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  • I feel like crap all day but after 9 I feel great?

    I have noticed this pattern for 2 months. I feel sickly during the day. Lack of energy, no enthusiasm, tense and disassociated from everything. But around 9 I feel great I feel like I could accomplish something but I have to sleep to be able to go to work. i wake up tired feeling sickly( no sleep apnea)I usually take my vitamins after dinner and this maybe a contributing factor. I just wonder what's causing this and if there is a medical term for this. I'm not a night owl and usually love the day but this is getting old fast

    5 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Could this be a sinus infection/ sinititus?

    The last week I have had achy pressure in my eyes, slight headache, dizziness and now my left cheek is numb like novacane wearing off it spreads to my lip area. I do have problems with allergies and take claritin daily along with nasal irrigation. But I have never had the numbness before and have encounter many sinus issues in my life. It's not droopy and I can use the muscles in the cheek to smile so I don't think it's stroke or like Bell's palsy

    1 AnswerAllergies8 years ago
  • Can birth control cause mood swings, irritable, anger, migraines....please any info?

    I have been on the pill for over a year. Ever since I started my moods have been up and down but the last 3 months have been horrible. My migraines are to the point my vision is disturbed. My mood is horrible to depressed, irritable, just not myself. I also had blood work done and my glucose levels are elavated and I also have a b6 defiecency. I believe theses are contributed to the bc as well. Anyone have these problems? I think I'm going to quit taking them all together

    3 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Elevated glucose and B6 vitamin deficiency from birth control... Should I stop usage of bc?

    No history of diabetes in my family nor any major health issues. But ever since being put on birthcontrol I have had weird symptoms that doctors can't pinpoint until I recently had a glucose test and some other blood work. They want me on a low glycemic diet along with b vitamin supplements more the likely the cause of this is my birth control pills wouldn't it be smarter to stop the bc then to mask the problem with diet and supplements?...

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • When I moisturize my face I get like rolled flakes of skin after I touch my face?

    I have been itchy on my face so I have been using moisturizer. After I put it on I feel these little pieces of what feels like skin. It comes off on my hands and looks like old skin. Is this just dry skin coming off from the use of moisturizer? I wash my face daily and I believe the chemicals I the water dry my skin and it becames itchy.

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • Can these be effects of Claritin?

    I have taken Claritin not on a daily basis but regularly for 7+ years. I have not had any side effects besides drying of my nose but other then that nothing this is with generic and name brand claritin or Loratidine. Around a month ago I bought Walmart brand generic claritin. Started to get these weird symptoms and thought it was another medication I was on so I stopped that. I started to take the claritin again and all of a sudden had the same issues. Its like after I take it within a few hours I get bad brain fog like symptoms(not drowsiness),a dream like state of mind, increased anxiety, and nausea. I stopped taking it and got withdrawal like symptoms to where I'm depressed like and so tired then after a few days I'm ok. All I can point to is the cheap generic claritin. Has anyone else had this happen with the cheap stuff? I have tried several other generic no problem but this Walmart brand is horrible. My pharmacist said it could be a filler in the pill... I'm hoping because I just took a name brand claritin to see if I get the same effects... I hope not.. Fingers crossed

    3 AnswersAllergies8 years ago
  • Snri antidepressant! Is this normal?

    I stopped my antidepressant 10 days ago after the side effects of it were worse then the reason I was taking it. It was for headaches, not depression. Even after stopping the low dose 10 mg I have withdrawal effects. Memory problems, headaches, irritable,feeling disconnected from myself, anxiety. I thought I would feel better after stopping the pamelor but I actually feel ill. On it I was becoming aggravated and mean that's not like me even on a bad day! When will this withdrawal end? I feel ten days is along time with no improvement was only on the med for 30 days

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • I feel horrible! When will it get better?

    Needed to stop meds anti-d's do to complication like memory loss, irrational thoughts, moody, even after I stopped 5 days ago I still feel these side effects! When will they stop? I feel depressed from taking the meds was never before starting them for headaches.. This is horrible

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Stopping pamelor antidepressant and side effects?

    I was having issues with this med and I'm on the lowest dose so I was told to stop taking it no tapering. The last week on it I have had horrible irritability, irrational thoughts, and short term memory loss that came one after a month of use along with lasting fatigue and itch.I have been off of it for 2 days and still having these problems especially with my memory and weird thoughts. Is this common and will it eventually get better? Does any one know how long the meds last in your system after use?

    1 AnswerMental Health9 years ago
  • Can claritin cause dry, itchy skin?

    I been taking claritin daily for over a month for severe allergies and hayfever. I have began to notice that I feel itchy all over. My face,neck, arms and back being the worst. I talked with an allergist and said if I was having a reaction to something like food or environmental that I would have a rash which I don't. So I have to try to eliminate factors to find the cause. The only thing I can think of is started around the time I started taking claritin daily and I believe it's causing my skin to dry out and itch. Is this possible?

    Allergies9 years ago
  • Can this be Itchy skin from clean clothes?

    Lately I noticed I have itchy skin after coming to work arms, face, legs pretty much all over. This has been going on for 3 weeks can't find out what's causing it. I have no rash no redness just itchy feeling. My allergies have been horrible lately and maybe causing my skin to be sensitive to my laundry detergent or fabric sheets. I have not changed any brands of detergent or fabrics sheets. I only notice this at work which is weird I don't when I am at home. I can figure out what causes this itch! I take daily anti histamines which do nothing for this

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • Phlebitis in arm, vein now turned yellow and blue?

    I got this after an iv in my arm, it's inflammation in the vein which hurts like hell! I had a red streak in my forearm about 4 inches long I did see a dr and they told me to take Advil and put warm compress on it and gave me Bactrim antibotic which found out after 3 days I can't take because of reactions. Still after almost 2 weeks it is still slightly painful, but now it's like just the vein is bruised looking its mostly yellow with some blue. Is this normal? I can understand that it was inflamed but to look bruised or could it be a sign I should have it rechecked?

    Skin Conditions9 years ago
  • Choking sensation and tight throat?

    I had a reaction on Thursday to a medicine. Ever since then my throat has been swollen and I get this choking sensation on and of since the reaction. Been taking benadryl an it seems to help for a little while then it comes back is this normal after a allergic reaction?

    Allergies9 years ago
  • Antibiotics and allergic reactions?

    I have many medication allergies pennicillin and prednisone being 2 major. Just had a horrible one from prednisone and when they put the iv port to give me shots I got phelibitis in the vein the drs put me on ten days of Bactrim. I'm on my 3rd day and no problems til this morning I feel a little itchy all over nothing major yet....could this b after affects from the prednisone reaction or is this the start from the antibotic?

    1 AnswerAllergies9 years ago
  • Can a period make u feel ill?

    I have been on the pill for a year now. Before the pill I only had horrible cramps the day my period started along with chills nothing too worrisome. Now a few days before my period I have vision problems along with a headache and it feels like I have low blood sugar. I get dizzy, a feeling of vertigo and just totally not right. This only happens right before and the first few days of my period. Nothing helps I drink extra water, I take Advil, I carry something sweet on me to eat. Anyone else get like this? I also get extremely fatigued. Is there anything out there that helps

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Birth control not working for cysts?

    I was in horrific pain last fall also felt like I had a uti with constant urination ect. Dr"s could not figure it out until I seen my neurologist for other medical reasons and had ct scans done for cancer. The scan found ovarian cysts which I had removed. Previous to the findings I wanted to be placed on bc pills because I was put on anti depressants which can cause birth defects. Any way I noticed that my symptoms on the bc got some what better but never put 2 and 2 together. Anyway after the cyst findings an surgery I got another functional cyst back 2 months after removal. I thought that bc helps to stop with growths of new cyst formation? I can not tolerate a high dose bc so im only on a low dose. They don't think I have PCOS but they can't pin point the cause of these dang cyst...could it be hormonal? But u would think that the pills would elevate my hormones.... Any thought my Dr(s) and Gynocologist are absolutely no help

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Chest pain and frequent burping?

    For the last 3 days I have cheat pain by my heart more like gas pressure. It feels like I have a big burp but can only get a small one out. I have been to the dr and I have a good blood pressure reading and my pulse is high due to anxiety which I believe is causing strange heartburn/ indegestion problems. Tums helps for a short time and started with Prilosec OTC last night but I wake up in with bad pains in chest all over again in the morning. What are so other things I can try to help reduce the discomfort? I kno my heart is fine had many ct scans and ekgs not to long ago for other reasons but I kno it's healthy

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Long term Xanax use ?

    I have been on the lowest dose of Xanax for a yr. I have tried Antidepressants to help with my anxiety disorder but I have bad reactions to them. it seems like I can not tolerate the anti-ds and the only thing that helps is Xanax. I do not feel addicted nor do I abuse them but I seems like I am stuck and will eventually become dependent because I need them to help with my anxiety. I have a neurological disorder that drugs like Buspar and Kolopin make my symptoms worse and gives me adverse effects. Is there any other anxiety medication out there that is less addictive?

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Is this normal on Zoloft?

    I have been on Zoloft before for several yrs. have been off for 4 now I need it for anxiety. Took my first 25mg last night. Wasn't able to fully fall asleep more like a light sleep, today it's a cross between over tired, high, and what seems like a dream like state. The last time I took it, it made me tired for a few weeks this time is different. Is this high like feeling normal when first starting?

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Paxil side effects when first started?

    I started Paxil 2 days ago. I have bad nausea today along with dizziness and fatigue. How many days does this last? I kno it take up to 2 weeks before it helps with anxiety/ depression but will these side effects go away in a few days or longer? I need to work can't afford to be calling in sick

    1 AnswerMental Health9 years ago