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  • How should the word regime be pronounced when it is being used to mean the same thing as regimen?

    I normally pronounce regime as ruh... It occurs to me that I can't think of a good way to write out the pronunciation of regime. Ruh-jheem? Ruh-zheem? The second syllable is like one of those sounds from other languages that is very difficult to explain to english speakers because it doesn't exist in English. Anyway, the word regimen is pronounced reg-ih-men. But whenever I see the word regime being used to mean the same thing as regimen, it feels strange to pronounce it like I normally would. But saying reg-ih-meh feels even weirder. Is regime pronounced differently according to the context?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay7 years ago
  • How do the various Japanese sects of Buddhism reconcile the animist Shinto religion?

    Like, what do the esoteric, pure land, zen, Sendai, etc. branches of Japanese Buddhism profess about the Kami? Also, what are the main branches? I'm not sure how accurate I am here, but it's my understanding that most people in Japan had a syncretic belief, that Buddhism was correct, but the Kami had a place in the world. I think nowadays most Japanese are irreligious, and engage in religious acts out of tradition/auspiciousness rather than belief, but what do the faithful believe?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • How did Ashigaru fit into the Japanese caste system?

    What I know (or think I know) of the ashigaru is that they were infantry drawn from the non-samurai classes to provide support and fill the ranks of the daimyo armies. They saw great use during Sengoku Jidai especially, as relatively massive armies clashed (compared to the smaller, mostly samurai armies used in previous centuries) and there weren't enough trained men of samurai rank to fill the armies.

    I wonder: how were ashigaru viewed in the social class system of Japan? Were they seen as being higher than peasants but lesser than samurai? Were they called up from the peasant class exclusively, or were artisans, merchants, and burakumin allowed/forced to join? Were they forced into service, or were they volunteer forces? Would their descendants be in this ashigaru class as well?

    As an extra, how did sohei and monks fit into the system?

    2 AnswersHistory7 years ago
  • Can you identify this book?

    All I have for identifiers is the recollection of my old dad, so maybe he gets some parts of it wrong. He says that it was a scifi novel set on an alien world. On this world there are two groups that may or may not be the same species. One group consists of male individuals and female individuals that can't reproduce with each other. They are the dominant group. The second group is subservient to the first, and much like the first has non-reproductive individuals. However, a segment of the population in the second group are hermaphrodites, and they are the only ones who can breed with everyone else. The upper crust of the first group like to send the warriors of their society to capture these hermaphrodites for them to keep as concubines and mothers and/or fathers for their children, leaving. Rey few for the second group. The main character is a warrior from the first group, and he views the decadence of the aristocrats with disdain. He falls in love with a female from the second group. I think there's some kind of revolution that occurs, but I'm not sure. That's all he can remember, but bear in mind that this guy was certain that aliens were a big part of "Dune" and that pretty much everyone in that book had animal genetic enhancements, so he may have screwed up some of the details.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors7 years ago
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    Sorry if this just comes off as perverted, but I gotta know about this supergirl figure pictured here...?

    What's she wearing under her skirt? Sorry, but I know that supergirl nowadays wears shorts under her skirt to avoid japanese-style panty flashing situations (the fact that she flies makes you wonder why she didn't do this years ago), and I was wondering if that was the same case here.

    1 AnswerComics & Animation7 years ago
  • In the Anime "The World God Only Knows" does Keima play "H" games?

    "H," as in, x-rated. I remember reading during the past arc, while keima was a child, he said that he didn't play those kinds of games, only dating sims. Did he mean that he only avoided those kinds of games as a kid, or that he really only plays dating sims? I wonder, since it seems to me that there are many more galge with adult content than without, and the "God of games" would really be limiting himself if he only played age-appropriate games.

    1 AnswerComics & Animation7 years ago
  • Is this just a personal space thing, or was she coming on to me?

    Well, I've got a lab partner who is south East Asian (Vietnamese I think). I noticed that when we were reading off a sheet together, she got really close to me, pressing up against me. This happened a couple times. So, I'm thinking this was either intentional, or a cultural personal space thing that she just wasn't conscious of. What do you think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
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    Can someone identify the kanji on this WWII Japanese relic?

    The following picture was taken from a display case at my local library. I believe it is a cigarette case found on Attu island, after it was retaken from the Japanese. Can someone identify the kanji that the owner of this case had carved into it?

    2 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
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    Could someone identify the characters on this t-shirt?

    PBG from youtube/normalboots was wearing this t-shirt. I couldn't quite see the whole thing; that's the most you can see in the video. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone could identify the characters seen here, or maybe link me to a full image of the shirt.

    1 AnswerComics & Animation7 years ago
  • What do you think is the most likely recipe for Posca?

    I heard its some kind of vinegar mixture used by the low classes in Rome, and that soldiers in particular would use it on campaign to mix with water. Supposedly this covered the taste of bad water and made one feel more full from small amounts of food (as well as killing some bacteria with the acidity). Anyway, are there really no recipes for something so prolific? If not, what do you think a likely mixture would be for this mysterious drink?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • Is there a moderate Republican caucus (in US politics)?

    I noticed that there is a conservative democrat causcus, and a liberal democrat caucus. I know there's the Tea Party caucus on the republican side, but is there a moderate republican caucus? If not, why?

    5 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • How did mainland Greeks view northern/colonial Greeks?

    I had heard that while Greeks from Epirus and Macedon were allowed to compete in the Olympics (something only Greeks could do), the southerly Greeks saw them as little more than barbarians. By southerly, I mean Greeks from the Peloponnesus, Attica, and central Greece. Is this true, or is this just something I mistakenly believe? Also, did mainland Greeks look down on colonial Greeks?

    1 AnswerHistory7 years ago
  • How do you eat with a mustache that hangs over your mouth?

    I've been trying to grow a mustache. It's pretty thin so far, but it grows such that it hangs right over my mouth. This makes eating without getting my mustache dirty difficult, especially with things like ribs or hamburgers. A couple times I've even accidentally pulled out some mustache hairs because they got pushed into my mouth when I was trying to take a big bite of some food, and when I bit down they got yanked right out.

    6 AnswersHair8 years ago
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    Can anyone identify what the "Elijah Codex" is?

    I saw this posted in the library up at the U. I assume its called the "Elijah Codex." Is this for real, or did some English major want to screw with people? I don't understand what they were trying to write here, seems to be almost gibberish. Is this crazy? Cause it seems crazy to me.

    P.S. There was also a flyer for a religious group right next to this that had a pentagram drawn on it. I assume these events are related: it seems easier to assume that the crazy person who put up this...whatever this is, would have also drawn that pentagram.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • What should I do with my life?

    I've been trying to get a bachelors degree in biology. I'm in my fifth year now, and I only need a couple more classes to finish. The thing is, I don't know what to do once I have the degree. When I was a freshman and looking for a major, I just sort of picked biology and decided to go for it. Frankly, I have come to learn that I don't like biology. Or chemistry. Or math. Or physics. What I really like is history, but I figure I may as well finish with this degree I've sunk five years into before I think of doing anything else. What can I do with a bachelors degree in biology? I don't understand about post-grad stuff at all, so if someone could explain that stuff to me, that'd be nice.

    My ultimate goal is to find a career that won't be mind numbing and soul crushing, that won't take up all of my time, that will give me financial security, that I like, and hopefully won't interfere with a family I hope to have someday.

  • Are you allowed to go dig up peat from land you dont't own?

    I'm thinking about land off the side of the road, for instance, in the middle of nowhere. Do you have to own the land to do that? Does the peat have to be of a certain depth to harvest it, and are there other environmental concerns to think of? I live in AK btw.

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • Who exactly were the ancient Macedonians?

    Were they the descendants of Greeks who settled in the area? Were they Hellenized barbarians? For bonus points, could you tell me about the other people living near Greece who were affected by Greek culture, like the people in Epirus, Thrace, Illyria, etc. Please, PLEASE don't answer if you're just going to turn this into some kind of nationalistic Greek vs Slav thing. I don't care about the modern state of Macedonia, just the ancient one.

    4 AnswersHistory8 years ago