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Lv 57,190 points

Slappy McStretchNuts

Favorite Answers11%

44 years old.

  • two questions about post-workout protein shakes?

    I take a protein shake within a half hour of every significant weight lifting workout. Every morning on the days I work out, I mix some whey protein powder (26 grams of protein) with about 6 ounces of lukewarm water, then I add a 30 gram liquid protein shake that comes premixed from the factory to it for a total of 56 grams, mix the two together, and then put it in the fridge all day. Then after work, I go to the gym and work out for a couple of hours, storing the shake in the gym fridge to keep it cold.

    Therefore, there is about a 10 hour gap between the time I mix my shake, and when I drink it... Some guy at the gym told me I'm wasting my time with this method for two reasons:

    1. The proteins in a shake rapidly break down after mixing, so you need to drink it within a few minutes of mixing it, and

    2. He said the human body can't process more than about 40 grams of protein at a time, so I'm not doing anything but wasting money taking a 56 gram shake. I weigh 220 lbs, and am fairly muscular for a guy my age (47).

    Is he right? Since my shakes are mixture of mix-your-own protein powder, and store-bought pre-made protein shakes, it's hard for me to believe the proteins degrade that quickly. Otherwise, how would store-bought shakes be any good? And is he right about the ability to process no more than 40 grams at a time? Thanks!!!!

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Home theater gurus, help me decide between two receivers. Thanks.?

    1. Marantz SR 7005

    2. Pioneer Elite SC-57

    I've narrowed it down to these two choices. Which one should I get, and why? Thank you!!!

    3 AnswersHome Theater10 years ago
  • I have the paid version of angry birds on my iphone 4. Is there a way to transfer the entire game to my ipad2?

    Can I use itunes to transfer the entire paid version of angry birds from my iphone4 to my ipad2? If so, how do you do it? Thank you!

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Need to know name of a 1970's toy gun...?

    I remember these as a kid. These were gun-shaped rubber toys with wide mouth barrels, I think the guns were yellow and made out of soft, pliable rubber. You inserted a plastic ball about the size of a golf ball into the mouth of the barrel, and then you hold the gun in one hand while giving it a hard smack with your other hand. The resulting air pressure 'popped' the ball out of the gun, propelling it about 20 feet. Anyone remember this toy? Thanks!

    1 AnswerToys1 decade ago
  • Wisconsin senate democrats... are they domestic terrorists?

    Since Wisconsin Democratic Senators Whyne, Crye, Blocke, Tantrum, Runn, Hyde, and Cowher have abdicated their responsibilities as elected officials, shouldn't we label them as domestic terrorists for hijacking democracy?

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Do you have to have version 1.4 HDMI cables to transmit 3-D signals?

    I just bought a new receiver that has version 1.4 HDMI inputs (6 in, 1 out). But my current cables are 1.3b version HDMI. Do I have to upgrade my cables to 1.4, or will my current cables be able to transmit the extra 3-D data? Thanks!

    3 AnswersHome Theater1 decade ago
  • Elac Miracord turntable, refinishing the wooden plinth?

    I just bought an Elac Miracord model 50H turntable with a nice wooden plinth, and there are matching wooden sides on the dust cover. The wood is in great condition, but is kind of a dull walnut color. Would it hurt the value of this piece if I were to apply a slightly darker stain to the wooden pieces, and apply a glossy polyurethane top coat?

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Question about hooking up a subwoofer to home theater receiver?

    I have a 12" polk powered subwoofer that does NOT have an LFE input. It only has the left/right RCA inputs. My receiver, an HK AVR-354, has an LFE output for the sub. Right now I am running a digital cable from the LFE output and then using an RCA cable splitter and hooking it up to the left-right inputs on the sub... Does the cable splitter add anything to the sound, or does it even matter? Should I just not bother with the splitter and instead hook the digital cable directly into one or the other of the RCA inputs? If so, does it matter which one? (red or white).

    3 AnswersHome Theater1 decade ago
  • home theater tech heads... help me pick among these 3 choices please?

    I've narrowed my search down to these 3 receivers. Please tell me which one you would pick, and why. Thanks!

    1. Pioneer Elite VSX-32 for $570.00

    2. Pioneer VSX-1120-K for $515.00

    3. Onkyo TX-NR808 for $620.00

    Thank you for your time and advice!

    4 AnswersHome Theater1 decade ago
  • Does it ever make sense to let the bank take back a piece of property?

    I bought a lot, with the intention of building a house on it, back in 2006 near the peak of the market. Now, lots in the same development are selling for... get this... 1/5 th of what I paid for mine. I can afford to keep making the payments, but now can't qualify for a loan to build a house on the lot, due to being $100,000 upside down on it...

    My wife wants to just stop making payments and let the bank take it back, reasoning that it's essentially useless to us... we can't build on it, can't sell it, and the value may never come back... I live in a state that allows banks to sue for deficiency judgments, so my point is - even if the bank takes it over, we not only screw our credit rating for years, but we may still owe the money anyway... Our bank has already ruled out a short sale.

    What should I do with this piece of property? Does it make sense to keep it? Would I just be screwing myself to let the bank foreclose? Are there any alternatives?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Cyber warfare with Al Qaeda... Are we on the battlefield?

    Seems like the various U.S. spy services could employ a few dozen genius hackers and just kill all websites put up by Al Qaeda operatives around the world, or maybe start pumping viruses into their computers, etc. to mess with them... Are we engaging in cyber warfare against these terrorists? Or do we think there's more value in seeing and monitoring what they put up?

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why do nearly all serious, hardcore women bodybuilders have....?

    a huge clitoris that looks like a small penis? Are they taking steroids or testosterone or something? It's NASTY!

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • how likely is Bank of America to seek a deficiency judgment on a foreclosure of investment property?

    We own a vacant lot we intended to build on, that we bought at the height of the market a few years ago, and now it's worth about 1/3 of what we owe on it. We can't get a loan to build on it, because there is so much negative equity in the property, and we can't sell it, because we'd have to bring $80-k to closing at today's prices.

    It's financed by Bank of America. If we make a business decision to walk away from this property and let the bank foreclose on it, what is the likelihood that they will seek a deficiency judgment? We live in SC, where dj's are allowed... I've heard that dj's are more likely on investment properties than on primary homes, and that each bank has it's own customs and practices.


    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • At my wits end with a child's behavior problem, need advice...?

    My daughter is 5, in kindergarten. She's very bright, a good learner, ahead of her grade, etc. She doesn't sass the teachers or act out, but she's having enormous difficulties with what I would call "transitions" from one task to another.

    Her class will be working on something, or perhaps just enjoying some creative play, and when it comes time to end that activity and move on to the next thing, she simply shuts off all her listening skills and refuses to transition to that next thing. It makes her crazy to leave something unfinished, or to end an activity before SHE perceives that she's finished with it.

    Example - the teacher will be having the class practice writing letters or something, and when that activity is over, she'll tell all the kids to put away their workbooks and pencils, and move on to the next thing. My daughter just tunes her out and keeps working until she's finished, and gets agitated if she's MADE to quit early. The teacher says she has an amazing work ethic in that sense, but what comes along with that is an inability to shut something off and move on to another thing.


    5 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Question about home theater powered subwoofers, inputs on sub amplifier?

    I'm thinking of buying a new powered sub for my home theater setup. I notice that they all seem to fall into two different categories as far as the inputs on the sub's amp is concerned:

    1. A set of left and right RCA inputs (and sometimes a set of outputs too).

    2. The RCA inputs, PLUS a single LFE input, for receivers that have a dedicated subwoofer out.

    My receiver has this "subwoofer out" jack, but my current subwoofer only has the RCA left and right inputs, NOT the LFE input. So I've been using an RCA splitter on the cable that comes out of my receiver.

    My question is this: Is there a sound quality difference between using a setup like mine, versus getting one that has the LFE input? Is my sound quality suffering due to using an older subwoofer that only has the RCA left and right jacks?

    4 AnswersHome Theater1 decade ago
  • Here's a fun bit of trivia about dolphins. Have you heard this before?

    Dolphins are SO incredibly smart, that within just hours after being taken into captivity, they can train humans to stand on the edge of a pool and throw fish at them.

    4 AnswersTrivia1 decade ago
  • What is the best software package available for desktop publishing. Something better than Microsoft Publisher?

    To create newsletters, brochures, reports, etc. Something a lot more robust than MS Publisher. I'm willing to spend up to $800 for the right software package. Ideas? What package do most of the publishing houses use for layout?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Have you watched the show "Life After People," which estimates how long man-made things would last...?

    ... if humans suddenly didn't exist anymore? The show speculates that it would only take about 10,000 years for all traces of human existence to completely disappear from the face of the earth.

    Given that 10,000 years is less than the blink of an eye on a geologic time scale, how likely do you think it is that we are NOT the first iteration of intelligent homo sapiens to have ever inhabited the earth? Who's to say that - I don't know - maybe 30 million years ago, an even more advanced civilization was here, and got wiped out by a huge asteroid or something? We might not have any physical proof of their existence.

    What do you think?

    2 AnswersAnthropology1 decade ago