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To be completed>>>>by you!!!?

I just felt like asking a question. But have no idea what,,,sooooooo,hmmmmmmm.....

Okay complete the story:::::::::::

I was walking down the street one day and all of a sudden this massively weird crazy thing pounced out at me. What was it, I had no idea. It looked a little green in the face I can tell you. The head was covered in this unusually strange hat. Which had yellow feathers and stringy pink and green hair, with multi coloured dots on it. I couldn't believe the sight of it. The most hidious feet you have ever seen which had massively huge chicken like shoes. The toes were sticking out of them.OMG what was this thing??? I called the police because it kept harrassing me. It would not go away and so I jumped out in front of it. As i did, it screamed the most high pitched sound I have ever heard. The police siren was on and as they got closer.................( you complete this....)

Sorry I love writing and sometimes my imagination has some fun when writing.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The thing, thinking about self preservation in the line of possible police brutality, jumped high onto the side of a building and began to throw stringy pink and green hair at the approaching police car. The officer, completely taken aback by this strange behaviour, lost control of the car and ploughed straight into a MacDonalds....just as breakfast was finishing.

    The thing was hungry, and sausage and egg McMuffins seemed a much better proposition than griddled human flesh, so off he climbed off the building, made his way through the debris and placed his order..

    Source(s): 40 years in therapy.
  • 1 decade ago

    Okay complete the story:::::::::::

    I was walking down the street one day and all of a sudden this massively weird crazy thing pounced out at me. What was it, I had no idea. It looked a little green in the face I can tell you. The head was covered in this unusually strange hat. Which had yellow feathers and stringy pink and green hair, with multi coloured dots on it. I couldn't believe the sight of it. The most hidious feet you have ever seen which had massively huge chicken like shoes. The toes were sticking out of them.OMG what was this thing??? I called the police because it kept harrassing me. It would not go away and so I jumped out in front of it. As i did, it screamed the most high pitched sound I have ever heard. The police siren was on and as they got closer.................... it began to sing, the most hideous sound i had ever heard, windows and doors across the streets began to smash,house alarms went off and things began to fly everywhere. the police fired shots at the creature, but what was i seing ?? it caught the bullets in its beak and spat them back towards the police,the police cars blew up.Thats when i realised this was no ordinary beast. i began to run as fast as i could, it was charging after me flapping along with its goose like feet.. i didnt know what to do so i kept on running,running,running. it began squarking and breathing fire bombs.After what seemed like hours of running , i looked behing me and the beast had disapeared. i looked up to what sounded like a helecopter.. was i saved i thought ?? but this was no ordinary helecopter it was some kind of a spaceship and out jumped the beast on a broomstick...and thats when i woke up up and realised it was just a dream.......

  • 1 decade ago

    The Police siren was on and as they got closer the siren got louder, startled by the siren, the wierd crazy thing stopped screaming and turned to face what was making this awful noise, he then blew himself up like a big balloon, sucking in lots and lots of air.

    The Police Car screeched to a stop at the sight of this huge creature, and both Policemen jumped out of the car as the things green face errupted letting out a terrible howl which drowned out the sound of the Police siren, this deafening roar blew the police car over, which damaged the siren and also knocked the two Policemen over, I ran over to help them but was blown to the ground myself.

    "Get up!" a voice shouted, I looked around but could not see anyone, "GET UP!" came the voice again, "Will you just get up now!".

    I was laying in bed, the voice was my mom, "Look if you don't get up, you are going to be late!", well what do you know, it was all just a dream....

  • 1 decade ago

    and u believe me,, even the 4 cops were looking the same to me,, i lost hope now. i know cops wont help me,, i realised iam onto other planet now,, so annoying,, i cant understand wht they were talking but sure they would eat me,, but i thought for a while how can police ph nos can be 911 even on this planet,, ,,, continued in the next part,,, wait and watch,,

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  • Gina B
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    the thing grabed you and pulled you along to the place where it had come from, into a dark tunnel under neath the streets, where you have come to find that there was a whole slue of these things, you were a little sceard but one spoke and said do not be afraid, we need your help, you see we are fragles, and this is fragle rock.......

  • 1 decade ago

    I relized it was not the police siren I heard , but it was this strange being. It ran away from me as I now gave chase. I couldn't help myself,,,, I had to have a better look. I ran and ran trying to catch up, THEN ! SUDDENLY !! IT STOPPED!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, OMG WHAT SHOULD I DO???,,,,,,,,,,,, so without a thought I slowly walked closer to it ,,,, my heart BEATING,,,,,POUNDING (thump thump,,,thump thump) inside my chest, my legs shaking, sweat dripping from my brow, until I was inches from it. I looked into it's eyes(all 4 of them) only to see my own reflection of fear. moral to the story is:_________ guess we'll leave it up to you to deside

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it pecked me to death with its sharp beak while screaming "death to the alien death to the alien" then the police man shot it with a tazor gun, it fell flapping all over the floor, like a re-animated dead chicken, so I twisted and broke its kneck until it died, wow now I didn't see that coming!

    Source(s): wierdo immagination
  • 1 decade ago

    It screamed again and ate the police car. Non inventive i know...

  • sofar
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    And I was work up by my parents , that the house next door was on fire.

  • 1 decade ago

    when the police arrived they introduced me to JEREMY BEADLE.

    Source(s): senior couch potato
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