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The PsychicK
Girls, what's your take on this?
Alright so, of coarse it's all about a guy right?? We all have had those guys that just rule our hearts. Well, there's this guy and long story short I've been hung up for a long long time. But I mean he hasn't made it very easy to forget him. Until now. And just... I didn't even want to ask this, it's so pathetic but like, how do u do it?? I could bore u with all the details but I'm just gonna cut to the chase and ask how did u stop looking at him from across the way? How did u stop thinking about him? Wishing u could talk to him one last time,(even though u can't decide weither or not u think he's an asshole or weither or not you're even in love?) idk just tell me what I wanna hear :p
3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoI want to start my own clan?
I want to learn more about clans.What are they?How do they work?Can someone even just make a clan?Just any information you can give me.
1 AnswerOther - Arts & Humanities8 years agoHow do you define love?
What is your definition of do you describe it,what is your opinion of it.<3
14 AnswersPhilosophy8 years agohow can I become more involved with Unitarian Universalism?
I'm on a spiritual journey and I think this is the religious system for me.Can anyone provide me with some information about UU and how i could get involved
2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration8 years agoIs there a religion out there that fits this category?
I want a religion with no god or idol or worship.Simply devotion to the belief of all spiritual conformity.A religious place free of bias where I can practice my beliefs with other people who think like I do.I believe that everyone is equal to myself and that no one is below me and the only one above me is my spiritual self.
I think Life's questions can be answered from within,and when I die it will be the end of my spirit and my life should be devoted to the pursuit of happiness and the happiness of all those I share my presence with.I can learn to love those and I accept that religion is formed fill a void witch all people long for,and is nescceasary for all people to behave and be stable.
I can all things If I truly consider them and I am open to the beauty everywhere all around me. I can practice this by meditating once a day.I think I can control everything by controlling myself.I am the embodiment of peace and love so long as I give it off.I can love everything willingly or not by relieving myself of my opinions.I sin everyday as it only comes natural.
No written rule or limitation will be what makes me do right or wrong things.Pain is weakness leaving my body,and I exist for no reason but the one that i create in my life time.I feel connected to the universe around me and i think it manifested for no initial purpose then to exist.
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agowhat are religions similar to Unitarian Universalism?
I am going on a spiritual journey and i've been focusing on unitarian learning more about it and I'm looking to participate in a UU church but I still want to explore as many religions as possible before i settle down.My main focus s on religions such as unitarian universalism.Can anyone provide some other religions similar to unitarian universalism and give me a little information with it please.
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoWhat are possible reasons for this?
I am a 13 year old girl,Why am i skinny everywhere else on my body besides my stomach?I am a stick but I have sort of a beer belly going on.It can't be fat deposition because i began puberty when i was 10 or 11.I got my period when i had just turned 12.
1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years agoI need a good dream interpretation?
I was back in the seventh grade in my middle school and it started out where i was talking to some friends in the auditorium where we wait until the bell rings.But when the bell rang my exe boyfriend came up to and started talking to me.We walked to my homeroom together I forget what we talked about but when i tried to walk away he put his hands on my waist and we just kept talking.Then we were interrupted by a boy who asked me out in a muffled voice and i told him to speak louder and i rejected him.The dream ended when i walked into my homeroom door.Me and my exe boyfriend had dated in the seventh grade but in this dream we weren't together.I acted nervous and awkward too,and lately we've been acting really awkward around each other.Like making open eye contact and saying nothing of it,and i've noticed proximity between us.I've been quite obsessed too.In fighting a war that doesn't exist.I don't understand it.Does it mean that I've gotten a little too obsessed what can i do to become friends with him?But does the dream mean what i think it means?o.o
3 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years agoWhat would be your definition of a person?
Just be creative and explain to me what you would describe as a person...
6 AnswersPhilosophy8 years agoWhats your favorite music genre?
14 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years agoWhy are people so cold?
What in a person's mind tells them to be so cruel,anybody know?
11 AnswersPhilosophy8 years agoWhat kind of girl to you is more attractive?
I want to take a poll to see what your dream girl would be like and see which is more common pick one choice A through F It's not anything dirty just i want to see how diverse or stereotypical opinions can be(notice how each one is equal but has it's strengths and weaknesses)
A~blonde hair,green eyes,Beautiful face,funny, Hideous body
B~brunett hair,brown eyes,Normal face,smart,Normal body
C~red hair,blue eyes, Hideous face,sweet,great body
D~Black hair,black eyes,Cute face,Creative,ugly body
E~other(rainbow) hair,color contacts or unusually colored eyes,Adorable face,Unique,ok body
F~Grey/white hair,silver/grey or violet eyes,Normal face,Wise,Normal body
Thats right only pick one XD
3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoDo any of you believe the world will end in a couple of days?And if you do think so tell me how.?
I don't necessarily believe zombies will rise from the ground,or that all electricity will stop working,i believe it will be the end of humanity,like we as human beings will have finally lost our entire sense of purpose,value,moral and true meaning as humans.We will become animals.Politics and religion will slowly fail and decline,and thus the end of life will fallow shortly.I don't think it will happen in my lifetime but sometime in the distant future.Tell me what you think,give me your honest opinion.Whoever is the most creative will get best answer XDDD
4 AnswersPhilosophy8 years agoAll acoustic, mellow alt/emo/punk album?
I have a sudden urge to listene to an acoustic, mellow album. Soft acoustic love songs, just an emo sound. Can even be loud, something lie Blink-182, but more underground and rare. Something like +44, Sunny Day Real Estate, Saosin. Soft music is preferred, please & thank you ^-^
2 AnswersRock and Pop8 years agoFor what reason would a guy just all the sudden start hating you?
This guy that I don't even talk too just all of the sudden starts hating on me like just the smallest chance he can get he'll take it just so that he can be cold to me.I dated him in the past but I don't think that would be enough for him to just out of the blue act like a *****!I even apologized to him for any dirt in the past and I think the only thing that i've really done to him was act really awkwardly around him.All I wanted was to make peace with him but NOOOOOOOO!Anyone understand what this could mean?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoThink about this for a moment.(not a question,I just want to know what people think about this)?
I've never understood why we as(people)are so emotionally exposed and sensitive.I don't mean to be morbid but like with broken relationships, by the the end of the day they are only people,people that have hurt you.I'm susceptible to heart ake too,but i just don't understand why.Is it our own individual values as a person that force us to hold on to certain emotions,but why pain?At one point i began to question everything like(do feelings even exist or are they just states of mind that we train ourselves to take in and accept.)
For instance autistic people are unable to understand peoples emotions.They can't classify them or recognize them.So educators in that department try to teach children to recognize emotions.Maybe we are the ones who aren't mentally correct,and is it really for a doctor to classify what is normal behavior and what is unnormal behavior.Labeling a child with down syndrome does not help any with a child's self esteem.It only reminds the child that it is wrong and unsocially correct.
Ever since we could walk we've been taught that tears mean sadness, smiles mean happiness,screams mean pain,and we recognize negativity as anger.but where do these behaviors come from?They are observed!!As a young child i'd watch movies and see people angry over certain things and happy over other things.Did the negativity signal ciment in my brain that i should feel sad when my"lover" stops loving me?
I could talk about this infinitely but it all boils down to answer life's most complicated questions with the same answer.Why am i here?What is the true difference between right and wrong?Why do we think the way we think.I'm sure people don't live and die by the ever dreaded"The status quo"I do what (I) think is right to me,But what would you do if you were literally born in the middle of nowhere with no one to tell you what they thought of you and you truly had no recollection of yourself.Nothing...
Nothing is always the answer.The deeper you break down an issue the closer you get the answer you started with.So there is simply no answer. Buddha believed that the only way to be happy was to eliminate all of your emotions.I've realized this myself on the reasoning that anyone who exposes themselves to positives is also exposing themselves to negatives.In order to feel happiness you will have to also feel depression(if you get in a relationship you're going to be happy with them for a while but then your also going to be depressed without them for a while)I'd rather nothing good ever happen if that meant nothing bad ever happend.And there we have life.
There is no definite answer to the philosophical questions we ask.^.^I'm sorry this has been so confusing i just wanted to know what people thought about it.Do you agree or are you going to send hateful messages about how I'm insane and stupid and wrong and I've offended your religious beliefs :b Just give me your opinion I'm curious.
3 AnswersPhilosophy8 years agoHelp oh wise and powerful yahoo answerers 3:?
My exe and I had such a connected relationship.We had a unique closure that i've never had with anyone else.Then one day he just changed like he just couldn't wait till school had let out so he could let me down easy over text.Hard to find that in a juvenile relationship.And the day before he had been fine we were laughing and flirting as always.I was young and stupid.I had no boundaries and he ended out to be my first love kiss and french kiss.Well guess what,were both in the school band and i have to see him(with someone else witch used be excruciating) almost every day for one to three hours minus extra stuff like contests concerts or parades.So he asks me if we can still be friends and i said yeah.But i know i didn't take it well at all.I acted immature and made it pretty awkward.I'd stare and he'd notice and he confronted me about it once and just admitted it.I got over it within a couple weeks.....Until marching season.I guess he was ready to try to be my friend again and he started talking to me again.My friend didn't like that very much and basically told him to **** off.(ehem she broke a trombone while throwing him away from me)I didn't know how to react to it so i didn't let it bother me.And now we dont talk anymore at all.(So i slowly became obsessed to the extent of insanity!)I've tried apologizing.So tell me how do you get a person to forgive you when you've ****** up your relationship That bad!!And I don't even know why i feel this way either!He's not attractive,hes short,and he's kind of self oriented or attention demanding with a big ego.I've already been over this we didn't even date that long and it was barley love there was closure but no love.I must have literally gone insane or he has a voodoo doll of me where hes got my heart stabbed with a needle +.+
6 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago