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Favorite Answers27%
  • If you are an Athiest can you please answer this question that is asked of many Christians?

    If your children come to and tell you they are going to practice Christianity, what would your response be? How would you handle the situation? Would you turn your back on them and tell them you no longer have a child or would you support them? If they asked you to go to church with them would you tell them no or would you go out of love for them?

    Christians are always asked what if your child tells you if they are homosexual or any other thing that christians are against. I am a Christian and believe that peole have the right to choose the path they walk. I would not care for the path, but I would not let my child walk that path alone. I would hold tightly to their hand and I would be there to catch them if they happened to fall from the obstacle they were trying to overcome.

    People fear that which they do not understand and they, all, too, often, let others persuade them to their way of thinking. I think that is one reason we are called sheep, in the Bible. Sheep are timid and easily led astray from the flock.

    One of the easily that are led away are those that cannot read. I know someone that was told the Bible meant something when it did not say what the other people said. They told this person that the Bible said a woman can be a preacher by what the scripture said about Anna, the prophetess (Luke chapter 2: verse 36).

    Luke 2:36 And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher:she was of a great age, and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity;

    The meaning of prophetess is the same for prophet. You can find the meaning of prophet within the fefinition of prophecy (Webster's Dictionary.)

    Prophecy: noun: The fortelling of future events; prediction; revelation of God's will; / Prophesy: verb transitive: To predict; to utter by divine inspiration; / Prophet: noun: One who tells future events; an inspired teacher or revealer of the Divine Will.

    The modern term for a prophet or prophetess is psychic. But, it is my belief that a true psychic does not sell their gift. Esp is what we call their ability and there are some that fear this ability. They think that is of Satan, but God says he gives many gifts. Nichodeamus was prophet, though he probably is not called one. There are people now that are prophets, but they hide their gift. They turn from it because they let others tell them that it was wicked. They should be proud of their gift and not think of it as a curse. God uses you to tell others what will happen if they do not deter from a destructive path.

    Which leads us back to the question that I started out with.

    A lot of people question God as to why he let's certain things happen to them. Why do you think that is? Have you been fully trusting that he will catch you? Have you ever had a friend let you down? Do you forgive that friend or do you go through life hating that person? Do you ask that friend why they did what they did? Did you care for their answer? Well, listen to what they say and then when you ask God why, imagine he is in your friends place and really open up your ears. God is talking to you, but you are only half listening. A lot of people say my consious this told me this, my consious told me that. When you have a feeling that you are doing something wrong, that is God telling you that you should not be doing that. And, for the ones that say God told them to kill their children, they were not listening to God. God would never tell anyone to hurt a child.

    Matthew chapter 19; verse 14: But, Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

    Webster's Dictionary: Suffer: verb transitive: to endure; to tolerate

    He is telling his disciples to put up with the children and not to tell them that they cannot go to Jesus, because there are many in Heaven.

    Back to where we were before I got side-tracked. God, like any good parent, let's you find your own way and he will, also, be there to catch you if you happen to fall. He may not put a featherbed under you to keep you from getting a scratch. It's like teaching a child to ride a bike, you do not surround the child with pillows. The only thing that would do is cause others to laugh at your child and then something worse hapened than you simly letting go. You made the child a laughing stock and then the child may feel hatred toward you. Life is full of no win situations, darned if you do, darned if you don't. You just have to get back up, dust yourself off and feel revel in the feel of the wind in your hair, that is if you have any.

    God may not be able to be there every time you fall, but he does not leave you alone. Every person has a gaurdian angel that hovers by. I know because I met my twice. Once when I was about six years old. i fell down some basement steps and I remember that I was standing to the side watching myself fall. I knew it was me falling down the steps, the only feeling I had was

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can you tell me the answer to these riddles?

    1. Can you tell me what the first Christmas present ever wrapped was?

    .............................Hint: Only one word

    2. Higher than the tallest metal mountain (that has many eyes looking to the paths below) is where I am. I had a home that was not my home. Incandescence all around, but only in one place. Do you know this king of all, who was a king of no one on Earth?

    3. Riches he had none, though fame he acquired. Can you identify this renowned traveler?

    4. I was born with the brilliance of a king. Do you know this man that lived and died a pauper?

    5. Some gave not. I gave it my all. Some gave a little, I gave it my all. Some gave a lot, I gave it my all. I gave more than most, Can you name this giver as he presents himself to the host?

    6. Try as I may I cannot gain any ground, the red is waiting to devour me where I stand. But I fight with my own red upon the eternal leaves. Who is this that wants all to be free?

    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Who likes this version of Christmas song I came up with?

    This is short version.

    On Twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me

    Twelve issues of a parenting magazine

    Eleven bassinets

    Ten dozen roses

    Nine baby showers instead of seven

    Eight in-laws coming to dinner

    Seven baby booties

    Six minutes of Ecstasy

    Five hours to get ready

    Four country Cd's

    Three well placed noogies

    Two kisses on the cheek

    And one covered up hickey

    4 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Can any of you answer this hard, hard riddle that my nephew made up that I could not think of the answer to?

    I modified it.

    You can see it with your eyes.

    It can make you scream with your mouth.

    The first word starts with a P and is something you can have in your house or outside.

    The second word starts with A, B, C, D, or E.

    It has something to do with outside not in.

    It can make you feel afraid, very, very afraid.

    There are many, many holes.

    Some of these holes you can stand on.

    Just be sure you do not try to stand on an empty one.

    They can be found in multiple places.

    Every city has these, some have mazes of these.

    You can watch it with friends or you can watch it by yourself.

    The two words go together and you can watch it outside or you can watch it inside.

    The HORROR of it all, I cannot take it anymore, turn it off.

    I have to say Steven you are the king of riddles.

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Where would i go online to find Native American ancestors?How would you type in their name for example if....?

    was "Wolf Howling At Moon"? Or it looks like this "Wolf-Howling-At-Moon"?

    Someone related to my dad told him a long time ago that we were related to Chief Sitting Bull and that he was actually a "our name goes here". That Sitting Bull's Great-Grandpa was "our name" I found his parents and grandparents, but I can go no further.

    I know this is a shot in the dark and like many others I am going by what a 3rd party said.

    Please help me if you can.

    Also if any of you must joke, please, do not be hurtful. I am proud of my Native American heritage and have more than one kind in my tree. Thank you.

    8 AnswersGenealogy1 decade ago
  • How many think this riddle is a stumper?How many got it right off?How many could not figure it out?

    Please do not look at the answers below.

    I want people to answer without seeing someone else with the correct answer.

    I am not trying to be mean, I just want honest answers on how well you did.


    We have many branches

    though we have no leaves

    I am quite very full

    When your family, all of them, sit on me

    My branches keep growing and growing

    But it is not straight up

    My branches branch out

    Always to the left and right. I fear no pup

    I do not stand tall

    I lay flat down

    My branches do not cast shadows

    All over on the ground

    You cannot put a bench under me at all

    Nor must you ply me with water

    No flower bed will be my neighbor

    I care not whether it is colder or hotter

    You cannot put a tree stand in me

    I will not help you kill a deer

    But for the love of family

    I am always here

    Bother not to look, I have nothing swaddling, I have no insides

    I guess you can say I do have leaves

    Squirrels do not call me home in the park

    Your family are my birds and bees

    Without them I would not exist in this universe

    One day you can add your very own family swing

    Without them my roots would not show

    To babies, lullabies, you can sing

    I can play like Houdini, sometimes you see me

    Sometimes I'm gone away

    Many the time I develop a bald spot

    that gets covered one day

    What am I, do you query

    Can you tell me what I am

    Figure it out and tell me today

    My first planter may be named Sam

    7 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Can you answer this riddle that I made up?

    I think it is my best one yet.

    I and my twin let not the leaves fall

    We make them to stand tall

    We are not trees, but can be made of wood

    We do our jobs real good

    We're not chiropractors, but we keep spines straight

    Can you figure out what we are? Me and my twin, my matching mate.

    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Do you remember the episode of Full House where...?

    Becky found out she was pregnant and she decided to tell Jesse with hints using food. She used everything that had to do with baby, baby peas, baby corn, baby back ribs, etc.

    If you were pregnant or someone you knew was how would you go about telling them.

    For those who have done this how did you tell them and how did they react?

    I will try to pick the best answer, but if there are, too, many good ones to choose from I will let the voters choose.

    Are there any of you that can come up with some good riddles for this purpose. I myself am not good at riddles and i myself love a good riddle. There are some that have completely stumped me

    Look at these that I posted and you will see what I mean..;_ylt=AsSWw...;_ylt=Ai3yB...;_ylt=Apt6G...;_ylt=Ajw2a...;_ylt=AjunA...;_ylt=ArY70...;_ylt=Ave0D...;_ylt=Amk9p...;_ylt=AmjSl...

    Look in the comments for the answers.

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Can you help me find historically correct, original Native American names and their meanings on the internet?

    I am doing research for a book i am writing and have hit a snag. The names I need are Apache. I plan on creating a series of books that portray a different Tribe, one per book.

    I have found many sites that offer names, but one site stated that not all meanings on online sites are correct; and that not all names are actually native American.

    I even went to my public library website, but never found any books on native American names. Do any of you know what i need to type into the card catalog to find such a book?

    I, also, may need help with historical names for settlers and cowboys.

    I forgot to say that my book is set in the early 1930's.

    I, also, wonder if anyone has any stories they would like to share about what your grandparents or great-grandparents said life was like back then.

    I will not use your stories, unless you specify that I can. I am one of those that wholeheartedly believe in "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

    Also, are there any Native Americans that can help me with the language.

    I have Native American ancestry, but I am afraid I do not speak any of the languages.

    My dad said he found out that Sitting Bull was adopted. He said Sitting Bull had been a Nance and that we are related to him. my mom told me that we are related to the Souix.

    Can anyone help me find out if this is true?

    Thank you all foe giving me of your valuable time and for taking the time to answer my many questions.

    *Someone really needs to update Y!A spell checker. I typed in Souix and it said I had it wrong so I googled it and it was correct.*

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Can any1 answer this quest bout Forks of The River Jam, a concert that they have in Newport, Tennessee?

    My husband had a chance to get free tickets one year from a friend, but he didnt want to go because of the big crowds. I wanted to go, but had no way.

    Charlie Daniels and many other name stars were there. I even think Hank Williams Jr was there.

    My question is can anyone tell me whare it is going to be held in Newport?

    Is there a number I can call to get information?

    Does anyone know the line up of stars that are going to appear and when is it going to be held?

    Thank you all for helping me out.

    2 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • R ther sites wher sum1 can view Birth,Death,or anything else 2 do w/ ancestry u dont haf2 sign up for 2 see?

    I am trying to find my and my husbands ancestors and having a hard time of it.

    Everything I click on says they found said person, but become member to view.

    This is a bunch of bologna, if u ask me.

    I don't want to become a member of a lot of different things, just to find a few people.

    It would be greatly appreciated if ya'll could help.

    Peace and Rock on!


    4 AnswersGenealogy1 decade ago
  • Can any1 help me find out wat this bird is and wat civilization may have drawn it?Could it b from Atlantis?

    I have seen it in myth or some other ancient drawing. It has wings spread as if flying.

    It has long neck.

    Has round head, a line going from line of head to a small eye, that is a dot.

    Do you know where I can any pictures on the web that this may be a bird of?

    I found such a bird drawn or etched under the water in Rim Rock lake.

    Close to this is an eye under water.

    Not much farther is a face.

    A little ways out from the bird is something that looks like a parthenon under the water.

    If you look at a satellite map of Rim Rock Lake, look at the Eastern most tip of the lake on the Northern shore.

    I thought it might be a play of light or something else, but each time I check the map those things are still there.

    I read that the Lost City of Atlantis was destroyed by a volcano.

    Rim Rock Lake is in the state of Washington not very far from Mt. St. Helens.

    They also said that Atlantis was a round island and that the island was not destroyed.

    What if Canada, Alaska, North and South America were Atlantis and the Lost city of Atlantis is in those lakes around Mt. St. Helens?

    I think it would be something worth looking into, but, alas, I can only speculate for I have not the money to do any proper investigation.

    I can only hope that any Lost City of Atlantis enthuists read this and decide they want to find out. I will look forward to reading any discovery that is made.

    2 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Can you help me w/ Tourette's?Could a tic not be muscular, but be the nerves?Could eye twitching be symptom?

    I know one symptom is repetitive thoughts.

    This person can make a mistake and then all these thoughts come flooding in where people have criticized them.This makes them angry and they don't really understand why they get so angry.It gets worse when they are on overload and then they find they are using words they don't want to use.They tried to curb this and it seems to work for a while. But, it gets worse when they hold it in.That's when the bad words slip out. When it first begins, that is before trying to hold it in, the bad words form in the thoughts and this person can keep from saying them.But, when it worsens,the bad words seem to pop from out of nowhere and then the person feels even worse than they did before.

    When this person is hurried in their speech they start stuttering.Could this be a vocal tic that is present in Tourette's?

    Also, some have something where if they touch something with one hand, they have to feel it with the other hand to balance things out.

    Well,let's say this person turns clockwise,then turns counter-clockwise to where they were before,they sometimes feel something is weird and turn back clockwise to make it feel right again.

    When rinsing something off with one hand, the hand gets wet and this person dries off this hand, the other hand feels weird and then they have to wet both hands,then dry them.

    When this person was a kid they used to make mud pies with cousins.Now they can't stand to have anything on their hands.If they even get water on their hands they have to dry their hands of ASAP and they have to make sure their hands are absolutely dry or it feels icky.

    This person doesn't have hyperactivity,but they cannot do everyday things like multitask unless they make a list. Even then they have a hard time adhering to their list.When this person does not have a lot to do they can keep the thoughts at bay and they get their list done,but when they have quite a few things,their mind seems to have a breakdown.

    It seems they can eat all the sugar they want and it won't make them hyper,caffeine doesn't make them hyper.Caffeine makes their heart skip beats and keeps them awake at night, but it doesn't make them hyper.

    Please serious answers only.If someone has a rude,nasty or joking about this I will report them, because illness is something that is not to be laughed at or taken lightly.If a person makes fun of someone with a disability, then they just might come down with the same thing or they might get something that is worse.

    *For all those who have something wrong with them.May God Bless you all and keep you safe in his arms.Not all things are put on you by God to punish, but sometimes it is meant to make you stronger. Sometimes it is to prove to you that you are not as invincible as you think you are.If you think you are better than everybody else,if you think you are greater than God,if you make fun of people who are sick,God will try to let you see that you are none of these things.

    People get mad at God because of their children getting sick.They don't understand that maybe it was because the family was not spending enough time together or they were neglecting the child.God may have sent this not to punish the child, but to bring them closer together or to show them that their children need them.

    Maybe if they quit belittling God and start praying to him for help and believe with their whole heart that he could heal the cancers and whatever else, then maybe God would do just that.

    Google miracles and see what you find.There are many out there.

    Also google The power of prayer.

    (This is the website where I searched about Tourette's Syndrome.)

    TY all for answering.

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Can you please help me make a homemade arthritis poultice?Can you please hurry,because i like need it tonight?

    It's for my husband and he is in pain and not sleeping well. I have only corn oil. Can that be used instead of any other oil that is needed? I heard red pepper flakes can be used, but how? I need to go to sleep, because a big day awaits me and I will not be able to rest until I ease his suffering. Please help! Thank all of you in advance.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Do you think they should make a sequel to Forrest Gump?

    I think they should make it about Desert Storm or some modern war.

    In this one forrest should be the Drill Sergeant and Lt. Dan's son would be one of the recruits.

    Since Lt. Dan was Forrest's mentor he wants to repay him in kind by trying to be the son's mentor.

    The son scoffs at him and makes fun of him, until one day Forrest proves that it he can teach the son a lot, when Forrest saves his life.

    It would skip to Forrest as an old man relating the story to his grandchildren, by the way whose parents are Lt. Dan's Son and Forrests daughter. Forrest's son is a lawyer and living in New York.

    Maybe they could make it a series of of movies retelling the stories of different wars.

    This one could be called, "Forrest Gump & The Storm".

    What would your story lined be and what would you call it?

    7 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Are there any virtual games like shopping where you do not have to download or register for?

    i do not like giving certain information over the internet.

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Were U shocked by death of David Carradine?Wasn't he just 1 of the greatest actors?How much will you mss him ?

    I for one will miss him very much. He is one of the best and I am so sorry to hear of his passing. I have a movie to suggest that you watch. It is a horror movie that has gore, humor and flesh-eating, line-dancing zombies. It is a scream in both senses of the word. In this one David plays the baddy. Can you pass on some other movies that I may not have heard of that star david Carradine?

    Rest In Peace, David, Love all your loyal fans.

    6 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Can anyone tell me what type of clamp this is and what it is used for?

    I do not have a pic of it, nor can I find one on the 'net.

    My huisband bought some reloading equip. for guns and this little clamp was in it. He does not know what it is for.

    The name on it is Wedge/Lock.

    The descrip.:

    Looks like elongated U.

    The part with the name Wedge/Lock on it is riveted around the U.

    The ends of the U are wrapped around pieces of what appear to be round rubber peices.

    A lever is held in place by the rivet and you press it down to clamp the device.

    Can you give me any links to where I might see such a device.

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Who has taken an online college course?Can you help me out with this personal survey I am conducting?

    Please, serious answers only.

    I am thinking quite seriously about taking some online courses.

    I was told by a friend that the diplomas you receive from an online course is worthless.

    Is this the case?

    how many of you had a good experience with an online course and which of you had a bad experience?

    Thank you in advance for giving me of your precious time.

    Since I want only serious answers, any answers that do not appear to help my cause will get a thumbs down.

    People who give rude answers only cheat themselves out of become best answer.

    So, please, try to be helpful.

    Thank you.

    7 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago