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  • Is Great Stuff foam insulation suitable for top foot of so of a buried PVC water pipe?

    We have no choice but to put a supply line within a foot of the surface. Our "frost line" is at 18 inches. We are thining of putting a larger tube around the PVC pipe and filing the tube with Great Stuff expanding foamor a similar product.

    What snags might we hit with this plan? What would you recommend if you recommend against this plan?

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)5 years ago
  • On HIPPA release forms, must there be a "to" and "from" date?

    On HIPPA release forms my husband signed so I could handle his medical bills, he wrote "any and all" in the areas that asked for dates of service being requested. He left nothing blank, but wrote "any and all" in both the"to" and "From" blanks. On the date the release was to expire, he wrote "this permission does not expire." The insurance company rejected it and said there must be "an actual date." or the default is the date the form was signed. Is that actually IN the regulations or is it the insurance agencies interpretation of the regulations?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Where would I find drywall with wallpaper already applied, or some drywall type product that does not need to be painted?

    We are putting up a dormitory/bunk-house for employees. We need something fast and no-fuss, but none of my "google" searches have come up with anything other than bead-board or paneling like they used in trailer houses in the 70's. We need something that won't break the bank or get a hole kicked through it the first time someone stumbles.

    6 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling6 years ago
  • what do I need to know about ttreating dark spots on the skin?

    One of the problems I'm having researching our options is that I don't know what problems or concerns I need to address.

    My son has naturally dark skin and he spends quite a bit of time in the sun (he is in sports). I encouraged him to use sun screen, and he does sometimes.

    The issue he is having is that any injury to his skin- a scrape, a scratch, an acne blemish - leaves a mark. Not really a scar, but a darkened place that simply doesn't fade. He has a scratch down his cheek from playing with the dog, and I think he is beginning to take some teasing about it.

    What do I need to know to seek the best treatment for him? I'd take him to a dermatologist, but it literally is 90miles to the doctor, and we would have to wait months for an appointment. What over-the-counter or home remedies (I read about treating with lemon juice, for example) are available, and what are the drawbacks or advantages?


    1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • Is there a word for the noise that results from institutions making errors?

    In the sense that there is signal and there is noise, and the noise often gets more attention than the there a word that means that noise? I'm especially looking for a single word that means the noise created by institutions (government, religious institutions, the NRA, the ACLU or WHOEVER that misinforms whether it is deliberate or not). For example, someone had the idea that the universe was earth-centered, and Galileo was persecuted for observing that the earth actually circled the sun. The earth-centered universe theory was noise - institutionalized noise.

    IS there a word for this?

    The chaff with the wheat?

    What I'm talking about is often accompanied by hubris, but hubris is the arrogance that leads one to institutionalize the noise, not the noise itself.

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • 2 parts: have you been affected by gun-violence and does that influence your stance on gun control?

    In my own life:

    an Uncle-self inflicted gunshot

    a classmate - self-inflicted gunshot

    a Neighbor boy - accidental hunting shotgun shooting

    a student - self-inflicted gunshot

    a student's brother - shot dead when brother and student discovered unsecured handgun, and they were "playing" with it.

    A student - Murdered by father

    my classroom volunteer (also mother of student) murdered by husband -he was off his medications.

    A former student - murdered in random shooting while he attended a party on his college campus

    I will not include the students or neighbors who have died in military service.

    8 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • Is my Yahoo account at risk or is the problem just with Answers?

    A few moments ago, I attempted to edit my answer to a question in another category. It opened the wrong answer - one I should logically have had no access to. Rather than change that answer, I hit the "back button" and tried to edit my own answer. The system let me do so.

    A few moments later I thought of something else, and went back to the question with the intent of re-editing the answer. The "answer question" button that is usually gone once I answer a particular question was still present. My answer was still there, but it was not giving me the option to edit it. Again, I hit the back button, and the "answer button" disappeared.

    What would cause these glitches? Is my account open to being edited by someone else?

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • Can we at least agree that the term is secede, not succeed?

    I think everyone from the US should pursue success. However, I think pursuing secession is not such a good idea.

    Just because a lot of people have an idea does not make it a good idea.

    7 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • What advice would you give Obama to rally the entire nation?

    His victory speech was rousing and gracious and inspiring, hearkening back to the rhetoric of 2008. However, in 2008 his rhetoric translated badly to mandate: This time, how would you have him sell his programs to the public. The country can not come together unless Obama becomes Salesman in Chief. The health care reform needs "tweaking," even according to die-hard Democrats. The jobs-growth programs need to be sold to the public. What do the moderates - I believe they are out there or Obama couldn't have won - need to be convinced of to recognize the potential here?

    I hear the right continuing to declare that trickle-down is the best path, that giving more and more money to the wealthiest Americans brings "prosperity", and that taxes are "too high" now. Most of those positions just fail the smell test, but Obama has not, up to this point, sold the alternative to the wider public.

    I think the path forward will require compromise. "No new taxes" and "no increased rates on anyone" are not "compromise" positions. They are" my way or no way" positions. HOW can Obama sell compromise? Is there hope of the public rallying to get anything done in the next 4 years if Obama fails to sell the facts? (I'm astonished that the facts are even open to debate - Romney said in the debate, "you are entitled to your own opinion, but not to your own facts" and I think it was one of the most accurate but ironic statements EVER, since cherry picking "facts" to skew the conclusion is an equal-opportunity delusion.)

    I'm not asking for left or right bashing. I'm asking for genuine pitches to the middle.

    5 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • What are the tax "loop holes" that can be closed? I personally take?

    or have taken "write offs" for mortgage interest, medical expenses, child care credit (I'm no longer taking that one) building a solar project or adding isulation to my home.

    These are pretty much middle class benefits. What specific categories of loop holes benefit the rich but not the middle class like me?

    I also benefited from the Bush tax cuts, the capital gains tax structure and the dividends tax structure

    which give me a benifit of about 2k to 3k per year, but those are not loop holes per se, but rather manipulation of rates. None of those items seem to be on the table.

    By the way, I do not own a small business and employ no one. I don't even hire a carpenter if I can do the home repair myself.

    So WHAT will be done to increase revenue without raising taxes or tax rates under the Romney plan?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • We've all heard about the "economic cliff" waiting in January. What do you understand that to be?

    and second, what do you believe or what have you understood that each presidential candidate plans to do to manage the situation that may come to pass?

    9 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • If the box doesn't say, can I assume tiles are for either floors or walls?

    I've purchased two different tiles: one is ceramic and the other porcelain.

    Can I use either on the floor or is one "wall" only. I can't find anywhere on the box where it says one way or another.

    I'm guessing those for which the package said "wall" were wall only, not suitable for the heavy wear one might have on floors.

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling9 years ago
  • does anyone else see irony in the Romney statement that releasing records will not be "enough"?

    I heard a blurb on the radio that Romney's reason for not releasing more than two years' worth of tax records was that it _still_ wouldn't be "enough" to satisfy those who want information about his business dealings.

    I suggest Governor Romney ask the birthers what it takes to be "enough." What do you think are the biggest ironies of the political season so far?

    ( This is the actual question - what do you see as the ironies of the season?)

    14 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Should I sue Texas for requiring me to buy auto insurance?

    After all I'm a good driver, and I'm willing to take your chances that I'll be financially responsible if something unexpected happens. Why should I be forced to take part in the government sponsored mandate to purchase something? What about free enterprise and my freedom to spend or not spend my own hard-earned money?

    Maybe I could get my case heard by the Supreme Court....

    16 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • If you can chose your last words, what might you like to leave on?

    My father's last words were "I love you, too." to my mother. My mother's last words - a surprise to many since she had been mute for several days in her final decline - were clearly spoken "Thank you," to someone who offered her a drink of water.

    I had an uncle whose last words are unknown to me, but his last words his relatives who had come to visit were "Get out and leave me alone. I just want to rest."

    If you have a chance to chose, what might you want the last utterance to be?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What should a contract for an employer to employee loan include?

    I don't want to imply a guarantee of work, but I do want to get the person getting the loan to commit to a period of time, should the work be available and the fellow not do something to make himself unemployable.

    1 AnswerSmall Business9 years ago
  • Would it make a difference to you if the question were framed differently?

    The Republicans are framing the question of insurance payment for contraceptives and other health-care specific to women as a "religious freedom" issue. I agree that it is, but I think it is the woman's religious freedom rather than the institution's freedom that is at risk of being infringed.

    Would it make a difference to you if instead of framing it as a government intervention, as the Republicans are trying to do, the question is whether the rights of the individual to chose his or her own insurance options trumps the rights of the institution.

    Republicans and the courts have been successful recently in identifying institutions and business as "people" with the rights and freedoms of actual individual humans.

    Would it be okay if an employer or a company insisted that I go to his church and pray after his fashion in order to remain employed? What if my employer is an absolute devil worshiper? Is it STILL okay that he blackmail me to take part in his religion in order that I earn a living?

    The Democrats are failing to frame the question accurately and convincingly, but that doesn't mean they are on wrong side of the question, does it?

    5 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Philosophically, should I be here on line at ANSWERS or should I be doing the laundry?

    I have several chores I need to complete before the new week starts, and I just answered a question about "the meaning of life." As a philosophical proposition, which is my better use of time? I like ANSWERS and enjoy many of the people I've (virtually) met here. Still there are clothes to prepare for the work-week, meals to prepare for the family that will return in a few hours, dogs to walk....*L* So is it philosophically valid for me to be spending my moments here rather than RT?

    3 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • Did the 151st Infantry (US) ever serve in Europe during WWII?

    I'd like links if you have them, and especially a way to research a particular soldier.

    Thanks in advance.

    (The only information I have so far indicated that they served in the Philippines and south east Asia.)

    6 AnswersHistory9 years ago