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I am a sensitive,caring, honest 43 year old woman. I love people ,and I care about their wellbeing. I am finding yahoo answers site pretty cool. I like to help people and if I can do that with my answers that is great. I also love to give my opinion on things. It gets my brain thinking, which my brain just loves to do. I have a crazy sense of humour sometimes. And can get a little OTT when answering "fun"-unserious questions sometimes. So don't be alarmed. They are all in the name of fun!!! So that's me Forgetmenotshell, or just Shell for short!!

  • Have you been to "Yuwie???????"?

    I got an invite to visit a Cyber friend at a place I had never heard of called Yuwie. I went there to visit what I thought was her page . But it was this advertisement about how this site is so great and it supposedly pays you for each hit your page gets etc. Kind of computer networking. Is this a good/genuine site or best to avoid. I am in so many already and had decided to join no more computer networking sites. So what is so special about Yuwie??

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Groundhog day???

    If you could relive one day in your life,and it would keep recurring -what day would it be??

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What do you think is the ugliest >>>>>>>>>>>??

    What do you think is the ugliest body part?? I think feet are ugly and noses are pretty weird looking. And some people have ugly ears. What to you are just plain ugly??

    20 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Would you help or ignore the cries for help??????

    While out for a peaceful walk, you hear a voice of someone screaming for help. Then you see the reason:::: a lady is being attacked and the attacker is pretty scarey looking. What do you do???

    26 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • On finding a wallet full of money,,what would you do????

    Walking down the street, you find a wallet. When you pick it up, you find it has a substantial amount of money in it. The owners details are in it. What do you do?????

    24 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What technology or gadget could you not live without??

    We are so lucky living in the times that we are. And to have some of the amazing gadgets and technology that is available. Not to mention the scientific and medical knowledge at today's standards. Where will science and technology go!! What gadget or thing could you simply not live without??

    21 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What do you think was the worst thing ever invented??

    Science and technology has come a long way over the years.

    Some things are just unimaginable to do without in todays world. But some things I think we could have done without.. Such as>>>>what do you wish was never invented?? Why ???

    23 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How are you??

    Good morning everyone. It's Saturday morning here and I have just got up , and my brain is still waking up. So I thought I would ask you a question>>>>

    How are you???

    20 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What do you fear,and how badly does it effect your life??

    We all have fears whether we admit it or not.

    I strongly dislike heights, falling, spiders

    amongest other things. And I am not sure which

    freaks me out the most.

    What do you fear??

    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Can you figure this nonsense out???

    1/// go b4 u the check Cyberspace u door u have locked 2 must .

    2/// because u hop far from spaceship travel when on the u will home !

    3/// do it raining Cyberland think u will be in?

    4/// I my jacket take 2 4got .

    5/// Cyberspace I go time I all going really love there to , the .

    6/// map I'll should you think okay I take a with me,or do be ?

    14 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • The mysterious world of Cyberspace,what do you think about it??

    The world wide web,,what do you think about it??

    Life began when they invented the net??

    Or life actually exists outside of Cyberland.

    The mysterious world of Cyberspace what do

    you think of Cyberspace??

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • If you had to evacuate>>>?

    If you had to evacuate your house ,what five possessions would you quickly grab. Not counting living things,they would be fine!!

    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How hooked are you???

    Are you addicted to the internet?? I mean how much time do you spend on the net? Do you want visitors to go, so you can get back online. Or do you spend half your night or weekend stuck online, when you know there is so much more to do. Or does your housework get forgotten, coz the computer rules??

    25 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • A fairy tale romance,,how would you >>>>>?

    If the only way that you could possibly meet the love of your life , was to spend as long as it takes trapped in the body of any animal-which animal would it be??

    And how would you attract this special person to like you, considering you are an animal??

    Keeping in mind that once you convinced the person you are keen on, to think you are "something else" then that is when you would be able to meet each other as you as a real person!! Explain>>>>>

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How well do you and know your brain??

    I'm getting really quite tired now. And when I get tired I can be a little OTT. Okay tiredness is only one time that I get a little crazy. I love getting crazy and letting my mind go.It is so liberating to let your brain go to town. To actually investigate the contents of your mind. What lies inside,what is with all the mushy stuff that has the power to think?? How can that odd looking thing do anything except just look so weird. Do you ever think about how your brain can resemble a pile of mush=yet it is so intelligent?? I love my brain and I am learning how to use it effectively. What do you think?? Am I talking a load of rubbish?? Or is the human brain just so amazing?? I love my brain!!!

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • To be completed>>>>by you!!!?

    I just felt like asking a question. But have no idea what,,,sooooooo,hmmmmmmm.....

    Okay complete the story:::::::::::

    I was walking down the street one day and all of a sudden this massively weird crazy thing pounced out at me. What was it, I had no idea. It looked a little green in the face I can tell you. The head was covered in this unusually strange hat. Which had yellow feathers and stringy pink and green hair, with multi coloured dots on it. I couldn't believe the sight of it. The most hidious feet you have ever seen which had massively huge chicken like shoes. The toes were sticking out of them.OMG what was this thing??? I called the police because it kept harrassing me. It would not go away and so I jumped out in front of it. As i did, it screamed the most high pitched sound I have ever heard. The police siren was on and as they got closer.................( you complete this....)

    Sorry I love writing and sometimes my imagination has some fun when writing.

    11 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Which internet social network do you prefer??

    There are plenty of social internet places.I have joined heaps just to later find I really use only one or two,maybe three of them. Plus joining new things there is all the passwords and nicknames to remember.Now they have mash,another one.My personal favourite is yahoo 360. What do you prefer?? And what is cool about it?

    6 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • In considering a relationship what age difference would you draw the line at??

    I am 43,,not looking for anyone however!!! But I would go with a guy as much as ten years younger if starting a serious relationship.And I would not really go much older than five or six years older than myself.Even ten years younger is really pushing it for me if I was considering a serious relationship.That is my personal preference.That has changed throughout my life however.When I was younger I would have gone with a guy a little older than my guidelines,but not more than a couple of years younger.In casual my ideals would vary a little.Although I am not into casual relationships personally.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I have just joined here and don't know what to ask.So is love via Cyberspace real??

    I remember thinking it pretty funny when someone I was once involved with was going to meet his fiancee',who had arrive into another country to meet him.They had planned to get married.I saw them interact and it seemed pretty odd that they showed these emotions yet they had just met in person.Now being a Cyberspace junkie and having excesssively strong feelings myself via the net,my opinion does differ.I believe in love through Cyberspace.I have never seen him to see his body language,or if we have chemistry etc etc that only real life connections can offer.Yet I can say I know if we ever meet I still will feel the same about him.I love him,and funny thing is ,,more so than any other person I have "met".I wouldn't go to the extreme of agreeing to marry anyone over the net however.For the record,thy did get married and he messed things up in her world rather alot.But he is only one example. Cyberspace feelings,,real or imagined?? Cheers from Shell:)

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago