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Bout to go to college, need something to take notes on?
I have a laptop, it's a couple years old but still fairly functional. Problem is, it's bulky and a huge pain to carry around. I really want something small to take notes on during lecture mainly. I don't write fast enough to keep up with the lecture so I need something I can type on.
My options seem to be either a tablet or a netbook. The best tablet out there seems to be the iPad, but that is extremely expensive and I'm not so sure it's worth it. A netbook can be like 250 but I'm not sure if that's for good ones. I would prefer to get a tablet that could hook up to a keyboard to be honest... Tablets are really cool. But I'm not sure if they're catered to what I want. If only the kindle fire could hook up with a keyboard...
Any help?
2 AnswersOther - Electronics9 years agoI dislike my best friend's boyfriend?
I'll call my best friend Beth and her boyfriend Ren. So they've been dating for around 9 months. Ren was nice at first but around 3 months in he started being extremely possessive of her to the point where he would pull her away when she was talking to her friends. He doesn't like it when she wears certain shirts, controls what she eats, doesn't let her do her hair, and even gets mad at her when she talks a certain way.
Example 1: One of my other friends braided Beth's hair at lunch, which usually doesn't happen because Ren is all over her at lunch, but he had gotten lunch detention that lunch so we actually got to talk to her. When Ren came back and saw Beth's hair, he took her to the corner and was upset with her because she was spending time with her friends and not him, and then made her take the braid out.
She wore this really pretty shirt one day, and he told her he didn't want her to wear it because it was a little bit low cut. (It didn't show cleavage or anything)
He gets mad when she doesn't eat the food he gives her, even if she doesn't ask for it.
Those are just some examples. I could go on forever. I have been with my own boyfriend for two years and I know how a boy should treat his girlfriend. And Ren does not treat Beth like she deserves to be treated.
I have already yelled at Beth once for something Ren did to her, and she was upset with me for a while. She totally had a right to be. I shouldn't have yelled. I don't know what to do. Do I ignore it? Any advice?
2 AnswersFriends9 years agoStray pregnant cat in my backyard?
Today I looked out the back door window and saw a black and white stray cat just kind of chilling by the door. I went outside with some food and it immediately jumped up and started to run away, but I called to it and it turned around and started meowing weakly at me and moving towards me, but kept its distance.
She's very small, barely out of the kitten stage it seems. She's also pregnant. She's extremely emaciated, I can see her pelvic bones and her spine is defined as well.
I was hoping I could catch her, maybe put her in an air conditioned room inside (I live in Texas, it's been over 100 this entire month, no rain), but she hisses (very weakly) when I come near.
I left her some food and water, and she is still on my back porch.
The problem is, I have a poodle (who likes to find rabbit babies and kill them, horrible I know) who is let out every day for long periods of time. We COULD let her out in the front yard instead (she has a shock collar so she wouldn't be able to get into the backyard or leave the boundary of our front yard...But I'm afraid somehow she'll find those kittens when the stray cat has them.
I'm also afraid the heat will kill the cat and her kittens as well. So far the only thing I know to do is leave food and water out every day for the cat to have.
Should I leave the cat alone or try and catch her? She's very skittish, but she's so hungry that she is willing to come within five feet of me for the food. Not any closer though, and she won't come in the house either, although that shouldn't be surprising.
9 AnswersCats10 years agoPokemon Sapphire: Skarmory or Tropius?
My team right now is Marstomp (soon to be Swampert), Anorith (soon to be Armaldo), Gardevoir, Skarmory, and Tropius.
I don't want two flying types.
Skarmory is stronger but I need a grass type...
When I decide, I'll have two spaces left. I was thinking I'd get a fire and a electric type. Are Ninetales and Manectric good choices?
4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoShould we put our dog down?
Our dog is 11 years old, he's a German Shepherd. We took him to the vet around a month ago and they diagnosed him with myelopathy, which is a disease that affects the spinal chord. He can't control his back legs, so he can barely walk or get up, and our veterinarian said he would lose his ability to walk completely in a matter of months.
My mom wants to buy him a cart thing... Like a wheelchair for a dog? I don't know what it is, but apparently it enables dogs to walk after they can't anymore. The thing is, he can't control his bodily functions either. He's always been a good dog and hardly ever gone to the bathroom in the house, but in the past month he does it on a daily basis, even after he's been outside all day. He just can't control it. In the last hour he messed twice. Soon he won't be allowed in the house anymore at all...
My dad and I have been talking about how the cart my mom wants to get will work for that.. We're not sure how he's supposed to go the bathroom in it, or even get inside of it. He can't even get himself up anymore without our help.
The veterinarian said that his disease can't be cured, so he's only going to get worse, and he'll be miserable if he has to stay outside all the time because he can't control his bladder. My mom doesn't want to put him down, and neither do I, but I think it's best for him. What do you think?
15 AnswersDogs1 decade agoWhy do my eyes change colors?
I have hazel eyes. They are a forest green with little brown spikes coming from the pupil. When I'm crying or when I'm really tired, they turn like REALLY green. When I'm feeling...Dull I guess? Like it's cloudy outside and I'm bored or just indifferent, they get really brown. From far away people can't tell if they are blue or brown or green. My friend even said they look really gold in the sunlight. Wtf haha?
Is it just my imagination? My two brothers and my dad all have the same color eyes as I do. My dad said they are true hazel, but what's the difference? Thanks.
5 AnswersBiology1 decade agoDoes my hamster have worms?
I recently got back from a weekend long vacation, and when I went to feed my hamster, her stomach was very very bloated. It wasn't like that before I left. When I was holding her, a gooey white rice looking thing came off in my hand. I looked up pinworms and the pictures matched what I found. The problem is none of the symptoms of pinworms include bloating. At least that I found.
I haven't cleaned her cage in a while. This is my fault. I'm cleaning it today. I think that's why she got whatever she has.
She runs around when I hold her, but she hasn't been running in her wheel. She eats and drinks normally.
Does she have pinworms and what are the treatments?
4 AnswersRodents1 decade agoIs Joey Jordison or Mike Portnoy temporarily replacing the Rev?
I was reading about it on Wikipedia, and in the last paragraph talking about their new album it says that Mike Portnoy who apparently was the Rev's all-time favorite drummer is temporarily replacing him for Avenged Sevenfold's new album. But then scroll down to studio members and it says Joey Jordison is temporarily replacing him. D: Wikipedia sucks, does anyone know?
5 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agoAvenged Sevenfold- Live in LBC question?
How did they get the strings and orchestral sounds for songs like Afterlife? Did they play the recorded version and just fill in the guitar, singing, and drum parts? Or was there an orchestra in the back or something? Sorry for my ignorance, I couldn't tell from the youtube videos....
1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade agoIpod 3rd generation won't mount unless in disk mode?
When it's in regular mode, the ipod won't mount (after like 10 minutes the computer recognizes it as "Corrupted ipod" and tells me it needs to be restored) and when I try to restore it, it either freezes my ipod or error code 14something comes up.
I put it into disk mode and plugged it in and it came up in like 3 seconds, with the right name and everything. I know you have to restore it, and I did. I clicked restore and it "Restored" the ipod and said "Wait while your ipod is reset and shows up in the screen" or something like that, and it reset my ipod, but it did the same thing it has been doing and didn't show up.
It charges fine, so you would think I'd be able to play my songs, but no. It won't play the songs at all, it recognizes that they are all there, but when I press play, it just sits there at 0 minutes and 0 seconds...
It is broken forever? :(
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade agoWhat's wrong with my friend's ipod nano?
My friend has an ipod nano 3rd generation.He gave it to me because I wanted to see if I could fix it. It charges fine, displays fine, it has all the songs on it, etc. But when you press "play" on a song, it just sits there on 0 minutes and 0 seconds.It doesn't even play the song. (and no, the switch is not on lock)
When I plugged it to my computer the first time (just to charge it since it's not synced with my computer), it connected just fine, and when I took it off and tried to play some songs, it worked! I thought I had fixed it. I played like 50 songs and they all worked fine. But then next day, it was back to not playing the songs.... So i don't know what's wrong.
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade agoWhat is the difference between the use of heraldic shields in medieval England, France, and Germany?
I've been looking forever. I have to write an essay about it. By heraldic shields I mean the ones they used for fighting in Medieval times. Please help!
2 AnswersHistory1 decade agoShould she tell him no or yes?
So my friend got asked to the homecoming dance today by one of our good guy friends. She doesn't like him like that, and he has a crush on her. But he said he only wanted to go as friends. She doesn't know whether to say yes or no, she doesn't want to hurt his feelings, but she doesn't want to give him the wrong idea.
He's a sweet guy, and he really likes her. What should she say?
But she REALLY doesn't like him that way. (he's not ugly btw)
1 AnswerFriends1 decade agoHave you ever said something about someone when they were standing right there?
Lol I did this once, I totally didn't see her standing there. And I was like, "Oh not you Courtney...The other Courtney..."
Haha that was SO awkward.
So what are your stories?
4 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agoShould I drop my AP history class?
Isn't it better to make an A in a regular class than an F in an AP class?
3 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade agoWho already hates the show Glenn Martin DDS?
I saw it...And I thought it was awful. I'm a mature viewer, I love Malcolm in the Middle, George Lopez, Family Matter, and occasionally the Nanny, but Glenn Martin was just...Bad. Even when they were trying to be funny they weren't....And why do they play it so early? Little kids might be watching! To me it seems like Nickelodeon is trying to be like adult swim.
I hope they don't cancel anymore good shows to make room for others like Glenn Martin. Nick at Nite will be dead to me.
What do you think about it?
8 AnswersComedy1 decade agoMy ipod nano 2nd generation accidentally went through the wash?
Okay so me being the dumba'ss I am, I forgot to check my pants pocket and my ipod went through the washing machine. It doesn't work right now (but the last time I had it, it was almost dead and I hadn't charged it yet). But I'm not going to try to charge it since it could be full of water....
Did this happen to anyone else, and did yours recover? I love my ipod...My parents are gonna murder me....
4 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agoHow can I tell if this kitten has worms?
I found her on my porch last night...She's pretty skinny, but her tummy is bloated. That means she has worms right?
And I already have another cat, do I keep them separated?
Her poo was really runny, but I didn't see any worms in it.....
Can the worms spread to dogs too?
5 AnswersCats1 decade agoI just found a stray kitten, what do I do?
There has been a stray cat hanging around my house for a few days now, and I'm going to find her a home (she's very sweet), and just tonight I went outside and discovered a kitten! She's very small, she can walk around, but I didn't even know she was there before. I don't think she's the other cat's kitten, because number one: The other cat is very young, number 2: I've never seen it before, Number 3: although she does have stripes like the other one, she has white feet and a white face that the other one does not have, and she's shorthaired instead of long haired.
The kitten is pretty skinny, except it has a bloated stomach so I think she might have worms.
My dad will never let me keep her, but I don't think she can survive on her own, being so small. There are a lot of dogs in my neighborhood, and she could get taken by a hawk or run over... And she certainly can't hunt yet.
She's a little scared, she lets me hold her, but being in the house is a little unnerving...
Should I take her to the vet to get her checked on? (my parents would NOT like that) Could she possibly be someone else's?
I just don't know what to do...
8 AnswersCats1 decade agoFound a lost cat? What to do?
My friend and I just got back from a movie, and we were on the porch when this little tabby cat came running up to me. She's very very sweet, and let me pick her up, and even purred. So she's used to human contact. But the thing is...She's skin and bones. Horribly skinny. But she has enough energy to walk and jump.
I have another cat (they already hate each other) and I am out of cat food right now. (I was planning to get some tomorrow) So we chopped up and warmed a hot dog, and she ate it. We also gave her some milk, and some water. (sorry if this was the wrong thing to do....But it can't be changed) She drank most of the milk, and is working on the water.
She's exploring my room and meowing, and my friend just took her to the litter box to see if she possibly knows how to use it. (if she used to be an indoor cat.... then maybe she does, but idk)
The thing is, I'm pretty sure I've seen this cat a couple months back. She came running up to me while I was in the yard, and just rubbed up against me like she'd known me her whole life. At that time, she wasn't skin and bones: but she was skinny. So I fed her, and I think that's why she came back. Because I fed her before and she remembered.
She has her claws, so she is capable of hunting (but obviously isn't doing a good job).
My friend and I were going to spend tomorrow trying to find her owner. But we have no idea how to do that. I don't think my dad will go for the idea of me keeping another cat for a while. We don't know exactly what to do, honestly. I don't even know if she's the same cat I met months ago.
I'm so sorry this was long, thanks for reading. I don't think we're going to take her to the vet, because she seems healthy other than her weight, and she's not our cat and the vet wouldn't be able to really help. What should we do...?
6 AnswersCats1 decade ago