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  • A tank is 2/5 filled with water when another 26 liters are poured in, the tank becomes 5/6 full.?

    Find the capacity of the tank.

    I'm the mom I just need help and I'm hoping some can explain it in easier terms than the answer book can so i can then explain it to my son. Thank you.

    2 AnswersChemistry8 years ago
  • Do people deny the persecution of Christians around the World?

    Do we Christians realize how good we have it? Around 1 million Christians face persecution and about every 75 out of 100 people killed due to religion are Christian.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Any of you grow up in the boonies?

    Did your mom do all she could to avoid a trip to the grocery store? I grew up on pb and honey, pilot bread, dried fruit, canned or powdered milk and meat my dad shot - fresh veg was from garden, dried fruit or berries picked from bushes. Strawberries grow well where I grew up all other fruits are wild berries. Apples, oranges etc just won't grow there it's too cold.

    3 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What were some of your favorite tv shows growing up?


    Younger - Knight Rider, Dukes of Hazard, The A Team, The Cosby Show, Family Ties

    Older - Boy Meets World, Blossom, Wonder Years, Rosanne, Home Improvement

    Thanks just curious - And don't you think the shows were just better back then?

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How long can I drive in Ak?

    befor I go and get an Ak drivers license? Do I have to take the road test again? I'm nervous even though I have 14 years experience driving in Ak. Alaskan momma are you here?

    1 AnswerParenting1 decade ago
  • Do you feel a little lazy compared to your mom/dad?

    I do, my mom worked so hard we had no running water till I was 12. When ever we left in the winter, mom had to start the fire while we waited in our snow duds for the house to warm up. The out house was about 50 ft from the house. Age 4 gave us can of rocks to shake so the bears would stay away. Ordered food from the co-op cause it was way cheaper than the grocery store. Had no phone and used cb radio for communication until about age 8. When we did get a phone it was a party line we shared with the neighbors (I'd get in trouble for eves dropping on their conversation.) Dad was gone working in the bush for about 6 mo out of the year. For the garden mom carried 2- 5 gallon buckets for watering with young ones following. Garden was quite far from the house. And I never remember once my mom complaining. Now I just have to do the basic house cleaning and remember to take my garbage to the curb on thu night.

    2 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Anyone buy napkins or do you just load your purse up at restaurants/fast food places?

    I never buy napkins, I just grab more than I need at fast food joints. I'm feeling like a McChicken and I'm running out of napkins.

    11 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Hi should I just bribe my kid?

    Ok I have a 14 year old daughter. She is in the 8th grade and is getting awful grades. She tested in the 98% range anyway I know she is not living up to her potential and I am now forcing her to get her homework out every night. I know 8th grade doesn't really count but she'll be going to high school. She is taking Algebra 1 which she has D in and the thing is she already taken Algebra 1 and passed with a B in the previous state we lived in, but she had to retake it because it is the highest math they offer here. I have already told her I don't agree with paying for grades and the reward is getting in to good schools and being able to get scholarships with good grades. She even tells me why should I try I don't get anything out of it. I am already going to buy her a laptop when she enters High school. She has been waiting since the 5th grade (that's when most her friends parents bought them laptops) So should I just pay her for her grades so she well have incentive in her mind to work harder? If you think I should please tell me how much you give your children for grades. If you are a teen please tell me if it really helps you to get good grades. Thank you.

    6 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Did your kid ever do anything like this?

    Thought I'd ask, so when my child was a year old she would go to touch the light sockets on the wall, and I smacked her hand and said no. Then later when I saw her reaching for the light socket she'd smack her own hand. I only smacked her hand a couple times and then she would just smack her own hand, not hard and she didn't touch the socket either. I did have covers on them but, I didn't want her touching them for when we went places that didn't have covers. And my smack didn't even turn her hand red so I know it wasn't that hard. It's like she was reminding herself not to touch it because she would always lightly smack her hand before she actually touched it.

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • please help I can't figure this out for some reason?

    I posted in mathematics but not getting any answers. Help I feel I should know this.

    Kamili scored two goals when her soccer team won 5 to 4 on November 3. To make the playoffs, her team needs to win two of the next three games.

    Kamili's team has won four games and lost three games. Altogether, how many games does Kamili's team need to win to make the playoffs?

    Thank you it's for my son he's in the 4th grade. I'm hoping to help him in the morning.

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • please help math question?

    Thank you.

    Kamili scored two goals when her soccer team won 5 to 4 on November 3. To make the playoffs, her team needs to win two of the next three games.

    Kamili's team has won four games and lost three games. Altogether, how many games does Kamili's team need to win to make the playoffs?

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Cats and sand boxes. Have any of you owned a sand box for your children to play in?

    Then you had to get rid of it because your cats decided to use it for a litter box. That happened to me.

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Why are you not afraid of the possibility of Hell?

    I want to know why you are so convinced there is no Hell. Saying it is make believe is not an answer. If you research there is evidence and many atheists and people of other religions who have converted to Christianity after experiencing NDE and will never be swayed back again and devote their lives telling people of their ordeal.

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • When can women speak? It doesn't matter anymore does it?

    Women are to teach women? Titus 2:3-5 The older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.

    Women may teach men in the assembly? Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

    Why is fireball2 exact same question he asks all the time deleted? Oh cause it's the exact same. I spent time answering it just to get this question was deleted. So I'm asking it instead.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists? Are you asking these because Christians aren't and you want to know?

    I'm wondering if there are atheists trolls on here pretending to be Christian. Because I'm not seeing very many religious questions. And some of the ones I've seen are a bit bizarre.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Hey Atheist and Christians?

    Here's a sight I found maybe you'll find it funny or insulting, maybe both at the same time. Give me some feed back. What do you think? Atheist do you agree with any of the statements? Christians have you ever had these thought about atheists? Can we both laugh at some of it?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does being a Catholic hinder your belief toward Jesus Christ?

    I would really like answers from Great Britain of course all answers are encouraged. The reason I ask is because of the state of the Catholic Church. Also while living in Ireland I heard someone say don't know if it was a quote or their opinion "The closer people get the Church the farther away they get from God." And what you think of this link

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do my inner ears kill me even when in the slightest cold breeze?

    I'm just curious. This has been going on ever since I can remember as a small child and teen I was always dismissed on this issue. I still have the problem and have gotten use to it I just wear a hat. When I jog I often put cotton in my ear because it is too hot for a hat. They hurt so bad when the wind gets to them that I would wear a winter hat with a dress if It came to that.

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases1 decade ago