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Lv 1161 points

Kyle F

Favorite Answers21%
  • How can I find out how old my email is?

    Not answers, but my account in general. I've found guides on the internet, but all of them are for yahoo 6 years ago. It's way different now and I've searched all over. I can not look at my welcome to yahoo email, because I deleted it, when I was like 8. But I want to know exactly, it's been about 7 or 8 years, I'm nearly 17.

    1 AnswerCalendar and Contacts8 years ago
  • How to buy Xbox live for a friend without risking credit card information?

    So, there's and Xbox Live gold $1 for one month promotion going on right now. It is only exploitable by people without gold. He doesn't have any cards and I want to buy it for him as it would be mutually beneficial. However, I do not want his account to be able remember the card and end up automatically renewing or anything like that.

    5 AnswersXbox8 years ago
  • I never finish anything I start, any tips?

    I have a huge list of video games I've beaten like 80% and then just stopped, some I've been playing my entire life. Like FF X for instance, it's been apart of my life for so long, and I've never beaten it. It isn't just video games though. I've got into Photoshop among other programs, C++ among other languages, learning to speak French, never finish. One of the things that irritates me the most, I think I'm a pretty decent writer, but I've never finished any of my books, I always make it to around 25ish pages, still have tons of ideas, but I never feel like writing more, and when I force myself to it's terrible. Same thing with games, I play and play and play, then I lose interest and play something else.

    I was just wondering if maybe someone who reads this has had this problem, and found a way around it through some sort of disciplinary exercises or something.

    3 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • What can a minor do about unfair legal guardians?

    A friend of mine lives with his aunt and uncle, and they're *****, to say the least. They haven't hit him since he was much younger, and believe me you'd have to be damned stupid to hit this guy, or done anything else illegal in a long time, as far as know and according to him. His aunt will almost certainly object to emancipation, which makes things harder and he couldn't convince the court that it's in his best interests anyways because he can't get a job. They won't give him his birth certificate, his SS number, or take him to get any state issued ID, e.g. a drivers licence or permit. There's no other family he could live with, I'm not sure how I can help him. My father's a police officer, and I almost know for sure that he would help with legal stuff if he could, but he thinks that emancipation is illegal here, but I Googled it and it's not.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Would it be legal name a character Oreo in a book you intend to publish?

    My book is based post-destruction of earth, and my main character's father says that the best thing he remembered from his home world was Oreo cookies, and they even open a box from the stash he had stored every year for a holiday. I know it's kind of cheesy but I think it works with my story quite well.

    but since it's clearly named after a trademarked company/product, I assume I'd need rights. In which case I have to come up with something else and I'm terrible with male names.

    Also, do you need permission to change the names a bit, for instance, did Bethesda the Coke's rights to make Nuka-Cola in Fallout? Or could I do Skibbles chewy rainbow candies?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • I've been noticing weird things coming in pairs, hard to explain here...?

    I'm convinced that there is some connection between certain events that seem irrelevant to the world or life in general. For example, this afternoon my dad woke me up and we went on a trip to gamestop :D

    Anyways, along the way I began a conversation that ultimately landed me talking about the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland. When we got to gamestop, Dad asked the clerk about some of his airplane tattoos which grew into this big conversation about history and stuff, and the clerk mentioned Mad Hatters(Something to do with the air force blah bah). My dad noticed this time, and he doesn't usually, but I notice these things all the time, and unfortunately I can't think of any other examples. The odds of these things seem impossible, I mean, how often do Mad Hatters come up in conversation, let alone twice in the same day with no readily apparent connection.

    Have you noticed the same thing? Or something similar?

    4 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Have any tips on flying in dreams?

    I often become aware that I am dreaming, and I have put a lot of research into such phenomena. However, I can't fly, or at least not far. I feel heavy, like it's taking so much effort to get up off the ground, and it's often in situations that I desperately need to fly. In fact, I have many problems like that, where I can do something but my doubts in it make it more and more difficult. The only thing I can always do very well, is move objects with my mind, but only because I'm convinced that I can do it in real life if I just figure it out, lol.

    ~ For example though, one dream sticks out in my mind the most, and in this dream I life a chunk of dirt out of the ground that had multicolored flowers on it, and beneath it were bugs that for some reason I felt that it was imperative that I exterminate, and I began freezing them or something with this mist that came from my hands, but it became too difficult to do.

    ~Basically, I'm looking for anyone who has lucid dreams, and knows how I can conquer such problems.

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • Forces that could render a planet uninhabitable?

    I'm writing a story right now, or rather a character outline but still, and I'm looking for some reason that mankind can not return to earth for daily life. It needs to be natural though, which rules out nuclear war.

    I'll take anything you can come up with, but I'm looking for something that could actually shatter the planet and basically make it look like this:

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space8 years ago
  • Horror movies with good endings?

    When I googled this, the first thing that came up was The Cabin in the Woods. I'm going to use that as an example, of the worst possible ending for a movie, and whoever posted that as such is ******* stupid. Everyone said that movie was so great, I say it was the most overrated movie of the year.

    In my opinion, a good horror movie is one where the problem is resolved in the end, and no one else will be hurt. One thing I hate most of all, is when nobody survives, there's got to be at least one survivor to tell the tale.

    5 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Looking for a some sort of blogging site that falls under specific criteria...?

    I've decided that I want to write about my experiences and stuff and post it where people can read, maybe comment. I want to do this on a website not based on your real friends or family being your contacts, just random people. A website where you're supposed to have a secret identity. I also don't want to be limited, like on Twitter(that satanic website that barely allows you to say hello without exceeding your character limit). Just a blog, where people may or may not read my stuff, and no one will know who I really am.

    1 AnswerOther - Internet8 years ago
  • Word that means a lot of people dying at once?

    I am writing a story, perhaps a novel even, and in my story, many people are dying because of famine. The first word that came to mind was genocide, but it implies murder. Mass extinction won't work, because not everyone dies, right? I'm going to re-write it to make epidemic work if I can't find what I'm looking for.

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • If I allocate most of my ram to minecraft, would everything be fine?

    So, on my shitty computer( I got a new one thats pretty awesome) all I ever do is play minecraft or check facebook. This computer only has about 2 gigs of ram,1918 MB more specifically, and wanted to know if I allocated 1.8 GBs to it, would my computer still run if I don't do anything else? I don't know much about this stuff, all I care about right now is making Minecraft run fast enough to make this computer worth keeping.

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware8 years ago
  • Can you give me natural occurences of the 7 colors?

    I need to know some natural places where you would see certain colors. As many as you can think of.

    Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet.

    Also, what's a more child friendly word for indigo?

    3 AnswersOther - Visual Arts8 years ago
  • Could you read the description and suggest me some books?

    So, to many I'm sure this will sound ridiculous, or pathetic. I'm 16, and as far as I know, I have never read an entire book in my life. I've listened to a couple audiobooks start to finish, but other than that, nothing.

    For every book report or school reading project I've ever had, I've found ways to either not do it, or do it without reading the whole book, but rather parts, or just summaries online.

    I am not a bad reader, I exceed every year on the AIMS reading and writing test( which for those of you who do not live in Arizona or the United States, the AIMS [Arizona's Instrument to Measure Standards] is a final test distributed to all students in the state near the end of the year). So don't recommend the Hungry Caterpillar (Which I have read, but I wouldn't write it down on a list of everything I've read, unless it's to be a smartass and save face.)

    Why do I wish to read after a life of hating books? I love to write, I am good at writing, but I am not the best and I never will be unless I read, according to various tips scattered around the internet.

    So I want some really good fiction books you think may inspire me, because I've decided to write my first full novel, rather than short stories. I don't want to tackle this until I know I'm prepared.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • How come Dr.House doesn't just watch the episode before he starts the patient's case?

    Seriously, I just watched episode 4 and a baby died! He could have saved its life if he had watched the episode and known the correct treatment.

    1 AnswerDrama8 years ago
  • Why can't my friend connect to my Minecraft server?

    I've made many servers in the past, I'm doing everything right I think, so I'm like 80% sure it's somehow something on his side.

    I have forwarded the 25565 ports. Both of us have the same MC versions, up to date Javas. I can connect to it with localhost. I give him my external IP. It's been a while for me but I ahve no idea what else could be the problem. The error is simply can not reach server.

    2 AnswersComputer Networking8 years ago
  • Why can't my friend connect to my Minecraft server?

    I've made many servers in the past, I'm doing everything right I think, so I'm like 80% sure it's somehow something on his side.

    I have forwarded the 25565 ports. Both of us have the same MC versions, up to date Javas. I can connect to it with localhost. I give him my external IP. It's been a while for me but I ahve no idea what else could be the problem.

    1 AnswerComputer Networking8 years ago
  • I'm starting with Gameboy Advance, which Pokemon game should I play first?

    After constant harassment from my friends about me being the only guy on this planet that knows nothing about Pokemon, I decided to start watching the show, and even play some of the games. I prefer to start with the Gameboy Advance, which game should I play first? Does it matter?

    If you as a Pokemon fan would think it was unacceptable to start with GA, then tell me which game and which advice I should play.

    9 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation8 years ago
  • About to start Farcry 3, any tips?

    I want to make sure I won't miss any opportunities to get achievements. Like if you miss the bobble head at the Enclave base in fallout 3 you don't get to have that particular achievement with out playing through again.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Why can't you make indefinite energy with super conductors?

    In the 8th grade, I came up with this idea that if you made a robot turn it's own crank generator in absolute zero temperatures, there would be no electrical resistance in the wires, thus eliminating heat transfer, and the robot would be able to keep powering its self.

    Well, while doing my 10th grade science on A+LS, I learned of superconductivity and I read into it and discovered that high temperature superconductors can be cooled to around 90 Kelvin, at which point there would be no resistance, and I know we've come with in a fraction of a degree of absolute zero. So unless I'm mistaken, if we built what I mentioned above out of superconducting wire and cooled it to such a low temp, the robot would keep cranking. So a better question is can that be done? If so, why haven't we done it? Or have we? Because it's seems to me such technology could be used to build vehicles that only needed to be fueled one time.

    6 AnswersOther - Science8 years ago