....and since Chinchillas live within the Andean Mountain range...I was wondering if anybody knew of these little fuzzballs eating them?

    This is all for the sake of a study on carnivorous plants!

    2 AnswersZoology9 years ago
  • Chinchillas and Carnivorous Plants?

    Hello all!

    I was wondering if anybody knew of anything about Chinchillas consuming some carnivorous plants found in the Andean Mountain range?

    I know that on one expedition in the 1800s, some botanist and scientist found a strand of Pinguicula....and since Chinchillas live within the Andean Mountain range...I was wondering if anybody knew of these little fuzzballs eating them?

    This is all for the sake of a study on carnivorous plants!

    1 AnswerBotany9 years ago
  • My Chinchilla is making this noise...?

    Hello everyone!!

    So I brought my Chinchilla home today, and she's been okay (just frightened--I don't blame her!), but now she is making this noise...I'm not entirely sure how to explain almost sounds like barking, but it's coming from the throat.

    Can someone please give me some insight? I'm freaking out because I don't want her to be sad, lonely, cold or room is about 69* with the heat on to try and make it about please, any help would be great!!!

    2 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Some Advice About Chinchillas (new section)?

    Sorry if this seems like a repeat...I am just desperate for some answers and am trying a different category!

    Hello everyone! Now before I go on (or rather before you read on and see my actual questions), please heed what I say and please pay attention to what I do know (I really hate being told things I already know and not learning anything new!)

    I am planning on getting a Chinchilla from the store I work at, but I would love to have some questions answered and to hear some advice (these are things none of my co-workers know either).

    I already know that they prefer tall cages with ledges.

    I already know that they like to have ledges and things to jump around.

    I already know what to feed them.

    I already know to give them dust baths.

    I already know that they are social (and I will have to make up for the lack of a second chinchilla).

    To put it simply, I already know most of the common knowledge about them.

    What I would love to know is how any of you that have them went about "training" them.

    I would like to know if there is a certain age in where getting them would make it impossible to "socialize" them (I really hope that statement makes sense).

    I would love any advice you have to give based on experience, or just any useful information you know that I haven't listed!

    I want to be prepared so I can make my Chinchilla as happy as possible when I bring her home (and until I can afford her a friend!), so anything would be appreciated!

    Thanks in advanced!

    4 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Some Advice About Chinchillas?

    Hello everyone! Now before I go on (or rather before you read on and see my actual questions), please heed what I say and please pay attention to what I do know (I really hate being told things I already know and not learning anything new!)

    I am planning on getting a Chinchilla from the store I work at, but I would love to have some questions answered and to hear some advice (these are things none of my co-workers know either).

    I already know that they prefer tall cages with ledges.

    I already know that they like to have ledges and things to jump around.

    I already know what to feed them.

    I already know to give them dust baths.

    I already know that they are social (and I will have to make up for the lack of a second chinchilla).

    To put it simply, I already know most of the common knowledge about them.

    What I would love to know is how any of you that have them went about "training" them.

    I would like to know if there is a certain age in where getting them would make it impossible to "socialize" them (I really hope that statement makes sense).

    I would love any advice you have to give based on experience, or just any useful information you know that I haven't listed!

    I want to be prepared so I can make my Chinchilla as happy as possible when I bring her home (and until I can afford her a friend!), so anything would be appreciated!

    Thanks in advanced!

    2 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • How old were you when you realized what religion, or lack there of, you should follow?

    Hello everyone!!

    So I just figured this would be a nice break from "HEY ATHEISTS SHUT UP" and "HEY CHRISTIANS YOU'RE DUMB"

    Anyways, I would like to know how old you were when you decided what religion to follow (or, if you're an Atheist, when you came to your decision).

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Any Tips On Germinating Rose Seeds?

    Hello everyone!!

    So I have been gardening ever since I could remember, and have been germinating my seeds just as long (Heck I'm even going into Botany and Horticulture!), but I've just recently come across some rose seeds (I've only ever grown my roses from stubs of bushes) and while I know various ways to germinate them, I was wondering if you had any ways that you have used and that you now swear by?

    Thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape10 years ago
  • Where is the Shinto Cultural Center in New York?

    I have found on several sites that say there is a Sinto Cultural Center somewhere in New York (So far I've seen somewhere in Nassua county on Long Island). I've been looking online for an adress so I can go this weekend, but so far no luck.

    So I was hoping someone out there knows where it is. Thank you in advanced.

    1 AnswerNew York City1 decade ago
  • Do you still have to pay when adopting a pet from a shelter?

    Hello all,

    I was wondering if when you adopt from North Shore or when you go to a pound or shelter, if you have to pay to adopt?

    If you do not know, but know where I can find some puppies for free in need of a home in lower New York, I would be delighted to hear about it!

    My friend has recently lost a beloved pet of hers from unknown reasons, and her birthday is coming up, so I wanted to take her to look at some puppies and hopefully get one to go home with her where I know they'll have a great, warm and loving home.

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Some help with RE5 infinite ammo please?


    So I upgraded my Shot Gun all the way, bought the unlimited ammo option, went to special settings and turned infinite ammo on....and still nothing! Can someone please shed some light on what the hell is going on please?

    If it helps I'm using a PS3 and I'm playing the Gold Edition.


    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Spiritually speaking, will you go on a walk with me?

    At 4:30 am?

    Before you ask, no you do not have to wake up for it, you could still be up from the night before.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do so many people use the term "When Hell freezes over", when....?

    Yes, I know this is just a term, but I ask this because according to "Dante's Inferno" the worst level of Hell is actually frozen over.

    If you use this term, does this make you a liar?

    (No, I do not believe in hell)

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Did you know that neither Wicca nor Pagan means Witch?

    I ask this because so many do not seem to understand this, which leads to very ignorant, idiotic answers to some questions.

    So, I would like to know if you think a Witch and a Pagan are the same thing (both before and after this question), and if so, why?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Spiritually speaking, what do you really look like?(*Cough*Cthulhu Priest *Cough*)?

    Put up a picture of yourself, if you have the balls for it that is!

    (I'll put an edit of a picture of me)

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Spiritually speaking, why do so many people on R&S think that Religious=Christian?

    If you are not one of these people, I commend you and thank you.

    If you claim not to be on of these people, I will check to see if you are or are not, and I expect you (once I call you out) to answer my question of why you think Religious=Christian, or why you say "Religions" or "Religious People" and only refer to Christianity and Christians.

    Thank you in advance for your explanations!

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago