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Canine luver
Sun-in hair lightener?
So I have the tropical breeze kind..
I bleached my hair and it was a beautiful platinum blonde (close to being white but still blonde). That was awesome and my hair was NOT fried. Only thing is I had to let it sit in my hair for a few hours D: bleaches liken to turn my orange. It doesn't seem like they work effectively with my hair. And If I need more bleach I have to buy another eXpensive package :(
A few months ago I used bleach in the same area on virgin hair, different brand. Didn't really work, my hair refused to change color.. Just leaving it fried and completely gross. BUT when I have 'natural' highlights from the sun my hair can go really light, some parts even blonde ( I have medium to light brown hair with different shades)
So my question is Sun-in LESS damaging (I'm not I'm not paying ridiculous salon prices? does it have anything metallic in it? (back of box has no metallic dyes but idk there's something metallic that's not a dye). And how does it work compared to bleach you mix up?
1 AnswerHair1 decade agoHow do I figure out Guitar note groups?
I'm really confused about guitar notes.. I know the order of them on each fret going down if I remember the letter of the string ex) low String E: F , F#, G, G,#, A, A#, B, C
Now because there's six different 6 (?) notes of the same letter on the fretboard, making 72 notes. Well how are these notes grouped and how do I figure out where to find them? Like I understand the C Major chord is C, E, G... But which of the six 'C' notes do I choose? Or the E notes or the G.
I'd really like a diagram or something to show how a set of notes is grouped because it's confusing me
2 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade agoParenthetical citations MLA?
I'm using a book and the information I pulled from it is from one chapter. Do I just put the page numbers of the chapter or is there a special way of putting the chapter number?
1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade agoBreeds of hypoallergenic cats?
I have a Siberian cat and I have her because I researched the hypoallergenic qualities and my mom decided that she'd trust me and actually go see the kittens to see if she was allergic.. She and I are both allergic to cats and we have NO allergies to our Siberian whatsoever!
I am wondering if there are other purebred cats with hypoallergenic qualities etc or cats that people have noticed they are not allergic to? :) (I know it varies with each individual but I'd love to know the possibilities so I could see if I'm not allergic and can adopt more cats!)
4 AnswersCats1 decade agoA cat I'd like to adopt has epilepsy?
I'm thinking about adopting a Siamese mix that has epileptic seizures. The cat is an adult, I think about 2 years old. His description says that he does have epilepsy but takes phenobarbs which well controls it..
Can anyone explain what occurs during the seizures, do they ever stop occuring, what happens if the epilepsy isn't treated with medication etc?
4 AnswersCats1 decade agoBelly Button piercing?
Im 14, and I live in south Florida, and I'd love to have a navel piercing. I got my cartilage done over a year ago and I love it. I know all about infections my ear had plenty and I dealt with the pain. But it healed every time with proper cleaning [the back kept getting too tight, now I don't have a back to it]
I was wondering a sterile place I could get it done, of course with a guardian signing. My mom agreed to it. And I'm almost 15..
Any places a 14 or 15 year old can get it done.. or Do I have to wait till 16?
1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body1 decade agoHow to take off a song from the ipod, but not delete it completely from itunes?
I have the ipod mini.. Now I used to have itunes on my laptop but it got restored and stuff. Then I downloaded it on my other computer and I hook my ipod to it. Now the library is only 4 songs which I bought, and the music only comes whne my ipod is hooked up.
Now I tried hiliting and pressing delete but that dleetes the song COMPLETELy. I just want to take songs off of the ipod but not get rid of them on itunes...
4 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agoShorts with leggings?
I'm 5'7" and 1/2 [hey the 1/2 counts lol]
I have these I guess you could say grey plaid shorts that has cuffs on the bottom with buttons. They stop around an inch under my butt. Can I pair this with black leggings that go a bit past my knees?
I'm not a fan of leggings but I thought about this idea nad it sounds cute. I have it on right now, but I don't know if I should wear it to school or not.
15 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoAnyone use the Intuition razor?
I love it because I don't get nicks even when I have to shave really fast. And no shaving gel for me, it has built in soap around the edges. Yoiu just replace the heads.
Anyone else use it?
5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade agoVery young stray baby kitten.. what can I do?
Well I went to mom's friend's house, and there are these outdoor 'stray' cats. Then I saw there was one kitten I think only 2 weeks old, eyes wide open, ears up and then TINY baby teeth, which appeared to have come in very recently,. His tongue was kinda sticking out becasue his teeth arent
big yet. He had no siblings and his mom wasn't there often at all, although I gave her the kitten when she came so she could nurse him.
He is so young I had to help him pee, and he was barely walking.. he could walk but not fast or far, and I saw mom cat pick him up by the scruff
So I named him Pablo and I'd like to adopt him. He is currently where I visited him, and he is sleeping under the grill to be protected from the rain.
Can I tamke him to the vets now, can I feed him KMR instead, what is the chance he has Feline Aids or anything like that any signs? , And how old is he really?
Please tell me all of your info and how to raise him. BTW the other strays will get spayed/neutered..
13 AnswersCats1 decade agoCan orange tabby cats be female?
I heard they could only be males [usually] because of something sex-linked.. and females were rare..
I saw online at my shelter 3 orange tabby sisters..
17 AnswersCats1 decade agoIs this a great deal fr a rabbit or what?
$20 for a rabbit at my local humane society [which also rescues cats and dogs]
It comes with spay/neuter, tattoo, and anything else you need to give to a rabbit
Only minor downside is they are probably mixed, and I can't get a certain look, but I'm sure it is just as cute
Its a good deal, right?
6 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoIf your dog runs away..?
Don't give up searching for it!
My brother was outside in the back with my dog [I live in a townhouse neighborhood, there are townhouses right next to every other townhouse, and in the back there is a long strip of grass and then a lake] and he forgot to take my dog back inside!!
He left the house, and went somewhere else. My brother came back an hour later [having no clue about leaving my dog] and my dog was sitting in the front and he raced inside when he opened the door
I just wanted to share this with you.. be on the safe side with your pets! And get them microchipped just in case like my dog
2 AnswersDogs1 decade agoCan you bring a cat into...?
PetSmart/Petco? When I get my 12 week old kitten Mica [she will have gotten her vaccinations] I need to get her supplies right after we go pick her up. If she wears a harness and lead can I carry her in?
If you can, share any of your experiences too, I'd like to know.
9 AnswersCats1 decade agoKitten names?
Hurray, I finally KNOW I'm getting this beautiful kitten, been convincing my mom for months.
I just met her today [I can't get her until July], and I need a name!
She is a tortie [female] that is starting to get green eyes. One of her legs is orange tabby, the other one white/gray. She loves to explore around, and loves to swing at her littermates tail. She also likes to squeak a lot!!
And she has a "M" on her forehead, kinda looks like devil horns!
16 AnswersCats1 decade agoMale or female kitten?
I have a neutered 50 pound german shepherd mix, and I am planning on getting a kitten [Siberian]
What gender would go well with him? There are more male kittens available that I like, but female is ok too. Just tell me the behaviors of male or female kittens/cats and stuff like that.
3 AnswersCats1 decade agoAmerican Idol Host blurted out the results!!!?
I remmebered his name, the short one lol, but it slipped my mind... Maroon 5 was playing and when they finished he said something like "after the break bla bla.. When MELINDA GOES HOME"
Then I looked at Melinda's erxpression and I think it was frightened
Was blurting out the results intentional???
14 AnswersReality Television1 decade agoSIBERIAN vs ALLERCA kitten?
Well you guys have heard of the hypo allergenic ALLERCA cats, and they do something to the cats to get them this way. They cost $3500-$7000
But I researched natural SIBERIAN cat and they have the no to little Fel D1 protein, and they come from russia,and they are not changed in any way. These are great cats, $300-$700 and most allergic people don't react to this cat!!
So, would you rather buy an Allerca or Siberian cat?
I'm getting the real cat ;D
3 AnswersCats1 decade agoI know people have asked this thousands of times but, KITTEN NAMES?
I'm getting a Siberian kitty, they look like Maine Coon and Norwegian Forest Cats, but a little different [look em up]
They have gold, green, or grey, to blue eyes, and all coat colors.
They have a dog like personality and love their owners, and can come when called. They are originally from Russia, and there is something about them that makes people with Severe Allergic Reactions, not react to this cat at all. Happens that my mom is allergic, and nothing happens to her with this cat!!
Well, I need some names, some I was thinking about were Kisa [kitty in Russian], Taya and Bacon [Hey, my dog's name is Chips]
I want something original, or sweet, or easy to say or meaningful, not like "Tiger, Socks, Cuddles, Fluffy, Felix, Shadow, Smokie" Way to used and common lol
Well if you find a good name not used often, or seems to fit my kittens, say it!
19 AnswersCats1 decade agoTriiming my dog's black nails?
I know that dark colored nails are hard to trim because you can't see the quick. But one day I stumbled upon an inventions site, and there was this little sticker type thing you put over the dog's black nail and it would show you where the quick was so you would not have to quess. it used some sort of heat technology to recognize where the blood flow in the nail was.
3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago