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Allen - California - USA Computer Wizard Math Genius etc etc yeah i'll rule the world SOME day ;)
Vista 64 bit God Mode windows explorer crash GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}?
So I read online about this cool code to enter in as a name of a folder
so create a new folder on vista 64 bit. name it GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
and it gives you godmode access to vista.
but instead windows explorer keeps crashing and restarting REPEATEDLY so it's impossible to do anything on that user account. so i switched to my dad's account and am now writing this here. Any ideas on how to solve this? PLEASE HELP ME :'(
20 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago3 point video editing software similar to Final Cut Pro for Windows?
Title says it all. Price is irrelevant at the moment. I'm looking for something that is lightweight too. 400mb is fine. Anything over 800mb is just too much for me :P
I'm running vista.
3 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoAre high school girls aware of flirting?
How easily can a girl tell if a guy is flirting with them? If they do realize that a guy is flirting, will they do anything about it or do they just do nothing out of the ordinary?
6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoShould I worry too much about math class in high school for a Computer Science major?
Well right now I'm getting a pathetically low grade in AP Calculus BC in junior year (like a C- or something like that) and I've been studying my *** off for the next test (which is two days from now) and I've decided that if I get another low score on it (below 83% or so) I'm going to drop it and go to AP Calc AB next semester in which case I will redo calculus B.
Now my question is : For becoming a Systems Administrator, or pursuing a Computer Science Bachelors degree, must I be masterful at this stuff? (math)
Will colleges really care if I get a 5 on the AB test rather than the BC test?
Should I retake BC calculus next year? (in which case I will have to take B three times in a row)
I've been trying really hard to get atleast a solid B in the class but each test has gotten worse and worse (content has also gotten harder and harder).
I think my main problem is that my teacher's tests are all cumulative instead of chapter by chapter. THEY'RE TOO HARD!!!!!!!
5 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoCan I get into UC Irvine or Riverside? Or San Diego....?
So which UC in southern california would I have a good shot at? I'm talking about the good UC schools like irvine, riverside, davis, diego, santa barbara, santa cruz. etc.
3.5 (I'm pretty lazy but I try not to show it) weighted GPA
I have started the computer programming club at school
Been in the robotics team for 3 years (FIRST robotics)
Took LOTS of AP classes and passed them all. Took AP CALC BC in junior year (started at age 15 so that's pretty cool )
Engineering club 4 years (FSEA - future scientists and engineers of america)
My school was a blue ribbon school twice before and it's a magnet high school (public).
SAT score of about 2000.
SAT2 math score of 600.
ACT score of 28.
not too much community service. less than 100 hours.
Have the A+ certification (industry standard for all PC technicians)
2 years of foreign language (1 in middle school, 1 in high school, i.e. spanish 1-2 and spanish 3-4)
Live in Los Angeles county.
Member of CSF (california scholarship federation)
Took alot of challenging classes
5 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoCan I get into UCLA or USC with a 3.5 average?
3.5 (I'm pretty lazy but I try not to show it)
I have started the computer programming club at school
Been in the robotics team for 3 years (FIRST robotics)
Took LOTS of AP classes and passed them all. Took AP CALC BC in junior year (started at age 15 so that's pretty cool )
Engineering club 4 years (FSEA - future scientists and engineers of america)
My school was a blue ribbon school twice before and it's a magnet high school (public).
SAT score of about 2000.
not too much community service. less than 100 hours.
Have the A+ certification (industry standard for all PC technicians)
2 years of foreign language (1 in middle school, 1 in high school, i.e. spanish 1-2 and spanish 3-4)
Live in Los Angeles county.
Member of CSF (california scholarship federation)
Took alot of challenging classes
Also what is the possibility of getting a full scholarship in a good UC school at this time (economic crisis and california is in severe debt?)
8 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoHow much age difference is appropriate for a girlfriend?
Let's say i'm 18 (and obviously male). How many years older or younger could my gf be?
Let's forget legal issues with younger GFs at the age of 18 because it's hypothetical. We could just as easily substitute 25 or 23.
I'd feel comfortable with like 2 yrs of age difference. How about you? What is your comfort area?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhich is the faster CPU?
also is there a significant heat difference between a 140watt cpu and a 95 watt cpu?
and let's say that i don't overclock them. would the extra cache on the intel make up for the slower frequency?
2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade agoCan I get into a good university with this resume?
Well it's not a resume. It's more of a list of what I've accomplished.
*3 years of FIRST robotics
*4 years engineering club (2 years are mentoring)
*started the programming club and been in it for 2 years
*took multivariant calculus
*took AP physics
*took AP programming
*have the A+ certification
*3.5 or higher gpa
*built my own computer
*took AP government and AP US History
*took photography and cinematography
*took 2 years of foreign language
so how does that sound? I live in California so do you think this would land me in Caltech? Howabout Berkeley? I don't know at all if this is a good resume/list of achievements because I haven't asked my couselor if it's good or not :P
so what do you think? Is it good, bad or whatever. rate it from 1 to 10, 10 being highest
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoWill I have to take math classes in college for a Computer Science major?
So far I'm doing AP Calculus BC in high school (junior year) and I have the opportunity to take Multivariant Calc in my community college next year. Should I take it? Math is pretty hard and boring so far :P At my level, will colleges force me to take more classes? Like multivariant calc and other types of math? I think one of them is called Linear Algebra
Also answer the title please.
3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoWhen a processor has an unlocked multiplier can I overclock it?
is that what an unlocked multiplier means? The ability to increase or decrease the multiplier (i.e. overclock it or underclock it)?
And does that mean that I can do it with the BIOS?
specific model :
2 AnswersDesktops1 decade agoIs the A+ certification good for my college resume?
I'm 15 and want to take the test within the next year. I'm currently in the 11th grade and will start applying for colleges in... about a year so I want to take the exam ASAP.
If I study hard and pass the test and become A+ certified will it look good on my resume? If so, HOW good does it look?
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoIs it easy to switch your doctor to another one?
I'm 15 so I have never done this before. But I also don't like him >.> he's scary/mean/old. Is it a hassle to switch doctors? Will it take long?
This question is just for educational purposes. I don't really plan on switching because I'm too damn lazy but just incase I do want to switch, I want to know if it will take alot of effort and time.
3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade agoI have the flu and it feels like I've been swallowing mucus all day long!?
WTF this is horrible. every time i swallow my saliva i end up feeling like i swallowed some mucus too (which i probably did)
anything i can do to atleast get rid of the nasal congestion?
i've tried tylenol but that **** doesn't work
7 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade agoWhy do people buy Macs?
Everyone knows they're more expensive, everyone knows they can't do as much as a PC, everyone knows that it's not really a work machine because of my second reason. It's almost like they're customer target is a soccer mom!
SO why do people buy them? Do you think they're going to dominate the market in the future? Why doesn't APPLE let other people make Macs?
3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoIs there such a IT job? Read Description!?
Little to no programming
work with hardware
possibly set up networks
something that requires the A+ certification
i really love assembling/disassembling computers if that matters
2 AnswersTechnology1 decade agoWebsites for Cheap Computer Parts?
I've tried Newegg and
but they don't have a large supply.
Is there a place that is fully reliable that has great amounts of CHEAP computer parts like CPUS and memory etc....?
also also ALSO one more question: is there a big difference between a cpu that runs on 95watts and a cpu that runs on 140watts? Is the 140watts alot hotter? does it last as long? anything else i should take into consideration for a cpu besides the speed, wattage, and cache?
2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade agoWhat's a good Computer Science school in California?
I don't care about location much but can you give me a few good schools which I can major in Computer Science (and the school needs to be based around science/tech).
Besides the obvious (caltech)
Future career ideas: information assurance, system administration.... yeah i'm kinda lost but those sound interesting to me at the moment.
7 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoThe best VB.NET tutorials? How are people so good at
I am just BLOWN AWAY at how many different things you can do with VB.NET. Every program I see has something new that I didn't know existed in the libraries. WTF it's harder than any language I've ever learned! (and I know C++ and Java!)
Do you know any good and detailed books & or tutorials for VB.NET ?
2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago