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Lv 2600 points


Favorite Answers11%
  • Do police believe the words of inebriated people?

    I'm a 25 year old guy. I was at a party recently, and I ran into a girl who had too much to drink. I'm guessing she was trying to sleep, as she was on the couch slurring her words against a pillow. It was obvious she was drunk. I didn't want to run the risk of leaving her unguarded as no doubt some of the inebriated animals (guys) at the party would have tried to take advantage of her, so I shut the door to the room and stood guard outside it for several hours until the party ended. Sure enough, one of those aforementioned inebriated guys did eventually walk towards the door I was guarding, and I immediately told him to turn around and walk away or die. I wasn't going to kill him of course, I just wanted to strike fear into him so he would turn around. (Drunk men don't respond to politeness or kindness, fear and physical pain are the only language they understand). He did turn around, and I didn't see him the rest of the evening. The girl got home safely and unharmed later that night.

    Anyway, the point of this story is, I want to know if the inebriated fool I ran into earlier would be believed by the police if he told them (while clearly under the influence) that someone had threatened him. In my experience, men like that are nothing more than animals and since alcohol ruins your ability to see clearly and remember details, anything they say SHOULD be completely ignored by police or anyone really. But is my assessment of his credibility accurate in the eyes of the law?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture5 years ago
  • Abortion is wrong, but what about in this case: Guys, if your wife/girlfriend was raped, could you genuinely love the child?

    I disagree, barely.

    The ONLY exception I would tolerate for abortion, is rape. A rape baby is an insult to a woman who has done nothing to deserve it. Children are a gift from God for marriage ONLY, no exceptions. Forcing them to have them and give them up for adoption is also unfair, a lot of women dream of having the fairytale life, their first child born from their body being a child created in love with the man they joined with for life. Women who are raped and get pregnant as a result often can't afford a child. They are a tremendous financial responsibility, and an unplanned one when you have done nothing wrong to create one (sexual intercourse of your own free will, if you were drunk or deceived or drugged, it is still rape), is an outrage.

    Especially if she has a boyfriend, or a husband. A lifelong relationship deserves sanctity, and birthing child from another man is utterly disgusting, the child that should have been HIS, spiritually crushes the man she loves, who swore to protect her, who saved himself for her and she for him. If she keeps the child, he has to live with a reminder that he FAILED to protect her when she needed her protector and every time he looks at that child he sees only the man who harmed the one he loves, which makes his eyes burn with raging fire.. Boys/men should be rendered incapable of forming the thought of rape in their minds. It should be utterly annihilated from the Universe. What would you do?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Problem: I think blue-eyed women are angels....But:?

    That on it's own is not the issue. My love for blue eyed women is from an Oedipal complex, my mom has them and her light-blue eyes were the first eyes I ever saw as a baby. I looked into those ocean-orbs as a child, and I was never the same again. Every girl I've ever taken an interest in had blue eyes. I have such a weakness for this that it cannot be put into words. I call these women Valkyrie, nordic angels. They are beautiful to me beyond words. Here is the problem: My girlfriend, who I truly love and enjoy my time with beyond measure, does NOT have these angelic, blue eyed features. Her eyes are hazel, like mine. Other than this, there is nothing I do not find absolutely wonderful about her. I tried telling myself it doesn't matter, I tell myself that I love her anyway (and I do in my heart) she just doesn't have this one, most salient weakness of mine. I refuse to break up with her over something this simple, and only the most cold-hearted man would do that. I'd never find another girl like her, the grass is NEVER greener on the other side. I treat her with love and respect as she rightfully deserves. I love her. She is the only girl in the world who laughs at all my jokes, who finds me funny and charming, and I MUST show her the same love. To do otherwise is total dishonor. How do I get rid of this "blue-eyed" weakness in my head? It's linked directly to my heart, and I need to get rid of it. Please help, serious answers only please, this is important. Thank you.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What is it called when.....?

    A guy's girlfriend mentions a past crush or boyfriend to her current boyfriend, and the current boyfriend instantly hates the ex-boyfriend enough to want him killed? I'm not sure if I'm psychotic, or what. But I have no compassion whatsoever when it comes to guys who have had a chance with my girlfriend before me. I hate them all, and though I would never attack them or openly threaten them (this resentment is locked up tightly in my mind), I would laugh and keep walking if I saw them being burned alive. If I ever met them, I would be silently hoping they were struck by lightning or hit by a truck as soon as possible. Filth. They mistreated the girl I treasure and love beyond life, so what do I care? It's like stepping on roaches. And besides, if they are dead they can't threaten my relationship anymore. Past loves destroyed=no more competition= blissful, loving future with her is certain. Before anyone says something like I'm a threat to society, or I'm a serial killer waiting to happen or something like that, I'M NOT. Despite my anger, there are strict moral firewalls in my head which CANNOT be broken. The first one is that unless someone hits me, I don't hit them. If they threaten me verbally, I use appropriate self-defense, but not until. Attacking a woman however, earns automatic full force defense by me. So anyway, if I never act on this hate, what is the term for this feeling? Alpha, sadistic, psychotic? Chivalrous? Do other guys think like this? What do you think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Settling man argument with fight?

    I'm a 23 year guy, and I trained in martial arts for three and a half years. I'm completely homophobic (God commanded heterosexuality for numerous very good reasons, and you only have to look at the societal damage that has occurred as a result of not obeying Him) and I refuse to associate with anything considered feminine or gay. The color pink or purple, techno music, romance novels (spending time with my girlfriend is an exception of course), etc. Any man who questions my masculinity, I respond to by politely asking if they would like to "step outside" to settle this. It usually makes them shut up. Don't open your mouth unless you're willing to back up whatever words come out of it. Man-Law still follows this rule in the 21st century right? Works for me, I usually win the fight. Girls' opinions on this?

    4 AnswersEtiquette7 years ago
  • Is ducking to avoid wasps considered unmasculine?

    I'm a 23 year old guy, and have very few fears. Only one of which keeps me from spending time outside during the spring and summer. That one fear, is of wasps and stinging insects besides honeybees (those little things don't bug me, pardon the pun.) Wasps, yellow jackets, and ESPECIALLY hornets though, I will dodge away from. I don't scream, or run, or anything like that. I just dodge out of their way. And if one is in the house, I will smack it with a magazine instead of using a paper towel to kill it. As for while being outside, to avoid them I will duck, walk backwards a step or two, or otherwise subtly move out of the way. Nothing too dramatic. If I get stung, welts that can reach the size of baseballs are the result. It does not matter what type of wasp it is. As a result , I avoid them. As a martial artist though and someone who is used to breaking and having one's bones broken in fights, I feel like this is unmasculine behavior. So from the male population, I would like a second opinion. If this is unmasculine, I will find a way to crush this fear. It's based on being stung and winding up looking like something out of a horror movie. Ten points for best answer! Thank you fellow Man-Law upholders. The last thing I want is to be like some pathetic gay-fairy boy.

    2 AnswersSociology7 years ago
  • I'm baptizing myself. Will God accept it?

    My reasons are very simple. The teachers of the Christian church, many have fallen into sin. They live outwardly good lives, but the things they do in secret betray their wickedness and sinful nature. What if the one who baptizes at my church is also unrighteous in heart? My baptism would mean nothing if that is true. How can the wicked cleanse those more upright than they? I have obeyed the righteous words of my Father, none have fallen from my ears nor my mind. I have done everything to please the Father that I can humanly do. He has blessed me richly, and I am thankful for all of it. Night after night, I thank Him for all things. God is my Father, and I am His son by faith in Christ. As such, sinful men cannot be trusted with cleansing my spirit. Does the convicted judge the one who sits on the bench of justice? Of course not. But I remain curious: Even Jesus the Son of God was baptized by another. So am I presuming to be above Him by not letting someone else baptize me? I am far, far below Jesus in righteousness, He was perfect and sinless, and I am not. He was God, and I am not. Nor would I ever claim to be close to Him in righteousness. He is the Righteous One, not I. Is my pride blinding me? Am I overestimating my sinless life compared to the sin of those who teach the Gospel? But the righteous aren't supposed to have pride are they? "Rejoice in the LORD, and walk in His ways." Rejoice in the LORD, means to rejoice in righteousness right? Because the LORD IS righteousness. I think I have more than one question here. If someone could help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you and may the blessings of Christ be with you.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Has anyone else noticed Evolution and Secular Humanism is a state, tax-supported religion in America?

    Any scientific evidence that goes against it, (and there are millions of pieces of it), is kept out of the textbooks. Children are brainwashed every single day, millions of them into believing that they all come from monkeys. And look what happens. The nation has the worst crime rate in years, drug use and alcohol has skyrocketed, teen pregnancy is glorified on the media, divorce rate is up, the whole nation has no absolute standard of morality anymore. What do you expect to happen when you tell the generation in public school that everything is just a big coincidence and they are all just animals, forge "evidence" to make them believe it, persecute honest teachers who know better and try to stop the countless scientific inaccuracies being espoused every day. The doctrine of "separation of church and state," has been taken way out of context. Secular Humanism, (of which a major part is called the Theory of Evolution and Naturalistic Origin), was declared by the Supreme Court to be a religion. Nevermind the fact that abiogenesis which is where the theory starts (prebiotic soup on Earth with all the elements and chemicals mixing together to randomly create living matter which is beyond impossible in probability) has been proven to be scientifically impossible. The 1st Amendment to the Constitution states that Congress cannot make ANY religion of the state (Even atheism which is central to Humanism and Evolution, as well as the Big Bang Theory). Evolution and Secular Humanism are religious, (attempts to explain the origin and change over time of biodiversity on Earth since the Big Bang. It asserts that all life on Earth is the result of naturalistic processes and requires no god or supernatural force, which makes it atheism which is a religious belief). Atheism is religious. Atheism means that you believe there is no God. So what is the religion of atheism doing in public school, being drilled into the minds of every impressionable child from K-12, along with such exercises like "values clarification", and other such religious belief? They don't bother telling kids about the complete lack of transitional species in the fossil record, they certainly don't tell them about the fact that several million years ago the Sun at the rate it is burning energy and losing mass would have been large enough to envelop the Earth, none of these scientific inaccuracies are confessed. Changes between genuses of animals have never been observed (the evolution theory says that in order, mankind evolved from fish to amphibians, amphibians to reptiles, reptiles to birds, birds to mammals, and then those mammals changed to human beings. That is a religious belief, it cannot be tested and it has never been observed. Speciation occurs, it is a small thing for dogs to produce different varieties of dogs, but they still all have the same chromosome count, and therefore are all dogs. Now if a fish changes into an amphibian, and that then changes into a land animal, that is something altogether different. It would require new information and added or decreased chromosome count, which has never been observed. It is completely unscientific. So what is it doing in a science class? Why are the scientific gaping holes in evolution never mentioned? Why do millions of children never hear both sides of the story? Why are millions of impressionable minds lied to every single day about their origins and just how special they really are? Does the American education system no longer have a conscience? I used to say America was going to hell. But the day that innocent minds are lied to with smiles on the faces of educators who speak the lies, is the day that nation sinks to the bottom of the flames. Shouldn't children be told both sides of the story? Creation and evolution are BOTH RELIGIOUS, both require faith and assume things that cannot be observed. So why is only one side of the story told? Is it because man is determined to make his own way, and resolutely hates all authority, even lying to himself to attempt to justify it? Trying to make sure the new generation is free from all authority and moral standards, content to be animals? I'm starting to wonder. And I fear and mourn for the innocent minds who are deceived every single day. Does anyone else realize what is happening here?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Where to buy a custom-built dueling sword?

    I want to have a dueling sword custom made. I want it to be usable in a duel against another sword-armed person, and I want it to be designed to use both thrusting and cutting attacks. I also would like it to have a black-colored grip, with a hand guard on the hilt. I want the blade to be double-edged as well. Finally I want it built around a German, Prussian, or Austrian dueling sword type (my interest is in European swordsmanship). My budget for this is 200 dollars. Does anyone know where I can buy a custom-built sword like this on the Internet? I would optimally like to buy two of them. 10 pts. for best answer! Thank you!

    2 AnswersOther - Germany7 years ago
  • What did I do wrong? Please answer?

    There is a girl I like. I was very kind and respectful to her. She said she got overwhelmed easily, so I handed her the reins in terms of how fast or far we went at any given time. What was okay to talk about, what made her uncomfortable, whether a hug was okay or not, etc. The list was exhaustive. I could not have been more careful if I was defusing a nuclear bomb. She had no self esteem however. None. She thinks she is worth nothing, and I emphatically disagreed. Not only is she Christian like me, and intelligent, she is simply put: angelic. She is more beautiful than anyone I have ever seen before. I think she looks like an angel. And told her so. Her response was odd. She bashfully looked down, wouldn't lock eyes with me. She gave me several hints throughout the week that she was feeling a bit overwhelmed.

    So I started backing off a bit. I tried looking at the ceiling, instead of looking her in the eyes. I tried to avoid talking about deep conversations. I gave her a simple request: if at any point she felt uncomfortable, all she had to do was tell me. And I would alter my interactions appropriately. I knew this girl for two weeks. She suddenly broke down crying at lunch one time, then left abruptly. She was talking about how badly she was treated in the past, and how she did not believe anything she was told if it was even remotely kind. She walks with her head down all the time. She has mild dyslexia. I have Asperger's Syndrome, high functioning autism. I'm socially blind, and have to guess in social situations how to interact. Anyway, I was concerned later that day after lunch, so I asked her friends to talk to her. Make her feel better. I figured she didn't want to hear from me, after all, wasn't she at lunch with me when she broke down crying? I thought this was a kind gesture. I would have done just about anything to help that poor woman. She had the best heart. Anyway, she responded by finally telling me she didn't want anything to do with me, that she never wanted to talk to me again, and that she wasn't used to anyone saying anything kind or respectful to her. I've extended an olive branch to this woman I don't know how many times. She won't say a word to me in school. She won't even look at me. I don't want to get a stalking charge (I've never hurt a girl in my life and would die first,) but every time I look at her I'm struck with compassion. And I remember the kindness she showed me the first day we met. I was honest with her about being autistic, she told me she had dyslexia, and neither of us judged the other. EVERYONE else has judged me. And avoids me. Pen pals, Bible friends, even just an acquaintance. I'm not a bad looking guy, I have the morals of old, and I've done everything in my power to be the best guy a woman could ask for. I read books on female psychology and sexuality for years in high school so that I could be prepared for understanding everything there is to know about women.

    So the question remains, what did I do wrong? Do women not like being told that they are worth more than they believe they are? That they are beautiful, intelligent, faithful? Do they not like being treated well? It's not like I'm the "nice guy", I can be a general at times and know how to give orders. If I feel like she won't make up her mind quickly enough, I'll make the decisions. I'm an alpha, with a heart to match. I feel so sorry for this woman. She told me about how guys have treated her horribly in the past. So I aimed to be different. I did everything in my human power to be everything she wanted. She said the kindness would grow on her eventually. But then she totally shut down. Unexpected, completely. I can't stop thinking about this. It's been two months. I need a woman to translate this please. What happened? Is there a way to bring her back into my life, as a friend? I may have only known her for less than two weeks roughly, but this girl was special. This girl didn't judge me, and I didn't judge her. Losing her as a friend hurt more than anything I ever felt. She still won't say a word to me, hasn't answered any emails I sent her, disregarded face book messages, nothing. It's been two months. The day she told me she didn't want to hear from me again, I felt like I had been stabbed a thousand times. I really need help here. Please. In advance, thank you for your time.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Blonde or brunette and blue or grey eyed girls only:?

    How many of you find dark dark brown hair (almost black) and hazel eyed guys attractive? Nordic-complexioned women are my most salient weakness. I consider them angels. My term for them is Valkyrie. The angels of Nordic mythology. Messengers of Valhalla. Perfect to my eyes. I would die to defend one, and would gladly kneel before and swear my undying allegiance and loyalty to one, should she ever accept my interest. I'd defend, protect and cherish her with every fiber of my being. I want to make her so happy she forgets how to frown, to give her everything she ever dreamed of, and with God's help, even more. The list of wonderful things about these women is endless: grey or blue eyes, crystalline like sapphires painted with ocean waters. Glistening like moonlight on a night sea in the North. A wistful light is often found within them, seeking wisdom and light. White skin the color of newly fallen snow, covering a country side. Soft, like a snowdrift in the Scandinavian forests. Their hair is like ripened wheat in a field, flowing and gently drifting with the wind. Their faces are angular, sharp and well defined. Their voices sing like the winds of Northern Europe, alighting like doves on the ears of all those who hear their sound. They are beautiful beyond words, and I love them with an everlasting love. And it is my highest dream, my most heartfelt wish, to find such a purely angelic woman to love for all eternity. To share a life with her, and give her everything I am. But they all seem to choose their own type. Which makes sense, as such perfect and wonderful women should only have someone equal to them for their life partner. But I can't help wishing, just once, that such a woman would make an exception. I have dark brown hair and hazel eyes, but I have fifteen inch bicep arms, I'm 6'2, and 200 pounds. My voice commands a room, it is deep and powerful. And I have olive skin, tanned. I've tried looking at different complexioned women, but God did a very good job coding my brain. It's irreversible and impossible to fight. Their eyes stun me whenever I look such women in the eye. I love them so much it can't be described. So I have to ask, how many such women actually like olive complexioned guys? Serious answers only please. This is my heart's dream I am talking about. Thanks ladies.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Am I too respectful? What am I doing wrong?

    This is a bit long I know, and I apologize but please read it as I need serious help. I am a 22 year old guy. I am a university student. And I am a high functioning autistic, which means I am socially unsure sometimes, and have to guess what to do. I have no fear though. I walk up and talk to girls AND guys every single day. My father trained me with the manners of a knight from the Dark Ages, with 'or else" as motivation. Needless to say, I grew up along the straight and narrow. The following are common observances for me when spending time with women: I do not start eating until they have their food. I will hold doors open for them. I always say please and thank you. I do not push them an iota to do or accept anything they are not comfortable with. I compliment them when I honestly feel they deserve it. I treat them like gold, and that is not an exaggeration. My blood is German in origin, and it was German knights who invented chivalry. I've seen other guys my age, college age. They treat girls like doormats. And then that is all the girls think they deserve. They expect only sinfully cruel and callous treatment.

    I intend to rectify that error. I do not mince words, and I am not capable of sugarcoating or lying. Or bluffing. I say what I mean, and mean what I say. I would not know how to play mind games if my life depended on it. I am brutally honest, and short of obvious social no-no's, I often will do the most logical and respectful, proper thing I can think of doing in that situation. I'm physically strong, and 6'3. I have dark, dark brown hair (almost black), and commanding hazel eyes. Broad face, strong jaw. I took 3 1/2 years of martial arts, and scared the life out of one guy in high school who 1) did not know that I had martial arts training, and 2) thought it was an intelligent thing to do to ask me for my approval to "bang" my JV cheerleader sister at the time. His throat skin probably still hasn't healed yet. And suddenly, every guy in the school started treating my sister well.

    Despite being socially blind and relying on other people to tell me what they are and are not comfortable with due to my complete lack of fear of anyone or anything, I have the best heart. I never used a girl for her body then left her, I could not do that. It would kill me. All these other guys my age? I do not know how they sleep at night.

    Anyway, is there some sort of mind game I need to master? Some sort of power balance in interest I need to learn? Playing hard to get? I've heard that term but don't know how to do that. Let me be clear, I am not a so-called "nice guy". I can be quite the commander and leader. My father was military. I grew up knowing how to take orders, and give them. But I also have a heart. I'm just not sure how to balance the two. I have many, many friends. People I hang out with. Have good times with. I don't want any more friends. I want a girlfriend. Someone I can show that she means the world to me (eventually), Someone I can look into the eyes of, and see just how beautiful she truly is. How much of a treasure. And someone who will stand at my side. And if I can't find her in life, I will never be completely happy. I have decent financial success, I have physical strength, I have health (including impeccable hygiene standards), I have the faith of Christ, and I have gifted intelligence and manners. But without her....I'm just not complete. God did not put in me the desire to live alone my whole life. So here is the question: how do I be the guy that a girl will take interest in, and once I get it, how do I keep it? How do I succeed in this? My standards for taking an initial interest in a woman are very vague: blonde or brunette hair, blue or grey eyes, and Christian. If she matches those, I find her unspeakably beautiful. I'm weak to fair-complexioned women, ever since I stared into my teacher's ice blue eyes as a five year old child. It is my most salient weakness. Serious answers only please, I am asking for help because I need it. I don't want to hear any rude, intentionally cruel, disrespectful, impolite, or other such answers. I need honest, truthful, and "tried-tested-true" feedback. Or an honest and truthful suggestion that you think might work. There must be something I am doing wrong. I just don't know what.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why has the US never returned German intellectual property stolen from 1945-1948?

    The amount of German patents and commercial, military and industrial secrets stolen by the Americans during the period from 1945-1948 is absolutely terrible. 800,000 patents were recorded to exist for German inventors prior to World War II. The Americans stole EVERYTHING, the entire extant store of German patents; took the stolen ideas, patents, processes, equipment, and other intellectual property of German inventors back to the the United States, "reinvented" them, and stamped them as "Made in USA" and protected them with US patents. Germany was completely deprived of all previous scientific leads, advanced technology, and brilliant minds. Our scientists' ideas were simply absorbed into the US economy. The total value of this horrid theft exceeds 1 trillion dollars, and fueled the postwar-technological boom in America. Most of their "advanced technology" is ACTUALLY GERMAN. And how much credit, how much money, has been paid to German inventors, how much has been given to Germany's economy? NOTHING! Not one penny was paid to the inventors, minds, and people of Germany. Germany today is nowhere near where it was before the Americans stole everything. Why can the US government simply not decide to be honest for once in it's entire existence, and return the patents and intellectual advancements that GERMAN scientists and inventors made, give them back to those who rightfully created them, and own up to the horrible theft they committed? America is only rich today, because they stole ALL German technology and inventions. And stamped them with a US label. Rocketry, aeronautics, food processes, communications, artillery shells, electrical wiring, circuitry, infrared, fuel and oil processing techniques, and many, many more. Germans were forbidden from keeping an account of all the technological designs, blueprints, plans, patents, and equipment the Americans stole, and those who refused to report knowledge of locations for plans, blueprints, equipment, or prototypes were threatened with imprisonment or death for "insufficient reporting". Liquid crystal technology? The prototypes were German, the crystals extracted from carrots. MP3 music? The compressed file technology was a German idea, and the designs were already in the works.. Jet engines? The prototypes were the property of Messerschmitt, a German company. The stolen intellectual property from I.G.Farben's main plant in Germany, were estimated to be so valuable that their value alone could have financed the war effort. Not to mention the stolen plans and designs from Focke, Messerschmitt, Krupp, and the other German industrial companies. Is the United States capable of honesty, at all? The damage this theft caused to Germany's postwar economy was inestimable. The effects are STILL being felt today. The first patent Germany's patent office recorded when it was allowed to reopen once the Americans had finished stealing everything? The number was 800,001. We had nothing. No scientific leads, no technological wealth. Nothing. Nothing to rebuild our nation into the great superpower it once was. So my question is this. Why has the US never returned what it stole? It claims to be holier than thou, helping everyone in the world, making all sorts of international laws and treaties, but it refuses to give credit or recognition, or RIGHTFULLY DESERVED financial compensation, to those it owes its existence to? Were it not for German hands and minds, America would be a technologically inferior nation. Where is America's sense of honor?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Hypersensitive to heat?

    I'm 21 years old. I'm a high functioning autistic. I have a job where I work outside during the summer. But above 70 degrees in temperature, something in my body goes wrong. I lose concentration. I lose focus. I become fatigued, angry sometimes. Others have noticed it and told me so. My skin and my head feel like they are being roasted and cooked by the sun. I lose the ability to remember, the ability to think and reason. I start forgetting things.The ability to communicate properly. And when it gets above 100, I become lethargic, some have gone so far as to say "a dead man walking." I appear dazed, not really coherent or paying attention. What people say to me when I am in this state goes in one ear and out the other. I slow down in my working pace to almost nothing at this temperature level. It doesn't matter how much water or fluids I drink, these symptoms happen anyway. On the other hand, I can stand under 40 degree water easily because my body adjusts to cold temperatures very quickly, under a minute in the shower normally. Abnormally quick. I can ski on a mountain in nothing more than a sweatshirt, in ten degrees comfortably. Is there a name for this condition, some medical diagnosis? I have been told this is very odd. But honestly, what do you think? Is there a name for this condition? Serious answers only please. Thank you.

    3 AnswersEngineering8 years ago
  • If someone rips their heart out with their bare hands, how much will it hurt?

    On a purely medical analysis, I want to know how much this would probably hurt before they died: Suppose someone slit their chest open, grabbed the still beating heart with their bare hands, and ripped it out with brute force, severing the aorta, and pulmonary artery. How much would they suffer before they died? Other scenario: Pressing the barrel of a handgun to their chest right above the heart, and shooting themselves right through it, possibly blowing the heart apart based on the caliber of the ammunition used. I'm curious. It's a medical scenario from a tv show.

    3 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Do my teeth look like they are healthy white?

    I brush my teeth every morning and night. I use Sensodyne Pronamel. The best there is. But I'm still worried my teeth aren't as shining white as they should be. I want a second opinion. Please look at the photos I have provided and tell me your verdict. Thank you. 10 pts for best answer!

    1 AnswerDental8 years ago
  • What is it called when you like seeing criminals tortured?

    I dislike the pain of innocent people, women, or children. But if it's a rapist, murderer, thief, adulterer, child molester, READ (Totally worthless waste of space), then I really don't care what happens to them. If they burn to death, if they get blown into billions of pieces, I laugh. The more agonizing their end, the more I'm amused. I laugh so hard on occasion after hearing of a violent criminal's death that I fall out of my chair. If it's an infant, child, a woman, or an animal I tear up though. That actually hurts me, their pain pains me greatly. I can't bear to see a woman or child hurt. What is this sense of justice called, in medical terminology

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Painful question, but I have no choice.?

    I'm 21. I'm a high functioning autistic and I'm a student at a university. I'm the most respectful, faithful, honorable and pure hearted guy on the planet. Unfortunately, my high functioning autism really hurts me, because I was also born with a heart so romantic that if you were to take every great romantic from history and multiply their combined strength of heart by 1000, you might get a quarter of the sense of heart that I have. Every breath I have ever taken, every action I have ever done has been for one purpose: to build a life that allows me to care and provide for the woman who stands at my side. Without her, my wealth, power, values, and very life itself will mean nothing. Pets and even friends aren't nearly enough.

    Most girls ignore me or friendzone me, which doesn't make any sense considering I molded myself into the absolutely perfect guy. I'll keep trying for 40 years or so. But on my sixtieth birthday if things haven't changed, I'm going home to My Father. The Son of God, The Lord Almighty. I'm not crazy, and I'm waiting until most of my family and friends die before I wipe myself from this world. I can't bear the thought of not finding the love I so treasure and cherish. For those of you who think I'm just the typical 21 year old guy who just wants a woman for sex, think again. It means more to me when she stares into my eyes and smiles than if she was naked. True a woman's body is a magnificent work of art, but it isn't the main prize. Her soul, heart and loyalty is. Sex is a gift from God to bring two married people closer together.

    And for those of you who would try to suggest the thought that I'm gay, I find guys extremely unattractive and worthless. I threatened one to within an inch of his life who chose his words poorly to my sister in high school. I'm giving myself a chance thanks to my looks. But if I fail, I'll face life without love, and that will wrack me with indescribable pain everyday of my life. Either I'll find her here on earth, or I'll join my Father in heaven and have those desires taken away from me so that I no longer suffer. But I'm naturally socially blinded and I can't read people well at all.

    So I need to know, if I wiped myself from the earth so that I no longer suffered from the very thing autism denies me, would it be viewed as respectable? I tried becoming a jerk like all the other guys, that thought process lasted 10 seconds. I am a born romantic, and I can't change that. Of course once I find her, this contingency plan will be discarded for good. I'll be overjoyed for life. And I'll make sure she is too. Each day will be more joyful than her last, and she will be so happy she will forget how to cry. Or even frown.

    It won't be until after my looks fade that I'll put this plan into effect. And I also know Jesus will forgive me. I have such a love and compassion for women and children that without this one gift, I will completely lose the will to live. And He knows that. I read to children when i worked in a library in high school. I just wasn't born with the capability or strength of heart to live single. It hurts too much.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Painful question: but I have no choice.?

    I'm 21. I'm a high functioning autistic and I'm a student at a university. I'm the most respectful, faithful, honorable and pure hearted guy on the planet. Unfortunately, my high functioning autism really hurts me, because I was also born with a heart so romantic that if you were to take every great romantic from history and multiply their combined strength of heart by 1000, you might get a quarter of the sense of heart that I have. Every breath I have ever taken, every action I have ever done has been for one purpose: to build a life that allows me to care and provide for the woman who stands at my side. Without her, my wealth, power, values, and very life itself will mean nothing. I cannot contemplate the idea of being alone all 80 years that I have left. Pets and even friends aren't nearly enough. Most girls ignore me, which doesn't make any sense considering I molded myself into the absolutely perfect guy. So I made a decision. I'll keep trying for 40 years or so. But on my sixtieth birthday if things haven't changed, I'm going home to My Father. The Lord Almighty. I'm not crazy, and I'm waiting until most of my family and friends die before I wipe myself from this world. I can't bear the thought of not finding the love I so treasure and cherish. For those of you who think I'm just the typical 21 year old guy who just wants a woman for sex think again. It means more to me when she stares into my eyes and smiles than if she was naked. True a woman's body is a magnificent work of art, but it isn't the main prize. Her soul, heart and loyalty is. Sex is a gift from God to bring two married people closer together. And for those of you who would try to suggest the thought that I'm gay, I find guys extremely unattractive and worthless. I threatened one to within an inch of his life who chose his words poorly to my sister in high school. I'm not an imminent suicide risk, I have about 20-40 years. I'm giving myself a chance thanks to my looks. But if I fail, I'll face life without love, and that will wrack me with indescribable pain everyday of my life. I can't live a life like that, not when I'm such a perfect guy and know I deserve love. Either I'll find her here on earth, or I'll join my Father in heaven and have those desires taken away from me so that I no longer suffer. But I'm naturally socially blinded and I can't read people well at all. So I need to know, if I wiped myself from the earth so that I no longer suffered from the very thing autism denies me, would it be viewed as respectable? Few truly have a romantic heart. And no guy on the Earth has one as strong as mine. I tried becoming a jerk like all the other guys, that thought process lasted 10 seconds. I am a born romantic, and I can't change that. Of course once I find her, this contingency plan will be discarded for good. I'll be overjoyed for life. And I'll make sure she is too. Each day will be more joyful than her last, and she will be so happy she will forget how to cry. So is my planning this as a plan B as it were 20 years from now an understandable thing to do, given how I feel? Or is it still wrong? It won't be until after my looks fade that I'll put this plan into effect. I have 20-40 years. I just don't want to suffer longer than neccessary. I'll make sure my family is detached from me, and that my friends no longer remember me before I do it. No one else will be hurt. And I also know God will forgive me. I have such a love and compassion for women and children that without this one gift, I will completely lose the will to live. I read to children when i worked in a library in high school. I just wasn't born with the capability or strength of heart to live single.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Painful thought? Please read all of it, it is long but important and heartfelt.?

    This is going to sound strange, and it's very unusual for a 21 year old guy to think this way. But it's a powerful thought. I'm a virgin, and whenever the girl I'm trying to get to know better tells me that she is not a virgin like me, it hurts my heart like fire. The thought that I am not her first hurts me so badly that I tear up. I don't want to share the girl I love for life with anyone. I love her and her alone, so it's not fair that she has shared her body with another guy. I want all of her, heart soul and body. Rape is an exception obviously, as far as I'm concerned she is still a virgin in that case. In fact, that's how I have to rationalize it to avoid my heart being crushed. I love her, she loves me. No other guy is tolerable. Not even in memory or thought. If she tries to tell me she loved him, I have to call it deception and manipulation. I am not capable of accepting the thought that any other guy ever loved her before me. I've tried just not asking the woman if she is still a virgin, but if I don't ask the fear claws away at my mind until I put it to rest by asking. I know finding a pure woman at my age is nearly impossible, but if the girl isn't pure, when I get to that stage in our relationship it's going to rip me apart. I'd have to lay there and stare at the ceiling for a long time before I got the nerve to go through with that. What if some of the guy's skin cells are still alive or intact inside her, or God forbid sperm? That would shatter my mind like glass and traumatize me. If the guy's DNA has been obliterated by the vaginal acids it would be more bearable. It would be mortifying for my body to touch that. My DNA touching the traces of genetic material from a worthless denizen of the male race. Disgusting. Even if the guy was dead, it wouldn't be enough for me. That inferior DNA cannot be there. It must be erased and wiped from existence before I can touch her there. You could say I believe in condom virginity, as long as no traces of the guy's DNA remain, and he had no real contact with her, she is still pure. Not one single atom of it can be left. The content of her body must be 100% genetically hers. By the way, to me sex is a life-bindng act. I can't leave her after that, ever. It's as good as a marriage vow to me. To me, it is the ultimate gift a person can give, and it must be respected as such. So I have the choice of either dropping that standard and settling for something that will make my stomach turn when I actually have to face it, or keeping it and facing a life where I may never find anyone and live alone. And that is my worst fear. Living alone for life can blow a romantic guy's mind apart and drive him literally insane. I'm trapped. Cornered by painful realization that hurts and is too important to ignore, and is equally stressing to confront. How can I stop these thoughts? By the way, I've recieved dozens of sarcastic and smart aleck answers, and this isn't a joke. I need serious answers here. If you aren't going to answer seriously, don't bother.This really bothers me and I need to know how to stop this mental war in my head. In advance, thank you for your time.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago