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  • I have to be in Bangkok, Thailand from Canada (Alberta) on a specific day (ex/ on the 20th). Do I leave Canada on the 18 or 19th?

    I'm new at using google flights and online booking, so I was wondering if google flights would tell me the date I'm arriving in Bangkok (I have to be in bangkok on a specific day, for the purpose of this let's say the 20th)

    On google flights it's telling me the date I'd arrive if I picked on of the choices (travel 19th arrive on the 20th),

    BUT my friend said that was in our current time zone not Bangkoks so I would have to go one day ahead (travel on the 18 arrive on the 19th, which would be 20th she says because they are a day ahead)

    So I was wondering who was right: If I have to leave on the 18th or 19th to make it into Bangkok on the 20th?

    5 AnswersAir Travel5 years ago
  • Is it safe to dye Fake eyelashes? (and wear them?)?

    I heard it's super bad to dye your eyelashes so I want to use fake eyelashes to do this. I'm preparing a cosplay costume and the character has yellow hair and eyelashes.

    I have a can of hair dye (from a Halloween store) that I plan to use on a wig, but it's hard to find yellow eyelashes, so I was wondering if I can just dye a pair of fake eyelashes with the same can of hair dye that is usually used for temporary hair color.

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style7 years ago
  • Asus or Toshiba which is the better laptop?

    So I have narrowed down to 2 laptops that I can get which is an Toshiba Qosmio Laptop and an ASUS. I don't really know which would be better to have since I plan to use it for gaming (of course) and to store a lot of videos/ video editing on it as well. Since you guys might have better understanding of which on is better your guidance would be much appreciated!



    *More info:

    Windows 8 64-bit

    Processor: Intel Core i7-3517U (1.9GHz)

    Chipset: Intel HM76


    8GB DDR3 1600 MHz SDRAM, 1 x DIMM socket for expansion up to 8 GB SDRAM

    Graphics:Nvidia GT 635M 2GB



    Processor: Intel Core i7-3630QM (2.4 GHz)

    Memory: 1600 MHz 16 GB ram 2TB hard drive [will see if the store I'm buying from has 1TB or lower]

    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670M 3GB

    Like I said I would really like someones input on which one would be better/superior.

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • ASUS or TOSHIBA, which is the better laptop?

    So I have narrowed down to 2 laptops that I can get which is an Toshiba Qosmio Laptop and an ASUS. I don't really know which would be better to have since I plan to use it for gaming (of course) and to store a lot of videos/ video editing on it as well. Since you guys might have better understanding of which on is better your guidance would be much appreciated!



    *More info:

    Windows 8 64-bit

    Processor: Intel Core i7-3517U (1.9GHz)

    Chipset: Intel HM76


    8GB DDR3 1600 MHz SDRAM, 1 x DIMM socket for expansion up to 8 GB SDRAM

    Graphics:Nvidia GT 635M 2GB



    Processor: Intel Core i7-3630QM (2.4 GHz)

    Memory: 1600 MHz 16 GB ram 2TB hard drive [will see if the store I'm buying from has 1TB or lower]

    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670M 3GB

    They both have pretty decent ram and hard drive capacity and I'm told the processor on both are also fine, so I know about those stuff, but like I said I would really like someones input on which one would be better/superior (also on graphics).

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • What type of external Hard drive is the best but not to expensive?

    I'm looking to get an external hard drive for one of my birthday gifts and I would like some opinions on what type works the best because i've heard of review of some failing after a couple of years.

    But nothing too expensive!

    I have a toshiba laptop; windows vista

    If you have 1 that works like a charm let me know (one that you can buy in store not over the internet)

    -and holds a lot*


    5 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • What is a highball? (I know its a drink but what is usually in it and any info you have on that)?

    i keep on seeing posters with "$something something Highballs" and being the noob that I am, I don't really know what highballs are. So if anyone can shed some light on this, that would be great.

    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • What else can you do with a Bachelor of arts degree major in Criminal Justice/Psychology in Canada?

    Just out of curiosity,

    What can I do (what Kind of jobs can i get) with a BA with a major in criminal justice (besides being a cop or something like that) in Canada.

    Also what kind of jobs could I get with a major in Psychology in Canada?

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • What can I do with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminal Justice in Canada?

    So I'm new to the whole university scene and so on.

    And I was thinking of becoming a lawyer in Canada, and I know that for that you need to go to law school for that but first you need a BA.

    So I was wondering if I can get into law school with a major in criminal Justice & what other things can I do with a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in criminal Justice.

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago